We, the gamers, won


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It's so obvious they're only pretending it was a mistake because enough people gave them shit about it.

>inb4 some idiot replies with shitty RISE UP memes to suggest anyone who calls a corporation out on their bullshit is an incel magatard etc. etc.

At least they may fix it. This is okay with me.

isnt still capped at 35fps and music is shit quality?

Aww yeah, is that gamers rising up I hear?

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>inb4 some idiot replies with shitty RISE UP memes to suggest anyone who calls a corporation out on their bullshit is an incel magatard etc. etc.

every time

Companies really need to stop shilling their websites in game like that Rockstar and EA have done similar shit for years

Here's the thing. Quality-wise the music is 100% faithful to default doom. The problem is, for some ungodly reason, the tempo is off, it's somewhere between 8%-10% slower. I measured, the difference between E1M1 music on default doom on the PC running on dosbox and the newly released console version is: it sounds weird because it's slower, for no discernible reason, I'm guessing someone fucked the audio up either when placing the 35 FPS cap or by just sucking at programing how this version renders the audio files.

And I had a faggot telling me threads ago that the login was optional, lmao.

Sure as shit wasn't optional for me. I had to dig up my bethesda acc for this shit. For doom 1 of all fucking things.

its definitely not 35fps

it was supposed to be optional apparently for Slayers club but was mandatory.

Bullshit imo as it literally says on the screen its required to play. It didnt say "Login to slayers club account"

Seriously ,what the fuck is with people who want to let corporations shit on them? And since when did people with lefty politics side with corporations? Its seems like the complete opposite of their stance.

>Bullshit imo as it literally says on the screen its required to play. It didnt say "Login to slayers club account"

This. Mark my words, they 100% planned on making everyone use their stupid proprietary network until they got backlash

>Slayers club

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contrarianism thats all. ITS FOR TEH LULZ

>Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products

It's a meme you dip

>wrap the game in unity
>fuck everything up

>getting this assblasted over a harmless joke

It was always meant to poke fun at things like pic related. The fact that you get butthurt by this meme says a lot about you

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>Its a meme
>I'm just pretending to be retarded!

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It's not even just siding with corporations. It's demanding that corporations deny access to goods, services, and employment to anyone committing wrongthink. Perhaps that's befitting of Gilded Age Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, but I never thought I'd live long enough to see a page taken out of the union-busting playbook adopted wholesale by the US left.

my favorite feature in unity is the forced doom-themed bethesda drm login screen that they added back in 5.4, really changed the game for game engines

The "gamers rise up" meme has a whole sordid backstory. It was initially astroturfed on Yea Forums by people who don't usually use the site in an attempt to "combat" right-wing/anti-SJW sentiment on the site. i.e. making fun of histrionic anons freaking out about minority characters and women in games, etc.

But then it took on this additional level of being used against anyone who complains about anything gaming-related, regardless of validity. So the implication is that anyone who says anything negative about the proliferation of lootboxes, or monopolization of markets, or publishers making you sign up for their proprietary software like in this thread, is equal to someone angry that they saw a black person.

It's part of a weird, recent memetic trend you mentioned in your post, of the increasing crossover between online social progressivism and conglomerate corporations, which should in theory be diametrically opposed camps, but here we are. #Resist Trump by buying Star Wars toys; stop toxic masculinity by buying Gillette razors. Remember to give Bethesda your credit card information and fill your PC with spyware if you don't want to be one of those stinky incels.

It's just the latest, hippest cancer to be a certified "thing" right now - and mercifully, it looks like a lot of people even in left wing spaces are starting to call it out.

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No its says more on your type of facebook/reddit humor and leads to actual discussions being impossible to have without a swarm of "Ironic" memester thinking their clever and original for being contrarian and purposely retarded.

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I think it's supposed to be. There's this weird jank to the whole game I can't quite put my finger on.

