>When I have a kid I'm gonna raise them on the classics like Super Mario bros. and Megaman! No modern trash for them! My kids gonna be a hardcore gamer!
Did you ever stop to think your child is not a puppet, it's not your second chance at life, it's a living being not a robot you can program and manipulate to be the perfect version of you. You should be castrated.
When I have a kid I'm gonna raise them on the classics like Super Mario bros...
It's a good thing I don't think like that at all.
>wanting children
lol @ parasite brains
I understand that, but what happens if your son turns into a drooling twitch retard because of modern games?
I'm gonna give my kid access to all the games I own. He will forge his own tastes from what I have.
better than he watches twitch than anime
>Having kids
Thank fuck for abortions.
People like that always turn out as shit tier parents. Someone post the doge image.
whom'st've art thou quoting
Why would you actively want dogeposting?
I raised my sister with Resident Evil and co-op games, we still do all nighters every weekends to this day, I'm sad there are less and less couch games
sorry i thought i was on reddit, i'm new to Yea Forums.
Lurk for 8 years before posting.
Cringe. Why don’t you make him play outside and make friends faggot
>Lurk for 8 years before posting.
people unironically do this?
>looking after 8 and 6 year old nephews for a few days
>have tons of old consoles with splitscreen vidya
>they just want to watch Fortnite streamers
Kids don't know shit, I'll save mine from their dumb taste, they'll thank me when they're older
They don't but by God it would be better if they did.
Minimum age for posting should be 30 anyways. Anyone below 25 is a mouth breathing fucking retard.
Then at least he'd be better acclimated to the modern world he/she is growing up in. You really aren't doing your kid any favors by trying to expose him to only shit you enjoyed growing up. The only thing I kinda want to attempt to get my kids to enjoy is Star Trek and LotR, but if they dont take to it I'm not forcing that nerd shit on them. My kids being able to get laid is more important than my ability to bond over media with them.
As long as I make sure my kid doesn't touch anything Nintendo growing up, I'm satisfied.
I unironically lurked for over 3 years before posting in 2008.
No reason to not get your kid into things you like as a way to bond with them. Dont force it obviously, but parents always want to pass good things down to their kids. My dad and I bonded over his hobbies when I was growing up. No reason not to do the same with your kid if you have one.
If I have a kid I'm not letting them within ten miles of a PC/console, videogames were a mistake
>He still think nerd shit is the reason why he couldn't get laid rather than merely the escape route.
Nigga this is 2019, Nerd shit is normalfag tier now and nerds get laid more than they ever have.
But the only correct decision is to merely allow access. That is what I did with my sister. When she wanted to play the games I had, I allowed her.
She never bought into videogaming anyways, but why would you stop someone from trying something new?
OP if your dad sees this you're going to get into trouble.
>Then at least he'd be better acclimated to the modern world he/she is growing up in
if you took a 16 year old aristocrat son from the 17th century and brought him to today he'd probably have a PHD by the age of 20
>I unironically lurked for over 3 years before posting in 2008.
you got trolled.
My kid's a tranny and I fucking hate it. Since he could speak he would insist he was a girl and cry because he thinks God put him in the wrong body. He would steal his sister's clothing and wear it when I wasn't home. I'm pretty sure he still does this. He only hangs out with girls and has an obsession with feminine things. Would throw tantrums whenever I tried to make him play with boys' toys or wear boys' clothing.
I've tried everything. I've tried beating it out of him, I've tried taking him to a psychiatrist (who only advised that he 'transitioned' and even called him "her" for some dumbass reason about mental health), I've tried conversion therapy, I've tried literally everything and this little faggot still remains unchanged.
What in the FUCK am I supposed to do? It's really pissing me off. I'm going to have a stroke over this shit.
This desu
>literally cucking yourself harder than an actual cuck
just kill yourself now
I will use reverse psychology on my son and forcefully make him have terrible habits, then he will rebel and turn into a paragon of virtue
jokes on you, would i get a kid i wouldn't allow him to play vidya at all.
im not gonna let my kids on the fucking internet until they get into high school
your parents are regretting their decision not to get one right about now
>not donating to a sperm bank
the only solution is to put it in solitary confinement until it says it's a boy again, user
>Dont raise your kids goyim, just provide for them while public schools and media subvert them!
Congratulations retard, you just raised social rejects who'll have terrible lives
When I was a wee lad I posed the question "What if im gay?" to my family. And my dad told me if he found out I was gay, he'd beat me like a bent pipe until I was straight again
As it turns out I never again entertained any thoughts of homosexuality. You are a parent, not a friend.
>Raising your kids means forcing them to do the things you did as a child, even though 25 years have passed since then and all children want to keep up with what their friends are doing, not what their dad did a quarter of a century ago
better than raising braindead retards like most people are doing these days
people are seriously underestimating how much the Internet impacts the process of growing up
Blog time:
>A few years back
>Be me
>Asked to watch my brother's kid every now and then
>they are poor as fuck
>Two gens behind in games
>Kid sees my ps3 and loses his mind, wants to play it
>Tell him he has to beat one game from each predessor platform to get there
>Cut to him getting mad as hell at Megaman X cause he can't into charging and dashing at the same time
>Tell him its fine if he doesn't want to play, but he aint getting to my current gen stuff until he does
>He toughs it out over the next few baby sitting sessions and when I ask him what he wants to play when he finally makes it to Ps3 he picks fucking Demon's Souls
>Cut to a few days later, my brother is telling me his son got in trouble at school because he keeps calling all the other kids babies for playing easy games.
