If Shantae made it into Smash, which iteration of her would they use?

If Shantae made it into Smash, which iteration of her would they use?

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Probably her Shantae 5 appearance in order to advertise the game.

Shantae will never be in Smash.

The first design and the second combined. Third parties tend to have their most classic appearances.

She's in as a spirit though :)
Keep coping shantard

Probably the second since it's the design used in Indivisible as well. I can see her pulling out her pirate bandana temporarily if she used a special like the cannon jump.

the futa one

She honestly could be in if her fighter spirit was her 5 design and her 4 design is a primary spirit.

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Soul soulless soul soulless soulless


Since 5 is reusing 4's model, probably that.

They almost always use the most recent iteration, even when it doesn't quite make sense with the specific moveset. Take a look at Link, who uses his most recent outfit in every Smash game that gets released. Other outfits might be alt colors for the character, although for Shantae probably not since they all look similar enough.

>those hips on the 5th one
Holy fucking shit

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It looks like she gets younger over time

Middle one does the most for my penis so that one

She should have gotten in over Banjo as the first Western-owned rep. Let's be honest.

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The first western rep was Diddy you triple retard

Thats only if they are the most recognizable and the general popularity of the design fat outclasses newer ones like Simon and Pac-Man.

Sonic for instance has a the more popular classic design, but....I dont feel its popular ENOUGH, and the modern design is still iconic enough.

Id say Shantae 5 would be fine enough.

>From soulless to SOUL and back

Hopefully one that isn't so disgustingly oversexualized like any and all of those.
What the fuck is so wrong with WayForward that they think designing female characters like this is even remotely okay anymore? Is their first thought to appeal to sexually repressed teenagers and manchildren before making an ACTUALLY competent game? I would honestly be more okay with this dumb archaic character to stay far far away from Smash.

3 or 5

The non problematic one

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Mario is already in Smash.

thumbnail looks like shantae hanging with her brother

>she's 16
>she's a child
>so let's turn her into a persian tranny

>that nose

>Sonic for instance
Got into Brawl last minture retard, it was too late to make him look anything else but modern. Hell "Classic" Sonic didn't exist the way he does now back then, there was no "other design", that's the design SEGA wanted. In Tr4sh, Sonic got slightly more classic styled anyways, more Adventure 1 box art styled so it was the closest he'll ever get.

Every and all 3rd are classic styled, period. No Ghostly adventures Pacman, no anime Simon, etc.

>skin is even darker for some reason

I hate nigger tumblr trannies.

what ever the latest one is even though risky's revenge is the best one

You're trying too hard user.

>Designer could have made Shantae a Gerudo with that nose.
>Instead made her a frumpy 40-something
Such lack. Such loss.

>This is what phone zombies find attractive

Pirate's Curse is peak Shantae in every way. Use that.

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New look with updated original alt.

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Hopefully pirates curse, every other iteration is a goblina

I said Western-OWNED. All the DK characters are owned by Nintendo.

Is this acceptable for a SIXTEEN year old?!!

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Weebs need to be gassed

16 is legal.

>parachute pants
>I changed them to bell bottoms because of funky music

They're fucking harem pants

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Acceptable? Subjective
Objectively, all 16 year olds do dress like this now. At least ones that aren't from 3rd world shitters like Israel.

>kept silhouette

>3rd world
Literally the only first world country in the Middle East.

>Middle East.
>not a 3rd world country
pick one.

Though I despise Risky's Revenge, I think that's her best design, not too anime, not too archaic, not whatever 1/2 Genie Hero is.

>not covering her collarbone, hands, hair and face
uhhm... if the fan artist doesn’t fix this design, there is DEFINITELY gonna be problems down the line...

Either Risky's Revenge or 5. Pirate's Curse a best though.

This isn't Retardera, tranny. Go back to your containment board.

Gas yourself

I'm not a pathetic weeb though.


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Truly the person who should be in charge

is shantae actually 16? i figured with her being a genie she'd be way older

She's only half-genie. She probably ages like a normal human.

Someone from Wayforward tweeted they "see her as about 16 or so".

Then this past week they responded to someone bitching about it and made some vague comments that she might not be.

canon wise she is 16 yes

Shatae should get a good game first!


