Post your TF2 loadouts.
Post your TF2 loadouts
Other urls found in this thread:
>using the sign on the sniper of all classes
share the suze
Guys, help. How to not suck at aiming with Scout?
align crosshair on enemy gamers
press m1
Too hard. I think I'll go back to Engie.
>the virgin medic
Aim more with your movement instead of with your mouse. Try to line them up in the reticle by moving your character instead of moving the mouse to it. Or hold it in their general area and wait for them to move into it.
>start new job a week ago
>miss out on cheap unusuals because working
knew it was a trap
While that makes sense, won't using my movement to aim make me an easier, more predictable target? Am I not supposed to spaz all over the place to avoid getting killed?
best one so far
>not cashing out in the final chance you'll ever get
>still playing tf2
Son, just let it go, move on with your life.
You're not supposed to fire as scout until you get really close to them. That's when scout does the most damage. Strafe by them, fire, then disengage by bobbing around them.
If you ever watch skilled scout gameplay you notice they don't move their reticle a whole lot.
>People still play the predecessor to Overwatch
I get it, you like fat fucks. Go away.
He can literally beat any tf2 character with ease, except for the sniper.
>everyone replies to this furfaggot when I'm not here to clarify that OP is one
like clockwork
Was there a rollback on the hats you bought? Or did everyone get to keep using the exploit?
>assume that the mass unusuals unboxed would just be deleted or have their effect removed because valve wants money
>they're not being deleted
fuck, how could i have been so dumb as to not put in $7 and see what happens
>went through the effort of hiding his objector because a nipple is visible
>didnt take the time to not have shit taste
Don't be a bitch, OP. Show nips.
The unusual apocalypse has been the most content this game has had in what feels like forever.
painted gibusvision
Ah, a fellow double piper.
>decide to finally pickup TF2
>unknowingly on the same day the trader tragedy happens, so I can't capitalize on it
Why does this always happen?
I dig that TTYD reference, good shit user.
underage detected
Raw input on
Mouse DPI 1800
In-game setting 1.00
Aim with A&D, flick shots will come when you get used to the aim settings
Wait until your crosshair is on the target
Do not spam your shots
And practice. Casual is 100% fine for practice. When you are confident in your abilities (roughly able to get 5-10 kills a life as scout in most casual servers), move onto MGE servers or comp. This is the way to improve.
It is fine to engage a target at considerable range where your scattergun might do 30-50 damage. Don't always go for 100+ meatshots.
For certain class v. class tips:
Never jump when fighting a pyro. Being airblasted by a pyro counts as a scout using one of their double jumps, use your second jump then to get away from the pyro, such as over their head or in a different direction. Pyros can thus stall you in mid-air if you jump, do not ever jump against a pyro who is in range of you.
Only engage a soldier at really close range or when you have the high ground. It is harder for a soldier to hit a target when they are higher than they are (no splash damage - also stay away from walls when fighting soldiers).
Heavies are scout food. Move in A&D random directions to throw off their aim. If they are good jump around / over them, if you have the mouse pad room, strafe around them in odd directions.
Do not forget your pistol. You can use it to fuck up sentries, and many other classes too such as soldiers. Practice hard with your pistol aim, it will account for around 33% of kills. Shooting a dispenser baits an engi away from his gun and repairs waste metal.
If someone comes at you w/melee, do not get your melee out. Run away while shooting them with your pistol or scattergun. Nine times out of ten they will disengage.
Fight demomen not at total close range, leave a fair amount of room for you to dodge their pipes. If they start laying traps, run away and then flank them.
Medics are the second fastest class in the game after you. Never turn your back on them.
>People still play the predecessor to Overwatch
>People still play straight games
is where you belong
>no unusuals
lmao what's wrong poorfags? couldnt afford $10?
>not wanting to buy an ugly gen 3 effect mark of shame that would probably be deleted soon enough
that's what's wrong
Why would I give gaben money for just neon-lights on my head
Nice sign my man.