Im not sure if I've improved or worsened the boys life. But at least he wont be a dirty fucking casual.
you evil motherfucker
you doomed that poor kid to a eternity of Yea Forums
yes, being a good father means exposing your kid to a lot of different things and encouraging that which he shows interest in. If your argument is that we should ignore any art older than a decade than I dont know what to tell you man, You're just retarded.
And you sound very socially awkward
Depending on how he is socially, I'd say he is going places. He has been taught how to deal with adversity.
nigger the reason humanity survived to the point where we are is because we passed on old information to the next generation
might as well close down museums because who cares about old shit right?
Good thing most of those people won't end up ever having children. I can't imagined how fucked up the child of someone who spent more than a year or two on Yea Forums would be.
>muh hard memorization games
Teach the kid problem solving, reflexes, strategy, history, logic, not just basic movement memorization. Might as well give the kid a rhythm game.
children up until 8 shouldn't have internet access by themselves
children 8-12 should have access to pre-determined websites on their own
children 12+ should be allowed to go wherever, except adult websites and retarded shit like tumblr/streamers/Yea Forums
children 14+ can't be contained anymore
I just wanted to put an impossible goal before him so he wouldn't fuck up my current gen games. I didnt expect him to actually beat a megaman game
I think I would be a good father
Video games are consumer entertainment, they have no artistic merit or cultural value at all.
If you're gonna force them to experience old things, at least give them a good book or film.
>better than raising braindead retards like most people are doing these days
Your children will be miserable outsiders their whole lives because you were too selfish to put their needs before your own deluded idea of what a person should be.
>Video games are consumer entertainment, they have no artistic merit or cultural value at all.
Thats a cool hot take but dont sling opinions as facts.
>I feel ashamed of the way I turned out and I dont want my kid to turn out like that so im not going to expose him to the things I enjoyed as a kid
that's why you have 10 kids and make your own cult, then they'll be insiders
Lmao MM games are piss easy if you have even BASIC reactions and fundamentals. If you need to “memorize” a game as easy as any MM game then I’m sorry you have a lot of work to do mentally and physically if you ever want to elevate yourself above, “Bad” at vidya
>reddit spacing
>treats game as art
please go back
There is no video game in existence that rivals The Count of Monte Cristo, Chopin or The Duellists. Video games are fun time wasters, they're not art and never will be.
Movies and books are also consumer entertainment. They entertain and you consume them
Lol, how embarassing. He must take after his father lmao
When I have a kid I'm gonna treat then like my parents treated me. Beat the shit out of them and tell them that they were a mistake, and then buy them mcdonalds because that'll fix everything.
Wow those are some pretty interesting opinions
It might be a good idea to introduce your child to a variety of games of all sorts of genres and eras. Only having a limited set of options as a child is how we get autistic consolewarriors.
Everyone does, most people turn out to be garbage parents.
Can I just get two beatings instead?
id rather have my child know how to write instead of being able to name 10 FoTM Streamers
>I found video games on my own, and just like I hated being forced to go to Karate and Basketball class, I won't force my child to do something they might not enjoy
Hmmmmm.... bid bams have music (art), images (art), and stories (art), and acting (art)... hmmm and they’re all in the same place..... HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
The issue here is that you don't know what art is. You think its some magical golden tier of quality. its not. Its just art. Film is art, music is art, literature is art. Video games combine all three of these things yet they are somehow not art? Nonsensical. To say video games are not art is to also say film music and literature are not art.
which that user must've already thought to himself hence why he is glad that abortions exist.
at least I know that I am a disappointment to my parents even though I have to yet reach the moment they experience my value.
living is suffering no matter how well you live if you figure out life's total value.
also, suicide is stupid when you lived long enough.
Movies and books are art, some are trash art but art nontheless
videogames can be art
but not all videogames should be art
you're supposed to go out to get a pack of smokes and never come back, its really your only option at this point
I really love the artistic value of Minecraft and Fortnite XD
Damn, this is the most cringe shit I've ever read in my life. You should strongly consider suicide.
Wife and I are trying for our first. I'm super excited.
The difference is with video games you directly influence what someone else created.
It'd be like you're watching a movie but you have a controller and can move the camera wherever you feel like. Art requires that the observer is just that, an observer, not a participant.
No they’re not. They’re consumer entertainment
>Art requires that the observer is just that, an observer, not a participant.
Guess you'll have to tell that every modern art artist in existence.
You're a giant faggot.
Tell me right now why you're having a child without resorting to pathetic, selfish justifications like "it's my right!" "muh lineage!" "we want to share our love!".
t. mutt whi watches spongediabeted pants like the cia said
t. mutts watching bob and pattard
watch good tv nkt fat american tv
>Tell me right now why you're having a child
because I can.