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This wayforward is almost dead

when you see sjw's complain that shantae is 16 just remind them muhammad fucked a 9 year old and something something cultural relevance

They'll deny and call you an islamaphob

Matt B said something along the lines when the kickstarter happened but quickly retracted it a month later saying something along the lines of "I meant I wrote her to have the personality of a ditzy late-teen/young adult, not literally 16", which probably had more to do with preventing any upset with DLC outfits or on-model porn than anything else

Based on a couple tweets by one director? Nigga please. Rivercity Girls doesn't even look turbo-feminist. It's just a genderswapped RCR.

Hm. Makes you wonder.

that's why you accuse them fist so they waste time defending that and not shantae's sex appeal

That and the fact that half genie had a shit art style and shantae 5 doesn't look much better

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It's also the least Shantae Shantae, which says alot about the series.

Oh, was this about art? That was fanart that guy posted anyways. But yeah, not a fan of the flash-tweened art style.


HGH, going by the iteration of her that's in Smash.

No, moreso about the "fans" that haven't touch the game until PC and really just wanted a different series in the first place.

Blending of her 1st and current
Same with Doomguy

if there was a remake of the gbc game what art style would you want it in? what would you changed about the game?

Just be glad he has only 140 followers.

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Are you really gonna argue that the only good game in the series is not a true Shantae game?
Barely anyone even knew about her before it.

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People knew. RR was a top seller on the eshop, and the GBC game was considered a cult hit.

1/2 Genie Hero's I guess, I would only change the screen so that it would let me look farther.

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>Are you really gonna argue that the only good game in the series is not a true Shantae game?
No, I'm arguing fans since the first 2 games liked her game as is to the point the only people that liked PC over the others is purely because they never played Shantae before that point. If they wer ebad games she wouldn't have 5 games to begin with retard.

It's like saying Sonic wasn't good until SA2 happened, which is fucking retarded. You just like what others don't, which is being contrarian, but it doesn't matter, it is what it is. But don't claim no one liked Shantae before PC because that's retarded. It's only liked for the "not Shantae" stuff because you were a fan of a different genre of gameplay to begin with. It's like saying Kirby sucks because it doesn't play like Metroid.

If they did end up remaking it in modern times, they'd definitely use the HGH style. I'd rather they go back to the RR/Pirate's Curse style though.

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4/5 hybrid with pirate's curse alt

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Ok retard

I was in Israel last year

16 year olds there dress even more slutty than that

Anyone else here not wanna fuck Shantae and just, y'know, cuddle her?

>if they were bad games she wouldn't have 5 games to begin with
They're not bad they're mediocre and carried by fan service, i played Risky's Revenge before PC and i can tell you i only bought it because muh dick.
Way later when HGH was already out i went and played PC thought it was a really solid game, and went into HGH right after completely unbiased,
and it was a fucking slog, i'm not very critical on games when i play them but even i could notice how much of a downgrade it was, art style included.
First i only saw people who also agreed that HGH was a weak entry, but when Shantae 5 was announced i noticed alot of people unironically thought it was a great game, for seemingly no reason beyond it having cute girls.
The whole "it's the wrong genre" thing also seems silly when the only time i've seen someone praise anything other than the character design, it was about the weak ass underdeveloped exploration elements.

So the only logical conclusion is people buy the games because "muh dick", it's a very common marketing strategy nowadays.

i want to smell her armpits.

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original outfit is her best 2bh

>Fantasy Middle East

Literally only Scuttle Town is that.

I didn't get this Spirit at all

Shouldn't she have been Bayo since they're both spellcasters who use their hair as weapons? And why a Killing Edge?

Risky actually does make sense.

Nice way to say "no u"
If 16 bit pixels is enough to go "muh dick" then Pokemon was only loved for the Misty or those young female trainers. But no one complains when Nintendo does it.

Whats wrong with being 16, Considered an adult to most of the civilized world at least when it comes to sex.

There's plenty of time to cuddle after the mind-blowing sex.

samus has outfit that looks more like Shantae and has a whip move and ponytail and her fihgting style is relatively closer to Shantae then Bayonetta's

Misty isn't the main character and doesn't belly dance as one of her main abilities,
you also don't get fanservicey pics of her for beating the game fast,
which is another similarity to a certain genre Shantae has apparently absolutely no relation to, according to you.

