Is it me or does every modern Japanese game (that's not a visual novel and not made by Nintendo) basically boil down to a beat 'em up or hack 'n' slash?
Is it me or does every modern Japanese game (that's not a visual novel and not made by Nintendo) basically boil down to...
*blocks your path*
My fucking god do people actually believe this bullshit that Op saying he must not play that many games because you obviously have a low barrier knowledge of Japanese games in general
Even Sakura taisen fell for the ARPG meme.
button mashing only satisfies brainlets.
>proving his point
OP is an american who things that only good games are the ones where you shoot things
>only one game isn't a button masher
And its fucking dragon quest.
way to prove OP's point.
I hate Nier for amplifying this shitty fad.
>shallow walking sim
>1 button contextual everything combat
>rpg design option boils down to: pick an accessory, of which there is about 1 good one for each character
This isn't even a proper hack n' slash though. I don't even know what it was besides a car wash sim for zoomers.
>doze car wash doe
Is it me or does every modern western game (That's not a fighting game and not published by sony) basically boils down to shooting stuff or pressing button prompts that show up at the screen?
Western games never did anything else to begin with.
Adventure games died with kings quest thank god
You don't know what a hack n slash is
To a BAD hack and slash.
Not the guy you're talking to but a game where you press buttons on a controller to hack and slash things in action-based combat is a hack and slash in my book.
There are a million western RPGs, strategy games, sims, etc. that contradict you.
Didn't know a turn based JRPG was a hack and slash. Who would've thunk.
Kind of agree. It'd be nice to see both western and Japanese action games be more bold with their gameplay. Games like Resonance of Fate, Hybrid Heaven and God Hand are good examples I think of what devs could do instead of the normal hack and slash gameplay style.
That's not a bad thing. Hack n' slash when done right, is ALWAYS good times.
Don't be fooled by turn based JRPG cucks lies. All of they're precious “thinking” JRPGs can either be easily beaten with just using physical attacks or an elemental spell and heals or some other shit mechanic that can nuke an enemy in one hit. They'll cry how “modern game are cinematic garbage” but they'll defend cinematic garbage like summons and spells and slow ass shit camera pans because “it's old school”. They'll cry how “modern games are empty” when all of their old JRPGs have literally empty maps and dungeons. Kek. Grow up and diversify faggots. Imagine seething so hard about games that doesn't pander to your favourite combat system.
Now I want a Dragon Quest visual novel
Try playing SaGa next time
Your webm clearly shows action-based combat.
>any game that requires pressing more than 1 button every 10 minutes is a button masher
Nothing wrong with hack and slash. Kill yourself
Japanese games are way more creative than your shitty streamlined garbage. Westfags literally play the same god damn game every time they go out and buy a new release.
>Japanese games are way more creative than your shitty streamlined garbage.
Not when they hardly make anything but third person action games.
How does it feel to be wrong? Most of these nippon hack n slash' games have more depth than the bullshit fast food gaming that's produced by the rest of these mooks
>what is persona
>what is pokemon
>>what is persona
Not a game, for starters.
Try playing Open Xcom, or Jagged Alliance, or DivOS, or TtoEE, or 7'62 High Calibre.
>i-it doesn't count.
Thanks. Will try it when the remaster drops. ; )
>waaah mommy, this rpg has too much dialog waaah
>Open Xcom
>Jagged Alliance
Clunky and overrated shit
Latest in meme technology
See above
Are you fucking kidding me now?
At least have the decency to mention something good, like Silent Storm 2.
You nigger.
I'm an hour late but I do hope someone will read this.
Gamepads cause this problem and even KB+M to an extent as well.
Ubiquitous controller design across all platforms have lead to a sort of "solved" control scheme where the greatest difference between similar titles is the button arrangement. Nearly all 3rd and first person games control movement with the left stick and camera with the right. The face buttons between games generally carry similar actions like jumping or using some sort of equipment possibly opening up a menu as well. The triggers are relegated to shooting, ADS, and grenades in most shooters and function similarly in fantasy games like elder scrolls. For racing games they are usually acceleration or reverse of changing the camera position. I can go on and on and point out the similarities between tons of games but what you'll find is that pretty much every game just jumbles all of these controls around to different places on the controller. This is why nintendo is so dedicated to reinventing the controller nearly every single console generation. Humans have 10 digits normally and let's assume you play claw on both hands (idk anyone who actually does this) and use a seperate digit for bumper and trigger then at the absolute MOST a human is only using 8 digits of those 10. When I play I use 3 fingers with my right and only 2 with my left and everyone plays differently but my point is that every game needs to fit on a control pad and needs to be accessible to the average user. And if your game doesn't fit into that tight design philosophy your game isn't going to reach a wide market because no one wants to buy peripherals to play your game. The result is a shit ton of games that all feel and play the same.
Japs and weebs just want to watch sexy girls and flashy effects. Why bother making a good game if your target audience doesn’t care
So you don't know what a hack and slash is. That's like saying any game where you shoot is an FPS to me.
Zoomer mad his Add won't let him play Jrpgs.
what are turn based games
what are side scrollers/platformers
what are eroge
what are SHMUPS
what are racing games
All better than anything Japan ever made.
japanese devs are hacks. they churn out soulless garbage just like they do with anime.