>Art requires that the observer is just that, an observer, not a participant.
A falsehood and opinion at best. Anything crafted by the hands of man is art. You can say its shit art but its still art. if you go out and build saw horse with a few pieces of plywood right now. That is literally, by definition a work of art. even if you dont intend it to be so, even if its purely for practicle purposes. I've never seen any institution that demands the observer must be an observer for the art to be art.
>seething mutts
the frightened muttbob fan barks
because it pisses you off
>just like the cia told me too!
good mutt the brainwashung works
t. seething mutt
The joy of guiding them through life, watching them grow and develop into capable, stable adults in a world of endless opportunities. It's magical and beautiful.
Cry baby
I bet being known as the autist that dislikes spongebob on Yea Forums gives you the biggest endorphin rush
>me mutt
>like toilets so much live in one
Because the white race must live on if anyone is going to be around to shepherd humanity away from self destruction. Shit skins do not innovate, they only destroy.
>tfw I would honestly rather adopt some poor kid and attempt to give them a better life than pass on muh seed
am I a cuck?
>be mutt
>spongemutt funny! heheh american funny
Since age 13 I've been lurking since 2010, didn't really post much because i'd get called a newfag all the time somehow by the way I posted. now i'm about to turn 22 and i'm still here, fianlly an active poster talking about video games
it's true what they always say about this website, you know.
I'm not American and I don't like Spongebob, sorry, schizo
>be mutt and base life on spongenub
ohnonono what
>The joy of guiding them through life, watching them grow and develop into capable, stable adults in a world of endless opportunities. It's magical and beautiful.
Are you mentally ill?
Life is horrible and full of suffering, they'll grow up to be dysfunctional disappointments like everyone does. You're cruel, selfish and evil. I hope your child is stillborn, for its own sake.
Out of curiosity, do inuits count as shitskins? they're even paler than whites
Has everyone literally forgotten what "cuck" even means?
Oooo edgy projection, what a beautiful coping mechanism you've constructed for yourself. I hope you turn around your life while you still can sweetie, I'm rootin' for ya! Best of luck in your endeavours.
I feel so sorry for you bro
you'll never know true love but that's ok bro
maybe one day
probably not
Your child will hate you, don't be surprised when it happens.
>Life is horrible and full of suffering, they'll grow up to be dysfunctional disappointments like everyone does
Not everyone got into anime and had their brain rotted mate. Some people have fulfilling lives.
if your baby can't deadlift it's own bodyweight at the age of 2 try over
>when the mutts try to stop you from the truthg
He'll watch both.
I often wonder what the people posting these kinds of responses act like and look like in real life
If I ever had a kid I'm going to have a 3 week retreat with them every year to the middle of a forest until they turn ten.
People need a fear in their life when they're young to be able to make correct decisions later on.
>you just raised social rejects who'll have terrible lives
how old are you?
mutt wonders why yes so fat ohnono imagine being a spongetard
weak, I'll bring them to an action-packed trip to detroit
Sounds lke it's time to start molesting them
>Some people have fulfilling lives.
No they don't. Life doesn't get better, it gets worse. You'll realise this when you get close to 30.
You've spent so much time watching anime that it's fried your brain. My life is much better now at 36.
> t. Jews
Sounds like a good idea if you want your kid to OD in their 20s.
>muh white race
>duh shitskins
Lel you can have fun growing your potential school shooter. I'll wait for gene editing so mine will have already been in college by age 6 and engineering by age 12.
Lying on the internet doesn't impress anyone.
If you were a 36 year old with a family and a fulfilling life, you wouldn't be on Yea Forums on a saturday evening.
Literally the entire point of parenting is to try and instill your values into your kids, you retarded fagotron. Letting them do whatever the fuck they want because "they're people not robots" is what leads to shit like boomers wasting their lives doing drugs at Woodstock or millenials taking out $200,000 college loans to "follow their dreams."
>only failures come to Yea Forums
pretty sure people come to this website because it's the funniest place on the internet
How do I be a good parent?
What part of we're trying for our first implied I have a family? Anime has sapped even your critical thinking skills. Also, it's afternoon where I live.
>he wants his child to be better than him
fuck off with that cuckshit, do you really want to be outdone by a child?
>thank god for abortion
You incels can't even have sex, lmao
Read up on psychological development in the early stages.
Don't let your kid grow up to have fetishes based on early development.
Correct but don't overcorrect.
>don't be a good parent
Or maybe you could fucking kill yourself, OP.
A baby won't save your dying romance, it won't make your wife stay with you and it won't make your life better, only worse.
Average intelligence has been increasing every generation. I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to say here.
I'm 32, edgelord. Try again.
What a fucking loser you are, being an elitist with a kid, grow up faggot
>Literally the entire point of parenting is to try and instill your values into your kids
muh monarchy based fuck actual government
That's what he's trying to say
Thats actually pretty cute you believe that. I want to fuck your cute stupid boipussy