DOOM Eternal gameplay stream in a few minutes
>DOOM Eternal gameplay stream in a few minutes
DOOM Eternal gameplay stream in a few minutes
>DOOM Eternal gameplay stream in a few minutes
DOOM Eternal gameplay stream in a few minutes
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I hope it's new shit. I have a feeling it won't be.
Who cares, shit game
>shit game
It hasn't come out yet butthead
Kill yourself, shill.
you first
She's in, r-right?
I'll just watch the Youtube upload later
>"we're making a comic book video game"
>Michael Myers meets John McClane
did i miss it? all i see is hugo talking
They just talked about exploding red barrels and I clapped as I remember the exploding red barrels in the original doom.
im calling it, Eternal will become capeshit bait and the new Fallout trash the hordes of retards will buy without thinking of it's quality.
screencap this.
this is what comes out when you fart on keyboard and hit reply
>Red barrels
this shit too colorful
outted yourself as a retard, good job
UI customization dog bless
this is awkward
>this is what comes out when you fart on keyboard and hit reply
that would be Bethesda but in allcaps.
What happened up until now?
It's fucking dead.
>the person recording the demo footage is using a gamepad
Every single time. Look like shit to be honest.
chat is pathetic (eso)
Stream is good , explain a lot of gameplay
trying to 100% Doom 2016. I am stuck on the last rune trial. Fuck this stupid shit. 1 health and fireballs flying all over the fucking place. fuck. I am bad at videos games.
just waiting for the smash reveal thats never coming
there's your typical western game dev: fat and with soi filled, with a squeaky voice
no wonder all their games are fucking trash
they always use controllers for demo footage because the quick movements of m/kb is not ideal when trying to show something off
>they haven't changed HUD
It's over
Well I was optimistic but it's just more of the same shit with some garbage mechanics on top, so it's a pass for me.
looking a bit MMO-esque, the stupid golden question mark giving you a 'secret item', no idea what said secret item was considering it was just right out in the open
also the UI is pure puke, game seems very distracted with a lot of arcadey junk
>shitting on hugo
They just said the UI is customizable.
A mouse can be moved slowly and smoothly if the person playing for the demo footage isn't epileptic.
The gamepad aiming looks jerky and unnatural.
They said this was an old build and they toned down the colours a bit in the newer ones. They also said hud customisation is a thing again.
Garbage hud and they're just adding a bunch of dumb shit to water down the base experience with their shit ideas
I've actually lost some excitement for the game since watching this stream, it looks a bit boring.
slap a smoothing filter on the mouse and even spazy fucks can do it
>don't want Yea Forums to be right
>Yea Forums is right
>showing the game with a controller
Yea Forums is never right.
>emptier hallways
>skipping through levels
>pausing constantly
>running in circles constantly to explain stuff
gee i wonder why it looks so boring
I feel like they've been in this arena for 10 minutes now, fucking hell
This shit is literally fortnite tier.
There's no more defending it.
arena gameplay sooo boooriiiinnngggg
It's fucking dev commentary, you think they're gonna speedrun this shit retard?
Thanks for proving me right.
the games on medium by the way for show it off purposes.
I can't tell if the game is a bit low or if this dud just sucks shit at it.
Also has anything been shown for the multiplayer for this game?
Don't know what to tell you, smoothbrain, it looks like shit and I was actually okay with 2016.
they showed off some multiplayer yesterday.
it will have a beth shop, count on it
he's playing on a stage, trying to commentate on it while looking down at a screen
all 2v1 stuff was talked about yesterday
no you didn't
you 100% bitched about that game as well because NOT MUH DOOM despite not even being born when doom first released
your act is tired and worn out
I wish they would’ve showed off the sword, but it looks like we’re gonna have to wait until it releases to find out
Doom fans are playing obscure wads, they don't give two shits about zoomer doom
>they abandoned classic arena multiplayer for some asymmetric evolve ripoff that will be dead one week after launch
Drink up me hearties yo ho.
You fags don't remember the early 2016 build? they toned it down on release
go suck on a dick or something, I don't even know why you're defending this so fervently
sure, quake is so alive
I missed that part, what did they say about UI customization?
