Name one thing Return to Castle Wolfenstein fucked up.
Prove you're not a blind nostalgiafag
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Nothing except Forest
the stealth mission
Which one? I think there were two.
>fucked up
first stealth mission
>minor annoyances
Sten clearly superior to any other SMG
no crosshair on 98k after getting a scope
Carbine is absurdly OP. and balanced just by making ammunition non-restockable
The forest level, and the sponge undead enemies
Both of them sucked, but Paderborn was least sucky.
enemies having 99% accuracy no matter how far they are
The Sniper on the Airbase mission was definitely hacking.
gay stealth mission
faggot snipers
treasure does nothing (does it?)
I saved my Carbine shots for the stealth missions. It's not necessary, but it helps.
Treasure doesn't do shit. At least in Wolf3d, it gave you points which helped toward getting extra lives.
>treasure does nothing
no, just a number
snipers have near perfect accuracy against static player. Keep moving until he shoots, then quickscope him before he fires again.
That's one thing I do like about Wolf 09'. Treasure is useful for upgrading shit.
I recall getting lost towards the end of the castle escape and going around in frustrating circles.
I like 09 better than return.
my game literally broke because of forest
it autosaved shortly after the game over alarm goes off
the electric robot niggers
Fucking Forest. God damn it, fuck that fucking fuck.
TNC and Youngblood make Wolf 09' look like a masterpiece.
Aw look, he's smiling!
As for myself, when I finally got to the end it bugged and wouldn't let me finish, had to cheat to get to the next level
I thought it always autosaved you at the beginning of each level. You must have quicksaved at a bad spot, but even then, you can load up an autosave and start over
I found TNO dull as fuck, I don't even want to think how bad TNC and TNB are, if even nuWolf fans hated it.
TOB was okay I guess. Unbalanced ride between fun organic gameplay and shitstain setpieces.
I never played it so I wouldn't know
As someone who's played through this level dozens of time over the years, it's not that it's bugged, it's just a truly terribly designed mission. You're not supposed to kill the final guard, but in order to complete the objective of "Ensure no alarms are sounded", you have to do one of two things:
>1) Destroy all the alarms in the map
>2) Kill every single guard besides the final guard who drives you in.
It's bad enough that it's not clear who the final guard is, but the first option doesn't even make sense because how are you supposed to destroy the alarm that the final guard is patrolling right next to without alerting him? It's just a fucking mess of a mission that probably ruined some people's impression of the game first time through. Once you know how to do it, it's not that bad, but goddamn.
took me some time to figure out, I was not supposed to enter rocket base, but jump on back of truck parked nearby.
I mean, really Raven, was it necessary to force it as a stealth mission? Gate is right on front of me, might as well blow it up and enter myself.
The stealth in RTCW is great when it isn't forced. There's a legit advantage you can glean by taking enemies out quietly, but when you make it a requirement, it's very frustrating.
Almost done with Wolf09. Shit is cash.
Not enough tits.
Glorify killing based Nazis
I wish there were more levels with the Elite Guard.
It's a very common misconception, but Raven didn't work on RtCW.
The shooting isn't as good as MOH AA
God Assault was phenomenal. The Paratrooper drop part is still one of my favorite moments in gaming.
That part blew me away when I first played it back in the day. Pro tip, you can actually shoot the parachutes and they'll all fall to their deaths.
So is Return to Castle Wolfenstein the best one? The 09 game came and went with little fanfare.
The knife was fucking stupid.
RTCW is my favorite Wolfenstein to this day.
>Scantily-clad Nazi babe gets on her knees
>"I serve you, my master"
>Heinrich kills her
Was it autism?
when RTCW was new it was quiet phenomenal, now it feels pretty dated.
It was him being based as fuck
Also, this happened sometimes.
i enjoy older shooters based around quake engine, theres a feeling to them thats unique
Pretty chad move
This is really hard, user. I'm trying really hard but even if I said ET did balance better, since the MP40 and Thompson were standardized in that game, asynchronous balance also has its charm. I can name things it could have done better but all of them are things that didn't exist at the time. Speaking mainly from a MP standpoint. SP was good but I didn't play it for that.