Gaben owns you, slave
post Conscientious Objector images please
no anime
But mine is rainbow dash's privates
the effects look gay. the only good cosmetic is the fat engy chin
paint it white
Cheers, mate!
why are mods deleting tf2 threads now?
what the fuck
>the only good cosmetic is the fat engy chin
*blocks your path*
Well, is it kino?
Don't remind me.
take THIS
Tradle to the grave
>cowboy hat
>down jacket
I know this is intentional
There weren't any hats I really wanted in the crates that were affected.
>he didn't sell his crates/unusuals when he had the chance
Did you sleep well last night, wondering what valve will do to your gaudy pixels?
>Your prized loadout doesn't have all stranges
Holy shit
Did I miss these War Paints last Halloween or something?
you people are good arguments against playing modern tf2
holy shit this looks terrible.
>having stranges
why? Tracking kills doesn't really mean much.
you only need one strange per a loadout tho
Huh? A TF2 thread that isn't exclusively raging about how dead the game is? Are we back in 2010?
Macho Mann is such a good cosmetic.
>calls all others shit
>won't even post their own loadout
Well get to it faggot or are you one of those "No-Hats" mod users who cant enjoy a bit of customization?
People still play Tf2 ?
It's a loadout thread. We're still gonna get those threads after this for months
>unironically wearing unusuals
Is there any way I can screencap my loadout without installing and starting the game?
Build it at
God only intended for you to be able to wear one hat at a time and without several different particle effects and brightly color paint.
no, because there was no exploit. valve set the drop rate and we traded/bought keys and unlocked crates as intended
Based Gappy poster.
>considering this as good
There are simpler Spy loadouts out there that shit on your unimaginative setup.
Good idea
So here's my allclass loadout. It's just supposed to look like a "military veteran". I use it on everything.
I don't play the game to turn my character into a walking clownsuit and I don't give a shit about your plebeian opinion.
ew what a faggoty spy
Refuse to run it due to the axtinguisher nerfs.
>Bought a key and a crate without realizing that lootboxes are banned in my country so i can't open anything fml
>inb4 lime paint
>calling anyone a clownsuit when you can't even make the cravat complimentary
Good joke user, now this guy has a good idea of how to keep it simple but sweet.
Giving Pyro the Special Eyes was a fantastic decision
based heavy bros.
Is it just me or are your bp icons for the holiday and sandvich a little weird
It's still pretty usable.
Speed boost is god tier, lets you outmaneuver anyone as long as you can keep chaining together kills, which is easy if you're flanking into the backline or you take people by surprise.
It's the Detonator that makes this set work honestly, this increased maneuverability it gives is amazing.
It'd be nice if the damage ramped up to 195 though, it'd give you better chance at being able to fight heavies.
special eyes is the one single item i cannot go without no matter what i change my loadout to
It's always just you user, when will you learn?
>if 2 or more people dont agree its a samefag
No you just have bad taste user. At the very least if you're going to make a joke of a spy set at least run with it completely.
I'll forever miss the days of combo Pyro. Honestly I'll never get what people want with Pyro since they complain about W-M1 but then complain about combo-ing.
I want to wear it, but I can't give up my body cosmetics
ayyy didnt you post about getting that hat during the bug outbreak
good on ya for getting a hat you actually wanted lad :)
1/10, at least you're using scattergun.
>it's also a shitty hat
>shitty duffelbag
>shitty paints
>shitty stranges
>shitty other weapons
>shitty names
wow what a Chaddy spy
i dunno user, i still play combo pyro and it's great.
lime green scout/10
Probably shit at the game.
Saxton Hale destroys the entire OW cast at the same time.
>Honestly I'll never get what people want with Pyro since they complain about W-M1 but then complain about combo-ing.
they want to always win, and without using their brain
>if 2 or more people dont agree its a samefag
when the posts are exactly a minute apart then yes it is
thanks for the $5 lightning hat
Medic: Joseph Joestar
I'm still having fun with combo Pyro, and I can consistently do well with it in pubs.