You do know fans who play mods and/or make mods liked Doom 2016 right?
le rip and tear XD fellow doom slayers
Speak for yourself, faggot. I enjoy this 2016, Doom 1, 2, 64 and the shitload of wads there are. Glad I'm not a jaded faggot like you.
Did they specify what the customization was like? Do they just mean the ability to turn off the compass and stuff, or to change the colors?
If id had any soul left they'd make a game with passion instead of zoomer bait.
But no doom is Bethesda's new cash cow.
Did they remove the original announced invasion mechanic and replaced it with the separate 1v2 multiplayer shit?
>the stupid golden question mark giving you a 'secret item', no idea what said secret item was considering it was just right out in the open
>that makes it look like an mmo
It's a placeholder. How could you not tell?
The only time they showed off the game without controller for nu-Doom was Doom 2016 Vulkan API Demo
They don't have anything to show off now unless they also have RTX to demo and they show it off at gamescom
I don't know why the fuck they still do controller
The barrels in the original doom were grey though
At the very least you can make it more opaque and you can turn a lot of it off.
I doubt you will be able to change the design of the health and armor bars though which I think was peoples main problem with it
You only have yourselves to blame for pushing this meme.
There's Quake Champions, cunt. At least Battlemode will be fresh and 1 week after launch is going to better than QC's miserable existence on life support.
Is it me, or is the movement slower than in 2016?
They said it was like 2016 so yeah, you can turn off basically every element individually.
>I clapped
The question mark is a placeholder, it will be an actual item in the game
2016 is a good game, and eternal probably will be even better, but both lack some of the key aspects of doom: enemies in corridors, none to few arenas, capacity to speed through the levels without getting locked by waves of enemies.
No. There will be both.
doom is litteraly better than nu quake.
>Prowler can teleport
That's kind of annoying.
Zoom zoom
Just bought Doom on the Switch
I'm not liking it's going to be full of cinematics.
To be fair this was the demon so chances are this isn't final. Kinda like when Yea Forums saw the 2015 footage of Doom 2016.
At least the know their audience well enough to apologise for the controler, unlike blizard who thought their would be no backlash to mobile diablo
Can love bloom in hell?
>Yea Forums finally shits on a good game instead of praising trash
Tempted to Buy the Coll. Edition for the helmet
I'm kind of pissed about the preorder level
No. It's full of nothing but despair.
>soulless corporation takes a slightly amusing meme then runs it to the ground with cringe to sell more units
wow color me shocked, never seen this happen before
what are we mad about now
Remove the champions and f2p bullshit and it would be a good game. No kiddies would play it either.
Keep seething.
I got the collectors edition of 2016 for like 30 bucks a few years after launch. I'd probably wait a bit if I were you.
I would but there's no way that helmet is gonna fit my big fat skull anyhow
If you want to blame anyone, blame yourself and doomfags who started it. You dipshits made the meme popular. Don't blame Bethesda, don't blame id, blame yourself for forcing a meme. It's not their fault it's not cool to use anymore.
I didn't even know people did speedruns of Doom, this is nuts.
I'm thinking I'll blame Bethesda instead.
Is that a shop?
What will they call the premium shop currency Yea Forums?
Dooms? Gibs?
Nope. It's YOUR fault for pushing the meme. End of story.
>out of stock
So it’s shit. Nothing new, so pack it up, yall
Does the UI still look like its trying too hard to be a video game?
>blame yourself for laughing at a meme
>don't you dare blame based corporation for exploiting it for profit
but I'm thinking I'll blade Bethesda instead after all
It looks like it's trying to be a team based hero shooter.
I never said Bethesda was based. I said you dipshits pushed this meme so much normalfags caught word of it, if you had just left it to die in peace it wouldn't be used for marketing purposes.
>fat jobless basement neckbeards that dont know how to take accountability for the messes they make that their mom is forced to clean up.
nothing new here.
>community enjoys the meme
>it becomes natural part of franchise identity
>developers incorporate ripping and tearing into the game
>never go full pickle rick in the game itself, only jokes during promotion
Doom Slayer is not the Doom Guy from Doom 1&2.
I know that feel.
Hugo literally fucking called Doom Slayer "Doomguy" on stream.