>Misty isn't the main character and doesn't belly dance as one of her main abilities,
As of the Anime, which most kids saw first before owning the game, yes, she was. She was as important to kids as Ash and Brock was, hence their popularity over 20+ years

>doesn't belly dance as one of her main abilities,
Yet her battle pose in the games plus her other "provoctive" moments in the anime would suggest otherwise hitting the same "muh dick" status.

>you also don't get fanservicey pics of her for beating the game fast,
OH so now Samus is shit for doing it first, got ya.

>which is another similarity to a certain genre Shantae has apparently absolutely no relation to
She doesn't if you think she's based on Metroid. There's a reason the term "MetroidVANIA" is called that, it's not just metroid. It's a simularity of what both that and Castlevania has that people coined out of. Shantae could also be a Zelda ripoff but no one cares about that when bringing up PC. It's like Shantae took elements they liked and made something unique with it. Just like every game ever does.

It's not the games fault you don't like it. More people liked standard Shantae more than the weebs of PC like over it. It's ironic you bitch about fanservice when the game most claim they like for the gameplay has the most fan service content in it?! Fucking hypocritical niggers.

To be fair, Misty has the same cup size as Ash so...

Killing Edge because it's Pirate's Curse Shantae who uses a sword.

Not if you seen this.

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Mind blowing? Shes 16. You'd have to walk her through the whole thing.

Listen bud. She's a bellydancer. I think she understands gyrations. Also she's a cartoon, so don't try to make this sound scummy.

>the hips got wider every generation
Christ my fucking dick

Barefoot one

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I never once said that having fanservice is bad, i said it's the main appeal of the games, based on the fact that i never see anyone who can explain why they like Shantae's gameplay.
The one time someone did, the main reason for them enjoying it was the exploration elements, and guess which genre does that best, and just happens to be the most well received game in the franchise?
And i mean if you want to compare it to Pokemon so badly, yeah the modern games are indeed being sold right now by showing of one attractive female after the other, making people forget about the complaints they had about the gameplay and presentation.

And that's why Pirates curse is the only good game in the series. The first game was ok

bullfucking shit, there have been COUNTLESS posts on Yea Forums in many threads of anons explaining EXACTLY that you just refuse to ackowledge them or pain them as lying assholes.

>based on the fact that i never see anyone who can explain why they like Shantae's gameplay.
NIgger no one care EVER explain gameplay being good ffs. Ever since the 2000s no one liked a game for just gameplay sine no one can say why they like Kirby's gameplay, Pokemon's gameplay (expeically now), Sonic's gameplay (only classicfags can) Smash Bros, etc. Stop with this gamer meme shit, most of the gaming audience aren't autistic about gameplay, they just like it and deal with it.

You even claiming this shit on this shit excuse of a gaming board is hysterical as it gets.

i don't really enjoy the gameplay of shantae games that are dancing
which includes the dial a dance which is just a tedious but not anymore meaningful version of the dance2morph feature that's right up there with blitz command inputs for sabin in ffvi
it's hilarious that the most cited game for being the best in the series is the one that doesn't even use it, and it's even more hilarious that it's the one where you use your arch nemesis' aka best girl risky's gear in lieu of it
and there are people who keep saying to bring that one back but the fact of the matter is that it's now locked behind risky herself which is good, because that means in order to play that way you'll have to use her, which adds up to having a playable risky
and that's exactly what i prefer because risky is best

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Name a few reasons, i seem to have missed the countless posts.

So your reason for saying Shantae is a good series is that gamers nowadays just accept mediocrity because they don't know any better?
Sounds like you're just projecting.

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>So your reason for saying Shantae is a good series is that gamers nowadays just accept mediocrity because they don't know any better?
Nice twisting my words nigger, see . Before casuals and the average shitposter on Yea Forums discovered Shantae as of PC, a small group of fans liked the games for what it was, which wasn't mediocre for what it was. Fun, simple games like Kirby, Mario, etc. Nothing more, nothing less for a "indie" studio.

Her second design with splashes of 5 and 1/2 genies personality. I'd rather her get in as the female but I'm betting morrigan which I also like pretty okay.

Dont worry I didn't fall for it.

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She's so damn cute.

Very cute.

And hello

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Hey. Always nice to see you.

Look at her. I wanna snuggle her brains out.

Yeah, it's an okay little indie series, nothing more nothing less.
But now it's apparently this huge deal amazing series when the game quality doesn't reflect that at all, and i mean you can tune out all the images in this thread, but the reason why is rather obvious.

