What is the biggest fuck up in videogame history?

What is the biggest fuck up in videogame history?

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Your existence

Yea Forums

cliffy b


PS3 launching at $600. who here team #wii60 ?

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Ps3 sold more than 360 though.

I don't play videogames though.



>Ps3 sold more than 360 though.
yes but the launch was definitely a fuckup and that's coming from a guy who only has a PS4 these days.

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Objectifying women

ET game.



Yeah but it wasn't the biggest fuck up in gaming history you asshole. There have been far far worse console releases than the ps3

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Imagine letting your girlfriend take a picture like this

The eternal redditor

Nintendo breaking the SNES CD-ROM deal with Sony and teaming up with Philips.

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>EA's star wars game getting microtransactioned to death

>Gamecube having no games

>Wii having nothing but shovelware games because it's so easy to make

>Nintendo having to port all their wii u games to the switch because no one bought the switch

>Valves recent update that glitched the crates so everyone had a 100% chance of getting an unusual hat, crashing the tf2 stock market and economy within a matter of hours

>PS3 launching with no games and no survivors

>That shit Cliffy.B did in which all his future games died within days

>Sega getting fucked so hard that they dropped out of the console war
None of these are the biggest fuck ups but I've got a list

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Weapon degradation. I am suck of games making the weapons as frail as paper for no reason other than the sake of it being that time of year.

>letting your girlfriend
women are not yours to control, friend.

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The entirety of the "lost generation". I'm thinking of writing a book. I have legitimately dedicated years of study for no other reason than my personal curiosity. Literally billions upon billions of dollars lost over those years.

Gamecube had games though. Good games.

>"lost generatio
what do you mean?

>women can’t be controlled
Well definitely not by you. They want to be lead by strong men.

that game that bankrupted a state? Kingdoms of Amateur


can someone explain this pic?
i've seen it countless times and don't get it

The sandwich between the 16 bit and 32 bit defined "eras". Cd-i, 3DO, Jaguar, and other "game?" consoles like the LazerActive.

It is explained every time it is posted, so if you've seen it before then you surely seen the explanation unless you purposedly ignored the replies. In other words, fuck off.

iirc, some kid got his hands on an xbox dev kit and decided to take it apart and use it as a case for his pc. If it would have gotten in the right hands, it could have been used for xbox emulation

Cashgrab dlc's

>let's completely fuck up a puzzling game by being edgy for no fucking reason and having shitty camera angles

say what you will about Shadow The Hedgehog, at least it didn't stoop THIS low.

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Imagine your girlfriend betraying you openly like this.

>If it would have gotten in the right hands, it could have been used for xbox emulation
yeah, because that one, unlike all the others on ebay, was the holy grail. The holy grail that he dad couldn't sell or give away and so the kid made a fucking jackolantern out of it.

t. a guy who lets women drag him around by the nose

Can you ramble some here user? I am intensely curious.

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All of these had people still buy and play them and evaluate them as shit

But Lawbreakers

Not him, but I guess you weren't alive back then. It was the Wild West of gaming hardware. I'd throw the Virtual Boy in that 16 bit - 32 bit era discussion too.

I’m all ears to listen about it in general if people want to be nice and indulge me in tales of back then. This does sound weird in an interesting, cool way.

E.T. the game is a meme. I'm telling you as someone who was around, E.T. wasn't a gaming fuck up, let alone one of the biggest gaming fuck ups at the time. It was in reality one of the best Atari 2600 games they made. The rules of the game were simply esoteric, combined with the name recognition of E.T. back then, add in the fact there was no internet and everyone who played it were children, and you get these same kids now grown up and talking about the game on youtube circa 2006-2012. If you walk around everyday believing that E.T. is one of the biggest gaming fuck ups in history, you have been lied to.

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My understanding is that it was the straw that broke the camel's back. It wasn't so much better or worse than any other Atari game, it's just that they had so much hype and money piled on to something that turned out so mediocre. Or more specifically, it didn't match the source material in a way that people hoped for.
What about the game do you think caused the crash, or helped break the camel's back?

so all those copies of the game buried in a landfill, that have actually been found, were just a really strange marketing idea from atari?

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>GameCube has no games
this is categorically false

tu brute?

