What the fuck is this shit? Could you imagine patching out fucking Kevin Spacey from fucking American Dream...

What the fuck is this shit? Could you imagine patching out fucking Kevin Spacey from fucking American Dream? If Charles Martinet gets to diddle kids, do you think they will fucking patch him out of Mario Odyssey? What a fucking hilarious world we live in.

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t. seething ledditor

Kevin Spacey got replaced immediatly from House of Cards where he was the protagonist, though.

Yes, but not retroactively. Moron.

Different user but you gotta realize there's a difference in recording lines and reshooting a tv series or movie. And a dub for that would be dumb as shit.

>not playing as fem byleth

I have no idea what OP is even talking about because he never gave any context, but he's bitching about something so I assume it's something that he's wrong about and is just being a faggot in general.

OP sounds like a rapist

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I like how you say "gets to" as if it's an already known fact Charles Martinet wants to fuck kids.

Where were you people for pierre taki
Fucking dipshits

N.D.A. motherfucker.

They already axed Vee for doing the same thing.

who gives a shit you barely hear him anyways?

>read through his tumblr apologies
Dude sounds like a fucking sperg who was trying to win good boy points with the SJW criedy and got fucked.

So did he admit to it already or something? I hate the fact people can lose their jobs simply over fucking “allegations”. A women can literally lie on a persons name and ruin they’re life.

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The reason this all started is that he posted a fucking manifesto online that outlined the whole thing.

He's an actual autist who made a big sperg apology about all the autist shit he did and now people are trying to make him out to be a wife beater

Not op, but using John Oliver memes makes you look like a faggot and an incel, which to be fair, you probably are.

what happened?

>Guy openly admits to being an abusive friend, partner, etc
>Guy also breaks Nintendo NDA
>Nintendo investigates his abusive nature and NDA breaking and fires him because of it
>"Wow what a fucking SJW move, Nintendo. This is ridiculous! California wins again I guess..."
I wish Yea Forums wasn't filled with fuckin retards

>playing as female Byleth

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They gonna patch out male Byleth's original voice actor with someone else over some sexual harrasment allegations the actor has.

Based Ninty, now we'll have a proper VA instead of that idiot.

Reddit loves this, user.

VA for this character admits to being an abusive person to his friends and girlfriend, goes into detail in a giant monologue on his tumblr about it. He also broke Nintendo NDA.
Nintendo swiftly investigated him and removed his credit from Three Houses and recasted him in Fire Emblem Heroes.
/pol/tards are infiltrating Yea Forums to complain about this despite FE being a game they will never play

The guy literally admitted to it.

He admitted to whatever he did. That's bad publicity for Nintendo, can you imagine being shitted on by customers for censoring FE Fates because it's too ""problematic"", make sure it never happens again by translating games normally and then hiring a potential criminal to represent the main character of your highly advertised new game? So much for releasing "problematic" content in video games.

what a fucking retard lol, not surprised about /pol/ trying to move things around since that's the only thing they know how to do nowadays

I didn't say it wasn't justified, you retard. The only point I made was that it was surreal to go the extremes of hiring a new voiceover guy and release a new patch to retroactively remove him from the game, being that the "damage" is already done. They shipped the game already with a rapist as a voiceover. Get over it. You're never gonna erase the completely the "smear" from it.
Got it now, you fucking mongoloid?


Kek, well that's what happened.

I don't get it
Is this some animegate autism

This isn't a #metoo situation or anything to do with his personal life, idiot, he broke the NDA like a retard.

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>broke NDA
Fuck that fag

The guy is is an actual asshole though, he even broke NDAs on multiple occasions and openly admitted to being abusive.

I shit on callout culture a lot but this is one of the few times where someone has a leg to stand on.

What smear? They announced a recast and redub not even 48 hours after releasing the game and he was replaced in FEH even before the game came out.
There's no "smear" everyone who was bothered by it is praising them for acting so quickly after he admitted to it.

>you're never gonna erase the completely the "smear" from it.
Yes you can, that is what a patch does. Six months from now everyone will forget this guy was even a voice in the game to begin with. People who buy the game around this time sure as hell won't know.

>Giving a legitimate aurist a contract to sign and expecting them to follow through on it

Everyone is going on about rape and abuse but nobody is actually saying what did he break NDA for? What did he reveal?
He's an idiot in both cases, could have just kept his mouth shut, social media are making these people too chatty.