How nice.

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So all Shantae’s friends have bigger tits then her.

I really hope Shantae gets into Smash.
Then I'll finally have the last laugh that I've never had before

Best Shantae game to start with? I've heard Pirate's Curse is the best.

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i'd start with riskys revenge since it's the one before pirates curse.


I like the general charm of the world and character, I like how the animal transformations give the player a multiude of different playstyles, the overall level design is enjoying to go through and is fun to trraverse both as Shantae and as her transformations. I like how Shantae can upgrade herself with magic abilities and her hair whipping. There was also something I liked about the simple dancing minigame in the first game both the gem collecting on and the psuedo minigame in the transformations dances.

>But now it's apparently this huge deal amazing series when the game quality doesn't reflect that at all
You should just not fall for Smashthreads or other autistic shit, people overhype fucking everything now, look at Pokemon. Are you seriously going to claim current Pokemon desevse the praise it gets? No, but it doesn't matter since it's had years of fans lapping it up. It's just how the world works, no one cares about quality like autismos think like yourself. Shantae is as popular realistically as the likes of Motherfags, but they still think Mother 3 is the most underrated game in the world. It is likely overlooked more than it should be, but Mother ain't no Mario, and neither is Shantae, but that doesn't matter.

meant for

I mean, if it leads to sex, sure, but she's so adorable.

Considering how Nintendo focuses on the classic look for guest characters, it'd be Shantae 1 as she appears in the art like your pic depicts.

Id start with GBC's one because is the first, and also, the best in implementing the dance mechanics.

This is the kind of deluded mental state that makes video games and ruines beloved genres. THIS THING is the problem.

it's not on steam though.

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You're generic waifu trash is already in the game, as a png. Enjoy your fate, trannies. You gotta have at least one good game if you want a chance at making the roster.

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What's her paizuri like?

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Isn't Game Boy Color incredibly easy to emulate?

Is the Shantae chronology that important? Thought I could jump in wherever.
I'll still play it if it's good.

How so?

That's what emulators are for, user.

>waifu trash
I love that anti-shantaefags always think we want her because tiddies.

there are spirits for other playable characters

RR and PC are kinda connected. You can play it either or but the point of PC is what happens at the end of RR.

>Is the Shantae chronology that important?

The only part that matters is her losing her powers at the end of 2 and getting them back at the end of 3.



Where did this person come from? Like out of nowhere there was just a flood of art from them.

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, though i think some of the elements you mentioned like transformetions for example can be rather lacking.

I dunno she seems super popular, maybe it's just the communities i'm in.
In any case, i know complaining doesn't do anything, but it's just too tempting to correct people when they talk about how great the franchise is, i can't help it.

Shantae 5. It's not too different from Half Genie Hero.

Dunno, but bless him.

in Shantae 1 in order to transform, Shantae has to do a series of movements after learning the dance. Say: up, left, down, right after touching the dance button, then she transforms into a monkey. This makes for quick transformations if you know how to do them and you kinda have to learn them if you want to survive. the game is also harder and the enemies faster, so you need to think where and when to transform. in RR you need to press the dance button and she will dance until she reaches the pose that transforms her into a monkey/elephant/whatever, and in Half Genie Hero, its just touch the dance button which takes you to a menu and you decide which form to take. The original also gives the transformation attacks, making the animal forms more useful than just using them for their specific gimmick.

1. You need to see it through their culture's lens. I bet in the "Shantae world" this is acceptable for 12 year olds.
2. It is FICTION! Since a fictional character doesn't have values (or symbolize any type of idealization for younger people), it's appropriate even in the worst case. You can't make a victim out of fictional characters.

>Where did this person come from?
Yea Forums drawthreads

Seethe. Let's be honest, insulting other characters won't get Shantae in

It'll be DooM Slayer
Nope, it's Banjo-Kazooie. As said, Diddy Kong is Nintendo owned
Based spirit post

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>unique facial features
it looks like the exact same face that every other tumblr redesign gets

>It'll be DooM Slayer
he's got less relevance to nintendo than shantae has.

I can understnad why some wouldnt like it ,but the flaws are minor to me.

Doom Slayer has MK11 though.

"B-but user! It was CREATED by REAL people!"

The game River City Girls looks great. Wayforward knows their audience, and makes any characters who are female curvy. I don't see that changing any time soon.
The people at Wayforward has put their thumb down on feminist bullshit while designing the mermaid transformation, and will continue to until the main creators are replaced by SJW entertainment terrorists.

