Or it's all hybrid from now on?
I'm hoping the Switch Pro is for TV only like a Vita TV.
Or it's all hybrid from now on?
I'm hoping the Switch Pro is for TV only like a Vita TV.
No. Nintendo will never make another dedicated home console ever again. They never sold well outside of the Wii to begin with, plus Nintendo is aiming for mobile shiiters, so there's that.
i feel like it's all hybrid tv/mobile for them from here on out
its ok, i like the switch
Smart phones are responsible for another tragedy, and helping to make the world that much worse. Cell phones are a great invention, the internet in your pocket was a mistake.
The Switch is literally a Wii U in a different plastic casing. Nintendo changed the form factor and suddenly every drooling retard is a Nintendo fan again. Really activates the ole almonds.
>I'm hoping the Switch Pro is for TV only like a Vita TV.
We might see that, their retro mini consoles have done fairly well for them, and the Switch hardware doesn't cost Nintendo that much more.
Its entirely possible that we'd see a Switch TV sold as "the Nintendo Mini" pre-loaded with a selection of 4 player N64/Gamecube/Wii games as a holiday console.
GIven they can operate without much real competition now and can basically monopolize the Japanese market, there isn't any real reason for them to.
>The Switch is literally a Wii U in a different plastic casing.
This blatant bait is so far removed from reality it almost hurts to try and comprehend.
I'm only getting the Nintendo switch for a few games like Luigi's Mansion 3, Astro chain, Daemon X machina, Bayonetta 3, Link's Awakening remake, Etc and that's really about it but I'm not going to use it as a handheld because I don't give a fuk about taking it anywhere
I've always prefer a home consoles for most of my gaming and I don't think Nintendo is pretty much going to make a dedicated Home console anymore the switch it's just making too much sense to them as a philosophy. So pretty much it's over and they've just given Sony another step up since they don't have to worry about Nintendo competing directly as a Home console competitor.
Switch is what Wii U was trying to be. It's safe to say that Wii U was a prototype to the Switch. Except poor marketing, poor connection to the main system, and the use of a gimmick ruined Wii U.
I was thinking about buying a Switch, so that I had something comfy to play in bed
then I realized it only has 4-5 good games, and 3 of those have 'Mario' in the title.
>Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart
>Mario Maker
The Wii U was closer to "A DS with home console power" than a predecessor to the Switch, at least from Nintendo's original intent.
Talking about intent with hardware and not actual internals (which was the part you screwed up with, with saying "The Switch is literally a Wii U in a different plastic casing.") what Nintendo wanted people to do with the Wii U was have gameplay that used both the TV screen and gamepad screen in tandem in new and interesting ways, and Starfox Zero was probably the zenith of that intent.
How well Zero plays should give a pretty good reason why that line of thinking didn't really resonate with either consumers or devs, which is why the gamepad screen was usually relegated to either stuff like maps/inventory, or with what you seem to assume it was used for purely, to be able to play games on wholesale.
It was never going to work for the simple reason that while a DS has both screens right next to each other, the Wii U had the screens in completely different locations in space, meaning you had to physically refocus your eyeballs to each screen any time you wanted to switch your focus, which isn't conducive to gameplay that interplay's between both screens.
And what is wrong with that?
There is a smaller generational leap between the Wii U and the Switch, then between any 2 home consoles Nintendo has ever made before. Remember people saying the Wii was a slightly more powerful GameCube? This is right in Nintendo's wheelhouse. Sorry pal, you didn't buy a brand new cutting edge system, you bought a Wii U that hit the gym for a week.
it was released early 2017 and the library of good games is tiny
I already own a Wii U so I've played all those games. Mario Odyssey isn't really convincing me to drop 300 dollars amigo.
Why are you complaining then? Just play it on PC.
When people say "The Wii was a slightly more powerful GameCube", they mean that literally. The reason that exists as a saying is because the Wii has practically the exact same internal hardware as the Gamecube with some ever so slightly beefed up specs. Which is why backwards compatibility is flawless, because it pretty much IS running on Gamecube hardware.
