ITT post those old Yea Forums images you never get an excuse to post these days

ITT post those old Yea Forums images you never get an excuse to post these days.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Because v isn't even bitching about video games anymore. It's all about trannies and statistics now.

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a classic.
also visible sage needs to come back

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I miss him

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I miss THICC posting but it got undone by BRAAP posting, which then became outdated with WHIRR posting... meme timelines are horrible.

he isn't wrong

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>dude remember snacks? XD
>dude remember lolcats? And looooong cat XDDd

Attached: d90 (1).png (644x800, 15K)

wow it's almost like this is all a loosely coordinated and guided demolition of traditional popular culture to pave the way for an awful degenerate slurry of child drag queens and anti-intellectualist media made for people who live life without a single actual inner thought

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>coordinated and guided
Yeah user, it's all a conspiracy against you

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You disappoint me

I'm only joking. I saved the image immediately it's cool as fuck.

>wasn't the past cringe?!
Yes, it was. You weren't there to enjoy it. Go away.

No, against general society. I'm fine.

Actually it only affects my media, I'm a Canadian NEET and none of your crazy US political shit has affected my quality of life much at all.

But just because I'm safe from it, doesn't mean it's not hurting others.

it's been so long i'm starting to forget the context of these goofy images but i still love this one

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Remember when it was considered okay to occasionally XD a little? Everyone was so full of life and excitement back then.

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iirc the devs were extremely based about this and he got a really good deal out of it in the end

>everything is fine, totally not a trend going on

Attached: Blackwashing of hollywood.jpg (484x1024, 105K)

Do not try to reason with the /pol/tard containment board escapee.

may as well put "the entire cast of the witcher show", geralt and ciri are literally the only ones who aren't black

And why is that trend happening?

Because people think they can get money from this by going about adding representation of a minority in the most shallow, transparent way. Not because of some insidious conspiracy.

Capitalism at work baby! But hey, even if there would be more black original characters, you'd STILL complain and call it destruction of traditional media! You insecure piece of shit.

Attached: Nu-Male's Sky.jpg (965x753, 109K)

so basically you are advocating to just stop noticing any patterns or trying to connect any dots. even though it is hilariously obvious even to the biggest retards by now that fucky shit is going on all over the world that isn't natural or normal. come the fuck on. open your goddamn eyes dude

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have sex, white boi.

I remember it being faked.

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poor readheads
and im sure they would have like to make them black but no one would have watched. why? because the primary fanbase for the witcher and rpg videogames in general is.... surprise!.. not black.
when they make shit that is supposedly for "everybody" it ends up being appealing to nobody

Noticing patterns is not the same as being so paranoid that you think it's all some super organized jewish conspiracy to run the world.

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I remember this thread man

>that one guy convulsing and blurting out song lyrics
Fucking gets me every time

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Ignoring the whole monkey aspect, why would you want to east the part of the body consisting mostly of teeth and a skull?

It's called "fact".



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Yeah... galo sengen

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fuck dude there's like ten million of you facebook tier jew-hating mongoloids

and you all have identical thoughts and behaviors, the worst part is that your ideology has taught you that any sort of resistance you meet is actually just testing your commitment to saying "nigger" on the internet

fucking world-changing

I don't know probably cause he's from Brazil. I just posted it because anytime there's one of those "Brazil mods SA" threads, this used to get posted instantly.

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>super organized jewish fact to run the world.
Do you even what the word "conspiracy" means you knucklehead?

Yes dude it's just a weird coincidence that every single company and every single media outlet is owned near-entirely by Jewish people or that nearly every person on Twitter trying to encourage Diversity & Inclusion just so happen to also be bluecheckmarks and jewish. It's just a weird coincidence that 6 million jews, at any point in the history of their existence dating to years before the war, are always in danger, and it's always 6 million, and the death toll of the furnaces just happened to be 6 million also, and the US just so happens to have laws written for itself to protect Israel and you can be ordered to sign an anti-boycott contract to keep your job and that's normal, that's fine. All of that is just a coincidence bro.