Biggest gripe is it probably led to the creation of Overwatch, I guess.
This and the silenced Luger become utterly pointless since the Sten exists.
No .45 ACP anywhere so the colt and thompson just end up clogging your inventory.
Yeah, this was one level where the map design was questionable.
getting all the treasure and finding all the secret areas gives you bonuses in the console ports
American weapons, but yeah. Colt was uber useless.
I don't remember anything particularly bad beside tesla gun feeling like shit and these fucks being complete pain in a fucking ass.
Bullet sponge protofaggots
Tesla needed a major buff. Only time it's semi useful is against undead and the melee only final Boss. Against hitscan enemies, it's suicide.
Plenty of ass, though.
hitting him would probably help.
the stealth sucked but that was it really do people still play RTCW/ET multiplayer?
Yes obviously, but only ET is populated i can write a dumb long text info if you would like
The forced stealth sections.
It's lacking style. Wolf '09 has the supernatural stuff and say what you will about NuWolf but BJ has a lot of personality and you get to have stab fights. RtCW is drab in comparison and especially to Doom, Quake stuff by Raven and Monolith.
It gave me nightmares
Not him, but hell yeah
made you be the bad guy
I don't remember the game making you play is a G*rman
Playing it makes me fucking sick. Also the guns feel like shit, zero kick
How? It's the excessive head bobbing in newer games that makes me sick.
There's a modern engine port for et called ET LEGACY it's basically a replacement for ET PRO but capable running on modern machines and have graphical upgrades and a entire new renderer (don't use it on custom maps) also it has ALaudio replacement if u want a 3d audio, it runs every mod expect for et pro because it has an drm and the creator doesn't remember anything about the mod programming, also install ET LEGACY 2.25 and not 2.26 because the newer version remove mods without consent because the main dev guy is a sperg and believes that people shouldn't play mods because they're malware but after the entire backlash he said he will remove it in 2.27, also regards to servers do not use the ingame browser but instead use trackbase/splatladder i personally play in FA jaymod 1 servers) because it always populated and has max player count during evening/night at the EU even though they're a american based server
Good shit, thx
>blew himself up
Get good, lmao
Reminder that there was going to be a movie based on this game, but the director went to jail for killing someone while DUI
X-Labs were the peak of RTCW.
>unnerving atmosphere and soundtrack
>freaky Lopers around every corner
>kino scripted moments
>introduced new enemy types
>made use of all the weapons
Damn I fucking remember I was scared as fuck of those creatures
I never played this although I knew people who gushed about it. sell me on it.
For me its the crypt, spooky fucking shit that place
It's a little dated, but great if you like old straightforward FPS campaigns. Don't need to read any of the notes to pick up on the story. Cutscenes are pretty short and do enough of the storytelling. Only thing that's frustrating is the two levels where you have to be stealthy. It's on sale for 2 bucks on Steam, so now's a good time to get it.
It's still fun.
That game came out around 2001, right? It probably has some shitty MGS ripoff stealth section
X labs. Fuck those hopping mutant things
The heavy Gatling gun guy was really bullet spongey
The bossfights are shit
I actually liked the stealth missions and I wish that high-tech silenced sniper rifle got more ammo so I could play around with it more
There was anything it fucked up? Because I can't remember anything.
>first stealth mission
>The bossfights are shit
No, not all of them.
stealth missions
but really, those are shit in any game that isn't 100% a stealth game, idiot.
also, not making ET sooner.
The final boss was kinda crap. I thought it was funny that he could be killed by the debris that block your passage into the arena, though.
Also the "story" segments that are a couple of guys in suits talking in a room. They may as well not even be there.
