What are you playing bros?
What are you planning to get?
How is videogame culture in your country?
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
Argie here.
>A Switch if possible.
>It' meh tier I guess.
>latino gaming
Puked a little bit desu
>What are you playing bros?
Star wars KOTOR
What are you planning to get?
counter strike source
How is videogame culture in your country?
Don't know /don't care
Fuck you niggers your country sucks American cock every fucking day of your pathetic lifes.
Isn't a Switch super pricey? You'd be better off buying one that can be hacked and just pirate games that way.
Yeah it really is and yes, if possible I'll hack it myself.
Everything's pricey in here nowadays, especially vidya.
>What are you playing bros?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
>What are you planning to get?
Asstral Chain
>How is videogame culture in your country?
Mexicans love Nintendo games
Not really, I managed to cop Payday 2 Ultimate Edition, Max Payne 3, and Hotline Miami 1 and 2 at like 200 pesos during the Summer Sale. The only thing you need to watch out for are scummy publishers who don't even bother adjusting the price, look at Dark Souls Remastered for example.
Persona 5
Celeste eventualmente
Que videogame culture o que porra
I'm talking about Switch games and console games in general so yes really.
Luckily we have steam sales every now and then as you implied.
>I'm talking about Switch games and console games in general so yes really.
oh lol, then yes. I remember having to shell out around 500 or 600 pesos per game (!!) when I still had my PS4, what a shit money investment that was.
My skin is very pale. Maybe I'm not white in the USA but at least my white is pink
post hand
Juego a reportar este hilo de mierda.
Si quieren hablar de sus países vayan a /int/ o a /pol/, me importa un culo que les hagan bullying allá por ser un montón de maricas.
*Saves Metroidvanias
>Dragon Quest Builders is $75 tacoshekels
g-gracias amlmao
Uhh, this is a globalized world, you don't get to make these threads.
why does Yea Forums attract so many ghetto spic /int/ threads.
Que carajos.
Did Trump make Mexicans so mad and dumb they elected a commie?
That's cheap
Who else got some free unusuals yesterday?
also quien mas no puede postear imagenes ;___;
nigga we just got out of a 4 month ISP ban
stop making these
did we?