Not playing female priest

>not playing female priest

Attached: dfo female priest.jpg (550x785, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Day_massacre

I want to mind break her by demonstrating that her religion is a sham then give her the cock.

>Not committing to a sacred mission

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The sacred mission of burning the dream.

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imagine being a female priest and having to hold your holy water in all day healing the party while still trying to look dignified.

I made a Redeemer because I thought the 7 sins mechanic was cool and she ended up being low dps trash. Best aesthetics out of the all the f. priests though.

Attached: Redeemer_Portrait.jpg (2000x1662, 753K)

the only fun class in this game is f.mage because it manages to have a bit more going on then the other classes

Why did they not stick to this

Who knows

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>play Battle Mage
>tons of buttons to press just to deal damage
>feels great when the combos become muscle memory
>oh btw it's one of the weakest classes in the game
I wonder if I'll ever come back

why does everyone hate Lancers

i wish i got into dfo ten years ago
it looks fun

they changed the game to pander to mentally ill korean whales who just want to shit out AOE attacks and P2W (see them allowing you to use cash shop gear in the pvp minigame when previously everyone was defaulted to generic gear)

is it too late to get into DFO if i just want a mindless grindfest to dump neet time into instead of being productive

Because with Lancers, a new weapon type was added, so it diluted the epic drop pool. There may have been something else, but I can't remember.

Nothing stopping you from getting into it now. It's never too late to jump in.

miko is the only priest worth playing

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Lancer awakening skills could bug and delete epic items from other player's screen

Literally a perfect event to start playing is happening right now


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>giant cross
user you do not cut people with that thing

That thing is a blade.

is it dead though

There's plenty of people playing.

You can cut anyone with anything as long as its sharp.

Anyone still using the very nice epic drop sound effect? Does it repeat itself multiple times when a epic drops for you? I'm not sure what causes and if I need to modify something in the audio.xml.

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>always go mage in everyone game
>its either braindead range spam or complex symphony on your keyboard
>the more complex it is the worse the class always is

>meanwhile warriors always just braindead rush things and do more damage while having more defense.

the cleric class in aika online was locked to female, but she was a loli, always wore dresses that allowed for easy upskirts, and her default armor with no other armor on was see-through lingerie

aika was a neat game

Why so many dfo breads lately
Is it fun

What are the classes that are big on combos and technical play? I don't want to play one of the "drop aoes until the room is clear" classes.


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Here she actually looks like a perfect counterpart to the male priest as it denoted a sense of uniformity. Something Fpriest doesn't have.


Man, ghostblade is such a shit class it made me quit the game in the same day i reinstalled it. If this is what we can expect in the future i doubt ill ever return.

Skirmisher, Rogue, Striker, Monk, Elven Knight

Monk is the most combo-focused, Elven Knight is the most focused on technical shit

...I kinda like ghostboi, his warp-to-ghost button is fun.

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DFO is so fucking fun, I wish I could get myself into it again

It's fun and just released a new event where you can level the new Ghostblade & Enchantress classes to max level in like 3 hours and get a full set of Epic gear for them.

Chain rush is busywork and knight is a sluuuuuuuuut

Attached: knight kini.jpg (800x1131, 701K)

Dunno my dude, every one of his skills is bland and boring. His whole design is instant animations and big dmg to pander to koreans. I like a little bit more flash to my class, since i couldnt care less about end game

A slut with a nice body.

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shhhhh mage is sleeping

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I need to impregnate that female priest


Fuck you and fuck this bugman garbage

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How's the witch nowadays?

she no longer exists

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But it's fun

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It's all about exploding your skills for burst now.

but I want to use the homunculus

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I agree, Ghostblade kind of feels like the gooks thought M Slayer needed a mach-speed-teleports-behind-you kinda character. It's pretty boring. But what do I know, I only play shit classes to begin with or something.

I like how is skills have a more laid back pallet and particles, makes sense since he's half ghostmist.

can I make and level a fpriest to max now? I mean, will I get any good stuff for doing so or is it just for ghostblade and enchantress

The HighFive event rewards can only be gotten by making the new classes. But you can save the Sky Legacy box you get for maxing out 2 and give it to an Fpriest later.

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The enchantress and ghostblade get full sets, but if you max both you get a weapon box and ticket for anyone you want


Don't trust alpacas user

Where to read manhwa?

All that shit you just wrote sounds fun as fuck. It's sounds like the very opposite of console movie game.

The am*rican retard.

worst korea
have fun, korean runes are easier than moon runes

Put this on repeat for 12 hours. It's the same thing so i'm sure you guys will have tons of fun.