Oh, so you're gonna spend more money recasting just for a broken NDA? Out of curiosity are your parents siblings or cousins?

How did he break NDA? He was called out by ex's

There's his biggest mistake. Lawyer up the moment this nonsense happens and say fucking nothing. Now his career is over.

was he axed from 3 Houses? I thought it was just from the mobile game?

He announced he was the voice of Byleth, the protagonist of FE Three Houses and that he might be in smash.

It's to send a point, you think Nintendo can't afford this?

>more money recasting just for a broken NDA?
Yes, enforcing a contract and being punitive in a way that dissuades future contractors from breaking deals with you is quite standard in business.

Goddamn retarded neets.

Just as easy as not patching it, you brainlet.

Is his voice still in the game or did they patch him out already? Either way he barely talks so whatever I guess.

They announced the patch a day after game came out, before most people even got to play the game. I'm seeing a lot of people day they'll hold off from playing the game or male route until the fix comes.
There is no smear of any kind because of it, only praise for quick reaction and that's what will be remembered about this whole thing. This is probably even bringing more positive attention to the game.

There were no allegations, her just admitted to it. You know that "literally nobody:" leddit meme? That's exactly what he did.

I think Black Eagles suck!

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Nope, from the main game as well.

literally who?

They kicked Vee for revealing that she's Edelgard immediately after the reveal trailer too, didn't they?

Nintendo will get nothing but bad rep leaving the voice in of a man who openly admitted to abusing his girlfriend and circle of friends. THAT would still be the subject of talk many months down the line in the alternate reality where Nintendo doesn't patch the voice out.

Not even fair. Kirbopher did nothing wrong retard.

so the silent protag thing is only for male Byleth then? Guess downloading that patch yesterday was a mistake

What you're thinking of is a LAWSUIT. Do you have any functional neuron left or have you concussed out of them, imbecile?


Yes. She got replaced by Tara Platt.

Yes. He really should have kept his mouth shut, but people these day don't understand how important for a company an NDA is. ESPECIALLY by hinting at smash, he sealed his fate

The patch isn't out yet. Byleth doesn't really talk outside of the level up quotes.

He broke NDA

Just black listing him like this is a solid punishment, should help remind others not to fuck with NDA, AND doesn't cost a shitload in lawyers.

Yeah right, that breach of contract lawsuit for chump change, that's a common practice.

Fucking lol.

He was bragging about how he’d probably get to be in Smash because he voiced Byleth.

It's better than having inconsistent voice actors for the eventual fire emblem crossover or future installments.

Wait female byleth talks?

>break an NDA
>get fired
It's not even about his allegations, because another VA's getting replaced because of the NDA and she had no drama recently.
Would make sense to bitch about the Judgement face change if anything.
Makes me wonder about Fighterz, however

>Vee breaks the NDA
>Logically gets replaced
>no outcry

>Niosi breaks the NDA
>Logically gets replaced
>Everyone thinks that this is because of the sexual harassment admission, both the left and right. Left claiming this as a victory while the right is claiming he did nothing wrong
This is just fucking stupid.

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Yeah, that would probably be the best course of action to take, give how of a mute protagonist he already is.

>Playing as male Byleth
>Playing with Dubs
user, i

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So that's why Edelgard sounds like an old lady instead of the young woman she's supposed to be? That sucks.

This isn't about this, you dumb motherfucker. The main point made was that it Nintendo made a storm in a glass of water, when there were infinitely better choices they could've made than recasting him again.

>playing as female Byleth
Male fits the who professor/mercenary thing more imo

ah ok, so shit will change in the future? Will it be a new VA or just nothing?

Like what, leaving him in?
A man who openly admitted to abusing his girlfriend and also broke a legal agreement between his employer?
Are you really that retarded or are you just trolling?

Like what, faggot?

>Have a great voice acting gig
>Can't help but fuck it up and lose your job because you NEED to post about it on social media
Vee and this faggot are both goddamn retarded.

im playing with subs, not dubs. Just commenting on the situation

>playing as frogface


>Breaches contract
>Admits to being abusive out of the blue
>Gets fired

>and that he might be in smash

Damn, did he really go that far? He's lucky to be alive.

I think it's the right decision. Fans complain about voice actors changing for the same characters over and over again, and Nintendo wasn't going to hire that guy again. By changing the voice actor for the main game they're making sure they won't have any problem with that later if Byleth shows up in Smash or other spin-offs, and they'll be seen as a good company that doesn't support abusers and rapists by giving them a job and helping them further their career by game journalists or whatever.