The game sold millions of copies. Millions. How many actual games were in that landfill? Was ET the only game in the landfill? You're a retard. Atari, the company, was hemorrhaging money. They threw away old, unsold stock because the market was collapsing. E.T. the video game had nothing to do with it. All you're doing is parroting what the Angry Video Game Nerd and your other favorite e-celebs circa 2010 told you. Like I said before, you've been lied to.


Yea Forums = NintendoGAF though, so they'll never admit this.

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I like how there was this constant streak of bad shit coming from this game for the weeks after it came out.

>buggy as fuck
>dev room was in the official release, banned people getting to it
>Nylon bag controversy
>banned players had to write a essay on why cheating is bad if they wanted to get unbaned

Probably more that I can't remember on top of my head right now.
Just baffles me how one game caused so much trouble. If they just made it like a Borderlands looter-shooter or some shit, that could have been good.

I had a friend who got a girlfriend who treats him like this except emotionally, and he still moved away with her. Guys who are with women who are like this just like the abuse, there is no point in trying to explain it to them, they are just beta evolutionary dead ends

I wonder where Lawbreakers would fit on this chart

It'd be the sun. At minimum.

the arma 3 devs going to prison for over a year in a foreign country for no reason

it would be the size of an m-80

Literally no one knows who sold more

I wanna say it would be just to the left of sim city

Bethesda, to answer for who. Their track record of incompetence is unrivaled. (Though Bioware is trying to enter the race.)

For how/why, I'd go with any game that bricked the system just by being played. Which, to my knowledge currently goes to NISA (DD2) and Bioware (Anthem).

When is probably Bioware, for being the closest any game studio has come to being successfully sued for false advertising with the Mass Effect 3 broken promises.

Um sweaty we do know who sold more. The PS3 won the generation over Xbox. You want me to provide proof, or you just wanna do your own googling?


The WiiU

The Switch is literally a Wii U in a different plastic casing. Own a Switch? Congratulations, you also own a Wii U that hit the gym for a few days.

Prove me official EOL sales for the 360 as of 2016. I'll wait.


The PS3 overtook the 360 near the end of the generation when Sony started making games like TLOU

If she really cared for her bf she wouldn't be posing like that with some hunky dude right in his face. Respect should be a two way street, no guy that wants to keep his gf would pose with her and a model, actress, porn star or whatever in this way either. It's just sad that some people lack the self respect to say no in a relationship.

Fallout 76 and its merch/micrtransactions or star wars when ea tried to remake battlefront

Ah, forgot What.
That would definitely go to the Ouya, and Google's Ouya Twoya. (Stadia)

It depends, as much as we make fun of Nintendo turning back to Sony, as it turns Sony was planing on stab Nintendo on the back and they knew.

Sega on the other hand refused Microsoft help when they come and tried to save their ass.

Will we ever succesfully be able to sue a company for making a shitty game? I want to believe.

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>game is so shittily made that you can't move unless you edit the source code because it expects lowercase inputs but forces you into caps lock

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>when ea tried to remake battlefront
When did this happen?


Read up about its development and hype surrounding the release.

Stop trying to control their lives fuckwad, they got themselves into their shithole, just ignore them

>(There's some debate as to whether the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 ultimately sold more units. With such a tight race and lack of official data, it's difficult to come to a clear conclusion.

And I was proven correct based on your own source.

Can't you remember? It had like either pay £40 for darth vader or play for 100,000 hours to unlock him.

I don't care about your 360 nostalgia, just because Microsoft is too afraid to release sales figures now doesn't mean it magically took its first place back

>as of 2016

setting your own rules to protect your fragile worldview. Classic. Here's the wikipedia article of best selling game consoles. You'll notice the PS3 is ahead of the 360. I guess wikipedia is lying to us all, right? Lol


The Playstation Vita was pretty fucking bad, Sony barely bothered giving it any first-party support and since even Sony wasn't pushing it, everyone else steered pretty clear of it too.

oh fuck

underworld ascendant

its hard, i've lived since the 80s, so i have seen a LOT

the virtual boys 10 months of life?
sega releasing the saturn AT E3 1995, telling no one else?
DMC2 existing?
i'd say PS3 being 600, but fucking 3DO was almost as much, Neo Geo was more.
fucking Xbox One launch, pre launch info shit with always online?

MGS 5?

there is more, but those are what i can thing of.

