how does a company go from soul (1994-2011) to soulless (2012-present)?
How does a company go from soul (1994-2011) to soulless (2012-present)?
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Probably a lot of people leaving due to being there for years, and just times changing in general and just growing more and more buerocratic over time.
they're still soul
Into the Nexus was alright
What have they even done since the shitty RaC remake and movie?
>logo changes
Hurr... soulless
a GameStop published metroidvania, some Oculus Rift exclusives and Spider Man PS4.
They decided they could do better without Sony, but were wrong.
>They decided they could do better without Sony
They were never part of SIE Worldwide Studios
>facebook pokemon game
>weird mohawk game
>ratchet and clank remake
>lame superhero game
>lacklustre vr games and stuff that looks like indie titles
not what I'm talking about
They only made Playstation games for nearly 2 decades. Doesn't matter if they were officially 2nd party or not.
Only one of their AAA game releases wasn't on Sony (Sunset Overdrive).
I mean who didn't publish on the PS2.
That shit still had releases well into the 7th gen.
>forgetting about Fuse
Its ok, I don't blame you. But exactly, since they stopped making games only for Sony they have only made 3 AAA titles and the rest has been indie-tier crap for mobile/Facbook/VR.
They published more titles on the PS3 than they did the PS2.
that released on PS3 as well you doofus
Ratchet 1 vs Ratchet Remake is the ultimate soul/soulless comparrsion
it was released on ps3 too. Rip overstrike though, fuck fuse.
They're still good
They learned what happens when you have someone breathing down your neck 24/7 with MS
Hopefully when they go fully third party they have a responsible publisher
The whole point was that they weren't Sony exclusive any more, and thats when they started to make garbage games.
Alternatively the fact they don't remaster or remake anything. They start from scratch evey time and as far as I can tell barley own any IPs
Into the Nexus was fine and that came out after Fuse
I'm glad they don't make Nintendo games. As long as they do this I'm fine
And it was a Sony exclusive. They are cursed and can only make good titles on a Playstation system.
They were the only one resisting through the Sony purge of cartoony mascosts of the last 2000s, they probably just gave up.
So does Yea Forums like Spider-Man now?
lmao, chriiist. Ted seems to just have been lucky meeting the Hastings' brother and got carried for 20 years.
If I wasn't going to bed is be shitting out my autism in this thread
>Yea Forums is one person
Can we all agree that the next R&C needs to be the most ambitious the series has ever been? Ratchet has felt so stagnant in its game play design since 2009.
I just want an actual final full-stop conclusion to the Future saga, Nexus felt so anticlimatic that i don't get why they did it in the first place.
That really was the case
>Get lucky to meet literally all the Hastings brothers
>They do all the heavylifting
>Ted did all the business stuff
>They coexist and thrive off this
>Can't name a single thing Ted did
He did to a talk about "ballz" which you can listen to here where he brifly mentions he's the reason there was no weapon circle in one of the resistance games
There's also an interview with Sean Murray and Ted about game dev or some shit. It's a very shallow discussion but it somehow lasted an hour. Ted is pretty alright and is self aware of his issues but how he talked to the no man's sky guy for a fucking hour I can't say
>Yea Forums isn't a hivemind
Pretty sure Crack in Time was the conclusion with Nexus being an Epilogue
Just mention Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, and you'll get at the very least two different types of user fucking up the thread and nuking each other.
Since it's clear that Insomniac's idea of a classic Ratchet game is just the same shit but downgraded in every regard. At least by doing something different they can make something potentially worthwhile.
>their latest game is another crappy Oculus Rift title
>Spyro ended after 3
>Got fucked up so bad after rights were resold repeatedly that source code is lost
>Literally no single Spyro since has captured the fun it intially brought
Reignited a shit. I want a true remake
No that's still shit for a current gen game.
Even if it was, it still ends on a cliffhanger note basically saying "yeah, they're gonna find the lombaxes eventually". That's bs.
More like you'll get just one person
Unless the people nuking XV and the Barry who defend it are the same people samefagging, i find that unlikely.
Stormland looks amazing.
I'd argue the GBA titles at least are trying.
There's some okay attempts but they all fell flat
honestly, must've been great working under ted early on to be honest since he was just some doom/quake boomer who wanted his company to make cool games and had really amazing talent on his team. But after resistance 3 he just got too fucking business minded and empty.