I wouldn't complain if Valve decided to buff the Axtinguisher and change it's damage scaling to 86-195 on burning targets though.
Spy: Poirot
line up for my fucking
Pyro: that Mario guy
Heavy: Cuban Bear
forgot pic
Engineer: Capitalist
Engineer just looks so humble and unassuming in any of his normal looking cosmetics, it's great
Not that user but im gonna add you can zigzag while backpeddaling to keep ur movespeed unhindered which is very useful in baiting pyros and the like to walk into your shots.(it works for every class just its most important on medic and scout)
Nigga I sold crates and got games.
My TF2 looks like shit so I remade this in
>tfw my guys always look like crap compared too some of the anons on this site
This is what I get for being fashion blind.
>haven't played TF2 in years
>boot it up, check out the server list
>nothing but 24/7 2Fort or any other awful map like dustbowl, that horrid saxton hale mod and trade servers as far as the eye can see
Holy shit, does any one play this game normally anymore? There's no one on competitive matchmaking and I'm not touching casual with a 10 foot pole, nothing but hackers, throwers and people who can barely manage to find their way out of spawn.
How long do you normally take to make a loadout? For me it's always a few hours.
From before the Sandman was useless
Source on your sign
I can't tell you how to aim better. That comes with practice, but I can tell you how I fire at close range enemies. I just hold Mouse1.
There's really nothing more satisfying than hearing the loud KLANG indicating that I meatshoted a target with perfect accuracy between each shot at the Scattergun's firing rate
God is a confirmed, canon character in TF2. How's he gonna do that -- does God exist in Overwatch? Didn't think so
Oh fuck, I didn't even know Spy had that cosmetic. A crow with an Archimedes mask is an amazing concept. I'm gonna get one now.
Play on the weeabootique TONIGHT!
The weabootique is back? I thought party van was the official Yea Forums server.
I don't play TF2.
The attached pic is my loadout.
>he wasted money on games instead of pirating them
>he didn't buy hats
Gotta show off that pillar of hats somehow
I like it
Dude are you that fucking kid who asked valve for a community skull then tried to sell it?
Or does more than 1 community skill exist?
When we play it's full. We mostly go on weekends at night.
The amount of uncle dane knockoffs i've seen since this update is wonderful
People who make some sort of identity out of their TF2 loadouts are fucking faggots
1 of 3
Eye cancer.
2 of 3
3 of 3
no shit nigga, thats the whole point lol
i still don't know why the fonts in my loadout like to disappear randomly
>displaying your noob kill counter to people that couldn't care less
The rocket launcher can interchangeable with the Original too
>haha look at me guys i'm a retard IRONICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!
the gigachad spy main has no equal
reminder that if you reply to more than 5 posts in a single post you deserve to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.
Eye've got a lot of compliments on this one.
enjoying my 5 euro unusual
rate my team
it's ok, not bad but pretty basic
for the most part. i got it as a surprise souvenir from going to valve for make-a-wish then i showed it on a trading site to see the reactions. i was also like 11 and had an ego bigger than the lump on my head. im not excusing it, i was a fuckin idiot and deserved all the shit i got
did you make a full recovery?
yus, but chemo and radiation obviously has its side effects so my left eye has like a perma-cataract among other shit
it's just another one of the million little things that broke over years of updates and won't ever get fixed because valve only ever lifts a finger to keep the game in a barely functional state anymore
also pairs with this
I don't care about unusuals and I frankly agree that TF2's community and community-made hats are undermining the artstyle. I just hate seeing every other post in a thread has a reply only to find out it's just one faggot making a list and who isn't really saying anything at all. It's an obnoxious browsing experience and you should hang yourself if you do so without realizing how obnoxious it is.