>and you all have identical thoughts and behaviors

4 off

I do it unironically with friends and wife. Most people don't have an autistic fit over an emoji

Attached: I have found it, the ultimate cringe.png (603x311, 48K)

I literally can't remember what triggered this maniac to post this but rest assured it derailed the thread spectacularly.

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Nice argument, clown. Doesn't change the fact your country (assuming you're an Americunt, since you seem stupid enough to be one) has been controlled by kikes since the mid-20th century.
Have fun.

maybe it's still relevant I don't know

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>having the balls to make fun of other shit for being cringey while posting le reddit feels guy edit #282716
fuck off and die


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yes thank you for telling me about it for the ten millionth time I am completely committed to defending your right to say nigger on the internet to the death

thankfully people like you tell me all this and then turn around and get off the computer and take action, or else i'd just get tired of listening to you ten thousand donkeys braying the same shit at me like I'm gonna give you the answer

march on my magapede brethren our right to exclude black people from video games is a strike at the jewish system

>no i'm not the one doing it
>it's the left doing it

literally brainwashed and can't give anything but rhetoric

loser, braindead, layabout, faggot


but first post your carefully curated collection of video games and trannies images so i can be convinced yes again

wow great you beat me, there's another strike at the jewish system, arguing on the internet


It doesn't affect anyone in the US on Yea Forums either. I mean it does, but the isolated manbabies on here are too busy crying about perceived wrongs in their bideogames to care about anything important. You are a NEET, you have insulated yourself from society and therefore your opinion on society isn't actually very informed or important.

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He already got destroyed by the "/pol/tard", so a bit late for that.

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Cry more bitch

This one seems applicatable in modern times.

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Thanks doc

Status: Owned
White Race: Saved
Jewish Conspiracy: Thwarted
N-word: Typed

god speed fellow magapede go redpill those brainwashed lefties

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Contain your asspain, reddit.

you always cook stews/soups with the whole carcass if you can, you don't eat all of it though

T. Yea Forums

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What's the final verdict on Phil Fish? Self important faggot with his head up his own ass or unironically based and /ourguy/?

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Dude, the jews run and have run the entire planet since the dawn of time, just get over it


Absolutely not. I'm 100% white Aryan with blonde hair and blue eyes, Hitler is my savior (don't believe Jewish lies about Methamphetamines) and every time I type Nigger into my facebook meme group I'm taking the fight directly to the Jews

No guys I promise I'm one of you look I can even type the n-word a whole bunch of times and I hate when they put any sort of politics into games isn't CDPR based?

I wish we were machine gunnind down beamers at the border. It'd probably save lives long term. Who would try after the first 100?

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Anyone got the Todd Howard one?

>reddit maymay and /pol/shit
>old Yea Forums

Seriously, no one cares that people noticing patterns makes you seethe.

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oh no you're right brother i'll adjust my typing style to better fit in with you

that way if we all type the same we don't run the risk of being all the same

fuck wait i did it again god damn it I want to be a magapede so bad

yeah bro that's what it is i'm mad that oyu noticed it not that you never stop noticing it ten-twenty times a day and letting everyone know and then not offering any sort of solution and instead just typing the n-word on your facebook groups

fuck me

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It's probably not good for your health to get so rectally ravaged by the internet.

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>tells me to neck myself for calling him Yea Forums
>then accuses someone else of reddit
The reddit shrinks back "no ive been found out."

the only thing shrinking here is your peepee

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Defending your country from invaders doesn't make you a nazi.

you're right man the jewish conspiracy just makes me so mad sometimes

i want to fit in with you guys so bad but i just can't get the hang of when i'm supposed to say the n-word and when i'm supposed to not put spaces between my sentences, do I just respond Dilate to everything?

this is so confusing i want to be unique so badly how do i prove to you guys that i don't go to any other websites

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Your honesty is like a breath of fresh air.

