I used to have fun playing this OW. Now its just depressing and unrewarding, thing is:
-did i enjoy it the first time because it was new and i had people to play with?
-or did they fuck up the game in the process and now its just not fun anymore?
The downhill started with the ranked seasons, after that they just went completely insane with the balance changes and decided that fun didn't matter anymore.
It was more fun when newer people were around and you could kinda just dick off and do what you wanted, including neat shit like picking all Winstons in a team.
Meta developed, cool shit got axed. It's just taken too seriously now. That's the way things go.
OW was a huge hit when it came out, and it was, at least for me, legitimately fun
the downfall started the moment they implemented ranked, making QP unplayable mess that no one gave a fuck about and ranked the same pseudocompetitive environment that league of legends offers where no fun is allowed and you either follow the meta or you get flamed
the fact that all they cared about was promoting esports didn't help at all either, they didn't expand on anything that mattered, like story (i believe the story is at the same place it was 3 years ago when it came out)
almost all balance updates made the game feel worse and worse (remember the mercy apocalypse that went on for 6 months) driving players away faster and faster and at the same time bugs (like the time Reinhardt was unplayable due to hit reg lag on his main weapon) went on for months and months with almost no response from the devs
>where no fun is allowed and you either follow the meta or you get flamed
You can literally get banned for playing someone your team doesn't like.
it's literally lex luthor guys
the meltdown over this guy being white male (and his feet) is hilarious
oh i like him actually i just posted him because its the most recent content. The voice actor is too good for OW standards too
every multiplayer game is more fun when it's new and all the players are shit
problem is that window is now much smaller than it once was thanks to the internet, streamers and people wanting to win all the time
overwatch has sucked dick since ana's release, why the fuck is Yea Forums still playing that garbage
My fucking god, I hate what this place has become. it really is just reddit with a yotsuba B coat of paint.
calm down nigger
>big implications
exactly when they released brigitte and overpowered hanzo changes
Personally I think the game started getting worse when they began adding low skill high reward hard cc heroes.
Characters who ruin the game:
They changed too much by removing hero abilities and basically ruining the heroes who aren't meta.
It’s still fun. Not sure why people have an aneurism over this.
Counterable as fuck, literally get good or get good earphones, you can hear him grunting 5 secs before he approach you
OP shitter, recently nerfed hard, now decent
HAHAHA, underpowered as fuck, easily the worst healer
Annoying but high skill ceiling
>not widow
You dont even play this game, do you?
>They changed too much by removing hero abilities and basically ruining the heroes who aren't meta.
the only removed abilities in the last year were Hanzo's Scatter, and the Torb rework that removed only his armorpacks.
I don't think he's complaining about balance or OP characters just poor design and uninteresting gameplay
I only did it for the meme
yea, i fucked up and forgot to quote in my reply
No gametypes. Go on and disagree
The playerbase is completely insufferable
>the meltdown over this guy being white male
There is no meltdown. You're just seeking out the few retards that get triggered easily and pretending like it's some widespread thing.
Here's your overwatch player, bro
Inb4 >discord
I bought the game right before the second beta started and that's when I played. Those 2 weeks felt like I played the game for a fucking month. I was up late every night playing with friends till they got sick of the game. By the last 5 days nobody really didn't want to play anymore and I quit once the beta ended. Sad thing is I never played the released game yet and I bought it. What have I missed? I got pretty good with Zarya/Junkrat and DVA/pharah
>ADC IN 201-
what now lolbabs?
Tanks just don't belong in fps
they fucked up the game horrendously
the downhill spiral all started when they first buffed zen and added ana
Blizzard only know how to make games with the tank, healer, dps trinity and games where a woman is corrupted, turns blue at some point, and is an antagonist.
This post was almost truly great.
Yep, I remember it being fun for the fee months I played and mained mercy because it was do much fun keeping a good team in one piece.
Then Doomfist came around and somehow I didn’t enjoy getting smacked around (but then, who does). When the entire community suddenly started hating Mercy and her rez ultimate, and when the devs removed it and somehow gave her one rework after another, the game because a looot less fun, and only the salt remained.
Why should I have to force myself to keep up with the rework and rebalance seizures of the devs?
There’s no fun involved if your favorite things keep getting changed.
time to grow up and play Quake
Roadhog nerf started the game's downward spiral. It showed that the team had no idea how to balance their game and that they'd rather cater to Silvers and below than to the people that actually somewhat understood the game.
>t. consistent 4K SR tank and support main since Season 1
Metas always kill online games, as they guarantee unless you enjoy one specific playstyle, you'll get mulched in competitive play. That leaves you to quick queues, which suck ass, or with AI matches, which become autowin pretty quick.
This. I've never played a game with such a pansy ass whiney community. Everyone is such a baby and can't handle any kind of banter or trolling.
Dubs are disabled on Yea Forums, newfag. Technically, that post WAS 8888, it just got bumped forward by 1.
I like banter and shit talking but I dont like it in Overwatch because you can get banned at the drop of a hat. So I have the option of shit talking back or getting banned.
Problem with the game is again brand Blizzard balancing: Trying to balance game for casuals who play for fun and e-sports. This game was clearly more casual back in the day, but then they started pandering e-sports.
>hogshitter upset he can't instagib characters anymore
Why don't we take Zenyatta and push him somewhere else?
>-did i enjoy it the first time because it was new and i had people to play with?
>-or did they fuck up the game in the process and now its just not fun anymore?
This is a question I've asked myself. I believe that Overwatch like anything else, was a flawed game from the beginning. It wasn't immediately evident to a lot of people, myself included. The thing about Overwatch's issues is I think they weren't so huge that it would have been detrimental to the experience. Over time Blizzard tried to improve the game but ended up consistently making it worse with horrible balance decisions, boring characters, and mediocre maps.
I mained Mercy but got off that train when the Revive rework became inevitable.
Nigga Hog is one of the most balanced characters now. He's still very dangerous and hard to punish and deters squishies but like every other tank he can be overrun. If you think having a character that can one-shot most picks in the game but has no means to get one-shot back is remotely a good idea then you need to shut the fuck up about understanding the game.