IMO, one of these
>Everything related to Sega Saturn release
Huge financial fuckup that even tarnished a lot of great things that Sega did after that. Also, Sega is still retarded sometimes.
>Everything related to Commodore bankruptcy
Not even AOL or Atari failed this hard
>Virtual Boy --> Nintendo and Sony break up --> third parties jumping the ship during the N64 era
We will never have a modern SNES tier Nintendo home console because of this, the consequences of these events succession still apply today. GBA and DS were a miracle.

Xbox one release is an honourable mention, not as bad people make it out to be.

I am utterly convinced that this man is a deep-cover Sony plant.

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no, more like, this EXISTS and you can't fathom how much LOSS in potential gaming we had.

some alt universe is enjoying it, assholes.

it's a joke and it would be different if a man jokingly posed with a woman.
the joke is on the man because he can take it. like male sexual harassment jokes, or jokes of the man having to carry the bags or something. if you have a gf, this is just par for the course.

>this damage control

Prove to everyone in this thread one console outsold the other with official sales figures or cope harder with your wishful thinking and fanfiction. I haven't taken sides here, yet you just outed yourself as a shill who does it for free.

I don't think you understand what a "remake" is

sega saturn US launch

Stones of Arnhem


That shits ridiculous

>LOSS in potential gaming we had.
I'd argue that sony coming out as a legitimate competitor to nintendo helped spur development. You think Microsoft would have shat out a console against the nintendo discdrive? At best Sega wouldn't have had such a harsh time with their consoles. But just as realistically the entire market could have shat the bed and gone quiet.

>Just baffles me how one game caused so much trouble.

Lots of promises and no pay-offs

>Promise a game with a whole lot of shit going for it
>Give it to your B team, clearly not learning from mass effect andromeda
>Also clearly don't have the money for something as expensive as a nylon bag for so many people

A couple of anons have mentioned ET, but Atari's lack of quality control and destroying its own brand name is perhaps one of the biggest fuck ups in history. They inadvertently destroyed the western market for consoles for themselves and made is so that there would never be a successful western console until the Xbox.

we would have had a nintendostation FF7.

i don't know, we could have had all the good PS1 shit but also nintendo shit and combos of devs. who fucking knows how COOL the thing would have been!

its storytime tardos. here's a list of "the biggest fuckups" of the industry: dino crisis 3, resident evil post CVX in 99% of cases, mass effect being given a pass for stealing everything from Advent Rising, mobas, faggots, horse armor dlc (which let to 90% of the hell that is today), muh realism, diversity hires, story #1 priority, politics as metaphor for current climate in usa, mighty nr 9.
>round 2: anything sonic related, fnaf, battle royales, casuals being listened to, the whole medium embracing pop culture, pedos, commies, dawn of war 3, wow post wotlk, remakes, reboots, rpg elements in everything, crpgs post 2010, all the monetization techniques, the idea of dlc and not expansion packs, yearly releases, always online for SP. memewords like toxic, "journalists" and the giving of platform to faggots who want to make movies, cannot and make vydia instead with hate, regret and disgust for the failure they are.
also convetions. grow up weirdos.

>sold millions
Sold 1.5 million, mostly to grandmas.
>how many were actually in the landfill
At least 2.5 million copies.

Really? - Yeah, no. The XB1 was MS's total fuckup from beginning to end.. Put it this way, the XB1 was supposed to be at launch IPTV (kinda like Playstation Vue) that could play some games (and some games, means only the big franchises, Madden, FIFA, CoD and MS exclusives) that was it.. that's why it was online all the time (that's the IPTV part) had a non-upgradeable internal HDD - this was because it was it be used as your DVR). If anyone had read the non-gaming websites (variety, deadline etc) in the 18 months leading up to the XB1 reveal - it was obvious. It was why they kept mentioning TV (TV, TV) all the time during the reveal.. MS spent over $3Bn hiring drama/comedy VP execs, writers, even bought a studio in Hollywood to make shows.. als, all for nothing.. but I fully expect them to try again with the XB2.

Probably Battlefield V

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How they fucked up so badly? In what world they thought that future of gaming was in television?

The official sales figures that exist put PS3 as the winner by about 3-4 million units. You are asking us to provide you with sales figures that nobody has access to. The data we DO have access to, makes PS3 the winner. You should just try to COPE and move on.

Here read the wikipedia , genius.

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Xbone reveal.