>traditional popular culture

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This is sad. Its like watching a spore you know will grow to be a deadly fungus.

Home Run Baseball was kino


Not even jewish, just realized that accepting it makes life a whole hell of a lot easier

it's not fucking fair

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There's no dubs here, ASSHOLE!

compare your life to mine then kill yourself

You are using too many buzzwords for me to believe your story and frankly im saddened that I am even taking the time to type this out. Word of advice. Your posting doesnt look natural. Consider giving less of a shit and not aiming for low hanging fruit and just filtering me like anyone who cared I was a tripfag did.

Not b8, just facts man. Detroit sucks ass like Mexico and Canada will throw your ass in a cell before deporting you every time. It's border security and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

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This is what happens when you stop locking up the mentally ill. You guys would have got shock therapy or lobotomies back in the day. But noooo you're real people now and you deserve help.

>nonstop walls of seethe
Delicious reddit tears.

kys tranny tripfaggot

vintage rage

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oh wait he said seethe, this is my chance to fit in finally, here goes:


hoo boy that hasn't aged well

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>Yea Forums is so bad it's a counterpart to /pol/
Where did it all go so wrong.

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Hey, it's not a essay of asspain, so it's progress.

that's all i got anyways mongoloid, I've made my point and all you can say now is "you're mad"

have a good life or whatever you call that

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At least we weren't corgis.

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>frothing yourself into a rage and posting reddit tier strawmen is an argument

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holy shit, I just realized after seeing this pic god knows how many times that he's not playing the piano. Wild.

>I'm a Canadian
stopped reading there

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This was a thread about what video game characters could kill that crocodile skeleton SCP and also had anons brainstorming a buddy cop movie script in it.

Here's a picture of a pitch-black nigger, according to you

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>all these bans ITT

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The Morissey of vidya devs, i just wish he was resistant and ignorant enough to not bounce.

fuck you the xbox mini looks great

we did not deserve you old Lucas Arts

>implying the internet didnt shit on gingers before
I got to hand it to you guys, you're commitment to improve your image got better after 2005

>your crazy US political shit
Who is Jonathan Yaniv?

Man I wish I was born a little earlier to be able to experience this shit. 2001 here

>tattoos on fur

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lmao you must be new

It's called hair dye, dipshit

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back in the days

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Not old but I never get the opportunity to post this based fatty.

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legit felt bad for my man

Not upgrading your stats was the true casual filter

same difference

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Yeah mgs3 fags have gotten more annoying since mgsv came out

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To be fair, half life fans are fucking cancer.

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Yo what the FUCK is that shit supposed to BE ?!

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I will never forget the months in which Yea Forums accepted the kachi into their hearts.

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Full retard

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Rage comics where the beginning of the end of the old MSpaint comics, but even so I miss the early ones.


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I used to lurk there. A combination of incredible hypocrite mods and rules(I once got banned for discussing Duck Dodgers because of their new shitty anti furry rule. Fucking wish I screencapped it.), stockholm syndrome "It has potential anons so we should support the tumblr level
Steven Universe
cartoon creator!" And a general lack of good content. Its telling when FRANCE is the only source of good content. Comics are dead. So are Cartoons. Thus the shills thrived and took over.

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new one when?

>Can't even "t." correctly
Holy shit.

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Most of these are outright lies yet Yea Forums will get upset anyway

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>Sephirot is now 14 yo

Filtered. Bye.

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I want to FUCK Israel

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not a nigger just some weird mixed race brown

Seeing he god so mad people shat on his game he canned the equal.
Turbo sperg.

Attached: innnuendo.jpg (1073x749, 252K)

>Seeing he god so mad people shat on his game he canned the equal
What even is this?