>Yea Forums endlessly shat on Doom 2016 before release
>Turns out great
>Yea Forums endlessly shits on Doom Eternal before release
>Will probably turn out to be an upgraded version of 2016
I don't know what the problem is. Everything they've shown so far has been Doom 2016 supercharged, on crack and looking like the most video gamey game in years. Admittedly I was also shitting on 2016 before release but it turned out great and Id Software has regained my trust. Shine on crazy Martin.
Doomguy is the Doom Slayer from DOOM 4 and 5.
>Being excited for a Doomkiller sequel
Zoomers begone
Just cleaning up my cacademon.
It's just an altered version of a level that already in-game.
my only concern is Eternal looks a lot more cinematic than doom 2016. I hope cinematics are a replacement for loading screens as an attempt to keep the flow of combat going endlessly.
high quality canvas bag
>corporation can do no wrong, it's only your fault
>just shut the fuck up and bent over goy
amazing again, peak american corporatism
I'm actually clapping right now
I wish there was more shooting and less bing bing wahoo *upgrade* *use ultimate skill*.
They're going for people who don't even like shooters and it's not even subtle.
They're not even being fucking subtle about him being the same guy anymore. Give it up already.
They keep mentioning Doom 64 yet I still see no references in Eternal.
>some fatso who was never part of the original id and was given Doom IP on a silver plate
Will I need to sign in to to play it?
You pushed the meme, you started the mess, and you made your bed. lay in it.
>Selling memes
>Season pasa ahead of the game release
>Disgusted sigh.jpg
Day XX buy day 1 pirate
>I still see no references in Eternal
Well the Doom Hunter has a double-bladed chainsaw, for one.
>being upset over a meme
Isn't this more of a reboot/reimagining than a continuation? Doomguy wasn't an otherworldly knight in the previous games.
They're the same demon killer. Deal with it.
Thanks for the advertisement CM-san
>blaming bethesda
>not brutal doom
BD’s ‘fatalities’ are where glory kills came from. It also showed how marketable that power fantasy was: Everyone cared how violent and ‘cool’ it looked, not the actual levels or how the mod broke gameplay.
Can’t blame Bethesda for capitalizing on that, especially since no one cares about Master Chief anymore.
It's a welcomed change from 2016's collectible/upgrade hunting which halted the flow of the game completely. Platforming seems like the superior way of taking a break from the action while still keeping the pace and player agency intact. I hope searching for unlockables is more organic in Eternal since having to constantly check the map sucked ass in 2016. Also, eliminating menu surfing is a huge plus in my opinion, that shit was infuriating in 2016.
Made by different people in a different decade.
It's not the same game and it's not the same canon.
But lorefags will pretend it's a continuation and sperg either way over what "the devs" say. I couldn't care less.
So basically zero new info or footage shown. How disappointing
I got no problem with it, I'm just saying the background is real different in DOOM.
Wouldn't be so bad if they added gyro controls. Switch will probably have it but not the PS4 unfortunately even though the DS4 is fully capable of using it. If the switch version is decent I might get it on that instead
Why does everything looks like it's made of play-dough?
Really don't give a shit about platforming, ideally there shouldn't be a break between killing shit.
If I wanted platforming I'd play Overwatch or some other garbage.
Honestly at this point they can't show too much else without spoiling the whole game. We know we go to heaven, we know we fight demons that seem to be wearing similar Slayer armor, we know what some of the new weapons look like, we know there's more maneuverability options and shoulder mounted weapons.
What else do you want?
Really? That shit was fun and still somehow still alive on PS4.
>Isn't this more of a reboot/reimagining than a continuation?
It works as both, but it is heavily implied to be a continuation, especially with how much attention they're now giving Doom 64.
>Doomguy wasn't an otherworldly knight in the previous games.
He's only consideredthat because he fought alongside a group of otherworldly knights during his time in hell.
>I didn't even know people did speedruns of x
are you serious?
>ideally there shouldn't be a break between killing shit
Unironically "you think you do but you don't". Just killing shit gets tiring fast if it isn't broken up by exploration or something similar. If it is only combat then the player is always in an heightened state and stressed which ultimately leads to monotony. You've gotta pace that shit out if you want to have higher highs in your game.
>BD’s ‘fatalities’ are where glory kills came from
Nah, glory kills were already going to be a thing in that scrapped Call of Doom game, but at the time they were strictly referred to as "push forward combat". Also glory kill-esque mechanics have already appeared in other fps like Duke Nukem Forever and Serious Sam 3. A lot of stuff in BD is just pulled from other games, like how that "grab an enemy and throw them" move is taken from Crysis.
