It's time to discuss the best RPG of all time

It's time to discuss the best RPG of all time

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Sure. Darth Nihilus wasn't meant to be deep or complex, just a foil for the player.

notice the bridge and the guy in the robe
I hope you get the reference
t. OP


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What was your pornstar name Yea Forums? Mine was El douche, i like to say it with a spanish accent.

But we just a W3 thread?

Is this Baldur's Gate? I wish I could enjoy it. I keep trying to play it because I want D&D combat and leveling but it's absolutely not a combat focused game and it feels clunky as shit.

>Is this Baldur's Gate?

Attached: when-u-drink-water-23877882.png (500x527, 111K)

>Is this Baldur's Gate?

Attached: Zoomer.png (820x324, 244K)

I don't fucking know, I don't recognize every crpg ever made

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old crpgs are truly magnificent
one can say
they are based

and of course
Fallout 1 >Fallout 2

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>tfw his robes are the best mid to late game DEX armor you can get

Why are these old school isometric WRPGs so dreadfully boring and unplayable?

the first time I played this game I encountered him like 10 minutes into my playthrough

Slow combat drags down top tier writing.

>not setting it on fast

>I don't fucking know, I don't recognize every crpg ever made

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>not playing without violence

Daily reminder

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why is the top S and not A?
I never understood that bullshit

Since there is no letter in the alphabet before A, people decide to take the last letter of the alphabet. You know, like if you made a circle. So S it is.

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it's still slow though

Compared to what? It's faster than pretty much every turn based JRPG, since you don't have to navigate through tedious menus and then watch exaggerated animations play out. The only time combat really becomes tedious is when there are a lot of combat participants on screen at once.

How do you get those? I tried to kill him and he insta destroyed my whole party.

>NV not in z tier

sure is redd*t in here

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I've never seen a list like this I actually agree on before.

Good taste

Playing Fallout 2 and having to deal with the infinite AP dogs, even on fast, was a death march

Yeah or getting ANY encounter with more then four enemies, I love fallout one and two but gotdauym were any super mutant encounters hell

>he has never seen monty python and the holy grail

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>What is the Gauss rifle

It's a Japanese thing and it's since stuck.

Good list.

Ok faggot elf I’ll just look it up, thanks for nothing

It's RuneScape

>what it giving everyone in your party weapons with burst so they kill you and the other members of your party 80% of every shot they make

You've misspelled Akachi and he's anything but what you describe. Although he is, too, a lesson. But at least you have good taste in RPGs.


You can't have companions, if your INT is low enough.

Attached: Fun Fallout 2 Build.png (1920x1080, 565K)

Its Fallout Jew

party limit is linked to charisma not intelligence

which is most of the time. Klamath rat tunnels takes like an hour, most of which is looking at rats moving one at a time. Please do not defend garbage Fallout combat.

Both are true. In Japanese latin alphabet Z and S switched places, so S is the last letter. It's a mistake someone made when they first study the latin alphabet from the Dutch writings and works and it just stay that way. Not the first time Japanes have a problem with latin letter. They offten mix up R and L, tho that is because of vonetical reason, while here we have just some buddhist monk mixing stuff up.

I always thought it's just like "Super"

phonetic reason*

Low-INT runs are always hilarious but they lock you out of like 70% of the quests so I never end up seeing them through.

Fallout doesn't have the best combat, but it's far from garbage and still better than any Final Fantasy game.

At least watch the film you scrub

Forgot webm.

Final Fantasy is much better, even the worst one. It has actions other than "use gun on man." Hell it even has status effects!

It's right in the garbage zone
>b-but shitty jrpgs
No one cares

Attached: Fallout 2 Raider Camp.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

>Looks like Fallout
>Sounds like Fallout
>Uses SPECIAL and almost every other game mechanics from Fallout
>Absolute dogshit lore, writing, reactivity and game balance
Could have been a good game if they had a good writing team and more time

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Vault Dweller is best protagonist.
Absolutely kino if you fight the great Kahn's leader to rescue Tandi and you lose your eye

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there not even the same genre you stupid nigger, how could you even compare them?

Yea Forums told me CRPGs are the basedboy genre tho


>Random encounter in FF
>Random encounter in Fallout

>it even has status effects!
X, XII, and XIII are the only ones that actually meaningfully integrate these into combat.

The graphics look like shit compared to classic Fallout

Solid tier list, I rate that

>use gun on man x 50

>BoS below FO3
Both a better game and a better Fallout game

the writing was half russian memery but I thought it was funny

>random encounter in fallout
>aim for eyes

Nah, it's cozy, especially if you zoom out all the way to Fallout perspective. The only thing truly ugly is how poorly shoped all the portraits are.

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>final fantasy as an example of the jrpg side and not something like SMT

even then he posted a fight that inflicts berserk on your party, a status effect.

That was a zoomer soiboi.

A lot of NPCs have faces celebrities, mostly Russian with some exceptions. Huge immersion killer for me

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Wait you can lose an eye?

this opinion is the only correct opinion on this thread

Does it affect your stats?

Yes, when fighting the Garl he might land a critical hit on you where you lose an eye
it affects perception

This. I really enjoyed ATOM but, come the fuck on. A few celebrity references are fine, especially if they fit the context, but it seemed like they were actively trying to outdo Fallout 2 in the pop culture references.

Nevada and 1.5 are both better than 2.
-t. Just finished both and had amazing fun

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