Approximation of english


Attached: izuka san.jpg (500x380, 46K)

what the fuck

I'm going to try and make sense of what you mean.
>Seeing he go[t] so mad [when] people shat on his game he canned the [s]equ[e]l.

yeah wtf
its an edit right?

Well that's just gay.

It do be like that.

If he keeps at it, he might be able to write a shakespear play in a couple of years.


>was getting
I can't fucking read those 2 words without thinking of bane.

go back to selling weed, Tremere

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ITT: simpler times

pretty new, but I miss the old DSP threads

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i need the Aeka reaction image used in this

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no one remembers

I remember

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I don't

Hopefully with MCC coming to PC Captain King will make a return

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>over 20lbs of pussy and ass!

What was the name of the guy in the top pic? I had it at one point and lost it

These kids are now adults cause MW3 was almost 9 years ago

Attached: nvidia plays besieged.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

After pride shit month and seeing your goddamn local bank put pride shit in front of your face, I wonder why you think anyone will take you seriously? Fucking Little Mermaid got black-washed, not nope, there is no far left cultural push going on. Nope

People like you cannot be reasoned with.


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>Twitter icons and Disney movies are why we need to RISE UP


The story of 'weeaboo' as a term and becoming as pervasive as it is despite having been nothing but a nonsense word in its inception is kinda interesting.

Attached: Weeaboo.jpg (600x547, 34K)

What happpend to oatmeal cookie? Did he retire after being banished from Team Ninja?

It's always about money. Money is priority, politics are simply used as a tool for more money.

Black actors get much MUCH less money than white actors, and women get less money than men... so they hire black women, pay them a minimum and call it "progressive".

Whats the three demon brothers game

I hope not, oatmeal cookie is a true champion of titties.

i totally forgot kotaku used to grab all their clickbaits from Yea Forums. since Yea Forums never posts these kinds of threads anymore i assume they've stopped after all these years.

Kotaku moved onto SJW focused clickbait - the exact sort of shitposting Yea Forums detests.

90s adds were fucking legit. Then 2001 hit, literally twice, and EVERYTHING got censored.

please explain

i can't believe i forgot that's what Fuckley actually looks like
Didn't he send nudes to an underage fan too?

That one was an edit though

Attached: domestic violence.jpg (1280x1810, 1.11M)

Why is Haseo there? He's not even a real person and saved an online game.

Here's the original, but the ads were about being xtreme.

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There is a teen drama called Riverdale. You being ignorant of something doesn't make it a lie.

also :iceburn:

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>is about to discover how it feels
holy shit

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i-i dont understand, what does Isreal have to do with this?

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now that 75% of the board is brazilian this isnt funny anymore

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plz no spammerino

>cave explorer

PBF is a true trendsetter

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Is that Tidus?

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holy shit how do i remember that

>all those pc 98 cgs gone

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that's how you remember it because it's the fucking good shit is how you remember it

replace argument with /pol/ argument and the pic is kind of right.

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>mlp hat

I miss 2010 Yea Forums like you wouldn't believe.

How do you fix this? Asking for a friend

go go go

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After the mess that was Devil's Third, he moved to Italy and set up a studio or something there. Apparently the gaming market in that country is starting to explode and there was a lot of opportunity for someone with experience to help guide it.

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Skin grafts

I loved those kinect threads

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Ah, to be young again

>generic shit with artstyles some faggot weeb might like
>why isn't this selling?!
Truly a mystery.

the joke is gamer culture became a toxic place and they hate minorities and jews

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>anything Kamiya makes

>3, not 1


I refuse to believe this post is genuine

You choking every time you eat breakfast is a pattern, but it doesn't mean that the jews are poisoning your food, it just means that you're a retard who can't chew properly.

I always thought it was the gayest fucking emoticon ever. I'd rather some weeb go ^_^ >_> UwU every fucking sentence than see someone XD even once. I can't even explain it. I just hate it.