>It'll be DooM Slayer
Chosen Undead and someone from Octopath Traveler

Speaking of which, do we have any new info/footage? I need more hype like that aerial powerbomb.

>Since a fictional character doesn't have values
Fictional characters represent the values of the author. Fictional characters don't exist of their own accord, they're made by people who, intentionally or inadvertently, reveal their values through the character. Poor logic, user.

So this but unironically.

Who are not victims of these characters.
I know you're being facetious but it drives me nuts when people try to victimize fictional characters.

A little girl getting molested by her uncle is NOT the same as a girl of the same age in hentai encountering similar.

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I love the "her breasts shouldn't bounce it's disgusting" phrase. Are these people low-key body-shaming prudes? Don't you make their hair blow in the wind either, hair moving is disgusting.

Alright, I'll give it a shot sometime.

Interesting, although from just reading that it sounds like the menu transformation is more convenient.

>...represent the values of the author...
Absolute bullshit. If this were true, then Leonardo Decaprio playing the slave owner in Dejango (and Terentino by extension) are verifiable racists who deep down want to own slaves...which anyone with a brain knows that's not true.

You are either being disingenuous, or are a complete shallow-minded moron. Don't project your feelings on others, buddy.

But he's Bethesda's foot in the door.
Remember when Bethesda had a meeting with Nintendo at E3 2018? And the DooM trilogy drop? It's not a mere drop some games, this is coordinated
Leaks are fake and gay
>a 3rd fucking Square rep

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oh yeah xerxes scissor me timbers

It depends on how said character is portrayed. Is the slave owner portrayed in a positive light? Then yeah, the author probably supports slavery. Is it presented in a negative light? The no, the author is against slavery. The context is important, not just the content.

They don't care if bouncing breasts are an adequate representation of femininity, or whatever (it is, but I digress). Their end goal is to stifle even borderline femininity which appeals to an audience which they perceive as an enemy. Women have boobs, and when they walk they bounce. This reason alone justifies said bouncing in a Wayforward game, but they're upset because said bouncing in a game which a younger audience experiences is believed to, somehow, corrupt the children viewing it.

This is bs for the reason I stated above, boobs bounce. If they want to put in bouncing boobs to make their older fans happy (while the younger fans don't even care, since they're easily entertained by anything), then it's a win for everyone, except for extreme nazi-like Feminists who wish to destroy anything that makes men even a little happy.

Women who're average, or disgusting, are offended by beauty and curvaceous femininity, because they're jealous of having neither. It's unacceptable when people can't pull themselves up, and instead work to push others down to their mediocre level. Get gud.

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>The context is important, not just the content.
And yet, Shantae's design is a problem no matter how you rationalize.

>scoffing at any Smash suggestion
we've literally just gotten over a half-decade of "Banjo will never get in" and "Ridley will never get in" and "King K who"

Fictional characters reflect the values of the author through the context of the work.
Would that make more sense to you? I'm not saying every character an author makes immediately becomes a self-insert. I'm saying that both their existence and the way they act is, intentionally or not, a reflection of the author(s) values.

>The context is important, not just the content.
Basically this.

Don't bother. I've brought this up many MANY times and the narrative will always continue. Someone here will always know who's coming regardless of how many times they're wrong.

she isn't 16

What I'm saying is that Sakurai has basically implied that Square is a pain in the ass to work with and is stingy as fuck

For Christ's sake, they wanted Cloud to be fucking DLC again for Ultimate

I'm positive Nintendo and Sakurai are in unison that they're done getting shit from Square

But hey, I could be wrong. Maybe the will to get Geno could be it/some other character

As I said, I could be wrong

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Still wrong. A good character is more complex than just "right and wrong," they are complex and left to the reader's interpretation. This is why PC Progressive SJW writers can't create interesting or entertaining characters in comics or cartoons, because they don't understand what it means to explore a character and write an interesting, non-partisan, story. They have to push a character to an abnormal extreme just so the ultimate goal (pushing an agenda, instead of making an interesting character) is achieved. People want to be entertained, and are smart enough to figure it out for themselves. Uninteresting preachy characters are ruining fictional entertainment.

