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holy based

Unironically based


>consolecucks have to ban "work tools" to avoid getting fucked in fps

I love how james makes a controller like it was a NES controller, it really tells you what type of games he likes.

>Unironically using Phil Fish as a source of reason

>this is play
he's right

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Woah this was unexpected

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PC cucks be like
>moves in digital inputs

>he doesn't use both

Each one excels in different categories
Driving, third person games
First person games

Do you know controllers use electricity?

Is the power pad for work or play?

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it's for fags and twitchthots

Not wrong, i play everything that isn't a shooter with a controller.

basically this

>can play and work with keyboard
>can only play with gamepad

Why would anyone want a fucking gamepad? Are you also one of those faggots that has a GAYMING CHAIR as well?

Do you know the difference between digital and analogue?

I just use my DS4

>plugs controller into pc
psshh, nothin' personnel... consolekid...

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Console gaming
>sit on comfy couch
>controller feels comfortable in hand
>games are made to run on the hardware, so you do t have to worry about system requirements

PC gaming
>sit hunched over in shitty chair
>get carpal tunnel from the way you position hands
>whether you can play a game depends on how much money you dishes out on updating computer. AAA games have awful frame rate for most people who aren’t shut in virgins

Consoles win

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>not playing shit 1 handed

James uses a mac because he thinks it's a better for video editing even though they got rid of PPC years ago, i love the guy but hes an idiot when it comes to this sort of stuff

He is correct

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I see we have a TRUE gamer in our midst

>games are made to run on the hardware, so you do t have to worry about system requirements

Not true anymore, any pc game can run on even 2012 hardware, but i hear console gamers asking if a game has Pro or X support all the time

I love when you do this

Console gaming
>sit on comfy couch
>controller feels comfortable in hand
>games are made to run on the hardware, so you don't have to worry about system requirements

PC gaming
>Sit wherever I want. Can cast or cable the video to any display in the house
>Have a variety of inputs of my choosing.
>I'm not a retard so my computer runs anything easily. Especially since most games are targeted at consoles which are now multiple generations behind even low end PC hardware.

>they're the same thing
Really made me think

>still less precise
what did console fags mean by this

I can't imagine a game I would want to play with a controller

>this butthurt over some guy opinion
How sad


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k&m is for sweating
controller is for comfort

unless i'm playing rocket league

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>infront of a computer
imagine being this much of a cubicle bitch. waaah i am an editor i have to edit waaaah


>Godfather Ryan
[The Godfather "Immigrant theme" music starts playing]
Nyeah, have a seat Jimmy. You doing fine? Good, good. Now Jimmy, Mike has been telling me you want out. Wanna retire the Nerd. Wanna shave ya head to boot. Ahh Jimmy, you always was a good kid, a good oiner. But this, this you wound me. After all Screenwave has done for ya. You can't get out now. No sir, I can't have that Jimmy I'm sorry. Say hows the kids? The sick one healed up all nice and good? Good good. Be a shame if something happened to em. Ya know even if you want out, think of yer family. Wouldn't want them to... suffer because of your selfish mistake would ya? Life is hard for a family man outta the job. Good, good boy now you see it my way.
Now get the fuck outta here.

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>be tripping
>impossible to get a PC game to work
>play on a console instead

>this butthurt over some words
How cringe

>games are made to run on the hardware, so you do t have to worry about system requirements
>Dragon Quest builders 2 can barely reach 20 fps in the ps4 pro or 15 in the switch
>the entire Xbone fiasco
Technology is advancing quickly when it comes to games, so consoles are becoming outdated even faster now. Enjoy buying a new version of the ps5 every six months dude

Why is this even a problem, a game controller is 15 bucks and a keyboard 20
Surely you can afford both

Why are Sonybros always balding incels?

>iPhone faggot
Opinion discarded

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>AAA games have awful frame rate
>implying this is any different on consoles
who the fuck do you think your fooling here buddy

Hey /pol/, how you doing

why would modern third person games be better with a controller?

incredibly BASED

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