Medic is hilariously unremarkable. Demoman is bad but so are most demoman sets. Scout, Soldier, and Pyro are fun. Heavy and Sniper look like ass. Engineer and Spy are actual 10/10s.
>but so are most demoman sets
wat u sey to me
replace the Mann of the seven seas with this
good idea
good taste
Can you get banned for putting porn on an objector?
it technically violates TOS but no one gives a shit
Ah shit, I remember reading about you on the wiki years ago. Neat. Nice to see you're still with us.
>i was also like 11 and had an ego bigger than the lump on my head
age knocks us all down a couple pegs. when you get older and your parents/family aren't bending over for you every whim anymore it makes you realize you're inherently worthless
good for you on your recovery, kid
im not a trader i swear
resepct, distro?
Sometimes I just go stock demoman and stomp everything.
my spacero is cooler
The glare makes your pyro look really sad.
> overwatch is the successor of TF2
not without loadouts it aint
captain space man's transparency is kinda fucked, sadly
i have come to claim your soul
Why the absolute fuck can I not put war paint on an existing weapon?
Hats painted don't create an entirely new hat, so what the fuck?
Fucking Jew cunts
I have smashed people with a sign sayin “god hates niggers” for years and I havent been banned yet.
Am I the only one who thinks Spy needs a small buff to his watch duration? Maybe it's just me but the more I become used to the L'Etranger, the easier I see it is to find openings in a game that has a million ways to expose Spies and a million players who understand the basic concept of turning around every once in a while or when their teammate behind screams bloody murder and broadcasts to everyone that a Spy is around. Trying to run the CnD or Dead Ringer without it is asking to be useless half the game. The IW is serviceable without it but still massively benefits from allowing you to find someone to stab without fear of running out of cloak and awkwardly uncloaking in the middle of nowhere because someone snatched the ammo box you were going for. Especially after the inclusion of Xray vision. Fuck Xray vision.
What's a good color to paint a cloud 9 hat with no name?
Got one through my treacherous actions of using a game mechanic and opening a specific crate.
Gay Cowboy Lover
just give me my fucking old damage tank dead ringer back and i will slaughter everyone
I was just asking what color to paint it, user. No need for insults.
spy never should have even gotten the movement speed buff
Oh right thought you meant name
Then I remembered it's literally called Hat With No Name so
Grey because the gay cowboy jizz stained it
Why is white paint so much more expensive?
You still can with the kunai, its fucking retarded.
wait, what the hell. I just looked and all paint is like 20 ref a piece. Even the "lesser" ones are like 10-7 ref.
I remember getting gold paint for like 2-3 ref.
yea, kinda
it's a straight upgrade to the default knife
Think its legit more expensive in the shop AND only obtainable from a select few crates. Plus its in demand unlike all the other garbage paints.
recently changed steam guard so I can't exploit :(
Metal is worthless now because of the hordes of bot accounts managed by the trading mafia.
Its essentially the same thing as the idling issue.
>not naming your Medigun "Kamehameha"
sunk cost faggots in anything are embarrassing
>noobs running around with free unusuals
it literally cost money to unlock the crates and the crates themselves were worth more than keys
Having a hard time deciding.
8/10 pretty good name, made me chuckle
>ggrrrrr make the unusuals worthless so my hat portfolio doesnt tank
Reminder that this is the same people who profitted hundreds of dollar on distributing the crates
>having stranges when anyone can get a strange to hale's own on a strange farming server
what is even the fucking point
>still no strange nesse's nine iron
it hurts lads
>jojo reference
soldier is bretty gud
don't hate the rest
best loadout i've ever fucking seen
>those fucking generic spy main secondhand-embarrassment inducing weapon names
What's the least visually threatening loudout possible?
Demopan obviously
hopefully gaben won't cuck this cool hat i got for almost 3 bucks
Give me your most convincing todd howard cosplay loadout
Second one's really good. Nice and simple. I wish TF2 only had modest shit like this still.