Low dps trash or not, she's still really fun and I wish dfo wasn't ass or else I'd be grinding even more hells on her

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She's super fun, that's why I gave her all the invites/stones from the last event so I can run celestial rifts.

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>she's a boring copy
Yeah, you're absolutely right. Going a different direction design-wise is completely reasonable for fpriest.

How do we stop ELEX.
It's been like 10 years and he's still commissioning art of Sharan. I literally saw a new image of her getting fucked by a big goblin and it's not even two weeks old. Imagine how much money he's spent on Sharan, let alone DFO.

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Not my cup of tea but ghostblade is still the most fun I've had with an M.Slayer class. If I had played this instead of weapon master back in 2015 I might've stuck with it.

Look man, you don't stop another man's love for his big tiddy, dark elf waifu.

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He's putting more dark elf stuff on the internet why would I stop him

When are we kicking Jurgen and Vaugn's asses?

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Cain is gonna help us kick vaugh's hilder-empowered ass.

Jurgen's not even worthy of an ass kicking, he'll get arrested off-screen. Here's hoping for Vaughn murder soon though.

My desire to make Jurgen suffer is only eclipsed by my desire to make Erje my empress. Luckily the two goals are the same.
Hopefully Hiram gets absolutely assblasted by Woon too. He deserves it.

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>make concept art for each class
>sprite stays the same no matter which path you take
I mean yay they made the same charcter but female. whoop de fucking doo.

>Chinaman wants his TAO avatars for free
They should do it and just make 2AO avatars though. I know there's literally nothing to spend Gold on in this game other than avatars but come on.

I want my mom avatars already. Am I going to have to wait until 3rd awakenings or something?

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>3rd awakenings
can you imagine the numbers

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>Nipple makes another +% skill damage passive for everyone
We're gonna need another digit on the damage cap.

Top left is one, bottom right is 6. Call your favs go!
I’m a fan of 3 and 5

Rogue, Elven Knight, and Striker look fun. Any other options for moderate to high execution non-aoe classes? I'd prefer to stay female since if I'm gonna play dressup. Monk would be perfect if it was an f-priest class.

I would say Shadow Dancer if you intend to master Chain Reaction but if you hate AoEs you'll hate the fact that your Shadow literally teleports behind everyone and damages them on every back attack. But you could always not use that buff I guess. It'd be suffering and you'd run out of mana though.

Hells are practically dead, old man, get with the times. All the good shit can be had from daily/weekly dungeons now. You can speed it up with hells but 90% of your gear is just gonna be from material trade-ins instead of locked behind soul-destroying RNG.

This is your last chance to convince me not to reinstall and delete my ebins!

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please god

Weapon skins

Be honest user do you have any ebins

Not a good enough reason to start playing again, even though it's cool that they finally got around to doing it.
Three 12/12 90 cap characters worthless now I know... with a couple others with their foot in the door.

How about playing as a female acolyte and acting like a slut to get free items?

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Or maybe it was just two. I remember luke raiding on three though...

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Every time I see this game posted I want to go back to it. I had a lot of fun with it back in the day, to the point where I would be annoyed when my friend didn't wanna play (we always played together and I didn't want to grind ahead of him).

But then I remember it's a neverending timesink that I'll probably get too addicted to to play other games.

Oh well.

user don't be gay

12/12 isn't useless, you're way ahead of most people

is this the mom thread

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What other classes would I enjoy as a Necro main? Something with damage over time and maybe a cool basic attack enhancement.

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You can't really say that in a setting where Gods are an actual physical presence.


>cool basic attack enhancement
Any male male, pally

>damage over time
why do you want to be useless like that uhhhh spitfire I guess

God's ain't SHIT

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I don't like healer but I fucking love Shadow Priest in WoW.

FBrawler is basically the one and only DOT class, and also happens to have a basic attack enhancement involving snakes in some way. I don't know the details but try it out.


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You guys are leaving out the part where nipple changed how fbrawl's damaged works and she's a gigantic pile of unrepentant shit now

I mean, not much of a difference coming from necro...

Every class is shit.

She's more shit than the rest

>fbrawl shit
shes top 10 DPS in prey raid

>rank 7 on the 15s chart
>rank 3 on the 20s chart
>don't have to gear like a fucking lunatic with random status-enhancing legendaries anymore
>AND a synergy to boot
Come on, bro, you don't play this game.

Now she's just another magical percent class. She also came in 8th in the top 20 popularity poll so she can't be that shit if she's being rated that high.