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Whomst here /subwars/

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It means gamers are victim complex retards that will blame literally anything and everything

>id drag my dick through glass to smell her ass

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Potsdam 1945

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I hope this offering will be sufficient recompense.

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>resident evils
>hack and slash
>beat em up
>but they all feature a """""unique""""" artsyle
Yup, generic garbáge.

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I still unironically do it and emojis, I've long since lost any sense of giving a shit what some jaded fucks on here shitpost about
newfags wanna seethe about it they can fuck themselves
god where does the fucking time go

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Everyone forgot about Andy.

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I'm gonna blow all of your minds. It's pronounced Sa-Ge, not Sage

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quantum melon

Yeah, it's 下げる


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It was supposed to be robotnic, but iirc even when done properly it didn't really look lik ehim.

I haven't had a chance to post a kinect meme in ages

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What was that tripfag's name?

Attached: Don't mean to change the subject but.jpg (241x188, 6K)


Attached: Well BAM.gif (274x338, 388K)

Toady I think

Attached: 1482271996399.jpg (198x208, 6K)

I remember those spam bots.
I also remember that CAPTCHA was going to be temporary.

Attached: Click Me.jpg (750x600, 61K)

I miss Quentin

Attached: ultimate reaction image.jpg (499x430, 23K)

Attached: 1476665258745.jpg (802x770, 159K)

>last modified February 9th 2007

Attached: 1170993415104.jpg (500x428, 59K)

Oh shit i’m Feelin it

This is 100% true


Attached: im-a-nigra.jpg (480x392, 26K)

Attached: TF.png (521x244, 75K)

Icy girls.
What was his name?

Attached: neige.jpg (600x883, 51K)

>nintendumbs didn't think playstation would catch on
i mean it was probably a safe guess with sony releasing a game console back then but still funny how things turned out.

Quentin was the only person in Yea Forums history who truly deserved an IP range ban. Also in reporting you for ban evasion just for safety's sake

I dont even remember what he shitposted about, i just remember he fucked his dog and someone enjoyed drawing a dick on every one of his Cromartie images like fucking clockwork.

Speaking of Hayashida

Attached: Tameem.jpg (1230x690, 109K)

Wow, epic le meme you fucking... go back to... I... fuck

Attached: 1511598129089.png (825x991, 932K)

WHIRR and BRAP fill different niches

Zer0kage I know it's you faggot I'm the only one that still remembers you.

>tfw we'll never get another oatmeal cookie geimu

>ywn be a lust penis

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Good times.

Attached: kamiya is a bro.png (1271x699, 1.08M)

I will say one thing:
Hollywood needs to give Idris Elba a break. Guy is in literally every movie right now.

This image only works only once a year.

Attached: I'm not saying it's bullying... but it's bullying.jpg (539x465, 64K)

Don't you have a school to shoot Quentin.

Hard hitting humor from 2003

Attached: 739_1.jpg (450x586, 77K)

>No fag, only I can
Reminder that Gets are a bannable offense on the 4chins now with its own special report category.

Attached: face.png (444x312, 39K)


I mean, by this point we all have accepted this is Yea Forums 2.0. Maybe it always was.

Attached: notvidya.png (553x546, 16K)

>game based around protecting cities from incoming missiles
Now thats false advertising
Or maybe it's a commentary?

Check my dubs

Attached: dubs.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Move cursor over Chosen One
"Select that character if you're so great!"

This was cuz of bitcoin, right?

You should've applied for a janny position faggot

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)


Is that the touhou guy?

Don't talk to him else he'll ban you English Piggus

it still is okay, just do it

Attached: 1462072585023.png (539x431, 421K)

oops! You just made a common beginner mistake on the imageboard, Yea Forums. You posted with a tripcode that has no bearing on the topic being discussed! Normally, users on Yea Forums post anonymously. This can be a culture shock for some users who came here from reddit after the election in 2016. Remember, nobody gives a fuck who you are here!

