What are some good games with personnel carriers?
M3 Half-Track
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The obvious will be ARMA
bf bad company 1 and 2
Arma is fun
steel division and wargame series
I do enjoy me some SD
>quad .50 halftrack parked outside an objective point
2nd'd for Company of Heroes
Men of War, best in genre.
Forgotten Hope 2.
Does anyone even use that thing to transport infantry instead of filling Krauts full of holes?
I played Men of War but having to manage ammunition I think overloads my autism. After that mission where you have to defend the train station made me set the game down for awhile and forget about it. Maybe I'll go again
why dont games have multi-person vehicles anymore
Assault Squad 2 cut down a lot of micromanagement. Now squad members share ammo among themselves and automatically grab more from nearby depots and trucks, for example.
good question, I guess Battlefield still does it
Tribes Aerial Assault was a favorite of mine and the first game I played multiplayer for PS2. For some reason I liked nothing more than taking the vehicle that could transport 4 people or they could shoot from it and gunship around like Even when I played Arma or SQUAD and stuff I find being a driver much more entertaining
Darkest Hour mod for Red Orchestra
>ywn have a game where you're playing out the entire Normandy invasion multiplayer and unload a rifle squad to dish out pain to Germans
>No more BF2 in an IFV blasting this.