Other than that the game is pretty much perfect desu
Played this for the first time recently and it was great. A really solid and straightforwards fps game, like said. The mission settings and premises were my favourite part. There was a lot of diversity there. Kind of feels like a MOH game only better. Any more old fps games in the same vein? I'm thinking about picking up FEAR.
Heinrich and Olaric sucked because they were pretty much melee-only. That's a retarded design choice in an FPS game. But yeah, that's about it.
based. fuck that level
FEAR and RTCW are my two of my favorites from that era. FEAR has amazing AI, too.
Potato masher grenades were weak.
I don't get this take. RTCW has a lot of supernatural and occult shit in it.
You can't kill this pussy.
you hit a wall at one point where every enemy is now just a bullet sponge, I think it's around the labs, fucking sucked and made the rest of the game a slog
The Xbox version had a full Egypt campaign at the beginning
Lots of these bad boys starting in the Norway mission.
also this
for me it felt strange going from zombies in catacombs and magic and horror and shit to just a multitude of missions killing soldiers and stealing/destroying high tech shit and then a little bit back to zombies and magic.
felt like 2 games
Were they any good?
Graphics haven't aged well. Also the forest level sucks
What does the BJ in BJ Blazkowicz stand for?
Billie Joe
blame Jews
Other Wolfenstein thread died, get ready for the retards
I'm glad personally. I love his character.
Absolutely hometown
Benis Jajajajaja
I blame RTCW for my leather nazi women fetish.
Based and gibnatsocmilkiespilled
*nom nom gulp*
this, but for
I hate that sound, but I also can't help but occasionally mimic it when I'm alone.
The end fight vs giant Rob Zombie is kind of anticlimactic and easy to cheese through it.
The grenades are horrendously useless
BJ was best when he had no character
fucking kek
>no BJ saving a nine month pregnant Anne Frank
Why are id and Bethesda such massive faggots?
For me, it's the civilian chicks.
horribly annoying hitscan enemies and awful enemy placement
What Wolfenstein games are worthwhile if I were to get into the series? I've played a few of the Doom games but not any of the Wolfenstein ones.
As someone who's played most of the Wolfenstein games, but none of the Doom games, what Doom games should I start with?
Also, RTCW is the best to start out with. Wolfenstein3d/SoD are good games, but aged worse than original Doom from what I hear.
Based jew
Insta fail stealth missions
Fuck that shit and every developer that implements that in their games
This one
The stealth missions are so retarded that it keeps the game from being a perfect 10/10. Other than that, any other complaints I have are just small nitpicks.
Name a better looking map
Shitters spotted.
>Characters have individual fingers
I know PC games from 2004 that failed that despite breaking the 2K polygon threshold.
>Those slow super soldiers that you have to damage indirectly by throwing stuff around corners to avoid taking huge risks
Top ludo game design.
The original doom games are a big leap ahead of Wolfenstein 3D and are worth playing for their map design. You should probably just start there.
if you liked RTCW you might like Doom 3 as it's in a (somewhat) similar vein. Neither are really 'old school' shooters, but they don't fall into the same category as the more modern shlock either. Nudoom splits a lot of people here, but I think it's a pretty great game, although nothing like the rest of the series. The upgrade systems are implemented in a way that isn't grindy and the combat is fun. A bunch of different enemy types too.
Cook them, dummy
The final fight with Heinrich kind of sucked and needed some actual fight music instead of the creepy dungeon theme
Also the stealth missions aren't that bad, failed them both a collective 2 times on my last playthrough.
Stealth sections sucked also the Ubersoldat boss fight at the X-labs was just annoying. It wasn't difficult just required really specific cheese strats or quick save abusing. I haven't played the game in ages but I also remember the final boss fight being really underwhelming.
You didn't get the badass Venom gun until the late stages of the game, either.
Rocket to S and Radar to A, because going through rocket stealthy, sabotaging it and then rampaging through both radar and assault is easily the best segment of the game.
the pc version doesn't have those egypt prologue levels
PC port when
You couldn't play as the elite guard and look down at your boobs.
truly a game we need; a cross between Trespasser and a Wolfenstein xpac
Realistically speaking, what's the best strategy for beating these fuckers?
stop being in corridors, rockets, minigun works well too.