>don't get the image
>read the replies
>immediately know what it is

Modern Yea Forums wishes it was still Yea Forums 2.0.
For all the bitching that anons used to do about shitty, low effort, copy-paste reddit rage comics, it's pretty sad to see how OC has devolved down to, like, two shitty templates. Yea Forums is just on-site r/Yea Forums

Attached: 1535083438091.jpg (412x430, 29K)

t. vile schlomo

Attached: Capture.png (493x689, 586K)

I really couldn't tell you, I'm just digging through my backups. That was the oldest video game image I still had.

Attached: 046.jpg (566x800, 62K)

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Attached: 1375147566653.jpg (480x459, 165K)

Did not age well

Attached: our lord and saviour.jpg (2560x1440, 372K)

them all being on the same picture is a bigger conspiracy than /pol/ could come up with

Attached: 1507536531348.png (1024x1152, 420K)

/fit/ but still old

Attached: 1376111539477.jpg (810x4757, 865K)

Aids Warrior Yuffie

It still holds up

Attached: 1527111544915.png (1164x4399, 2.17M)

>Oh you're AOLer, nevermind :)

Attached: 1529013284155.jpg (600x655, 42K)

Outside of that /fit/ drawfag /fit/ memes were never good. Zyzz died because he was a steroid pushing fool.

Attached: 1273891765644.png (530x552, 89K)

No, he stepped down from making games to being an advisor.
I miss the Itagaki days... NG is never going to be the same, and DoA has a better art direction, but the games themselves are a joke.

Attached: 1497918182886.png (639x304, 191K)

>and you all have identical thoughts and behaviors
Literal NPC's same responses to him and the original post, you need awareness, people like you are why I don't think I will ever vote democrat again, I'll never vote republican, but fuck you faggots

Attached: 1410593175517.jpg (780x772, 97K)

Attached: 1376111418162.jpg (810x4051, 1.61M)

when is this ad from? i have the mario towel and want to know how old it is


If this image was made today, it would be full of pepes and wojaks. Fucking hell.

Attached: 1367817729454.png (648x821, 49K)

I didn't want to feel this feel today...

Attached: that feel.gif (245x170, 955K)

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now there's a blast from the past

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Attached: FAE77636-6DDE-45FC-96DE-3AC42BF90F08.png (1273x1273, 135K)

>Never got his hugs and kisses from his mum
And this is why he betrayed Dr. Light years later.

Bless you for posting this

nobody gets it anymore

Attached: 360kid.jpg (376x183, 45K)

>anime thighs with high socks

Attached: C436C384-7B47-41D6-A442-7DBE87E4BBF3.gif (498x374, 574K)

Attached: 1499031450962.jpg (1280x720, 272K)

This was a fun thread

Attached: 1416874943553.gif (415x219, 3M)

lmao moron

Evaaaaa! Ooo-oo-eee-oo!
Didn't mean to make you die!
If I don't get revived some time tomorrow.
Kill em all! Kill em all!
Till my clone is fully matter'd.

I know that feel

Attached: The best part of war isn't dropping Axis on Earth, it's showing everyone online that I did (1920x1088, 154K)

/g/ uses them for hardcore coding sessions.

The beta version of sunsest vista makes lost izalith look like N. Sanity Beach.

Attached: 1500409768045.jpg (656x577, 134K)

wow that fucking gayass ad is from 2011? where the fuck all the time go?

I'm glad she dumped his ass. Who the fuck thinks its ok to write on a game case with Sharpie?

This reminds me of that Eiffel 65 music video that I'm pretty sure none of you have ever seen because it's not Blue.

I don't think you're 25 at all

Because it was just funny joke about ginger not having a soul and nobody actually hated them.

no, he's telling you that you're retarded because you connected the wrong dots.

Big hint: Every dot leads to $$$. Not the destruction of the white ethnicity.