How many cutscenes will make or break this game.
It doesn't get tiring.
If I want a break I pause the game, or finish the level, it's not as if these things would be huge anyway.
This pacing in fps crap is honestly the most stupid meme I've ever heard. Yes there should be pacing in WHAT things you kill, there shouldn't be entire sections where you're playing around with your dick because there's nothing to do.
Can't wait to pirate it the same way I pirated all the other 4.
How would you recommend transitioning between areas without some kind of break between fights? Do you want just a never ending swarm in one room? Do you want just a door that leads to another big room without any hallways or reason why each area is just a big murder dome?
>Unironically "you think you do but you don't". Just killing shit gets tiring fast if it isn't broken up by exploration or something similar.
You’re posting in a thread about a sequel to a timeless shooter that people are still making maps for. I’d prefer to have my gameplay separated by gameplay, not disguised load screens or random filler.
Doom 64 console ports when?
Fast paced platforming, exploration etc. isn't "doing nothing" but taking a break from the game is absolutely "doing nothing" in terms of game flow. Fucking moron.
>If the switch version is decent I might get it on that instead
Or you can use Steam Input to play with gyro aim on DS4/Switch Controller/Steam Controller.
They talk about the customization of the hud at 1:58:15
There's literally no flaw in how the original game did ennemies.
You put ennemies in locations and let the player kill them. No need to spawn them let me clear rooms like the real fps experience.
>How would you recommend transitioning between areas without some kind of break between fights?
That’s generally when level exploration came in. I don’t think NuDoom was able to be as open-ended as some Doom maps and I hope that’s fixed with Eternal, hence why I want to wait and see before I buy.
someone fix the mic on the bong
>ideally there shouldn't be a break between killing shit
This type of mentality is what resulted in Serious Sam and Painkiller being considered "retro fps" for whatever reason when they're really their own thing. There's nothing wrong with spacing out combat scenarios with creative level traversal and encouraged exploration.
Just fucking teleport me to the next arena when I'm done, like in this game
Right "exploration". aka get the shiny thing on the way to the next scripted fight.
>pirated all the other 4
So, you bought Doom 64?
It isn't random filler since it strengthens other parts of the game considerably and makes a stronger whole.
You keep talking shit but this kind of thing is in classic Doom: it's called backtracking and it's inferior to other designed "filler".
Jumping on a fucking pole is not "heightening the Doom experience".
Jesus fuck, is this Super Mario?
Ohhh nooo that sucks.
>It isn't random filler since it strengthens other parts of the game considerably and makes a stronger whole
Just like cutscenes, sure...
>You keep talking shit
I honestly don’t know what YOU are on about, nor how I’m “talking shit”.
>but this kind of thing is in classic Doom: it's called backtracking and it's inferior to other designed "filler".
Every other shooter didn’t need any ‘filler’, though. Dusk doesn’t have any. I suppose it needs a bigger graphics budget for it to need an “opinion”, though.
I think idiots and normies may need “breaks” and that’s certainly who Nudoom is aimed at, though. I don’t think you know what makes good games.
Adding vertical movement options during combat is an insterestjng gameplay addition and a natural evolution of the genre from Quakes fully 3D environments
Prove me wrong, you cant
Sorry bro but "press x to poledance" is not vertical movement.
Few games did vertical well and many of those are already dead. Nothing is more gay and retarded than having some first person "dude latching onto a ledge" animation or anything similar.
Adding a jump button doesn't make your game good.
>Every other shooter didn’t need any ‘filler’
Yet it exists in Doom in it's most unengaging form possibled, backtracking. Why? Because the designers knew that only shooting demons sucks fucking monkey dick so they designed the game in a way where the played had to search for keycards and backtrack back to doors instead of just shooting demons the whole way through.