Single Player.
anya taylor-joy should play her.
>tfw no gamemode where you play as a Loper
Explosives, Minigun, Distance.
Yeah, was just underwhelming compared to the rest of the game.
>No Bloodrayne crossover
Some of those big base levels sucked and the last couple levels made no sense
Feels like they just threw all the enemies into a few levels. Felt rushed.
Let's see how many people here are boomers. When did you first play RTCW?
The Sten overheating was a major contention for me.
Christmas of 2001. Best Christmas ever.
Ill prove it because im so old I can't remember it much. I do know that I didn't bother with campaign til I realized how much I loved the multiplayer. Taking out entire my entire team with a panzer in elimination and then taking out the enemy team solo was my move.
Last month.
>t. fake boomer
Once the FG42 is acquired there's no reason to use the Sten anyway
I hsd the xbox version. You could change your sn on the fly in that game. Not too many games were like that. I used to go by BJ Blastyoass
Wolfenstein really needs some objective-based Multiplayer again
I bought the Xbox version on release and still have it. The MP was no Enemy Territory but it was still pretty good.
True, but until then it is a pain in the ass to utilize.
I feel like the Sten had a higher burst damage compared to the Mp40
2002, couldn't get it for xmas because i got fucking gamecube.
They really fucked up the collar badges on this one
Bill brown needs to return when they remake this game. Literally every track is good.
it was mostly because it was a pain to animate it as shows up, though REmake in 2001 did it better due to the higher polygon count.
also, IDtech3 cant tank too much polygons without chugging the hell out of it.
I was looking forward to the Ninja Nazis that was supposedly in an early build but removed because they were going to be in the single-player expansion but then the expansion was cancelled.
Daily reminder that SHADMAN was banned from twitter
Forest and the sniper enemy type
Am I the only one that kinda like the stealth mission?
I'm playing through it again right now, and the crypt levels are still fucking with me. It's a little less scary with the music off though.
A few months after it was available on Kazaa
I'm happy to see there's more people out there considering this one of the masterpieces of fps.
then again, it's a western game so I could say that without playing it
Consider the following.
My gf eventually confronted me about making sound effects like that one. I would do it when I was shaving in the bathroom or brushing my teeth or something and I thought she couldn't hear me but she could.
December 2001. Before christmas but probably middle of the month? I dont remember. My uncle showed me the demo. I thought the controls sucked (I was an "arrow keys" kid at the time, duke/blood/shadowwarrior/quake/heretic/hexen/wolf3d in DOS) and I had trouble adapting to the mouse/keyboard way of movement. Once I got it down it was pretty fun. I didn't get it that christmas, he burned me a copy for my birthday the following year. But I played the demo whenever the demo came out. December something 2001 (it came out after the game, I remember that much)
Alright, let's settle this. How did you open doors - F or G/X?
F when playing the first time.
Kick when replaying.
So what he get banned for this time.
>tfw no femdom who dresses as a member of an elite SS unit that wears tight latex to interrogate you.
>I used to go by BJ Blastyoass
It was a simpler time.
Pretty much
these fuckers were not properly balanced
this as well
that boss fight was shit. I was only able to pass it by making a run behind a pillar and shooting while circling around it
this as well
Honestly, the face animation wasn't that bad for the time and voice acting was pretty good for random dialog you can hear from npc.
Anyone else wish you could momentarily team up with the Nazis against the undead zombies?
2016. A friend gave me his ps2 and rtcw. Had a pretty good time. I hate it took me so long to play it.
It sounds like a cool idea, but honestly having to deal with them wouldn't be as fun as it sounds. Think of the teams you could have in the city 17 levels of half life 2.
Based friend
yup, and it's exactly why your father left
You play as the bad guy.