And so I reiterate:
- Fictional characters aren't real, and can't be scrutinized or associated with a real world issue, UNLESS the author specifically labels that character as a direct representation. If the author leaves it more complex and vague than that, then someone else CANNOT claim for them that character's true meaning or worth.

I can tell you're trolling, or are a misinformed content creator. Read some good books which tackles all sorts of issues, where the good guy and the bad guy isn't so cut and clear. It's liberating, entertaining, and enlightening.

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Not your place to determine if it's a problem or not. In terms of entertainment and enjoyment others get from her, you're literally an invalid. Feel privileged to even get any comment back at this, you're that insignificant.

>It depends on how said character is portrayed. Is the slave owner portrayed in a positive light?
Imagine not being able to write a morally gray charachter without being persecuted because your slave owner isnt a comically evil villain twirling his moustache.

this is so retarded

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I don't care how insignificant I am, and you can't stop me from playing her games. Cry a river and censor some other series.

She already is, retard.

this just sounds like a political or moral analysis rather than an evaluation of literary concepts
did you ever take a literature class because it sounds more like you're more acquainted with speech and debate and political science courses than anything in literature, and literature in most cases isn't a required part of curriculum in college

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This is the state of Progressive entertainment. It's why comicbook characters and Disney characters are such trash now. They're shaming mediocrity in exchange for complexity.

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I think we're agreeing that content creators should be allowed to make their characters however they want, big bouncy boobs and everything, but somewhere along the line one or both of us misinterpreted the message we're sharing.

For my part, I apologize.

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I blame anonymity. It makes things easy to get mixed up too often. I'm sorry too.

16 in the middle east is 25 in the west.

Based !!!

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Shantae's first game came out in 2002, so she's actually 17.

This straight up looks like a stepmother who would yell at Shantae for being out late again and hitting her with a shoe before it cuts to credits at the end of the game.

Attached: risky4.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

"I'll make a man out of you"

that's like Wario dream girlfriend

What if the guys who make Senran Kagura or Pirate Warriors did a Shantae spinoff?

There's like 6 girls, not counting bath house ladies. Is that enough for a roster?

Why? Why do they always have prominent fucking noses?! None of these characters in official art ever hae or even implied to have big ass schnozes

unpopular opinion:
this model is the best shantae has ever looked, if people knew how to animate her hair properly it'd be perfect.

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Would most probably have to use the men and cameo characters too.

Middle or last. Gotta have great hips and non symbol animation sprite

this person is unironically more racist

It's straight up fact. It's the most consistent quality model of all her currently existing models. It just hasn't been used to it's full potential just yet.

If Shantae gets in Smash, prepare for your dick to fucking explode

Sakurai has a style of beautifully translating characters to 3D

Mark my words, man

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acceptable? that should be mandatory

Dunno....but I like it.

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Even if she was 16 >Implying teenagers are sluts and hyper sexulize themselves.

Makes sense that the only people who bitch about it are all the ugglys who couldn't even get fucked by Melvin.

In fact I want to try recreating official animations with it.

Can you imagine if a bunch of video game girls did a futa/dickgirl x female party and they came in pairs?
>Peach and Daisy
>Chun-li and Cammy
>2B and A2
>Bayonetta and Jeanne
>Marina and Pearl
>Kat and Raven
>Shantae and Risky Boots
>Fio and Eri
>Ivy and Taki
>Jill and Rebecca
Imagine a bunch of vidya girls on a sex party and some have dicks to fuck others haha

You posted this in the Splatoon thread too. I'm only giving you a (You) so you can fuck off.


Sorry, they got fired recently for misgendering a hamster.

:) unironically cringe


16 year olds know what sex is, user.

middle Shantae is the best

Shantae pretending to be a pirate with Risky getting increasingly annoyed was half the fun of that game.

risky getting annoyed made risky even more cute
i want more cute risky
i want to tease risky

Please come out already. Your family will accept it, they've put up with you this long

Godspeed user

Even in a casual Shantae Half-Genie hero, I can't clear the tower climbing in this DLC.

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Nice pasta

>see cute female character
>make her less attractive so that she's more """""realistic"""""
>if she's white/asian than make her ambigiously brown.
>if she's nonwhite than make her look like a caricature of whatever her ethnicity is supposed to be
They are fucking idiots.

So why is Pirate's Curse considered the best?
What does it do right that the others don't?

Why is she so perfect bros?