But it's common knowledge that the 360 won domestically.

>at least 2.5 million ET cartridges.

Oh I'm laughing. Alright, no more talking with you. You're in a delusion.

>Though it was believed that millions of copies of E.T. were disposed of in the landfill, Atari officials later verified the numbers to be around 700,000 cartridges of various titles, including E.T.

This is embarrassing.

Todd defended it in an interview saying it's about what the game becomes. God imagine if the general public stopped buying games before they're done.

Ask yourself, do you think Metal Gear Solid would have been made if some coked up sony manager didn;t green light it? Metal gear was ahead of its time in ways but it was also still very much a game of the NES era. By the time of the snes, and the discdrive having Kojima convince people of his fever dreams?

Oh, we're moving the goal posts? Here, let me pat you on the head little guy, and tousle your hair. You did a good job! You won DOMESTICALLY! How wonderful!

Domestically for who? For you, or for me? Do you know what that word means?

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wii u, what a shit console

>However, between 2.5 and 3.5 million cartridges went unsold
My bad, conflated the two

>if you have a gf, this is just par for the course

According to Ray Kassar, about 3.5 million of the 4 million produced were sent back to the company as unsold inventory or customer returns

>Proudly announce plan to fuck over customers with smug attitude because "they'll eat up whatever we serve"
>Get legendary backlash.

Wish it'd happen more often. The April Fools comment is the most you ever saw Blizzdrones give backlash and Pokefags only just turned on Gamefreak.

But nobody gives a flying fuck about mongoloids buying a console to play decade old fifa games.

Is this real? What the fuck

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>Microsoft announced in October 2015 that individual platform sales in their fiscal reports will no longer be disclosed. . The company shifted focus to the amount of active users on Xbox Live as its "primary metric of success"
>PlayStation 3: Sony corporate data reports 87.4 million sold as of March 31, 2017.
Reading is fun

>Do you know what that word means?
When it comes to anything that matters Domestically means the USA of A. Who gives a fuck about the rest of the world, unless you're talking about rape statistics or similar.

>nobody gives a flying fuck

Spoken like a true child. You know who gives a fuck? Sony and their shareholders. Know who else? Microsoft's shareholders. that took an over $1 BILLION with a "B" dollar bath on red rings. That's so impressive, you just have to stand back in awe of the size of this colossal fuck up.


Still couldn't win by selling everyone 2 Xbox 360s. It's even more embarrassing than you think.

>official sales figures put ps3 as the winner
>you're asking to prove data nobody has access to

Are you clinically retarded or just pretending and didn't realise this massive contradiction in your own post? Nobody knows who outsold the other at the end of the gen. You're comparing sales from the 360 in 2014 to ps3 sales in 2017. Everyone with half a brain cell knows that's a fucking retarded comparison to see who outsold the other. Cope harder shill.

That turns me on so much fuck

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Quake Champions.

Uh, like I said. 360 won where it matters. What you fail to mention is that ps3 ans ps4 undercut 360's by 100's of dollars in these third world shitholes. Practically giving them away for free,

>USA of A
And before anyone tries to be a faggot that stands for the United States of America, (oh fucking AWESOME)

What are you trying to say? I read the footnotes too. You didn't crack some secret wikipedia code.

Making Blizzard stock publically traded.

The average IQ of a Playstation owner such as the people you're replying to is evidently in the single digits.

it is real
>dad buys it for me with good intentions
>don't play it for like 2 months because it looks lame
>play it for literally 20 minutes but can't work around the shit camera angles that only let you see like the top 1/4 of your body
>take it out and put it in the family donation box
>dad sees it later and says, disappointed, "did you not like your game user?"
>give some excuse like it's broken etc
>"oh. i'm sorry user"
>feel like shit

fuck this game for making me feel bad

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Would be fine if you also had a picture like this where a porn star is hanging off you while your girl looks pissed. “I was cool with the aqua man picture, fair is fair bitch.”

really nobody metioned star citizen aka biggest scam in gaming?


With the data we DO have, PS3 wins. I don't know why we're now 15 posts deep and it gets more retarded as you scroll. Your favorite company lost. They're also losing this gen too, btw. I'd say deal with it and move on.

Also, pro-tip: if Microsoft won, they would release the updated sales figures. They aren't because they lost, and they know it. You know it, I know it, anything else is living in fantasy land. Grow up.