Are they censoring this word now on 4channel? what is this shit. good thing I have Yea Forums X
>RETURN to castle wolfenstein
>spend the whole game trying to escape
Like 2002 but I pussied out at the Crypt and watched my dad play the rest. Only just revisited it a couple of months ago to finish it, not really sure why I was so scared of it.
last year because i was more into doom and quake then i was wolf
That's not unusual at all. I played it for the first time when I was like 7 years old back in 2002, and the crypts made me quit and never return for another 4 years. There's something fucked up about those levels that I can't quite explain. Maybe it's the music.
I remember watching this back in like 2007 and loving it, even though I didn't play WolfET.
Was ist los?
Literally no ammo for Thompson and pistols
So, what's the verdict on Wolfenstein 2009? It looks like people are coming around to liking it now that the last two Wolfs have been negatively received.
Feels like a console shooter first, just like Nu-Wolf. It was alright.
Colts sucked anyway, even if they're dual-wielded.
Nothing more baddass than the fucking 1 billion hp, flame immune flamethrower heavy nazi. Guy literally burns the whole room and goes unscathed.
>when he goes into that 3 second staggering animation, doesn't take any damage, and burns you to a crisp.
Kick chads rise up
Somewhere in 2006-2007. I just got into PC gaming.
I wish I could find that booklet that came with the game with all the illustrations and sheit. I miss things like that.
Why are wolfenstein threads getting deleted?
They usually get deleted if the OP is obvious political bait. They've been more lenient since the new game just came out, but it looks like they're cracking down now that it's been a few days.
OP here, you guys can talk about nu-Wolf too as long as it's not political shit.
It also had co-op
I never played the single player. I was too busy wrecking fuckers online.
Opposite for me. I was too young for Multiplayer.
Not having a PC version with the xbox content.
I can't actually, and I played it for the first time recently. It was pretty fucking good.
Be honest with me, do you people care about Youngblood at all? It's the definition of bargain bin mediocrity just like Rage 2.
>RETURN to castle wolfenstein
>Literally RETURN to castle wolfenstein in a level that is also called RETURN to castle wolfenstein
You are full of shit and did not play the game beyond first mission at most.
No, I'll just get TNO and TOB someday. I know enough about TNC and Youngblood to know I'll hate em.
Fix Wolfenstein in 5 words or less.
you mean the manual?
i have the UK collector's tin at home
I wish you could team up with Kessler instead of that moron in the tank. Probably my least favorite mission besides the stealth one.
Less cutscenes, more gameplay
I really enjoyed it
It was really okayish and uninteresting
the final boss could have been a lot harder
He spends most of the time resurrecting shit and giving you free shots on him. Pretty easy since he had no ranged attacks other than the phanto fuckers
you can kill him in one hit in the PC version
i tried doing it on the Xbox version but they fixed it
What word? Nigger?
Does the extra stuff in the Xbox version make it better than playing the PC version with Keyboard and Mouse?
I kinda wish some popular LPer or streamer would play this game and give it some attention. You'd think with all the newer games coming out that one of em would go back and play this one too, but nope.
sometime between 2003 and 2008
Set the bar too high for the sequels to ever match
why the FUCK did this PC lack the Egypt levels that were on the console?
because the console ports came out like two years after the PC version...?
yeah fuck that level, scary as hell
Literally the same with me. Could never go past that level as a kid. Came back in my teenaged years and finished it finally.
Thoughts on Wolfenstein 3d?
Will Blade of Agony episode 3 ever come out?
Reminder that this is coming out soon
It's cursed.
It's really fucking boring in a way that's hard to pin down.
If I had to do it I would say it's because a lot of the enemy encounters rely on sending huge waves of boring enemies to gun down, lack of good setpieces and I don't think the hub really added anything interesting
[thunder sound effect]
Hire this man
Making Nazis the bad guys
Hitler isn't the final boss.
Mecha Hitler should be in more games
would've been 1000x better than Heinrich
and that shitty level w/ the Sniper in the tree that you can't see