After the weekend

>After the weekend


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It's pretty funny to be honest.
You can almost see how apathetic they truly are towards the community.
Even Jagex, years ago when the Falador massacre occurred had a sense of urgency when it came towards sorting out the game/economy.
Valve literally can't be fucked to do anything until Monday.

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why this game still exists

shiny hat. you buy?

I think it's more that they don't know WHAT to do. I guarantee they're spending the weekend consulting their lawyers.

They can't really let people keep $5 unusuals but at the same time they cannot legally take them away now. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

There's that, but I'm also talking about the fact that it literally took them FUCKING 8 HOURS to do anything.

But the falador massacre didn't had any impact to the economy aside from like 3 party hats being pk'd

damage is already done, price is tanked forever

This is the greatest thing to ever happen. Fuck every single pompous asshole in the TF2 Unusual trading community. I hope they kill themselves over this.

>unusuals arent taken away
>they are instead made untradable and unmarketable
>Valve implements a sink where you can craft these unusuals
>the result is like a cheater's lament only its a pair of devil horns
>the more hats you craft to level it the bigger & more elaborate the horns get
>comes with a custom particle effect and killstreak effect
>everybody else gets cheater's lament 2.0
>if you kill someone wearing devil horns your halo levels up
>it also gets more elaborate, has a killstreak effect, etc

This is the easiest fix that gives everyone a consolation prize, and is legally-sound, but Valve is too lazy to do actual work so they'll probably just keep every hat the way it is and hope people forget about it.

Now imagine if the Fally massacre went on for 8 hours without any intervention from Jagex.

U remember that cash stack bug from couple months ago? It took them like 1-2 hours to get into it and rollback the servers

lmaoing at the aspies who take TF2 cosmetic trading seriously

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This game is still going?

enlighten me: why can't they just do a rollback(all tradesfrom those unusual, those crates purchases, keys purchases reverted and money got from it reverted, game purchases from that money reverted)? they can dodge 99% of credit card chargebacks fees for people who put money into crates just those last 3 days by just returning them as steam money.

i am sure anyone who managed to make money out of a bug would understand why morally, and for the health of the game, that would be the right thing.When i get out of a shop and the cashier messed up and gave me 10€ as change i am not going to rage if he stops me just after i stepped out of the door.
if someone is stupid enough to sue let them.america court system shouldn't let a class action from eastern europeans abusing a bug to produce 100$ steam dollars go that far.

I think I was online when that happened. I thought it was something like 30 minutes for them to send out the SYSTEM UPDATE IN: text.

>accidentally tank the economy, thousands of whales and their bots panicking
>regular playerbase is laughing at the chaos and taking full advantage of the situation
>you and your 2-4 other co-workers left behind as a skeleton crew for the game gotta resolve the entire situation by yourselves with no backup from big brother Valve
yeah I’d take a weekend off too

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Why would Valve give a shit about a bunch of NEETs having their $3000 virtual hats being de-valued?

it can't die

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This is a great thing though

>go to a casino
>sit down at a slot machine
>put in a quarter, pull the arm
>you win
>do it again
>you win
>this keeps happening for hours
>you accrue a massive stack of winnings
>casino staff only notices later
>demands all your winnings back, says they will just give you back the quarters you put in

As I'm sure you have already guessed this is illegal.

Bonus round:
>lootboxes are currently being investigated by the federal government as gambling for children, which Valve does not want to get involved with
>they are already in hot water with pretty much all of Europe for this crate and key gambling bullshit
>you would have to trace every market transaction; some people who sold crates or hats surely bought games, which means they would have to take profits from devs on Steam or eat a big loss
>they made money regardless (keys dont come out of thin air, all market sales give Valve a little cut) so this didnt particularly harm them

tl;dr if this was a simple fix Valve would have done it yesterday, but it isnt.

they should care. a lot.

because it's their entire business model sustaining TF2,dota2, CSGO and underlord, as well as Artifact, to which the verb "sustaining" definitely doesn't apply.

that's 99.9% of their game income and it's based on how thrustworthy they are perceived in handling digital goods. if people see they are shit at it and don't respect the digital value, then each cosmetic for dota2 and CSGO is gonna get devalued, which means less people are going to buy crates or will want to buy them only at half price in all of their games.

>Jews getting fucked

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give me one reason why they can't say fuck the hatjews and let people have their unusuals?

Sold my crates to some dumbass

Thanks for buying me doom eternal and cyberpunk ha ha ha

Core gameplay is fun, characters are fun

Because truth be told this is not bad for Valve at all, the Steam market as a whole works amazingly in terms of passive income towards Valve, they didn't just managed to get money out of the most useless items on TF2, they are also getting even MORE money due how efficient the passive income they get is. I said this example yesterday but it still applies.

>user A sells a crate for 65$
>user B buys the crate, user A gets 60 SteamBux and Valve now has 5$ for free
>user A uses the 60 SteamBux to buy Doom Eternal
>Valve takes 30% of game sales.