Backtracking was more tolerable in classic DOOM because there you moved faster and levels were considerably more compact, reducing the amount of space to traverse
Also consider that classic DOOM didn't have Glory Kills and relied on a finite amount of medkits, which when combined with hitscan grunts who could easily chip away at your armor/health meant that each encounter had an appropriate level of tension that begged for a more careful playstyle that suited the exploratory pacing better, because even damage from lowly grunts could add up and end up costing you in the long term
Then consider how health always being present as long as there are enemies through Glory Kills completely eliminates this sense of tension when you know you'll survive as long as you find things to kill, placing less of an emphasis on exploration because health pick-ups didn't mean much because of GKs and ammo pick-ups didn't mean much because of the chainsaw, so they started putting in upgrade points instead which invited its own brand of cancer
nuDoom just stands to benefit less from exploration
>Nothing is more gay and retarded than having some first person "dude latching onto a ledge" animation or anything similar.
>Adding a jump button doesn't make your game good.
Are you actually going to explain why or are you just going to stick with buzzwords like gay and retarded?
There is literally nothing wrong with backtracking if it takes you a whole 5 seconds to exit part of a level.
Does your brain explode if you see the same place twice? Get some zoomjuice for that headache.
This is a semantics issue that you are clearly too dumb to see: diversifying gameplay has always existed in Doom games but you just choose to ignore it in favor of shitting on the new games. Fuck off retard, I'm done replying to you.
>Dusk doesn’t have any
Explain why what?
Are you one of those brainlets who makes a vague statement and declares "I win" for internet points?
I said exactly what's wrong with the new game and you didn't reply with anything.
>Explain why what?
>Nothing is more gay and retarded than having some first person "dude latching onto a ledge" animation or anything similar.
>Adding a jump button doesn't make your game good.
>Are you one of those brainlets who makes a vague statement and declares "I win" for internet points?
Get a grip.
>walking around in room with no light
>hear heavy breathing closing up
>implying they are separate
Combat and exploration are inseparable in olDoom. Secrets were rarely a massive pace-breaker, and exploring levels also often brought you additional enemies to deal with. What you find through exploration immediately ties back to combat, and escape is often possible in olDoom.
In nuDoom combat and exploration are separated by a massive steel gate. You know there's nothing to explore while locked into an arena, and combat is mindnumbingly light while exploring. The combat suffers while in exploration mode, and no exploration cam be had while in an arena. They're two different modes of gameplay where one half is never utilized to its full potential at any given moment, and it's because olDoom seamlessly integrates the two that it's why it works there.
So you're saying that waiting .3 seconds after every cliff jump is fun and entertaining? Or that first person is a good medium for jumping on platforms?
Protip: in fps, every second that there isn't a gun in your hand is a mistake.
Haven't really kept up with this and don't want to watch any vids. Did they finally make it so you can run around with fists or the chainsaw without starting a kill animation on every enemy? Also please tell me the enemies don't stagger for half a minute anymore when they're close to dying.
Have spectres or heavy weapon dudes been confirmed yet? They're the only non-boss enemies from the first two games that I haven't seen, though I assume spectres will be in the game, since they were in 2016.
>So you're saying
I haven't said anything. I'm waiting on you to actually articulate your arguments with something more than "gay and retarded".
>waiting .3 seconds after every cliff jump is fun and entertaining?
I don't think the inclusion of that .3 second animation is for fun, but if you can't make a single jump and are constantly relying on that ledge grabbing safety net then I'd say having to wait .3 seconds after every jump is an appropriate punishment, although I wouldn't say say "waiting" is the right word for an animation that only lasts .3 seconds.
>Or that first person is a good medium for jumping on platforms?
I see no reason why it wouldn't be. Some games do it better than others. Thief demonstrated in 1998 that platforming in first person becomes a non-issue when you include ledge grabbing/mantling mechanics. nuDoom is obviously following suit. I think games like the first Turok show that platforming in first person can be largely tedious when you don't include any kind ledge grabbing and are constantly forcing to the player to look down every time they need to line up a jump, so the solution is to either not include platforming elements in your first person game or include a mantling mechanic.
I expect heavy weapon guys to be in, it its on earth so they can just make a heavy weapons human possessed or something
Yes, looking for medkits is less important in NuuM but exploration is still rewarded you with upgrade points and early access to some weapons.
Glorykilling last remaining imp to regain health is better than backtracking to a medkit you left in the beginning of the level. Doom was always more about surviving the encounter rather that long-term survival and managing scarce resources.