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o fuck i never realized this

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Pirate's Curse does away with the dance mechanic and it's place the equipment expected of a Pirate. It lost the initial identity of the series, but what it gained was infinitely smoother game flow since all of your unlockables were integrated into Shantae herself rather than in modes you need to consciously switch to.

Because normal shantae, with hair whip & spells, is a somewhat limited but fully functional character. Like any "Classic" castlevania character.
Pirate's Curse expands on base Shantae with the pirate tools, giving her inherently a more metroidvania-feeling expanded moveset which in general gets fucking busted. Boots into four jumps, with a glide between each one.
"Classic" Shantae gameplay, rooted in her transformations, is rooted in what's inherently a pace-breaking mechanic forcing you into using these alternate forms with two or three moves even when fully upgraded and most you basically just turn into just to do some interaction for a puzzle, or because it's a terrain type Shantae can't naturally progress into.
Kameo honestly did the transformation idea better and it's a shame that game never got a sequel.

Tell me of another character that shows as much skin as Shantae, note even Bayonetta when doing smash attacks.
If Shantae gets in, prepare for a Mithra-styled design, otherwise I think her naked skin is a problem for Smash.

They'll just get rid of her pants transparency

Wakey wakey, Spiritfags

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You are so late it's funny.

Honestly, I'd see minor adjustments (like making her top piece have a "sheer" connection to the collar like a haltertop.
Given HGH had T/CeroB while Smash holds E10+/CeroA.

user, she's not a hardcore Christian.
Kids are young as ten figure out what sex is, either the right or wrong way.

Tha is ojust one of the long long way of reasons I want her in

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You tell me.

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Shantae and the Pirates Curse is her best version

>Her body and power is centered squarely around the physically pleasing way she can gyrate her body, mainly her hips and pelvis
>One of the minigames in the earlier games is to bellydance in a club for money
>She wouldn't know anything about sex
>Her series isn't even close to present day
Okay dude. Sorry you grew up in an environment that was squeaky clean and carebear safe so you can't comprehend this shit.

>Her series isn't even close to present day
Yeah, its the far future.

Is it?

That one tinkerbat who actually loves it is the best part of the final panel. Not enough cute details like that in fanart.

Thank you user.

Yep, Mimic work and sole purpose in the story is that he is digging relics from the past and rediscovering technology, that is the reason why they have aircraft fortress but not electricity.
This are getting dug out order and if you have played the game you must have seen that when technology and magic get mixed really bad stuff happens.

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spring break desu

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...Shit, you're right. I never thought about their tech that way. I just misremembered their tech as "heavy metal material 1900 stuff that just works" from shows like Pinky and the Brain or Dexter's Lab.

This scene was low-key extremely gross.

The one with the cutest feet


>Fuck go back

I honestly don't really like the new chibi styles. I would want it to look something like this.

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That will be my greatest criticism to the series. Her hair becomes more and more angular and less naturally hair-like the longer her series goes, like they hate drawing it.

Anyone else miss the little blue vest?


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I kind of do, but it doesn't really fit anymore since she isn't working with Risky after Pirate's Curse. Though it would be a funny double standard situation if she ended up stealing it from Risky, since it's "okay to steal from her since she does it so much to everyone else."

Belly dancers can't dance in a fucking suit like that.

>Tell me of another character that shows as much skin as Shantae, note even Bayonetta when doing smash attacks.
Oops, didn't mean to post facts your way. I remember when sjw's got triggered about this when it was revealed, too.

Kill all sjw niggers ffs, stop censoring games. Even Sakurai hates it when American's bitch about this stupid shit.

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Based my user

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But I don't want my four year old to know women have belly buttons. IT'S TOO EARLY TO KNOW!

Became the new thing to shitpost/troll with after Shadman stopped being liked only ironically.

>Shadman stopped being liked only ironically.
What I just felt was either just a chill or a disturbance in the Force.

>on model porn
16 year olds are sexually mature. she won't change anymore until she hits the wall and starts rotting like a spoiled potato.

Oh really?

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>scented oils in between her tits
>hot, soft skin
>tits already warmed from the sweltering heat
>can move her body any way she wants to


And then there's her hair which straight up is upgraded in-game by shampoos of higher and higher luxury.
There's more than one reason Rotty loves hanging near her.

god fucking damnit
Shantae makes me want to oil up every time.
It's self discovery all over again.