Worst case scenario for Valve is an outrage from the traders and that's it, but they made a ton of money on literally pixels.

Because the economy is what keeps the game running since it makes valve profit. I don't care about whales or traders but they keep valve interested with profit. As long as they get money they'll stay interested. Along with the fact that if theg don't respond every other trading community will implode im on itself with rampant speculation when they realize that at the drop of a hat valve can fuck up immensely and make their items worthless. This leads to valve losing even more money.

Because it would be grounds for a class action lawsuit. Lootboxes/crates are already gambling, imagine the asshurt if they decided that no no no no, you're winning too much, here's your money back but feel free to try again!

How do you think these lads are holding up?

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you cant sue over pixels in the US because the TOS and the EU cannot sue a US company because the US government got their back

basically get fucked trade scum

I know for a fact Darth Chicken is some rich Saudi faggot who can drop 100 grand on a video game like its nothing

Those guys are all faggots with no lives.

Am I crazy or is there not some clause that states valve has the right to do whatever the fuck they want with your community items? Why shouldn't valve have the right to make these permanently account locked?

I'm out of the loop, what happened?

bonus: was there ever any backlash/resolution to the steam sale race debacle?

They are literally trust fund babies made for life off daddies company.

bad press just to appease a few hat hoarding jews

New TF2 updated added a couple of zeroes to the chances of getting an unusual hat on certain crates (Basically you would get an unusual everytime) people abused that and now there is a million unusual hats going around

How is letting people keep their glitched unusuals they paid next to nothing for bad press?

Get fucked trader scum. That’ll teach you to annoy me with your friend requests and trade requests.

You easily figure it out yourself, but let me summarize anyways
Yesterday morning there was a bug that caused some chests to have 100% Unusual drop rates, the economy for much of the Unusual market dropped considerably

How isn't it good press? Valve fucks up and lets players keep their shiny hats vs valve fucks up and takes everything away because a handful of autists think tf2 is a stock market simulator.

"The Inside Trader"

Imagine the rage. I can still feel it echoing throughout the epoch.

A more recent example is when a dev, who had been joking around during a dev stream, forgot to remove the infinite spawn of a super late game weapon that sells for billions. When it was noticed, Jagex instantly sent admins to spawn blockades around the spawn while the server team prepped for a rollback.
People lost a total of two hours of progress. Such a monumental mistake and the only price was two hours of progress. (well the game was offline for the whole day so technically more time was lost)

Gold sellers/buyers might have gotten screwed but fuck those people with a rake. For the normal players, almost nothing was lost. Bear in mind that Jagex is insanely incompetent when it comes to anything and even they managed to fix the problem with ease.

Because it's the weekend and it's not an emergency, literally no harm can come from just putting a hold on all the affected hats.

No underage newfaggot, you don't get a halo no matter how much you piss and moan.

There is no legal issue here, people were knowingly abusing a bug and Valve lays out clearly in their TOS you don't own anything on their server, including all the games and items you own. They can close your account for literally any or no reason. Probably won't do that just because it'd be a PR nightmare but there's no fucking legal issue for them. They don't owe you shit. Seethe harder.

Pretty sure that 8 hours was a part of them not having a clue what to do.

what happened?

Or the fact that it happened really late at night while everyone was sleeping and it doesn't even matter because they can easily track which hats are affected when they go to work in the morning.

He doesn't seem mad at all. He's suggesting an idea to sort out the fiasco. Also calling somebody a newfaggot, along with the unjust anger, AND with spacing like that proves to me that you're only here for another couple of months. Try not to get too involved or people will notice you're not really from around here desu

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Certain crates had a 100% chance to give an unusual for 8 hours
Crate prices skyrocketed and unusual prices tanked

>He wasn't here for the halocaust
>Calling anyone new
Sorry cheating faggot.

And I'll space my posts however I want :)

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>People were so upset about not getting a halo they made shit to instantly kick/ban people who wore theirs or changed the model to pic related
Good times

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>They can't really let people keep $5 unusuals
yeah they can
it literally doesn't matter

nah it took like 30-40 mins, i was playing during

>(well the game was offline for the whole day so technically more time was lost)
did they refund every member a free day of membership? if they didn't fuck them

But Jagex absolutely fucked up the game by letting that party hat duplication glitch devalue party hats by not removing all the dupes or doing a thing about it

>You can almost see how apathetic they truly are towards the community.
Only to retarded economyfags. And thank fuck for that.

It's just one day you jew.

>faking old filenames and whining about "reddit spacing"


>they can dodge 99% of credit card chargebacks fees for people who put money into crates just those last 3 days by just returning them as steam money.
>sorry dear customer, but we had to TAKE AWAY the items you bought. as a recompense here, have some funny money you can use on our store only.
great way to get sued retard

>not just letting the mannconomy crash

>using reddit spacing



>shut down everyones tf2 inventory
I think that's pretty obvious decision to make mate, wouldn't you agree

>I was playing a videogame while the rest of the world was working and advancing themselves
>Deriving any sort of superiority

>Certain crates had a 100% chance to give an unusual for 8 hours

"just one day" people paid for it you retard
send me $5 to my paypal then, it's just $5 you jew. can't do it? fuck you jew

Reddit spacing is literally a reddit meme

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>You sir win all my internets for a week
Simpler times. Innocent times.