Fuck you guys she was fun before now she's SHIT

how's f avenger? Or are they still doing that shit where they release one or two subclasses and pretend the other ones are "new content"

Name my Enchantress that I will probably never touch outside of this event Yea Forums

favenger is fun, but she was too good on release and now can never be good again


Nothing about how her moves work has changed though? She stills spikes with needles, smashes faces with bricks, throws out junk, cast out nets, kicks in you the nuts, etc, etc.

Lots of holds, feels good chaining skills together, gets a limited transformation. Is a synergy class, but loses damage if she has to buff others.


She's not high on the tier list and a bit clunky when not in her unfortunately limited transformation, but I think she's fun overall. A recent kdnf patch gave her the same cancel ability she has when transformed so that should make her a lot more fun to play then.

She's a synergy, too, so she gets a bit of a pass on her low damage.

Really, that wasn't taken? Alright, we're in there I guess.

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Have fun user, remember to rinse thoroughly after every use

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at least shes relevant. M.brawler went on life support

Is this still infested with chinks though?

the global version yeah. Anyone who cares about the game is playing arad (jp version) or the kr version. It's back to like before the nexon release, all those years ago.

Of course. They don't want to play their own shit version of the game.

>Chinks get their own exclusive version of the game with shit nobody else has
>Still play Global
I forgot, how bad is it over there again?

Well rip, there goes any desire I had to come back.

The money-grubbery is apparently on a frightening level. Like, you are completely locked out of endgame without paying, allegedly. I don't play it though so I couldn't give you details.

I don't give two fucks myself, it's just more people that won't talk. Just don't accept the chinese guy that has zero raid clears on his explorer club and you're golden.

You haven't seen p2w until you've seen chink dfo user

It's not any more p2w really, chinese and taiwanese just pay. They pay loads. They buy every single avatar set that comes out.

>its not anymore p2w
user the armor has emblem slots

>It's not any more p2w really
Horsefuck, the game has its own set of ridiculously inflated numbers for every boss to compensate for the absurd power that version expects you to have.

MJ has commented on official streams how completely broken parts of the CDNF packages are (which are so pay to win we don't get them - see the recent heroes of ethos pets).

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Time to install and make an Inquisitor. I don't give a fuck if it's good or not.

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I play male monk.

Inquis is fucking great user

Icing on the cake then

is there a class where i can be a cute girl with big gauntlets
and if there is is it good

I like that (Not Hentai) makes it worse, based MJ


It's time to play F Grappler user.


She is a good girl.

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Not really. F Grap is the closest thing you get. You get to beat up two cute girls with big gauntlets though.

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f grappler is not storng

F Grappler will life Arad above the Middle Ocean, then you'll see how strong she really is.

It feels like nobody plays Shadow Dancer. Is she that bad?

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I played her but couldn't get her geared in 90 cap before I quit...

I have one at cap but she is very unpopular in parties due to needing to turn enemies around to do max damage. I'm still gonna gear her though. Other than that I don't think she's really bad or anything and she has a few skills that get behind people and activate their effects even if you stab enemies in the face, but unless you can play perfectly around your party you're pretty much a suboptimal DPS. But as long as you finish the raid, hey, who gives a fuck?

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Getting back attacks is impossible in party content

Didn't they already fix that? Or rather, make back attacks a bit easier?

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what the fuck man, don't pass up monk just because you're a waifu fag it's exactly what you're looking for and tons of fun

Shadow cut teleports you behind the target.
Eraser puts you behind the target when the grab is done.
Shadow Trip puts you behind the target if you dash into them with it, but it's better for cancelling.
Blade Cyclone spins enemies around, but doesn't stun them or anything.
Shadow Decoy makes the next skill count as a backstab.

You have to be a little careful to not waste the cooldowns. I haven't touched party play since I came back, but I can imagine the clusterfuck would make it really hard to get optimal damage.

Sorry user, much like lancer monk will only be playable when fmonk happens

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I'm sorry user. I hate myself for it too but I know who I am.

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fair enough, at least you're honest. if i ever run into either of you in real life though i'll rip your dick off

Enchantress is super fun, even if nobody has any good builds for her yet. I'm thinking of trying Monk, F. Brawler/Striker, or maybe Crusader.

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>good builds
Anon please
She's a sader
Get as many points into forbidden curse and marionette as you can, remember that doll forest will extend marionette past the limit if you time it right

>DFO topic
what the fuck bros. I miss /dfog/

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I don't miss Tessaposting and I never will. Also /vg/ may be a circlejerk but the population of this game is just too low.