>include vertical movement
>punish your player for using it
yep sounds about right
I honestly don't see HWD being present since Eternal's zombiemen seem to have taken their place as on foot projectile enemies, with regular zombies taking zombiemen's place as weak cannon fodder.
It's a punishment for players for regularly need to rely on a safety net in order to traverse levels, yes.
Where exactly is this tablet from Doom 3 found in 2016? I heard it was near the start of Argent D'Nur, but I can't find it.
It's not a safety net, most of the time you have shithead ennemies with bad AI sitting on top of cliffs and instead of letting me jump there I need to crawl like a rat.
I don't even know what safety net you're talking about since the safest place is in some hole 90% of the time.
Nigger please, arena traversal was specifically designed around said control-stealing safety net. Now, ledge grabbing served a similar role in Titanfall 2, but there your base movement techniques allowed you to build up enough momentum that you didn't have to rely on ledge grabs.
>plan your route better
>use gauss jump
>move and shoot non-stop
Yes, you are punished for being a scrub. Git gut.
>most of the time you have shithead ennemies with bad AI sitting on top of cliffs
Then shoot them. It's a fps.
>I don't even know what safety net you're talking about
Ledge grabbing is a safety net for not successfully making a jump. That's one of the main reasons why it's included.
Wait there's no classic deathmatch? I thought team deathmatch was supposed to be monsters vs doom marines? lol wtf lmao
In Hayden's office.
>plan your route
>in NuDuum
Why yes instead of going from A to B I'll just go from OH FUCK.
Yes, some games implement ledge grabbing better than others. That's not something I disagree with, my main point was just about the use of the mechanic in general.
>In Hayden's office.
It's not a tablet, it's etched into stone.
>Fire up Doom64 EX since Yea Forums keeps fellating it
>Locked to 30fps
Oomph. It's hard getting back to 30fps gaming after playing on a 144Hz screen for so long since the low fps makes the game feel sluggish. Here's hoping the leaked Doom 64 PC port has support for unlocked framerates but I doubt it since Bethesda doesn't seem to give a fuck about the quality of their back catalogue ports and if there was a way, I'm sure the PC community would have already found a way to do it.
You're an actual retard. I'll tell you exactly how because I know you're too stupid figure it out on your own. Pause the game, go to options, click on setup, go to rendering, change framerate to smooth.
>The bunny dies
>Doom guy cries
how'd you know that
Thanks, I should have read the enhancements EX brings to the table. I just assumed I'd be unlocked from the get go and the classic cap would have been left in the options for purists. Cheers.
I swear I saw a tablet, like a piece in the very beginning when you're collecting your shit.
>"Cultist Base Master Level - A remixed version of the campaign level ""Cultist Base,"" with new challenges and surprises"
Is what's written on the fucking store page.
oh, at least Id had the decency to not lock completely original content
Playing Doom with gyro via ST is pretty fucking entertaining, you are onto something
i want to ____ that bunny
kill degenerates for anthropomorphization of
Fingers crossed they don't pussy out on anything
Its probably because of the sparkly HUD. They said it can be modified with a more minimalistic look or removed completely. So that's neat.
Dreadknight looks dope and the Baron seems a lot more dangerous
Is Prey ($6) or Rage 1 ($2.50) worth picking up during the Quakecon sale?
Prey is really good if you like space dungeon crawlers
Rage looked bad to me, but I didn't play it, so whatever
I'm going to blame Bethesda and there's nothing you can do about it. Suck my cock
scale down the hud and we're golden
god i can't wait for this
Are you retarded and not notice that the enemies that appear in Eternal like the Pain Elemental are from Doom 64?
Are you? The pain elemental is from Doom 2, and the ones in Eternal look a lot more like they did in Doom 2 than in 64.
That's probably going to be possible, since they sayed HUD would be customizable.
Is this a remake? Just got here
>dungeon crawler
It’s SS2 with a worse atmosphere
Are Pain Elementals going to be massive cunts like in 2?
>Enemy hitboxes are smaller, making it easier to shoot the pain elemental without accidentally hitting the lost soul
>Fewer tight corridors to get caught in
>Dash to avoid enemies
They probably won't be too bad.
The Pain Elemental in Eternal is nothing like the one in 64.
>enemies that appear in Eternal like the Pain Elemental are from Doom 64?
How can someone act like they know shit about Doom and yet have clearly never played Doom 2?