Wii mode on the Wii U is partial emulation. Damn good emulation because this is nintendo, who obviously know their own machines inside and out, but emulation all the same. You can even emulate Gamecube games on the Wii U through the Wii emulation because obviously a Wii emulator is going to be able to do practically all of the Gamecube functionality to act as a Wii anyway. (Remember, Dolphin was a Gamecube emulator first, hence DOLPHIN being the name of the emulator.)
The Switch however, runs on a Tegra X1 SoC, the same that's in a Nvidia Shield. So calling a Switch a rebranded Nvidia Shield isn't that off the mark. The Wii U on the other hand is its own thing entirely with a small amount of Wii-like hardware to facilitate the emulation.
So to be specific, people buying a Switch didn't "Buy a Wii U that hit the gym for a week.", they bought a Nvidia Shield with a Nintendo logo slapped on it.
>tfw they will never make a normal console with a normal controller ever again
Why must they keep this gimmick shit up?
The real question is are they done with the clamshell design? I miss when my handhelds could fit in my pocket.
Nintendo would be foolish to go back to console after how badly the PS4 murdered the Wii U and Xbox One.
I miss being able to have a handheld (aside from the original run 3DS's, which for that much sadly I have) where I didn't have to worry about the screen being scratched up. I'm surprised there isn't a 3rd party dock thing that you can slide your controllers into a bottom half, stick the actual console into the top half, and be able to close it up while not in use.
He's a shitposter using the 'port machine' bait to get (you)s. There, I saved you time.
If you wear adult pants then you should be able to fit a switch mini in your pocket, albeit with it sticking out a bit.
>The Switch is literally a Wii U in a different plastic casing.
if only that were true, then it would actually be a good console. instead, they removed the free online, virtual console, superior build quality and ergonomics, asymmetric multiplayer, gamepad features, and more.
What's the point when their consoles will always be underpowered shit that can't compete with other port machines? They may as well just continue to make the most powerful handhelds on the market.
>he m-must be a shitposter because he doesn't want to rebuy all the games he already bought in 2014
>h-he must be trolling
I wish Microsoft would vanish from existence for starting paid online. Even worse that people accepted it.
>I-I-I'll u-use m-m-m-meme a-arrow
>t-t-that w-will s-s-s-s-s-show him
Fuck off retard. Go try your bait on reddit or wherever you came from, fucking underagefag.
>gamepad features
Boohoo I can't be a faggot and use my touchscreen gimmicks. The rest of what you said was fair, but the switch has a better design and is a fully portable console which is more powerful than the Wii U. Had the Wii U been what the Switch was to begin with and had all the 3DS IPs moved to it then I probably would have bought one. Instead the Wii U had Mario Galaxy and that was it.
You know the Switch has a touchscreen right? There's even games that exclusively only play in handheld mode that make use of it. Granted most if not all of these are low effort ports of literal mobile games, but the point still stands.
Having 2 screens is obviously superior to one screen. Think of the unique games we could've gotten if all these Nintendo Switch fans put their money where their mouths are and supported the Wii U. Developers would have made games that utilized that feature in new exciting ways. We never got to see a fifth of it's full potential, and now it's gone.
What potential nigger? List one idea for touch screens that wasn't used on the Wii U which people would actually use. Also I own a Switch and I literally never use the touchscreen except for typing. Touchscreens are useful for aiming in platformers like Terraria but I'd obviously rather use a controller so I dont have to smudge up my screen.
Yes I am aware and I never use it for games. Can't imagine myself using it willingly ever unless I was forced to via gimmick gameplay.
Read Despite that, while I agree with you in theory, the issue the Wii U's 2 screen gameplay had was in a living room setup, with a larger format display set up well away from you, the constant refocusing from one screen to another was a legitimate issue for both effort (read, people are lazy) and because the physical time it takes to refocus onto the new screen was dead time that could effect playing the game, issues you can't really get around. I played Wii U games on a PC monitor at my desk, so that was never too much of a issue, but most people wern't me. It was pretty good (if the power had of been there) for games to do what Pokkén did and have both players on entirely separate screens though.
Games with the same kinds of creativity as seen on the DS could have been amazing, but alas, the best we got was SFZ.
Your sticks are gonna start drifting if it's anything like the regular model.