I miss /dfog/ guilds
fuck normalfags and fuck discord

I blame valon for this.

F. slayer when?

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I just miss seeing people talking about DFO.

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Every time we make a general on /vg/ it dies because the veterans don't talk much. The threads are much more active here because of newbies and people who've never heard of it before. Making a daily DFO thread might not be a bad idea.

There's actually not many resources that aren't outdated to help newbies, so I imagine this thread will be pretty alive if veterans actually participate.

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>tfw never got to raid with NEET when I played because they never invited me
>NFA is dead

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is ded


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Yes, ded.

I see Ice but no Gay. Am I blind? Surely it should be there.
/dfog/ wasn't all bad really. But, once you're in this game for a while, there's nothing to talk about on a board. If you're gonna shitpost about ebin drops you'd probably do it in whatever guild chat for immediate reactions.

That and no one ever knows there's a general since nobody refreshes the catalog every 30 minutes to check. These threads are really only active because of new character events. And people like and just want to repost dead memes all day.

>M. Brawler is bad

When will this meme end?

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They're not dead as long as we keep them alive!

that has to be a year old at this point

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i miss polyp junior...

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and dropped


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do not bully fmage she's best

Now Ele is the adopted one.

shut up they're gonna buff her back to god-queen you'll see

bug is much worse off than ele

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tfw cucked by your own gimmicks.

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>new Ghostblade class has the same percent values on his skills as Vanguard if not better
>but his cooldowns are twice as short

I don't feel so good, Lancerbros....

At least Vanguard's skills have some impact to them. Ghostblade may be shitting out damage, but it feels like I'm hitting enemies with a wet noodle.

remove lancer

Attached: cagsmug.png (172x205, 35K)

This is the Shiny Bug of Epic drops!

If you don't reply to this image with "DO YOUR BEST BUG BUG" a usable epic will never drop!

Attached: shiny bug.webm (500x462, 111K)

not today, bug

Attached: bug caught.png (1557x1250, 513K)

Being a Deicide main and playing Ghostblade for the first time made me realize just how slow she is nowadays, especially before Tays shit. It's awful.


Attached: Bug Mage.jpg (1920x1080, 475K)

I'm gonna Fug this Bug.

>still running hells

>tfw Neople shields us from the unique Chinese bugman market unlike Nexon NA
Feels good, and a massive departure from what was the absolute hell the old management used to be.

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this is now an f.mage thread

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Time to do the Veteran thing and announce to people that UI mods and music mods are really simple, the former you just look up and follow the steps while the latter you use .ogg files to swap via renaming.

But if I replace DFO's immaculate soundtrack it's not the same when Kongkong shows up and sings her awful song.

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I was there that day too user. Nexon NA truly is niggers

Attached: Nexonisniggers.jpg (800x600, 331K)

I actually just swap out the new orchestrated mixes with the classics. I like my old town and character select themes personally.

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reminder that quong'qng is a girl

When can I level up equipment besides chrons? I really don't want to stop using my refined otherverse set.

And you dink, reset gear is dead now. New meta is saders beefing it on purpose, eating the limited tokens, and rebuffing.

Imagine the smell.

The only sound complaint I have is that announcer that says something when you reach a certain combo. So fucking annoying and no option to disable.

>reset gear is dead
Why does neople hate fun?

I unironically liked swapping around dubs because not only did I actually somewhat enjoy the english dub but it added some variety to the game.

Blame saders, the actual problem

Thanks user, time to rev up my sader and reap some tears.

How can I molest children without a dick?

Which valor set for ghosty dude

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*tips fedora*

where are the barefooted waifus in a fighting game

How did people even mistake her as male? Her traits seem rather distinct.

>R*ddit gold has been added to your account
You have to go back

Poor translation referred to her as he many moons ago.

I just choose the one with all elemental stats on it.

How often is M Gunner next to F Mage in these? Maybe it's just a couple times.

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even more butthurt than the children you fuck

who hurt you

Please tell us more about our public educational system, we're all dying to know while is that way

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Not often.

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in some art slayer looks like he's 16 in other art like he's 30 something

It's nice working for an organisation that has your back so much, our crimes don't appear in a statistic at all.
I can see why you are afraid, but you can't meme it away.

F Slayer feels the same way.

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Mom is a very mature class, the other fslayers are her daughters

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hold mom...

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Careful, he's gonna say it.

Is trading gold for shit like google play still forbidden?

I thought you could only trade KK

It used to be they didn't give a fuck what you used gold for but then they finally changed the ToS to say you can't trade gold for codes. Another reason I dropped the game since I was just using it to fund mobage...