Sonic 06 single handedly obliterated the reputation of one of the most popular and iconic franchises in gaming. I don't think any other game in another franchise was as impactful.

Can't believe somebody hasn't mentioned Spore

PS3 lost domestically and only won by less than a million consoles internationally. You're a stupid nigger

I'm not so much turned on by the slapping because that shit stings
However, I would like a girl who could wrestle, pin, or throw me though (I'm decent at breaking falls)
Starting to think it's because I was the youngest child

Snoy getting into video games. We may have had less cinematic experiences if they decided never to dip their toes in vidya.


There's that word again. Good luck mopping floors at a McDonalds for the rest of your life, because no one will let you anywhere near a company and their financials. Maybe you could live in a teepee of red ringed 360s if you get desperate, there's plenty to go around.

How many consoles has every country in the world besides the US and Japan made in the history of gaming?

>t-they won w-where I live
>that's all that matters r-right?

This is pathetic.

Are you fucking retarded? Like seriously are you retarded? Because you're exhibiting signs of mental retardation right now. You can't claim any product "won" in any field of any market if there isn't definitive sales from the same point in time to prove which one outsold the other. Comparing sales from 2 products 3 years apart does not tell anyone which one outsold the other by the end of life which is the whole fucking topic of this reply chain. Literally no one and I mean no one (outside of these companies obviously) knows which consoles outsold the other which is an objective fact I could use in a court of law. You're the one who is so evidently butthurt at this fact you're shilling for free and using retarded logic and fanfiction to make yourself feel better about it.

Now either provide official sales for both consoles at EOL or fuck off back to playstation universe.


think about it, why are top 100 lists filled with mostly games from the 80s and 90s, series too from those decades and nothing post 2010 or shit like Halo 2 or Gears 2? no one is gonna say, WOW I REALLY LOVED SOME SHITTY 2015 GAME ABOVE ALL OTHERS!

It was a disappointment and a wasted opportunity, but it was only a single game. In the grand scheme of things it was shooting yourself in the foot compared to blowing your leg off with some of the examples going round.

Spore didn't have that huge of an impact though. It was relatively niche and while it was a massive disappointment, it hadn't really reached enough people that cared to make a big deal out of it. It was born in a hole and died in a hole.
As far as tarnishing the reputation of Maxis, EA had been bleeding them dry for a long time already with the Sims and all its expansions, and they're only just recently circling the drain.

Why does that matter to how many PS3s and 360s were sold? Are you actually brain damaged? What's wrong with you?

How many consoles has every country in the world besides the US and Japan made in the history of gaming?

What matters is you're irrelevant if you're not from the US or Japan when it comes to consoles.

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Summary of thread

>"PS3 outsold the 360"
>"nobody knows who sold better though"
>waaaaaaaaaah the PS3 WON I have no comparative evidence to back my claim but I'll keep spamming it anyway!!!

please, please, PLEASE cope harder. You're like a desperate cornered animal, and it's sad and cringe at the same time. We have data, data says PS3 wins, end of story. Take your meds sperg boy.

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this is true

no one gives two shits about your poor ass country and how many copies of FIFA you fucking bought you poor, unwashed fucks.

overthrow your shit tier gov't and make your country better FIRST, faggots.

I don't know why you guys are even arguing over it, because if you're talking strictly sales numbers, PS3 didn't get first place either. Wii still has it beat

Do you really want to ask that question? Think about Chinese knockoffs and start formulating your post for "well those don't count because..."

>so mad, he stops replying to posts

You can't make this shit up. Facts are facts and don't care about your feelings sweaty. Cope.

Oh you're chinese?

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>tossed out in development
>fired the composer that made some of the most iconic music in video game history and replaced his music with some generic shit
>fired the writer that carried their best games
>forgettable story with forgettable characters
Bungie really thought Activision would be better than Microsoft huh

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What data? Ok show me this data for the PS3 vs the 360 at the end of their lives. I'm looking forward to seeing these official numbers because it's going to be the first time anyone outside of these companies will see them.

the duality of user

>this is what females actually believe
No wonder your gender is pure cancer.

You just had to fucking remind me. I was 13 and begging my dad for the 60gb fat ps3. He ended up getting it for me but it cost him a vacation. I still feel bad but at least I got to play CoD4 in its prime.