Yes, dumb idiot. I never knew who he even was Byleth's cast until Nintendo decided to make a hissyfit.

Blacklist him or sue him, incel.

It'd take more money and effort to sue him, retard. By replacing him they effectively are blacklisting him too and probably already have, both him and Vee.

>t. One Angry Faggot
He got axed because he breached NDA like a retard, user. Christina Vee was supposed to be Edelgard but got cut too for the same reason.

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>I never knew who he even was
Then why do you care so much all of a sudden? If you didn't care before the game came out then why do you care all of a sudden?

you are a retard. He broke NDA, why would they fucking keep him?

''hey guys we keep people who break NDA, reminder that NDA means nothing and you can just spoil whatever about our games now teehee''

That,s what your retarded suggestion is implying, fucking mongoloid. jesus christ you are a dumb faggot

Not shocking, moron, just hilarious to witness all this shit going down.

They all have the same dead fish face.

>and that he might be in smash.
We don't need for fucking Fire Emblem characters in Smash

What the fuck

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>Blacklist him
Pretty sure the guy's career is deader than dead already, and I'm guessing Nintendo in particular already blacklisted him. They're not stupid, it's a big international company who knows how to handle controversies.

>sue him
Too risky and costly, and that's a long process as well. Changing Byleth's voice actor is an investment because the character might show up in other games so they might as well look for the replacement now.

i don't know why they didn't patch out kevin spacy in CoD

That CoD was a few years old by the time he got outted

Did he even have lines other than level up quotes? I'm surprised they even bothered to recast. Though I suppose it could be done in a single session

Why just not blacklist him only and save money and unwanted attention, shitbrains?

To not spend money and effort, when you just can blacklist him. It isn't like others won't pick up on that, you incel brainlet.

Did Kevin Spacy break an NDA?

Regardless of whether we need the 100th fire emblem character or not, we're gonna get Byleth in smash. So prepare your anus.

If you mean Nicely Dicked Anus then yes

Excuse my stupidity but it seems weird to get recast/fired/ect for saying your voicing a character.

I mean what's the actual harm besides people knowing what to expect from a character voice now. It's not like he spoiled the entire game.

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Because they would need a new VA for other tie ins anyways like Heroes, dumbass. Get one now and you can make it consistent. It's also way early in the games life, it launched yesterday, so it's not like this is some old title that they're retroactively changing.
On top of that, they've probably been working on the replacement for a while before the abuse thing even surfaced, you don't have this all together and patched in a day.

This same user has posted a few times, he's fucking retarded. I wouldn't let this faggot run a fruit stand.

The few thousands it'll cost to recast byleth is well worth for not getting all your shit spoiled, especially since they probably have future plan for the character and need a new VA anyway.

Seriously, i implore you to stop being so incredibly retarded in public

If Nintendo or whatever company says they don't want you to disclose information, you don't disclose information. It's that simple. When people announce shit like they're gonna be a lead, constant people are going to be badgering that person for leaks, and companies don't want to have their PR team monitor the twitter activities of every voice actor in the game.

Also if there is dlc not voiced yet it would be inconsistent

NDA are serious, don't break NDA and you won't get shat down your throat.

If you are too fuckign retarded to not break an NDA , how can a company trust you not to spoil the game or say stupid shit?

ESPECIALLY since he talked about smash, Sakurai is probably directing the ninjas.

He's being replaced because he also admitted to abusing his gf or ex-gf iirc. Because of this it's a matter of reputation for Nintendo and avoiding controversy with customers who would want to boycott the game because of that.

You need to remember that this is the same company that removed and completely changed dialogues in FE Fates because there were a few controversies about LGBT representation in that game. And said controversies were started by people who never planned on buying the game and who never buy Nintendo games. Nintendo wants to play it safe.

>It's not like he spoiled the entire game.
A contract is a contract. Developers and voice actors don't seem to realize it when they post nonstop on social media about confidential info.

Can only imagine if Byleth or Edelgard gets into smash.

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Someone post some of Kirbopher's "art"

Like they care about the "continuity" from one main game to heroes, idiot.

The only dlc IS makes is for getting extra money, xp or renown.

I wouldn't let your whore of a mother alone whatsoever. Not only does she impregnates herself with a Downs child but she also doesn't terminate him.

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They literally did that with all the money in the world, remember?

He got shitcanned for violating NDA you fuckin tard. Why are you comparing this to sex crimes?