Fat Engie
wacky chan humour bro :^)
Been a while since I've seen the set hats since the sets have long lost relevancy. Still think some look pretty neat.
Graphics look like shit because I am a tryhard with a 144hz monitor that wants every possible frame
the names are fantastics
also recommend me a new hud please, the one I currently have is truly shit
If it works just stick with it t b h
how are you not meeting 144 fps with above low graphics using a cpu/gpu justifying the monitor in the first place, in a 15 year old game?
Damn TF2 looks good on N64
because I am a tryhard with a 144hz monitor that wants every possible frame at all times
Healslut at your service
They are literally untradable and unmarketable right now. If they release the restriction the hats will flood back and the price will tank again.
Thoughts on these four?
The baker boy is sick and the soldier looks dope
Pretty much what I rolled with for years now.
Hat used to be unusual, but cashed out on that long ago.
Make sure to get a fatcross xhair with the green turned all tf the way up
Well now you'll be able to get another unusual version dirt cheap on monday, so be excited!
2009: The Loadout
he doesn't know
What are furies like IRL?
This will be your last yeehaw, cowboy!
definitely left
Actually based.
Good disney reference mang.
>Lebowski Hoovy
soldier's sparkplug is a juul
Fuck me, this is a good one.
What are the names of the items spy is wearing in this? I want to go full CHAOS to dab on the traddies
Its a Scout only hat
The shirt is called The Showstopper
I think the hat and the shoes might be Halloween restricted items.
Thanks m8
Get the banana hat
That Scattergun name is great.
this loadout makes you look like a cancer survivor
probably outdated by a year or so
Tried to make pyro look like he belongs in a slasher film
Where did you make this? I remember looking for this site a month or so ago, but I couldn't for the life of me find it.
should be from, i dont remember how but there's some option that lets you take your loadout and do that
>gen 3
>gen 1 boxes were the ones that had the unusual guarantee
>deleted soon
>valve only made them untradeable / marketable, still giftable / giftwrappable
this is not my main, but I am quite proud of this loadout
>people who unboxed unusuals from the crates and then gift wrapped them have them tradable and craftable
Holy shit.
boxes 1-20 were gen 1. boxes 61, 82, and 85 were also effected, were more easily accessible, and were gen 3. plus, while i agree with you that we're likely keeping them, there is the possibility they are deleted as valve said they are deciding what to do. as it turns out
you are the retard
Also painted ones too
I see your bk reference
don't think I didn't
>tfw should buy a fuckton of cheap paint while shit is locked down and make shit sellable
>Ocelot spy
What happens if you mix this with the Gaelic Glutton?
deleting them would create far too big shitstorm for valve to handle
just taking the unusuals off the market is enough, because the harm of the boxes has already been done, people have wasted hundreds of dollars to the boxes and many have profited a lot from them
imagine not knowing of this glitch and opening a chest and you finally get that unusual and you're fucking stoked of this good luck and then valve just deletes it because WHOOPSIE WE MADE AN OOPSIE, that'd be fucking devastating, and imagine them opening the faulty chests, instead of selling them for hundreds of dollars
so no, there is a 100% chance they won't be deleted, but just made unable to be profited off of
You say that but remember valve also profited from literally every crate and key sold, so they are in fact culpable in this as well.
>still playing TF2
What a fucking unit
what medal is that
I don't know if I'd have realized it in-game, but that's actually quite good.
Tell me about the pyro! Why does he wear the mask?
The PASS Time medal for playing it before it became a official dead mode
Didnt they outsource that gamemade to another company?
Yea, Bad Robot and Escalation Studios
I just opened this what do I do
Equip it and do the Mannrobics taunt after every kill
Wear it and micspam dota
give it to me
Lucky Devil
>forgotten tf2 artstyle
holy fuck this thread is depressing
please bring back 2007
son of a...