Probably that mmo that they accidentally deleted during maintenance
Tortanic was bad but it’s still around releasing content

Not yet, but they own my entire corner of the shitosphere so I may as well start racking up social score.

>>Nintendo having to port all their wii u games to the switch because no one bought the switch

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the guy got btfo by his own source hahahahahahahahaha you cant make this shit up

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>nintendo recycling all their Wii games for 13 years and people still buying them and their 3-$400 consoles/handhelds

Are you upset? Lol.

He also was a cunt about it and wouldn't give the hardware inside to anyone

GDC turning into a marxist meet up. It used to be a good way for devs/programmers to learn how to code better and design better worlds/games.
Now its a summer camp indoctrination thing where the people are giving talks like its a TEDx talk about oppressive patriarchy and player tyranny.

Think about what long lasting effects this will have. Think about what has already happened. No shitty game release can even come close to the scale GDC's fuckery will reap on the medium.

>GDC turning into
Dude, you're meant to set the time machine to the past.

Dude, you're 50 posts deep in a thread with linked wikipedia articles and website links reporting the last figures Sony provided and the last figures Microsoft provided. Sony wins. End of story. Take the green dick out of your mouth and read the thread, and then cope and accept.

the formation and continued existence of EA as a company

>no sources
>this backtrack and cope

Nope. I asked you to back your claim which was the PS3 outsold the 360 at the end of their lives. Still waiting.

>linked wikipedia articles
The pinnacle of 80 IQ shitskin posting

I just meant it used to be about learning how to make a better piece of software, now its about learning how to deconstruct an individual re-education style without the player knowing that is being done to them.

I don't think that was the point of videogames in their inception. There largely isn't 2 way communication between the devs and players to this effect. Deliberately so.

>all these people mentioning the PS3
>hardly anyone mentioning the Xbone
I mean at least the PS3 eventually got better and got games.

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Y'know what's worse? All these decisions, they weren't made by Activision, they were made by Bungie's leadership.

In order for the Xbone to be a fuck up you would have had to think it wouldn't be a fuck up initially.
Everyone knew what was going to happen the moment they announced always online and they way they did it.
Sony's dumb commercial during E3 was a salvo of nails hammered into the coffin of MS.

Is this really what Microsoft fan boys are like? Arguing in the face of facts and evidence? I would be ashamed to be an Xbox fanboy with these single digit IQ man-children screaming and plugging their ears. I have never witnessed such such autism.

Chrono Trigger was originally gonna have hundreds of hours of extra content along with animated cut scenes and an orchestral music but they had to cut back and change the graphics/style of the game after the CD add on was made.

If being a brain dead nigger is an accomplishment it's news to me

The cinematic ots action shooter

Corrin in Smash

Didn't sega stop making consoles because the Yakuza got on of their guys in and he shifted to making PC games and arcades

I feel fallout 76 is a good contender.

>ctrl-f Daikatana
>no results
>game that wiped one of the top dogs of game making out of existence
>one who was treated as a god and a prophet of PC gaming
>and all that he is good for now is coming on stage and saying "bb-b-b-back w-when I was part of i-id *sniffles* Carmack and I-I *someone coffs* pp-p-please,i made.... doom...."
>it's cliffy and fallout 76 instead
zoomers, fuck off

When their attempts to get people the canvas bags that were promised resulted in peoples personal info getting leaked, it felt like a comedy sketch at that point.

Just searched the thread for Daikatana.
Gamers really don't know their history. Would be like not knowing what the Berlin wall was.

is this illegal?

>In order for the Xbone to be a fuck up you would have had to think it wouldn't be a fuck up initially.
That's exactly what people thought. Initially, when the current gen consoles were announced, the Xbox 360 was already a massive success, so MS had a lot of goodwill from people. Naturally everyone thought that the Xbone would blow everyone out of the water, no one counted on MS torpedoing themselves like that, it was the biggest marketing fuckup in the history of games.

I was gonna say FF XIII, but after playing XV I'm not sure about that.

Sega stopped because of economic downturn and bad luck with the dreamcast release timing. They took a series of hits they couldn't hope to weather unbowed so they did what they needed to to survive.

