>First HD RPG releases of their respective franchises between left & right side
>Top left outscores top right in metascore
>Bottom left outscores bottom right in BOTH metascore & userscore
The chad Sega vs the virgin Nintendo, fucking cope.
>First HD RPG releases of their respective franchises between left & right side
>Top left outscores top right in metascore
>Bottom left outscores bottom right in BOTH metascore & userscore
The chad Sega vs the virgin Nintendo, fucking cope.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm surprised Three Houses is getting any positive reviews. It's honestly a very poor TRPG.
Sega always made better games than Nintendo even all the way back with the Genesis versus Super Nintendo
Imagine being a fat nintendo nerd? LMAO
>Tfw we now live in a timeline where Sega has better JRPG offerings than Nintendo
Feels good bros
>Sega always made better games than Nintendo even all the way back with the Genesis versus Super Nintendo
lmao SEGA still traumatised 30 years later.
The Nintendo Seethe Hate is full swing and will only get more tense over the coming weeks and months as Nintendo just keep on winning.
I unironically can't wait to see once SMTV & Pokemon gen 8 release with their scores, the final nail in the coffin.
>"B-but muh Chrono Trigger/FFVI!!!!!"
But Valkyria Chronicles is on the Switch, too.
Pokemon will get 85-90 as always and SMTV will get 75-85 because not muh persona
xc2 isn't made for brainless zoom zoom gamers, so of course it didn't score as high. reviewers don't like it when a game doesn't coddle them and immediately shit themselves in fear if they detect any sort of inconvenience.
SMT V will also get its user score 0 bombed into oblivion because of that bot that keeps spamming 0 votes on anything with Shin Megami Tensei in the title.
Should be Xeno X
how to tell if someone is baiting
If Sega is so good then where is Phantasy Star V, huh?
You're stretching it. They did nothing with that game.
>Segautist trying to claim based SONY's game as their own
If you're so great, where's your console?
Winning what, the autism audience over downgraded ports, rehashes, and lackluster third party support? What an outstanding achievement. /s
It says a lot when the best of the Switches RPG catalogue come from remasters that were released on their competitor's hardware.
It'll be 80+ at best but yeah sadly critics have zero standards when it comes to 3D mainline Pokemon games at this point, especially with how muchbof a dumpster fire Sword & Shield is turning out to be.
Sega owns the property now though, retard.
Sega Does What Nintendon't
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>First HD JRPG in its series
Also, X was the better game, and its reviews reflect that.
You're so fucking traumatised by the success of the Switch (and Nintendo in general). Its absolutely hilarious watching you meltdown every day.
You literally do NOTHING else with your life except obsess over Nintendo and cry about the Switch every day. What a sad pathetic loser.
>X has the highest user score between all these games
Yeah there was a bot that did that and they still haven’t fixed it
What the fuck Metacritic?
persona 5 fuckin sucked
video game journalists are retards
SEGA just publishes Persona
Call me when they make Skies of Arcadia 2
Isn't TWEWY on Switch now? There are very few RPGS that I'd consider better than that. Vesperia isn't one of them, but it's close.
samefag trying hard
And xenoshit 2 didn’t? Fucking please
>Hiroyuki Sawano
What's wrong with Xenoblade 2?
They did. It was called Valkyria Chronicles.
What isn’t wrong with Xenoblade 2 more like. It’s quite honestly one of the cringiest games I have ever played.
it has cute girls and Segafags fear women
You mean Neptuniablade 2? Everything.
Dude you’re the biggest fucking loser on Yea Forums and that’s saying something.
Imagine wasting almost 2 1/2 years and counting obessed about Nintendo.
Imagine posting so much thousand of people know your exact verbiage and writing style on an ANONYMOUS FUCKING WEBSITE
You’re such a loser you’ve literally made a name for yourself where the whole point of this site is to say what you want without fear of it coming back to you.
You’ve defeated the whole point of Animosity
>caring about metacritic
Three Houses and Valkyria Chronicles are the comparable games and Three Houses is higher.
Xenoblade 2 and Persona 5 both suck
Pick your poison between a polished movie game and a trainwreck with good environment/level design.
>Sega always made better games than Nintendo even all the way back with the Genesis versus Super Nintendo
You could make an argument for the sixth generation (including both Sega's Dreamcast and post-thirdparty) if you count GX for Sega instead of Nintendo and maybe the WiiU era if you count Bayonetta 1 & 2 for Sega.