5 names it
the mann of your dreams
haha gay porn hat
I cum blood
sell that for a lot of money before the market crashes on gen 3 effects
nigger joe's crab shack
Mentally Ill Tranny
Ricar-Doe's Dancin' 'Danna
Stripper Fedora
gay dancing on your corpse
Rocketjumped like a Butterfly
fuck niggers and trans
Canned Heat
5 names it
i drink water
FUCK YOU with the male symbol at the end
gay nigner hahaheheh :D)
>no good tf2 sfm vids
A damn shame
gachi friends :)
thanks for rolling
I haven't played that shit ass game in years but here's my characters as of 2015. Please bully
What is the drop rate for these things? 0.1%? Congrats, you lucky son of a bitch. How many crates did you open?
Do not fire where they are, but where they will be.
2. I slept through the glitched crates thing
were you playing on 2fort earlier?
cheers bros
all my other loadouts i keep super simple for the purpose of not letting hats "determine my skill level"
haven't played tf2 in like 4 months
let alone 2fort
What's even weirder is that they sorta look at the enemy's feet for whatever reason.
fair enough
i saw a spy with the same loadout just a few hours ago, thought it might have been you
cool shit though
selling all my strange weapons was the best thing to ever happen to me
I was literally addicted to watching the strange number go up
haven't played this game in forever
cool nips.
what if it's videogames?
sometime I wish there was a TF2 X Splatoon crossover just to see what kind of fashion police monstrosities would be born out of the 2 comic items
>Overwatch is the successor of TF2
>hentai objector
>the state of pyro mains
Unless its an ace high soldiers stash i dont want your particle effect hats gabe.
>He thinks fine art is hentai
Get a load of the actual plebeian
>Pestering Jester (scout, soldier, pyro, heavy)
>Breakneck Baggies
>Sneaky Spats of Sneaking (painted Australium Gold)
No good.
hey, that ain't the state of pyro mains. i got another sign last night and haven't updated that image, so that'd be the state of pyro mains. plus i've got a heart badge i'm gonna paint and redescribe for her, so i'll have to add that, too.
This is the exact type of autistc shit I'd image a pyro main to say
And it's real easy to do.
hat of homogay
i love my waifu, man. what can i say?
he is in clear disgust that you made him wear that shit
>tfw deleted my spiral sallet
why would you do that
>throwing free items
>trashing a good hat
For what reason user?
I was absolutely fucking retarded
I still am, but this appalls me
>Hasidic Medic
>with Dead Presidents effect
might be able to contact steam support to get it back, they do that with gibuses sometimes
was using the wrong flamethrower. here's the right image
Its ok, I miss my paper hat
>valve fucked up 100% drop rates but still can't add in a strange tide turner/dragons fury
this has been my go-to soldier for the past couple of months
1 of 6
2 of 6
3 of 6
4 of 6
I just equipped my ill gotten Purple Energy Pom-Pommed Provocateur in place of the Jester hat myself. Party rock lads
5 of 6
stitch them all together in paint, nerd
6 of 6
I really focused more on stranges and not cosmetics, thank god i didn't get more than one unusual
what the hell is going on with your revolver
Whats happening on monday?
unironically more hype for every class finally having their own bird thanks to the phoenix than unusuals because I missed my chance to unbox them. Also have no idea why everything is festive, and I'm probably going to change some sets now because some of the new stuff actually looks pretty decent.
textures are turn on low
i have a shitty computer
Pyro already had a bird skeleton though.
>Playing a 10++ old game
you millennials needs to hang yourself unironically.
Fortnite is brazillian times better
Can they do that with the proof of purchase?
local demoman traps the invis rocks
tf 2 is still the most ccjghb gzem ever .
i just want my strange timmy turner...
a truly unique unusual effect
tfw most of these unusuals dont compliment the loadouts at all
my tf2 account is probably worth more than my car
>my tf2 account is probably worth more than my car
those names are fucking disgusting, you really wasted those name tags for THAT
I also play as spy or engi and if needed med
I love this hat combo, sadly it only works on Halloween.
the name tags are what, ~70 cents? Friend, I've made far worse financial investments
The Dark Helm is one of the most tame items in all of TF2 and the fact that it's Halloween exclusive pisses me off more than anything else in the game
Probably my favorite scout in the thread. Subtle and nice to look at.