The worst are the people who get so influenced by this stuff that they literally alter the way they type because they don't want to be accused of being reddit.

>They can't really let people keep $5 unusuals
They absolutely can. There isn't a single thing stopping them except a handful of angry traders.

You say that but sometimes it's just easier to go with the flow. Pick your battles my dude.

The mid 2000s were kino.

>That reply
>The internet will always be turning more and more cynical each day and its innocence will be vanished
>Reddit has coined it on top of that

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That cheatfag AND wagie cope.

All right anons, let's play a little game.
Valve contacts you. You're tasked with creating a hat for the people who didn't abuse the bug. In MS Paint, draw your hat and give it a name and description.

VALVE NIGGERS only care about FUCK YOU GUYS IN THE ASSS to get money as much as possible and coulnt give a shit about their fans which made them who they are today, fucking give their games AS LITTLE support and updates as POSSIBLE to sell as MANY LOOTBOXES as possible and if something happens they do it half assed and don't give a fuck about their reputation since people will keep buying their lootboxes like a damaged housewife and all those people who are still stuck in "VALVE BEST MUH HALF LIFE 2" keep licking their GOOCHES

>o rly?
now that some vintage meme right there

retard chink

It's dumb virtual hats. Who the fuck cares, retard.

I'm not sure who in their right mind would trash their unusuals for a pair of devil horns unless they really didn't like those unusuals and didn't sell them in time.

>"the economy"

Maybe you've forgotten but this is a team-based fps game, not a stock trading simulator.

this is starting to stink of "oopsie my mistake jeje" just to stirr up the market to get some free bux, fuck you valve i hope you go bankrupt

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imagine being mad about hats in an over a decade old game

>Gabe doesn't make his employees work the entire weekend to patch his companies game
Pretty fucking based, unlike Mr. Tim Sweeney.

there would be 30 threads up every day for like a month if it was epic that had this incident and not valve

>team fortress 2
>not a trading simulator

i dont give a shit about the hats i give a shit about how the only ones winning from this shitstorm is valve themselves, and all they had to do is fuck up and steal money from gullible people in the process. I am am dissapointed that the 3 bucks i wasted arent even going to turn into ingame pixels to lag some thirld-worlders computer

>Valve makes less money from selling hats and skins
>A bad thing
Maybe they'll fucking return to their vintage roots of making goddamn videogames

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noooooooo my status symbols!!!!

>get a small cut from an expensive item being sold every 3-4 hours
>get a small cut from a not so expensive item being sold every nanosecond

They made a shitload more money on the market getting them to be worth shit for 3 days than what they got in the past 5 months

it's still good

This, purple phats (pink back then) were the most expensive until the dupe. Jagex didn't do shit to fix it.

but they already fixed it
now they have to weigh the rammifications of the decision that will come to follow and who to punish and how if they are going to at all

Hahaha shut the FUCK up tradescum

and also use a more fitting example, the party hat duping where they didn't do anything really about the duped items and most of them still exist to this day

yeah it's basically unplayable because of that, really fucked up the game

You retards are trading your fake video game hats off-site for real money that valve doesn't get a cut of

They don't care about you and I don't either. Fuck you and your gay hats bitch!

half of that shit is either not ruined or isnt valves fault

you manchildren make me laugh

fuck of furry trade scum, no one likes you, not even valve

valve skim cents off every market transaction and every game sale, they dont give a shit about your self made "elite" club. they only care about the broken code that caused the error.

may as well just kill yourself because these bonus hats are staying forever.

because steam wallet money is used, and isn't exclusive to the tf2 market, and can be used for anything on steam, even buying games, and it's quite literally impossible to rollback everything

if tf2 had its own currency this wouldn't be the issue it turned into, but now that a lot of that money has likely been cashed out or put into other games, there's not much valve can do at this point, even if they wanted to

why all ESL retards never use the words do or does?

nice sarcasm idiot

the real queation is will Gabe take away my 200€ steam wallet shekels that i made?

nice fake picture

I hope they become marketable.

If you already spent them on games, very unlikely

they really should've shut it down after that blunder
not sarcasm I don't care about runescape at all, shut it down for all I care

already preordered DOOM and bought 50 CSGO keys

Even more recently they just added a spawn for the most powerful weapon and most expensive (second most expensive?) item in a rando spot outside the woodcutting guild, one would just appear every few seconds. Crowds gathered on every server, before they could shut it down or rollback they patched in tree stumps surrounding it.

yeah, and they rolled that back within like half an hour
don't most large companies screech at their top IT guys to do emergency work after hours if there's something going to shit?

*ConTracker starts buzzing*

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