SNES annihilated the Genesis library
N64 annihilated the Saturn library
Wii era Nintendo output beats Sega output
Switch era Nintendo output beats Sega output
Eat my ass, thinking you're fucking funny and shit
Hi eric
>Hiroyuki Sawano
>the chad Sega vs the virgin Nintendo
>doesn't even put them on the correct sides of the image
If you're going to shitpost, at least do a bit of quality control.
The cute anime women were the least of its problems. I don't get why everyone attacks it for having attractive female characters actually I do know, RetardEra transplants, Blizzdrones, and Bethesdadrones, people who are horribly offended by sexy women, when there are far more problems with its gameplay, at least in comparison to its predecessors.
Sawano is BASED and far better than the hack Soejima
>You're so fucking traumatised by the success of the Switch (and Nintendo in general). Its absolutely hilarious watching you meltdown every day.
What's there to be traumatised by a underpowered fisher price tablet getting scraps? Go back to jacking off to the latest NPD numbers before next gen consoles resume majority of the worldwide market share again.
>You literally do NOTHING else with your life except obsess over Nintendo and cry about the Switch every day. What a sad pathetic loser.
>"Y-you're just obsessed!!"
He absolute state of Nincels on this board, battered and mentally broken autists to the core. Fucking kek
>Hiroyuki aka "dude i've made that gundam unicorn track lmao" sawano
X is a great game but sawano is trash
That’s because the gameplay is obviously trash. It’s the cringe that just tops it all of though. Persona has attractive women and never made me feel like some neckbeard playing pantyquest but somehow far worse.
>imagine seething when told the truth
jesus christ thats sad
While Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has the best track in the series, X has the next 4 best. I can't think of a single overworld track from X that wasn't top tier, except for maybe Primordia Night. Not to mention GOAT tracks like Melancholia, Don't Worry, Uncontrollable, and So Nah So Fern.
More like Really Shitty Game haha
I doubt anybody who hates it for "MUH CRINGE DOOOD" could actually tell me the problem with 2's gameplay. Only experienced Xenochads know what's up.
>still SEETHING this hard
LOL, Eric really is a retard.
>GOAT tracks
I think you mean GREAT tracks, goat is 2much desu
That's like saying SEGA has nothing to do with Yakuza because it was made by RGG studio
>this traumatized he COPES by still being obsessed, posting and wasting every day of his life crying about Nintendo.
Heres this autist, back at it again. This faggot can’t seem to get Nintendo off his mind. It’s pretty sad that the success of a company can make one act like a raging retarded faggot. Seek medical help.
Nah, they were just that good, man.
At least get it right OP
>mechanics take 30+ hours to be fully introduced
>tutorials stop you everywhere with the most inane shit
>autoattack combat where you press an attack and maybe special every 10 seconds and wait inbetween
>this is the combat in a 80 hour game
>god awful menus and maps
>garbage oversized UI covering the screen
>level design is terrible, can never navigate properly
>field skills making exploration pointless
>gachashit in a fucking full price singleplayer game, absolutely unacceptable
>characters all speak in the most obnoxious ways
>cutscenes everywhere
>maybe special every 10 seconds and wait inbetween
Nice try proving you never played the game, simply parroting some eceleb.
LOL, try harder next time.
No, Atlus does. SoA publishers the western release while Sega owns the rights to the IP.
Chug Bleach, faglord.
I'll give you
>Field skills
>Gacha blades
>Terrible maps/menus
Also, the last combat mechanic (aside from Pneuma) is introduced at like hour 15. It really does not take that long to get to Chain Attacks. In X, you don't even get Skells until 30 - 40 hours in, and Skell Flight until 60 - 70 hours in.
Wow, so they do even less than I initially thought
>t-those don’t count
The absolute state of XC2fags. You still haven’t recovered from the thrashing Joseph and Dunkey gave you.
>SNES annihilated the Genesis library
Factually wrong on many levels, unless you autistically cared about JRPGs then the Genesis offeres the superior package overall, especially with the upcoming Genesis mini.
>he actually admits he never played the game and listens to ecelebs
LOL, snoyfags really are cucks.
Joseph is an SJW retard and Matthewmatosis is way better.
Also, I've played all the Xeno games (aside from Saga 2 and 3), so I'm experienced enough to see where 2 went wrong.
May as well admit the same with Nintendo when it comes to Fire Emblem, Kirby, Pokemon, & Xenoblade then.
I played it, I’m just laughing at how they are still living rent free in your head
LOL, nobody believes you retard.
Nice try parroting retards and thinking that was clever.
Maybe try being less of a fag next time.
