any games about gamer couples
Any games about gamer couples
>degenerates play horde
what a shock
Threadly reminder this couple, like any "nerdy" couples were toxic to other peoples and to eachothers, resulting in a divorce and backstabbing, even nowadays
Is this loss
How's Geoff doing? Is his ex thot still aging horribly?
>Nose ring
my ex used to pretend she was going to kill herself unless i played ranked league of legends with her while she coached me
Why has literally every cunt got aleeve tattoos these days,e ven all the cam sluts have em. So ugly.
did she put your peepee in her mouth?
Being sad isn't toxic retard also
Back to twitter
Geoff quit drinking and started taking his life seriously, so you know he's probably drowning in pussy. I dunno what's up with Griff, but I think she mostly just raises their kid.
>website uses word
>word iow forbidden
Here's a forbidden word, you nigger
no but she bought me Teemo
I wonder if she appreciates the irony in only having fame in her 'sport' due to being female.
Are they both fat IRL?
No they look pretty identical to that, but they're now divorced
Is there any such quest in the game?
Crummy edit. Post the original.
What happened to their kid?
Makes me want my girlfriend to lose weight
>nose ring
>that hairstyle
>dreams about sex all the time
Just how much daddy issues does that girl have?
Man, you virgins are real touchy about the fact that the vast majority of people spend most of their lives in relationships and you can't even get laid once.
disgusting tattoos and piercings
Yes user i know i said a word you don't like
Never said the word is forbidden I'm just telling you to go back to twitter
This is low effort. No one give it a (you).
The molestation kind.
I'm surprised, I thought nose rings were a thing only fatties wore.
>literally no quest ever tells you to do this
I fucking hate comics by people that never played videogames
As a dude that ganked on both sides back in the day, Alliance has the most agenda pushing degenerates. Horde has degenerates too, and might even outnumber Alliance in total, but the majority of them aren't pushing anything and keep to themselves. I can stand Horde faggots way more than Alliance ones by far.
I know, and the sheer idea that she would yell FOR THE HORDE on the way to a doctor
Sounds like it could be any sort of wow escort quest. It used to have those.
Well duh, one of them is a female, so naturally she will be as toxic as a waste dump.
I hope so, he always seemed like a good bro. At the very least, he made ah worth watching
Trust me, no escort quest in wow asks you to get a healer from town to the wilderness, specifically. Most of its escort quests are from the wilderness to a townhub or to another spot in the wilderness.
If the retarded author actually played the game he could've used Mankrik's wife or if he actually wanted to use an escort quest he could've used the robot chicken ones in Tanaris.
Fuck you
Guys I said don't
>shitty tattoos
>nose piercing
Why do artists always draw themselves skinnier than they actually are? There's no fucking way she's anything but a landwhale
Nah dude she was a twig back in the day
No idea bout now though
Like you I don't know the lore of every wow escort quest but I find it hard to believe that you can be this certain that no quest that could fit such a general description does or ever existed. It's almost like you want something to be true so bad that you tell yourself it is.
>hahah you cant prove me wrong so im right
Okay, white people, explain yourselves.
Why do so many of you do this retarded tattoo shit?
Like, it'd be one thing if it was just white trash, most of the black people out there with tattoos are gangbangers and ghetto trash, but I see white people in actual fucking professional environments covered in tattoos.
Is it a coastal thing or are white people somehow even trashier than we are nowadays?
Dios mio
From the thumbnail I thought it was some Jensen shit.
Me playing games with sister counts as a gamer couple?
I've never played WoW but I heard that like 80% or more of the playerbase is horde
If a game has a clear group of underdogs, I always want to join them and overcome this obstacle
anyone else do things like this?
>full sleeve tats
>wow reference
This is a self-insert edgy persona(s) comic isn't it?
I don't look for relationships that are temporary and change partners like shirts. I'm rather a virgin than hook up with a girl and stay her friend even if we had sex.
Yes, as long as you fuck each other. You fuck each other right?
They both actually looked like that unironically
Did they get fat?
no, but one is such an alcoholic he looks like a ghost
Haha us gamers am i right guys
Cuz they’re special snowflakes
>nose piercings
>sex dreams
Haha, junkies can be gamers, too, amirite?
Oh so we are a gamer couple then, thanks user
>He doesn't have sex dreams
>he has sex dreams
Braindead porn addict
>they has dreams
This. If you have any dreams other than nightmares on the regular, get the fuck off my internet normgroid scum.
I had nightmares the night sadpanda went down.
Who told you I can't prove myself right? Go zoom somewhere else.
can someone post the one where eggman is at a party and he says something like "I wanna FUCK that Sonic!" and someone at the table says "the cake is a lie!"
my favorite one
Looking at how much Griffin tried to ruin Geoffs life, it's a pretty good example of the posatices of staying single
>having sex dreams
positives, brother
>Saying "For the Horde"
>During an escort quest
And the other has gone full bull dyke and shaved her head completely.
I hate when that happens to me haha xD us gamers right?
Ah, so THAT'S what Jensen was asking for.
>he'd rather join the capitalistic circlejerk that is the alliance
>not the barbaric chad horde
trannies and lgbt
lolsorandum shitters
chill casual players
pro-tier raiders
couples in monogamous relationships
It's time to dilate blood elf tranny
At least it's a normal male + female couple, not some tranny or furry shit that usually plays alliance
No, dyke is the best description.
but she was married to a man
He is dating a new woman currently. As far as im aware him and Griffon share custody of Millie pretty equally, i think its about 50% of the time he has her, maybe less due to how much he travels.
Why’d they divorce?
is the bed sitting in the room diagonally? thats pretty cool and different. id try it but i dont have the room for it
They never public gave real reasons, just vague stuff.
She probably cheated. That or he didn't provide enough money for her taste.
>green naruto
Tbf it was her dream, it wouldn’t be exactly like what’s in the game.