>Yea Forums tells you game is shit
>it's actually 9.5/10
Yea Forums tells you game is shit
this was shilled constantly, what are you on about?
Those were Bloodstained fans butthurt at three Australians teaching the nip creator of the genre how it's done.
Fuck, Silksong can't come soon enough
>babby's first metroidvania
the only thing HK has going for it is that it sprung up in the middle of a drought, there's not an original thread in its entire body
La-Mulana 2 outdid it handily in every conceivable aspect
nice butthurt fag
want me to pull up the several hundred identical shilling threads on the archive?
you mean the bloodstained "butthurt" fans that were talking and shitposting in their own bloodstained thread about their new castlevania and suddently comes a HK fanboys to autistically screech at them?
on every.single.fucking.thread?
Those butthurts?
Yes, using your own critical thinking skills instead of following the opinions of others is a good thing. Congratulations on figuring that out.
Why is godmaster so boring, NKG was a great but godmaster is just fighting old bosses again, real shame but game is still easily 9/10.
Would allow a child to drink a bottle a Clorox when you have the power to stop him?
You could do that with every fucking new popular game posted on this board. What's your point, fag?
Yea Forums slurps this game's cock what the fuck are you talking about.
You sure love your boogeymen
>every new game has hundreds of IDENTICAL threads posted multiple times a week for several months
this level of cope
Yes, personally i love Bloodstained. In the same level i love almost every castlevania - metroid game out there
It doesn't change the fact that the butthurting that i constantly saw was HK boys so salty they entered a thread solely to talk shit about the game, and most of times, without any argument whatsoever. For example the classic autistic "shitstained ritual of the shit" imagine how childish one has to be to repeat that over and over again
i said every new AND popular game.
>25 hours in
>come on, just end...
>fuck it, i'll just clear these 3 mask marks on the map
>oh cool, the final boss
>hey that was easy
it was an 8/10 but that ending brought it to a 3 (no, i'm not getting that void heart, fuck you), not recommending this game to any adult with little free time for gaming.
Yea Forums loves this game what are you talking about
>(no, I'm not finishing the game, fuck you)
okay retard
I've never even played that game but it sounds like he was over it long before it finished. I mean come on getting tired of it at only 25 hours? Who the fuck even..
How do u block all hollowshill threads?
never ever ever trust Yea Forums
hollow knight is an ok metroidvania with cool combat (if metroidvanias aren't your thing, this wont change that), and instead breath of the wild is the true masterpiece of this generation. Yea Forums is only good for shitposting and memes, not for actual recommendations
out of those 25 hours, only 10 were actual gameplay, the rest was backtracking. the bosses are cool though
>backtracking is not gameplay
It was a 7/10 at best.
>b-but Yea Forums called it a masterpiece
Wrong. Redditors love to come here and shill their favorite tumblr/indie shit all the time, don't fall for it.
It's a decent game that both gets a lot of discussion and praise, but also gets a lot of hate in reaction to it getting over-hyped.
now play rabi ribi
Yea Forums shilled the game hard when it came out. it's become too popular now.
looks like some shallow waifubait weebshit
That's dmc5.
You mean read dead 2
Kill yourself kek
>Yea Forums hateing hollowknight
Bullshit. That didn't happen and you know it.
What are you talking about, Yea Forums does nothing but suck Hollow Knight's cock all day everyday, of course there's going to be a backlash over it but still.
>He missed the final boss
>He missed the optional god ending
It's ok user, I hear you can live a full life even if you are a retard these days
reddit hates RDR2.
Playing this game right now, at the last boss and it is in fact really fucking good.
There are four new bosses among shit like sisters of battle and winged nosk.
I dont know why godmaster triggers people, they always said it waa going to be a boss rush. For a boss rush it has shitloads of polish. If you didnt want a boss rush what the fuck are you doing playing it?
Then reddit is right.
We heard you the first time samefag.
except Yea Forums loves this game
>simply quitting to warp to last bench
Why are you niggers so slow?
Should have checked the IPs.
>Reddit Knight
Lmao'ing @ you rn
Lists of metroidvanias better than Hollow Shit
>La Mulana
>Axiom Verge
>Enviromental Station Alpha
>Rabi Ribi
>Valdis Story
Look at that list of trash lmao, I hope this is a falseflag
Easily my favorite game since deliverance. I got to it late, but god it's so great. Games rarely hold my attention as long as this has
>Reddit Knight
>Yea Forums tells you game is shit
Pick one
>Other people like a great game so we have to hate it
Based fucking brain dead retard
Why is it so easy to get lost? I feel like I am always taking the worst possible route before finding a bench or Cornifer when entering a new area.
cope hollowshill cope
>Reddit Ex
Damn, guess we can't play morrowind now......pack it up boys, it's reddit.........
A lot of heart and soul was put into the game and it shows, but I just couldn't get into it.
I love Metroid but the combat and movement felt really unsatisfying and clunky to me.
Great art direction though.
Because a boss rush mode was requested. It's not like it's the easiest thing in the world to even find, and it doesn't affect the rest of the game in any meaningful way. Like, why would you go out of your way to look up a guide on how to find it before finishing the regular game first?
>liking doom
wow cringe normie
>reddit life
god, so cringe, get out of here with that
because the "true" ending is stuck behind a boss rush, and that true ending isn't as good as the original ending.
>rabiribi mediocre
>hey guys do i fit in now?