Attached: rzMni9E.png (540x720, 527K)

Attached: Earl Gamer.jpg (671x367, 94K)

where's the stream?

I choose to believe this is fake

All we need now is the penguin of doom.

>people found this stuff funny at one time

very cringe

Hi I'm TeH PenGuIN Of DoOM
*Holds spork*

Attached: a_win_is_a_win.jpg (900x1200, 131K)

gb2 Gaia. Memes aside not only is my response a good 14 years out of date you've not posted the entire thing and for that you should heed my earlier suggestion.

>baiting this hard
More cringe. Apply yourself.


Attached: patrick.jpg (1177x928, 207K)

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Attached: 1384356555751.png (700x523, 389K)

I've got 8 Brocks in different resolutions for some reason.

Attached: 1384358769201.png (1600x1190, 1.31M)

Post the mario is a nigger

Because you're a shit?

Attached: 1361963247009.png (539x859, 51K)

Oh shit I was there.

frist attack

Redheads are rare. Why are they erasing them? Erase black peoples instead. Nobody would notice.

I feel the loss meme died

Attached: Im_at_a_loss_for_words_here.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

YOU're a shit

Attached: 1385376989866.jpg (450x587, 60K)

Attached: 1385214143725.gif (409x398, 2.2M)

I want to post more Neps

Attached: IMG_20190727_143353.jpg (2508x3541, 581K)

YOU be quiet

Attached: No_Saddler.jpg (500x500, 133K)

The thick fags won... I cant believe it bros....

YOU have just lost the game

Attached: loss of v.jpg (3000x2414, 689K)

brave of him to describe himself

RE4fags share much in common with Yea Forumstards in that they both like things that are 14~ years old.

More than a handful is not enough.

This one has never failed to make me laugh, even now.

Attached: 1368141174704.png (676x703, 717K)

Fuck your mother, zoomer.

Attached: you will always be a nigger.jpg (396x385, 28K)

There aren't enough evil slots for a new one


Da references bro

It is, also:
50 pts for a bullseye

Attached: 1543527255338.jpg (450x336, 70K)

Why did melon get you thrown out?


Attached: 1503821866541.jpg (1440x900, 361K)

u mad

Attached: laser cheese.png (689x541, 24K)

thanks doc

Attached: trolling.png (755x1255, 73K)

Attached: 8.8.jpg (691x1264, 163K)

galo sengan

Attached: sl241.jpg (504x1579, 308K)

14 year olds are optimal breeding material. Unless you're fucking gay.

Attached: 1335319868765.jpg (399x559, 45K)

Legit one of the most frustrating times ever on this site. Summer of 2009. Fuck, I'm old.

Attached: 1551721604950.jpg (216x234, 4K)

>Can't check 'em anymore

Attached: 1351211483327.jpg (368x288, 19K)

I don't think I've posted this ever since saving it.

Attached: 1369481556620.jpg (928x686, 207K)

>I checked

I fall squarely into 30 year old boomer territory user - i've been here since before they banned the peados (what the fuck am I doing wasting my life?).

Biologically? Yes these days (it is academically interesting how the age of biological maturity of girls has reduced in the last 50ish years) but legally nyet.

I remember that but also forget

Attached: sup, fag.jpg (500x370, 95K)


That's not thicc that's obese and a health risk

Attached: U WANT PRAY GAME.jpg (576x348, 53K)

8.8 as a meme truly does not convey the shear level of anger and shitposting that happened at the time. The ONLY time people got saltier than 8.8 was when Bub & Bob won.

Attached: saltiest meme of all time.jpg (480x360, 22K)


How does it feel to be stupid and wrong

user that was 6 years ago already

no you fucker
ginger characters are replace with niggers is a fact

>I fall squarely into 30 year old boomer territory user
I'm also old as fuck. Also cunnyseurs aren't banned they're just reviled by the resetera invaders. I agree with the second part of your response.

Attached: 1274810706449.png (722x1102, 78K)

Prease prick Nvidia and rintel - it play game long time.