Fuse was about as good as resistance 3. They just got worse over time. Spider man is a fluke if they try make a new ip, exclusive or not, it will probably be shit
Between this, Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog, i genuinely wonder what specifically did Sony to ruin its majors 3 studios and forcefully convert them into soulless makers of generic to awful games.
Sony holds their IPs. They need to ask permission to make Ratchet shit again
If they wanted to make Spyro again they'd need to ask Activision
Most of the companies Sony has a good grip on don't actually own the rights to the IP
I have no faith in this company any more
Ratchet PS4 was so soulless and unfunny with no personality
That i understand. What i don't is how the studios themselves when deciding to make new IPs though what they eventually did was the best thing to do instead of just doing something different with the art style and choices they had with what they previously worked on.
I maintain that the Overstrike/Fuse debacle was the turning point for the company. Almost like they lost there childish innocents.
Man I don't know I'm just some faggot shitposting until I fall asleep
Just do what I do and replay the old games until a new better soulful remake shows up
>Sunset Overdrive was the angst cool hip phase right after that
>Spoderman is the "look, now i'm an adult, stop thinking about the things i did, they're ugly" phase now
I think i'm starting to see the big picture. We're pretty much having Naughty Dog 2.0
lol yeah
has there ever been better western developers than these 3, before they all just became totally empty around 2013. It's so fucking weird.
Uncharted 4 was pretty good, second son and Into the Nexus were both okay. But other than that there's nothing.
>stealing A Perfect Circle's logo
that programmer hasting is a genius
>A Crack in Time was 10 years ago.
A Crack in Time was kino too. Pretty much all of the Future series is pure gaming kino.
>stole a Perfect Circle's logo
It's not like they killed someone
Quest for Booty clearly looked like a DLC for Tools of Destruction that was hastily reskinned and sold separetly.
Yeah, I never played Quest for Booty but I remember some of the Future games were just like digital downloadable stuff. That's why I said "pretty much", because I was only sure about Tools, Crack in Time, and Into the Nexus.
>They start from scratch every time
R&C is very heavy in asset reuse
>Sony purge of cartoony mascosts of the last 2000s
PS3 still had Sly 4, many LBP titles, Puppeteer, along with 6 R&C games
that's not exactly a purge
Lol they seriously rip off A perfect circle's logo
The drummer for a Perfect Circle's father works at Insomniac. I'm surprised you don't know that.
Puppeteer is such a good game. 3D Dot Game Heroes is awesome too.
>some of the Future games were just like digital downloadable stuff
the Future subtitle was only for ToD, QfB and ACiT, to denote that those three were all directly related story wise
A4O, FFA, and ItN were not part of R&C Future trilogy
Flat/minimalistic design is one of the worst things to happen in the last 10 years.
Muh minimalism
Beause some companies can't get with the times and write for a diverse audience.
yes, once they added the Raimi suit there was a shift of opinion on Yea Forums about the game
makes sense
Welcome to modern day capitalism.
Before we used to focus on making the best product but now we focus on pleasing stock holders (who don't even have real power in the company).
I finally got around playing it. So far its pretty generic open world stuff. The only standout is the swinging, its pretty good
>stock holders
pretty sure they are a privately owned company
don't you tread on me!!! (except if you're a corporation)
And the focus on HD graphics and other frivolous things added with increased development costs don't help either.
I like 13th step and Passive, I didn't realize that required me to be an encyclopedia of aPC knowledge.
I hate the story line with MJ. It's the same shit I hated about Uncharted 4 between Elena and Drake. Spider-Man and Drake, these 2 dudes are 2 of the coolest, most bad ass guys ever, and everytime they have to speak with their girl, they turn into little boys who are being scolded by Mommy. It's fucking sickening to watch. Why these writers always feel the need to shift the power from our main hero, to our main hero's gash, I'll never know.
>developers are the ones with the power and not publishers
>2010 insomniac games stop working with control-free sony so that they can own their products
>literally partnered with sony because of how controlling publishers are
Quest for Booty was meant to be more of a tech demo than anything, especially for the lighting and water effects. It also was the test bed for newer wrench interactions. I wish having it completed gave more than a pirate hat in A Crack in Time though.
I'm about 6 hours into Spiderman and it's pretty great.
What's wrong with it?
The way they make MJ look more capable than fucking Spider-Man, for a start.