I'm so fucking upset right now

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>pic related
Skin is gonna make Nintendo money

It'll be Shantae in her prime but not any extremely risque outfits like in her games

Man of culture

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That's what makes it hot user. Shantae does her best to stand out and be cute when all her friends and foes are objectively hotter than her. It's kind of like the difference between sexy cute and sexy hot, ya know?

Why is she so chonky? Kind of looks like a SU character, and given that's what trannies only experience with animation most of the time is, that ain't surprising.

nu-Yea Forums kiddies will fap to anything with a boob in it. Ever wonder why you never see Shad bait threads anymore?

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I was genuinely hoping he just got "2019, I am forgotten"'d. People actually warming up to him is the worst possible ending.

Sorry wrong pic
>true pic related

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She can make a crossover whit almost anything really

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Is this from the first or second game?

Oh, fuck it, the Trigger version. At least her tits are a bit more tastefully rendered.

Looks like the second.

Shantae dating sim when?

>they retweeted pic related
man fucking nuke twitter

hate it when this dumbass teenagers who've watched too much porn shove their fake sexualities and bizarre gender identities onto every little thing they enjoy

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Wayforward has never once referenced Shantae's age. There would not be so much adult themes or mature jokes if she were not an adult.

I like how this thread died when it was revealed she isn't 16. Shitposters can't play the pedo card anymore, oops. Fun time over.

Matt did once and to be fair it seem like the age she would have for all the rest to make sense.
By The way SJW still clam is pedophilia when A 16 is fair game in most of the world anyways and B those curves are not childlike in any way shape or form.

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Sounds like she was, but enough time passed in-game where she isn't anymore.

Cite your sources, sir

Is Risky the nega-version of a nicer character?

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She can still be the first AMERICAN owned rep.

Naw, she was always an evil Pirate. What she WAS though was not blue since wearing the skull of her former captain is slowly turning her into him, kinda.

Full image: Shantae
Thumbnail: The Great and Powerful Trixie

Is that canon or just speculation?

I was a tweet From Matt Bozon from like 4 years ago and I WISH I HAD SAVED THE THING.
Hell considering how much Shantae related material got erased 2 days ago I wished I had saved many more things.
Yeah 2 years between 4 games seems like a reasonable time gap

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Speculation, and the fact that when the first game was being designed, she was meant to be undead. They eventually made her human, but the skin color stuck.

I mean, Pirate's Curse confirmed that he's so evil his essence is dark magic. It'd make sense that it'd be in his skull. That and Risky is actually growing more and more malicious throughout the series.
Just call me a faggot since I didn't link anything.

Probably Half-Genie Hero for the main design, with Pirate's curse as an alt.
I don't see Shantae 5's hard edge style smoothly fitting in as a 3D Model in smash.

and what is this....

that happens when you wear your former boss's head as a bra and panties.

So how you guys react to a Shantae RPG spin off whit paper Mario rhythm mechanics for dance based attacks?

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I would preorder it the day of it's reveal.

What about Crypt of the Necrodancer?

You must have gotten lucky with your post because there should be at least five shitposters that call you a faggot and will defend their shittier, anime uguu model not made by a professional

I would buy this too, on the switch so all of my copies of the series were on the same console.

It's largely because my stubborn ass has been bumping the thread and none of the shitposters are finding anyone to bait here.

Would be cool to see a Shantae game that involves time traveling. I always like time travelling stuff.

There could be a past which is hundreds or thousands of years in the past which has the old relics functioning and such, present day, and future which is 500 or more years into the future which has robots, hover vehicles, and such.

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Shantae x Ecco

What order should I play the Shantae games? I like the look of 1/2 genie hero but I’ve never played one before

It actually doesn't matter too much except for Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse. You ought to play those back to back. Pirate's Curse is essentially the series' "Season 1 finale" which is why HGH is more laidback in gameplay and story.

that one is a good place to start of not go for the GBA original

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HGH works. Its kind of a soft reboot so you don't need to know anything from the older games.

Shantae is playable, Riskys Revenge and Pirates Curse are the good ones, they changed up everything for HGH so it kind of sucks or is almost mediocre, however you want to look at it,

I would prefer a sequel about her mom

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Shantae entering the Tides of Time and finds Ecco to fight aliens?

She doesn't translate well to 3d

We don't have official 3D

How do you know though?

Nah. Sounds like a bad time.