Attached: 1795t4.jpg (500x616, 87K)

Look it up, nigger. Christ this thread is full of retards.


>WHIRR posting
literally what

Attached: 1361687760253.jpg (1502x1600, 691K)

Attached: 1549683281842.png (1376x2411, 3.44M)

You've never seen a nintendokid getting sucked up sonychad's ass?

factually true to this day

Why do people hate the Simpsons now?

Christ as i'm currently drunk (drunk vidya is great if you are skilled and muscle memory takes over) but I do question why I have spent 14yres shitposting. I actually remember seeing GNAA and fursuki on Yea Forums and the days when /v. overtook Yea Forums for post count (man that caused some drama). Old school Yea Forums truly was brainc bleach territory and i've seen things that really cannot be unseen.

Attached: 1510786338478.jpg (832x1200, 305K)

>unable to recognize a shop
you're not going to make it....

Oh, that. I was expecting some fetish shit since we were talking about thicc and brapp evolution



Attached: 935011-53733ea02bfd547c3a59c2fb6c1f3ef817410fbc_1__super.jpg (600x849, 52K)

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hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

>dating a girl that plays JRPGs
She was probably like 500 lbs

mgs is there, top kek

I only remember shit like that when I run into reminders of it. It's probably good that diligent oldsters like you are keeping tabs.

Attached: delayclose.jpg (380x247, 24K)

Post the follow-up.

wow, other people remember sexylosers?

These were always fun.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 12K)

i just lost THE GAME

You say this like its an issue.

>Batman deals with his stuff by fighting but I taught myself to use my mind like a detective.

Attached: 1378444651093.gif (500x500, 1.63M)

That Bratz game is pretty good, I played in on the ps2.

Attached: Brapz_.png (640x330, 292K)

this thread is great

Is that a mothetfucking Iznogoud reference?

God I wish that was me

A thousand Gabe memes didn't age well.

Everyone knows that though

Half Life + Long Cat


Attached: de4c015c529e946fe666a5c426cbfa44-imagejpeg.jpg (450x600, 65K)

who's the sultan tho

Attached: 1359745977916.jpg (1000x1434, 166K)

>Fucking Little Mermaid got black-washed
Now i would be alright with this if the Ariel was hot black girl and they would keep Eric white.

I'm basically a dinosaur desu. I remember 90% of the classic memes that made Yea Forums get is reputation and christ, I remember the nukering of /new/ and the warhammer wednesdays that caused /tg/ to be spawned but by the same token that is a decade+ of pointless shit. Hell I actually watched (live) the Yea Forums systems cup that Germbro streamed that was the first incarnation of what became the 4CC before the likes of Boris got involved. It was fun hearing GermanBro get bitched at by his mother as he screamed over a goal scored (against Yea Forums - which was legit rigged) at something like 1am.

Fuck I feel old at times in a true meme sense and no amount of booze will solve that. For what its worth I miss out on the original fag status by 3 months and only caught the aftermath of snax being banned (does he still do the midnight snax radio show?).

Also: no, I never had :10bux:

Attached: 1302829963142.png (400x400, 115K)

Attached: Chris-Straw.png (233x204, 107K)

Attached: 1462963454135.png (1340x592, 152K)

This is clearly a lie because this nig would be underage if this is how his mom treated him 4 years prior

Attached: image1.png (1200x1200, 122K)

Not him. Yes, he's a DJ now.

god damn it, i miss when this board was fun. shit like this is so far removed from "picture of distressed wojak wearing X plaform hat w/ oh no no no text"

not everyone

Huh - last I heard (a good 2 years ago) he was getting into stand-up comedy.

Attached: 1318974776331.jpg (861x823, 825K)

>ecstasy aka darks
gets me every time

Somebody post the pic. You know the one.

He changed his trip 5 times because people keep reverse-searching his trip through fireden