Why is Akira Toriyama art so bland and phoned in these days?
>desaturated, flat colors
>simplistic shapes and outlines
They've even started replacing his art with full 3D renders, and frankly, they look much better.
Why is Akira Toriyama art so bland and phoned in these days?
For comparison
He's an old fart now. It's only natural that his style would degrade.
>Akira Toriyama art
You do know he doesn't draw anymore, right?
Who cares when every humanoid design of his turns out to be la creatura anyway?
Because he's a lazy senile hack and most of what you call modern Toriyama art is not even made by him.
1/3 of the Dragon Quest trio isn't a senile old hacks
The guy hardly draws anything nowadays besides the occasional monster design or the even rarer new character design. Most of the time it's the people who he trained to draw like him who does the art.
>Old good
>New bad
I disagree.
Dude is pretty old by now. If he goes into details too much his hand is going to explode
First pic looks infinitely better than the rest because it's not fugly neon colors.
That's not what OP is saying, also Builders 2 has literally nothing to do with Toriyama beyond the male protagonist design, that's literally the ONLY thing he did for it.
He didn't even design the NPCs or human Malroth or was involved in any way, shape or form beyond drawing the male MC.
It's on purpose, the blandness makes it better
His artwork and its progression (regression) parallels the quality of the franchise.
>Not posting the original japanese version
Cute tummies though
Except IX has the best soundtrack and character/prefossion art and XI the best gameplay and arguably story since V.
>Old Man monologues exposition to finally establish the fucking story after twenty hours of ball-numbing zero-stratagem combat
>Protagonist just sits there like a mute retard after hearing world-ending shit about his ancestry and potential future
>Old Man no longer has any relevance to the plot
>Lmao he's a pervert
That chick is never ever going to get the rubber band ball off her head
That looks like shit. The absolute state of Dragon Quest art.
And yes, old good, new bad. When is this never the case?
You did not pay attention if you didn't know he was a pervert already. Zoomers should be hanged.
It will never end. Look at Zelda.
Because all Toriyama wants to do is make gag manga and raugh.
Which is sad because Toriyama is a strong contender for the least funniest person to ever live.
>arguably story
what's the point of using the term "arguably" instead of actually arguing the point? Are you just waiting for me to serve so you can volley?
Ok, the story is generic garbage. There's zero effort to characterize or develop beyond the same archetypes Japan has recycled since Hiroshima.
The plot is far too candid with its macguffins and the overarching storyline is the same as every other fucking iteration, except the world on fire doesn't occur until halfway through. What a twist!
Gameplay is fucking shit and I really don't know what else to say. You can't really "build" a character until damn near the end of the game, and regardless of player involvement, the balancing is so fucking assbackwards that Normal is numerically too easy, while Draconian is a varying roulette of RNG, depending on how many of the retarded aftereffects you slap onto the Harder Monsters option.
DQ is the bargain bin of video games. It's ugly to look at and it's barely a game. It's visual and interactive plight and is an embarrassment to the industry. Your only argument is that certain attributes are superior/inferior to certain attributes from previous iterations, as if somehow thirty fucking years into development the same fucking formula and the dev team can't consistently improve because of how incompetent they are, and this is somehow OK or should be rewarded.
Square, Enix, and Square-Enix are a cancer worse than EA. Fucking FIFA has more RP elements and strategy and balancing than anything these busted corporations have produced in 20-odd years.
So what'd I miss?
>implying that makes it better somehow
>complains about argument
>only lists pointless opinions in response, trying to be edgy
Yep. It's a zoomer alright.
Party Chat. You are what's wrong with JRPGs today. Expecting the game to breastfeed you information is the literal plague of modern gaming. Don't speedrun a 100 hour long RPG and then complain there wasn't enough character development.
cus hes fucking old
Holy buzzwords and 2011 cringe.
Arguments are exchanges of opinions based on reasoning.
The difference is you have no reason. You just state your opinion like I give a fuck.
Maybe you don't even understand your own opinion?
Get back to me when you penetrate your own skull to find whatever matter is left rattling in it.
Imagine defending a game and not even being able to form an opinion about it? You're such a fucking joke. Are you even human?
How dare I expect a game with a fuckload of unskippable cutscenes to reveal memorable dialogue and information in aforementioned cutscenes, instead of obtusely in an optionally recurring campfire sequence.
Maybe if there had been even the slightest of hook for the characters in the main scenes, I would've continued to bother with the optional side dialogues.
Just out of curiosity, what was your favorite development derived from the party chat?
>I can't form my own thoughts into words and exchange them
No wonder all you motherfuckers love these shallow JRPGs. It must feel like you're really in the game with how one-dimensional you faggots are.
Another bundle of meaningless words strung together. You don't win an argument by being the rudest, nor do you win by arguing in bad faith, nobody will ever take you seriously.
Yes, how dare you not play an active role in a role playing game.
I don't need people who can't form their own opinions to take me seriously.
You've got less of an opinion than IBM's A.I., got it. I'll move on to the next "person" and see if they want to discuss video games while you consistently backtrack to cover your lack of feeling.
I'm being rude, but you're the one who won't (or potentially can't) even discuss a fucking video game, while on a site dedicated to the discussion of video games.
Alright, Boy-o.
>DQ is an RPG
it's got less RPing than fucking Wizardry, what're you on about? This shit ain't an RPG, no matter what tag Square slaps on it to pretend otherwise.
Adventure =/= RPG
Meh. It could be worse.
Doesn't he have ghost drawers now that do shit for him?
I misread that as dwarves and enjoyed the mental image of a bunch of dwarves chained in a basement scuttling around with pen and paper