They still have unique conversations. All of which are voiced in this game.

Fair enough I guess.
Contract is a contract and all that.
Though I wanna ask, if he had waited until release day, then said he was voicing byleth would he have been fine or have to wait until someone see's his name in the credits and post it online?

>People care about Chris Niosi

If you met him in real life you would hate his loud obnoxious autistic personality and his mongoloid friends too

>Guy admits to sexual assault of his own accord and gets fired
>wtf nintendo not cool
>Actually guy maybe got fired for breaking an NDA
>oh, okay. Good for you nintendo!

>I wouldn't let your whore of a mother alone whatsoever.
What a sick burn, it's not retarded at all.

Goddamn sperg without an ounce of business sense trying to act like he knows what the fuck he's talking about lmao

He probably got replaced because Byleth doesn't really have many line in the first place

Anyways there's no controversy here, he admitted it, there's no need to sperg out

Armchair lawyer and businessmen on Yea Forums are second only to armchair psychologists.

Good question. I don't give a fuck about dubs because I'll play with the Japanese voice acting and English isnt even my 1st language so I haven't paid attention but many voice actors on twitter posted about which characters they voiced more or less at the same time, I think he should have posted about it at the same time to avoid trouble. And that was a few days or weeks before the game's release date. Then again contracts might be different depending on the characters, it's not like the less important characters' voice actors would appear in spin-offs and could post spoilers about potential new games or anything.

>could you imagine patching out a face celebrity from a movie in which they're highly visible and recognizable?
good thing nintendo's not doing that
niosi's a voice actor, and those are easily replaceable

Disney already does this with re-releases and remakes. Tom and Jerry even stopped airing "racist" episodes.

He was replaced in that Ridley Scott film like three months prior to the release date.
Also what the fuck is OP even talking about? Was the Bailiff supposed to talk in cutscenes, or is was the faggot who did the grunts replaced?
Why do games even bother with these limbo'd protagonists? Either have a defined protag, or let us RP and have branching storylines and dialogue. Fuck this inbetweener shit.
The last game that did this that pissed me off equally was Xillia 2, and that game had some actual gameplay, unlike this Tactical Menu Operations horseshit.
I swear to God I thought after Echoes we were starting to get some half-decent competent A.I., then this fucking dumpster fire comes out.
I hope ISIS goes bankrupt. What a team of aimless hacks.

You're not talking about Mammy are you? She's getting censored again? Only other thing they could censor was blackface and most of that was pulled years ago with very few exceptions like pic related.

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>Decent AI

So did Broly do anything wrong?

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Well that's what I heard but didn't bother investigating it further. I think they also don't air the episode where it's implied they kill themselves, the ep where they obth get cucked and then sit on the train tracks.

Half-decent, mind you.
Yeah, Fire Emblem is for retards, I'm aware of that. Can't depend on the RTS genre to carry the weight 365 days a year, though.
I mean fuck, enemies actually retreated and didn't sacrifice themselves to the tip of a spear like it was going out of style. It was revolutionary.

I knew that guy was trouble ever since I heard him in Octopath Traveler

Kinda looks like he didn't do anything wrong. Looking forward to Funimation dropping all their shitty fem VAs though.

Assburgers. Always assburgers. If he wasnt such a sperg for posting his confession online, he would have gotten away it.

NDA, besides being an asshole, the guy was proven to broke the NDA, and Nintendo did care more about that.

Though we are talking about a company that originates from the country that will erase your existence if they ever suspect you have contact with an illegal drug, so I don't know why this is even news... if anything, I am surprised it doesn't happen more often.

Tara Platt makes my dick hard

>do job
>say words
>money stolen

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>Agree not to speak about the role until a undisclosed date
>This agreement has your signature on it
>Yell to everyone that you are doing this thing when you agreed not to until a certain time
As always, stupid facebook frog poster is stupid

What the fuck are you weebs yiffing about?

fuck off stupid virgin faggot

>leaks all over the fucking place
>couple VA break NDA
>omg end of the world!
get the fuck over it. Him being an asshole in other parts of his life is stupid but anyone getting pissed over NDa sthi si retarded.
Vidya lives on leaks, NDA breaks and any info it can gets it hands on.
For fucks sakes it's just a listing of whom was voicing whom. It's not like they leaked out every fucking mechanics and major plot point.
Marvel movies have more leaks and are fine.

Won't someone think of the corporations!?