>Fallout 76

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Quake Champions. Not in terms of money but if they had any clue whatsoever they would just make a classic Quake game. They tried to make it appeal to "all skill levels." Which surprise surprise Quake players don't give a shit about casual games so it was too hardcore for casuals and too casual for hardcore players so it appealed to nobody

The other user talking about them referencing TV non-stop gearing up for it is right. They were heavily HEAVILY telegraphing that the Xbone was going to be a game console second and a media center first.
Only idiots thought otherwise.

Blame the US side of Sega making calls that were exclusively bad. Releasing the Dreamcast on 9.9.99 for meme potential when all business knowledge would tell you that it was a terrible window to release in.

I don't know a single person who predicted that MS would try to implement the idea of a game console with digital games only.


Never happened. Yea Forums tried to push that idea but SWTOR went on to be successful with a steady playerbase. Don't know if thats still the case, but ... the events that triggered Tortanic were still pretty hilarious.

But my bet as the biggest fuckup must have been Fallout 76. A big ass developer and publisher, known for wonky, but fun games that held gamers for MONTHS in front of their screens managed to fuck up a game so hard that it got trashed by reviewers way before the release, telling gamers everything will be fine, full damage control. And then it gets released, the game gets even worse. A game with a big name, a brand that prints money and they FUCKED IT UP SO BAD, even amateur indie devs could have done better.

Or maybe its TF2 and Half Life 3. Valve managed to run TF2 into the ground and just stopped making games because there is more money in card games and the fuck ups that is the Dota Community.

Or maybe that game this one asshole dev privately "finished" (some old school RPG game) and when it got released, it was technically and gameplaywise a steaming turd?

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>quake hardcore skill
>so who can flick shot better during the current maps routine?
>nigga did you just hip shot me with a sniper rifle

>put it in the family donation box
>dad sees it later
Reminds me of how my family has a bin for stuff to burn instead of filling up the trash bins. I literally cannot throw anything in there without my parents investigating it and bringing it back to me to question me about it.
>throw old driver's license in the burn bin because it's expired
>next day mom comes up to me with my old license
>"user why are you getting rid of this you know you need this to drive??"
>it's expired mom, I got a new one months ago
>"Ok but look at your photo you look so cute!"
>this was when I was a literal neckbeard and making an ugly face
>"Ok but I'm going to hold onto this just in case. By the way, what are all those crusty napkins in the burn bin?"

First articles for the system talked about it not having a disc drive possibly. They also shuttered GFWL around the same time. Companies only do that when they are trying to roll over the system into something new.
They were setting the stage months before the announcement. People just didn't want to listen.

Hindsight is 68/875 or some shit like that.

76 had account killing bugs after launch, due to a patch put in to fix other bugs. There's lots of nails to hammer home this piece of crap as worst fuck up seen in decades, if not ever

Konami cancelling Silent Hills

xbone e3 unveil

Attached: xbox one worry.gif (460x639, 2.12M)

It's the usual pattern, Nintendo and Microsoft moved on to their next consoles, while the PS3 was getting Persona 5 and other PS4 ports.

In many poor countries, a PS4 wasn't even an option, so people bought into late, late, generation PS3.

I don't know, according to that chart, you get more failures for the amount of dreams you shatter by having less people expecting something good. Which makes little sense at first, until you're realizing people who weren't even hyped for the game are getting disappointed.

I mean, I didn't even know about it on release, and I still feel the residual disappointment for it being so terrible.

Not sure if that's actually true, but regardless that'd only be due to a strong showing in the second half of the 7th generation. PS3 up until like 2010 was complete and utter dogshit. It wasn't until many years later that it started getting games, and multiplats started becoming competent due to devs finally learning how to use the architecture. Not to mention price cuts making the thing more affordable.

anyone who bought a PS3 near launch for FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS knows that those initial few years were total suffering. Literally just talladega nights. It ended up being a great console later on, but that was only years and years later.

You can't divide by zero

Although not even close to being one of the biggest fuck ups in gaming history, PC's version of Batman Arkham Knight comes to mind, it was so completely broken that WB games had to issue refunds, and IIRC (I probably don't), that was before Steam had such a generous refund policy. People have told that eventually WB games got their shit together and fixed their mess, but I'm not willing to burn my money on this game.

>gives you nostalgia now

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What the fuck is this game even supposed to be? Halo Borderlands but with some cringe futuristic but medieval magic fantasy bullfuck? I don't even understand how looter shooters are a thing that isn't universally panned as being the shittiest possible way to make an FPS.