You're a pathetic loser.
Intelligent Systems, HAL, Game Freak, Monolith Soft
Yeah I know chill out I just want a new Skies game is all
>The chad Sega
Sega's not anywhere close to fucking "Chad" until they stop being dumb niggers and neglecting all their best IP in favor of garbage like Sonic or turning said good IP into gachashit.
>autoattack combat where you press an attack and maybe special every 10 seconds and wait inbetween
>there are people who ACTUALLY played the entire game like this
>when called out, the eceleb fag falls back to his autism buzzwords immediatley
LOL, and suddenly his "criticism" shows what it really is.
The COPING of a snoyfag, desperately crying every day wishing either he or Nintendo would die.
Why is Vinny dead inside?
>User score for Fire Emblem
Fucking faggots always angry at the smallest things.
>No argument
Sorry to inform you that i spend majority of my spare time playing actual good games, but go on and resume your third rate shitposting while under delusion of any if it having merit kiddo.
>Three Houses and Valkyria Chronicles are the comparable games and Three Houses is higher.
>With that userscore
>Xenoblade 2 and Persona 5 both suck
Nah, one of those is arguably RPG of the Generation material with well earned reception and it certainly isn't Xenoshit 2.
Some people are just retarded.
But also, some weapons are just that fucking lame. Axe, especially. Not everyone is Mythra, being able to continually spam specials thanks to crit resets.
And that's why X is better. Bigger pool of arts, more complex arts.
You get it. Where's Shining Force 4 as well since if FE is going well there's no reason to keep it from us still Sega, Tony Taka need no apply.
>Two points lower than left
I mean, aside from the (severely inflated) userscore on right, that really isn't any better despite XB2 being the shittier game of the two.
>he believes the metacritic user score
Thanks for outing yourself as a COPING snoyfag.
But the metacritic userscore shows that X is better than 2, which is true.
Broken clock is right twice a day
>Sorry to inform you that i spend majority of my spare time playing actual good games, but go on and resume your third rate shitposting while under delusion of any if it having merit kiddo.
>he literally admits to being an unemployed NEET sitting at home doing nothing but playing games and SEETHING at Nintendo all day
LOL, I bet you thought that sounded clever in your head.
I'll need a English translator on this post please.
which is deflecting the actual poinmt you made,
you don't stick on one weapon for the whole fight, you chain between them so you aren't stuck waiting for shit to charge
and Mythra is for fucking casuals who bitched and moaned when they had to go through a dungeon without their crutch waifu to rely on
Nintendo always wins, cope more
> Highest Rated Games
> Using Gamerankings or Mobyrank to convert the review scores of older games into metascores
> 1. Ocarina Of Time (Nintendo, N64) (99)
> 2. Super Mario Bros 3 (Nintendo, N64) (99)
> 3. SoulCalibur (Namco, Dreamcast) (98)
> 4. Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega, Saturn) (98)
> 5. Super Metroid (Nintendo, SNES) (98)
> 6. Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo, Wii) (98)
> 7. Grand Theft Auto IV (Rockstar, X360) (98)
> 8. Metroid Prime (Nintendo, GameCube) (97)
> 9. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo, Wii) (97)
> 10. Final Fantasy VI (SquareSoft, SNES) (97)
> 11. Breath of the Wild (Nintendo, Switch) (97)
> 12. Super Mario 64 (Nintendo, N64) (97)
> 13. Super Mario World 2 (Nintendo, SNES) (97)
> 14. Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo, Switch) (97)
> 15. Chrono Trigger (SquareSoft, SNES) (97)
> 16. Resident Evil 4 (Capcom, GameCube) (97)
> 17. Portal (Valve, Multiplatform) (97)
> 18. Metal Gear Solid 2 (Konami, PS2) (97)
> 19. Half-Life 2 (Valve, Windows PC) (97)
> 20. Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar, Multiplatform) (97)
> 21. Bioshock (2K Games, X360) (97)
> 22. Grand Theft Auto SA (Rockstar, PS2) (97)
> 23. Tekken 3 (Namco, PS1) (97)
> 24. Metal Gear Solid (Konami, GBC) (97)
> 25. Red Dead Redemption II (Rockstar, XB1) (97)
> 26. Halo: Combat Evolved (Bungie, Xbox) (97)
> 27. Radiant Silvergun (Treasure, Saturn) (97)
> 28. Grand Theft Auto III (Rockstar, PS2) (97)
persona and valkyria will always be better than nu-fe and xenoshit, but for the love of god stop making everything about brand warfare