Not after thursday night's fiasco.
Game is bloated to fuck. I have a R5 1600 and RX 580 and I'm lucky to get 90fps on most maps with an autist config.
Great name, made me laugh.
What's with that orange rope on the Demo?
I 100% agree. I personally think valve should just make some of the old Halloween hats non-Halloween so we can enjoy them year round.
>mfw valve lets me keep my glitch hats and tradefags get the gas
This is the only loadout I actually put effort into
Literally the only character I can imagine Roadhog killing in a 1v1 is the Medic.
>tfw creatively and fashionably bankrupt
why can't my brain just tell me what looks good or not
There really is absolutely no reason why the fuck halloween-exclusive items are still a thing.
They're a shit idea from the get-go, but now you've got shit like this that's more odd and theme-breaking than 90% of Halloween items yet it's wearable year-around.
I agree, full moon needs to go away to let people use more shit or do the inverse, add the full moon to shit that doesnt fit too well like the banana or the cardboard pirate hat
I know right? While I personally like the greylien, I do hate the fact that it's not a Halloween only despite the fact it quite obviously looks like it should be one. I just hope that maybe, just maybe that I'd be able to wear that outfit year-round without looking like someone who didn't bother trying to get a 3rd cosmetic.
Cowboy Engi looks good
I am a slave to the numbers, friend
someone here named it
>trying act ironic about your actual feelings
I like the look! Eerie Orb, Fire has to be one of my favorite effects and voodoo has to be one of my favorite hats for demo.
>played a whole bunch of PASS Time matches before it became official
>never got medal
>that guy who uses name tags on shit no one will ever see or care about
>nametagging shit like jarate or sappers
Any tips on making this better?
just fantastic
Rate my Milos
More dakka
Remove the executioner. And the bone belt. And the heavy lifter. Then it's god-tier.
>wearing hair on Heavy
>wearing a hat that exposes Soldier's eyes
Roadhog is added into TF2
How does the meta change?
Keep in mind he the medic can overheal him to a whopping 900 HP
>can't play 12v12
>soon forced 2/2/2
shit game
This man has no good hats, prove me wrong.
>that bottle name
Good shit, user
10/10 names and loadout
SS looks great on Heavy and is an acronym for lots of cool stuff!
Hats not miscs or hair.
>Officers Ushanka
>Sexual Tyrannosaurus
>White Russian
>Capo's Capper
>Dread Knot
>Large Luchadore
>Hound Dog
>One Mann Army
>Mad Mask
>Starboard Crusader
>War Hood
>Mo Horn
heavy duty rag
Straight Shota amiright buddy?
It's simple enough. Wish I had a 4th slot to keep the Graybanns
they'll never outright delete items from inventories unless it was made with a third party program.
Solid guitar name
Hat is from before crash. I like Christmas lights.
Sadly I don’t own the summer jaw, but I’d be up to make that combo!
ey thanks user
you might like this part too
>the handshake doesnt get strange variants
Still good one user
I hope Valve shut down the TF2 server, it's so old and the game is clunky since the hat update.
Good shit
>the jewish handshake
Please rate no hate
Website you can show off all at once. spy is my fav.
>have actual REAL unusuals from crates #1-15 and #82-#85 and #62 with gen 1 and gen 3 effects
>every sever I go on people bully me for "cheating" my items
My fellow Cranium + Megalomaniac user
>have actual REAL unusuals from crates #1-15 and #82-#85 and #62 with gen 1 and gen 3 effects
you deserve it whale
>making the mongolian look magnificent
absolute madman
amazing heavy set
brilliant heavy god damn