>Sega Saturn
This is the correct answer, if not one of the more correct answers.
When this happens:
You know you've fucked up.

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The steam forum page announcing the blanket refund does mention the refund is available to all owners regardless of time played, as long as the refund request was lodged by the end of 2015.

At least Spore is still playable.

I don't mind the concept of a Diablo style FPS (Hell, I even preordered Hellgate: London, despite the horrible game it turned out to be), but Destiny is easily one of the most generic ones on the market. The story isn't interesting, the characters aren't interesting, the music isn't impressive, and the gameplay isn't very fun. I can't think of any reasons I'd want to play it over any other game in the genre.

Don't forget -
>Patching bugs/updates make old bugs come back
>Multiple nuke launches are allowed and crash servers
>The nuka dark rum controversy
>People selling the dev room items online for real money
>Not only did they add a battle royale mode, they made a bad one
>Adding Npcs back in a dlc as a selling point

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Meanwhile 360 launched with no wifi, hdmi, or controllers without battery humps. Also RRoD. Wii was a solid little machine though.

I'm still surprised they kept trying to push the Kinect when XBone was announced, I didn't think people used it for anything other than Just Dance.

Yeah, this. While there are other games/consoles/whatever that crashed completely or never took of and were complete financial failures, bankrupting whole companies, I don't think there has ever been a game that just fucked up so much, so long and with so many things.

>Steel Battalion Heavy Armor was good but retards slag it off
>that's the end of the franchise

I think it's pretty simple. The single biggest point where the industry was ruined was the shift to 3D games. The entire industry was built around 2D. All of the expertise was in 2D. Once these same people tried to get into 3D most of them failed miserably. The industry has never recovered.

Square kicking out Sakaguchi - all downhill afterwards
FFXV, can't get more incompetent than that really

Also, once outside investors started getting involved that fucked a lot of things up.
THQ fiasco

Microtransactions are the result of outside business people coming in and fucking things up

And probably, the iPhone really fucked things up. After touch screen smartphones became mainstream, companies that made money raping stupid people with microtransations were suddenly making more money than people that had been in the industry from the beginning. A lot of talent was drained from the industry when some of them tried to jump ship onto the mobile bandwagon.

People fetishized the original Steel Battalion for the super crazy controller. Heavy Armor was disappointing for not having it.

Probably Xbox since Kinect

ET was just the straw that broke the camel's back. All things considered, there was a ton of MUCH worse shovelware than it, ET at least isn't a buggy mess.

>outside business people
u wot m8

The real answer is microtransactions. If gamers refused to buy anything less than a full expac, the medium was gone that day.
Its all skinner boxes and money laundering now.

I own a ps3 and still think you're retarded

Can I get an autograph Mr. Buffet?

My friend still defends 76. He defends a lot of shitty products and ideas but man I don't understand this one

What possible defense could he have? Please tell me it's more than "it's fun"

Why are there so many muslims angry at women in here? Did Yea Forums get invaded?

I have the original and heavy armor. the problem with heavy armor for me is less that its all kinect based and more that its a complete shift in style. VTs were tank-like in their control but they still looked like mechs and had a mech-like cockpit. heavy armor the VTs literally look like tanks with legs, operate like tanks and have interiors like tanks. you also have the multi crew stuff which make it more like a tank. ts an alright game but its more of a tank commander game than a mech game

He's a child who thinks no deeper than surface level musings. He knows nothing and no one should care what he thinks. Easy.


Jesus it wasnt that fucking long ago, I was there. We would post screenshots of people getting banned from the forums and shit. Fucking summerfags now trying to change history.

Easily TORtanic
>Studio spends $20mil on voice acting
>Neglects gameplay and graphics
>Completely reduces an entire aspect of one major minigame everyone was looking forward to, neutering it
>Goes f2p within 6 months

The Sega Saturn single-handedly destroyed Sega to the point that it's not even a shadow of what it used to be. Even when they made the Dreamcast which was like 6 years more advanced than the other consoles, they still were doomed.

>$200mil rather


good God why



Mass market appeal, industry was all around better when normies didnt run shit.


Mass Effect. You know your game, as in, ME1, is great when it gives your series so much goodwill it survives not one, but two gigantic PR failures- to wit, ME3 ending and Andromeda.

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People really liked those first 2 games. A soap opera in space.