I don't think she'd be interested in your greasy fedoratipper pecker.

Wat, did they really kill KK sellers?

Does your character ever actually look like the art in your awakening subclass?

If you get a The Awakened Ones avatar set, yes. Second Awakenings, no.

Apparently the new EULA makes it a bannable offense and I haven't seen anyone selling KK in echoes these last few days at the very least. So yeah, probably

>via renaming
You mean just like sound mods? Rename it so it's above the original file?

>f. demonic lancer never becuase there are less m. lancers than soulbenders in korea
Is there any buzz about what class is coming next yet?

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nuns are worthless cumdumpsters

Probably have to wait until the end of the year. I think that's when they hold the DnF festival.

>play Avenger
>fucking annihilating everything with basic attacks, even with shit gear

Why didn't anyone tell me Avenger was this based?

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Are DK and Creator future versions of slayer and fmage or are they canonically completely different characters?

Communism literally killed 100 million last century, You already are a living meme.


Basically you rename the file you want to play as the track you wish to replace. Rename the original with something like (1) in case anything screwy happens.

Oh ok

What are the best
Tired of playing as a grill

Attached: best_class.png (480x640, 328K)


STRICTLY the best? Because M Sader is as good as Male characters get.

Soul Bender

Msader is god king of all things
Male mages are all fun but then again male mage counts as girl

The old men are pretty fun too.

No, FUCK you. Reset gear was the cancer that made saders unplayably garbage. New raid's design precludes even needing to reset most of the time.

>stole the kirkhammer concept

is that why people waste several minutes waiting on cooldowns at rosen

when's it her time again bros...

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Christianity killed 5 times as much and got away with it. And I am not counting the religious pogroms Christians did to each other for praying wrong, like the Saint Bartholomew night.
Despite crusading, witch burning and slavery they still somehow are allowed to decide what is good and what is bad and no one bats an eye.
Let alone all the money they launder for the mafia and all the children that are smuggled by members of the baptist church.

Reset gear was cancer because hell grind, but new raid didn't make it any better. As mentioned before now saders just eat tokens to reset.

>got sky leg and reinforce box
>don't know who to give it too

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Fuck saders. They have no place in a bear em up.

Yeah, because the fight lasts long enough to give you plenty of leeway to do that without needing to use tokens about it. Hence the new design precluding people needing to reset usually (unless the raid is borderline).

Token resets still aren't great in my opinion, but it's still WAY preferable to spamming weapon upper in the fucking corner and never getting to press a button outside that and 1a.

That ship sailed like ten years ago.

Same, I quit alt grinding, come back for the loli and there's like 3 weapons up for grabs.

My nen only has an 85 ebin so maybe I'll give her it.

>reset gear on sader
Ehh, I don't have a sader. I'm the one who originally brought up reset. I have it on my f striker. I just like being able to blow through all of my skills, have the reset kick in and blow through it again.

Her thighs demand it.

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is DFO as good as the art?

define "good"


Used to be a high IQ beat em up. Now it's just a game where you roll your face over your keyboard to do big numbers to bosses with even bigger hp pools.

>used to be
Nostalgiafag with retroactive Nexon NA stockholm syndrome please, Luke/FW is way more high IQ than old DFO ever was.

I enjoy it, but I don't take it too seriously. Though I say this and I have played a shitton today specifically.

[citation needed]

Yeah, in scenario dungeons. Leveling not being a pain in the ass is not the same as the game being completely braindead.

Based on the sheer amount of classes in the game it should have something that you'll enjoy if you know what you like and don't have to reroll 20 times

Shut up and buy my 2nd spines runs.'s_Day_massacre

post Enchantress skillbuilds or Mom gets it.

Attached: dfo mom2.png (1200x1248, 708K)

>needing skill builds in nu dfo
just max everything (lol

>93% of all wars are secular, 7% religious, majority Islamic
>Pogroms done due to child murder/conspiracy with muslims during the Crusades, among the other justified 109+ involving blood rituals
>Crusades happened after incidents such as the Conquest of Sicily and other encroachments onto Europe centuries prior which also involved the enslavement and murder of Eastern Europeans
>Witch burning done by mobs, denounced by Inquisitors calling the peasants retarded
>Jews owned the slave trade by and large, Papal bull in the 1400s insist Mediterranean nations stop slave trading, secular authorities refuse
>accusations of money laundering without substance
>Huguenots first to agitate mob violence repeatedly, mob retaliates
>Baptist church ???

[citation needed]