Mountains biome...
Mountains biome
Other urls found in this thread:
>no villages
>all that extra digging to get to diamond depths
shit tier biome dude
Maximum comfy
they really need to do a revamp of vanilla generation
>he's too lazy to walk a few steps to dig/go to village
I bet you play the game wrong
Sky islands is best biome and always will be
>havent played minecraft since survival update
>getting urge to play again
>wont know what the fuck is going on
is it still worth it
>caring that much about optimization in minecraft
>not building a comfy cliffside house for the amazing view
I don't want to play multiplayer because my friends don't want to start fresh and just continue an already established server that i have no attachement to. I don't want to play solo cause then nobody will see what i've built.
> Not clearing out some jungle for that sweet technicolor grass.
and filtered
>jungle treehouses
The absolute best. Holy fucking shit now I want to play Minecraft again
>second time playing minecraft
>build my cube under a huge tree because why not
>get the sudden idea to expand it into a treehouse
and that's how I've always made a treehouse first in every playthrough
Make sure you build near a river or ocean so that you can have your treehouse next to a beach bungalow. Acacia and birch or gtfo.
playing for the first time in probably four years lads
where do i build my house
desert duh
>start a new world with friends
>build and live inside a tall comfy
lighthouse nearby spawn and a village
>live in plains biome but surrounded by desert and Savanna
>ruins the comfiness every time I look outside my windows
>go on a exodus journey away from home
> find a coastal village next to a spruce biome
Learning is part of the fun
Fuck I've been fighting the urge for a week now to go back, I dont want to buy this shit for the 3rd time.
Daily reminder that the PS4 version is still the best one.
Oh man I really wish a village would spawn a quarter of what it is supposed to and then kill all the villagers in 15 minutes because they can't defend themselves
>bedrock edition
>autistic boomer posts farlands to own the zoom zooms
>boots up a farlands map
>cracks and sips, sits back and smiles with satisfaction
>doesn't build anything just quits out content that the zooms have been btfo
>no one has ever built anything in farlands ever for any reason
>its only purpose is to shitpost with
The PS4 version is actually the only current gen console version that's isn't Bedrock.
zoomer faggot
>finite map size
top lol
This shitty wojak won't take off because it fit's 0 steryotypes. I've never seen anyone wear a hat like that while eating dunkin donuts. Not something a boomer would do.
>not playing on survival island
Come join us in /in/tcraft
>he doesnt live in a junk yard
I can't delineate what this is supposed to mean or what it's making fun of.
does anyone what texture pack this is or where these windows are from?
Haven't played in probably five or so years, is amplified world type fun or should I just make a regular one?
same with flaotfaggots
>spawn area is surrounded by massive fucking desert on all sides
>Not building a mountain top retreat
>Not building into the side of the mountainface
>Not putting skulls or other such shit into the mountainface
>Not building bridges between mountains
ages ago an user posted this vid from his YouTube channel, his world seemed pretty comfy in my opinion and gave me a bunch of ideas for base development.
What are some good mods? I feel like replaying Minecraft
Creeps and Weirdo was the best mod and I'd gladly replay it for shit and giggles
what is the best version your guys opinions? I'm seriously thinking to give it a go again after 7 years. Also any good non autistic mods that increase the variety in the game?
I really like Thaumcraft
there's plenty of alternate dimension mods like Twilight Forrest
if you use Aether just make sure you use a version that doesn't have the retarded JPRG story
truck driver probably
no idea why though
Holy shit dude, that's nice
CAD for autists
I've been thinking that one big building project could be to build some artificial farlands. Especially on a big multiplayer server, that could be an interesting thing for people to do
I kinda miss spreading taint... kinda
that was a fun level in goldeneye
>Head of staff bans fucking MOATS
Yeah I'm good thanks.
Fun music disks, though.
sandstone and birch forts are maximum warm chillin tho
But it's so boring seeing nothing but sand for miles around.
sounds like heaven