So far here are things I've noticed that are "off" while playing in Ultra Violence in Doom 1:

>enemy infighting is a LOT more common now. In classic Doom unless it was a specific infighting arena there was a threshold of damage creatures would need to do to one another before infighting ensues, and same "types" of enemies wouldn't normally infight unless they were lost souls. Now if a Zombie gunner shoots another zombie gunner once infighting ensues, ditto everything. I've seen Pinky demons do a conga-line of infighting for no reason in E1M9.

>guns don't seem to "track" targets unless they're aggro on you. Shooting in certain levels that had stairs was a lot more difficult. The "infinite height" also tends to fuck you up a lot more than it did before, I've had enemies melee me while on the top of an elevator I was riding up.

>the tempo of all soundtracks is off by about 8%, sometimes more, but not quite. It's strange.

>There IS an FPS lock on it but I don't know what it is about it. My TV said it was running at 35 FPS but it doesn't feel like it's running at 35 FPS, especially if you play it side-by-side with the PC version.

>should be optional

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this, regardless of political siding mass consumer skeptism and an educated consumer base is the difference between capitalism doing its job properly and devolving into some scifi corporatist dystopia

bethesda is such a bad company
i can't wait until they have another major fuckup like 76

Did your mum never teach you to ignore things you don't like?

who even cares about this
you can play doom for free in every conceivable way already

It's just shitposting calm the fuck down

We've strawmanned the strawman. Where do we go from here?

>get caught stabbing someone in the chest
>"Whoops, sorry. We'll pull that out as soon as we can. It wasn't supposed to stab you!"

The fact that this stupid shit ever touched a nerve tells a lot about how sensitive gamers are.

What really gets me angry is how horrible ports are that even a game from 30 YEARS AGO HAS AUDIO OR FRAMERATE PROBLEMS.


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it doesn't feel right playing doom on anything but switch

yep, even on the psp if one wants a hand held experience, best part is its homebrew using pc files to run

but people like ease of use so this works especially for the cost

Great. Now fix the slow music shit

People should always pointout when someone is being retarded, otherwise they'll think it's acceptable or somehow correct.

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>the slayers club
God damn, with every new snipped I learn of nuDoom I feel more and more disgusted.

why would you play "classic" doom this way any way?

Hmmmm, extremist righties getting mad at a meme, just like leftists labeling pepe a hate crime and getting extremely upset over his existence? It reminds me metaphorically of an oblong-shaped object whose most extreme edges curve towards eachother, often put on the feet of equines...

>unironically buying games that have been out for decades

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I person who gets butthurt so easily is certainly no authority on what's retarded and what isn't.

There's no way either post you quoted was made by an extremist.

>extremist righties
I very much hope you're being ironic and a parody on purpose in which case I will ask you to stop because this is becoming unbearable

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Hence, this website full of GAYMERS who can't take jokes against them

Centrists should be shot

the ps2 has a proprietaey chip that people havent figured how to reverse engineer completely yet
there is no excuse for doom though, thats most likely bethesda's incompetence

It's for gullible retards who don't know how to install a proper sourceport on Switch

Can't shoot freedom

its just Yea Forums in general losing itself in ironic jokes. But its probably for the best these retards are starting to get called out for their shitty memes

I've only ever laughed along side these
what are you talking about?

>gamers rise up is a lefty meme

So the left can meme.

Bethesda has learned a powerful lesson today: Don't F*CK with gamers! We WILL RISE UP!

What you gonna do, gamer? RISE UP? Your people already control the US government for years, yet still get your feefees hurt?

that garbage shouldn't exist in the first place

It's just a response to Gamergate. Nothing more, nothing less.

The gamers "rose up" because an indie game made by a woman got decent reviews and we're mocking them for that.

based, fuck these bootlicking retards.

>But then it took on this additional level of being used against anyone who complains about anything gaming-related, regardless of validity. So the implication is that anyone who says anything negative about the proliferation of lootboxes, or monopolization of markets, or publishers making you sign up for their proprietary software like in this thread, is equal to someone angry that they saw a black person.
pretty much

They recorded music with 60fps footage, but their engine slowed it down. That's why it plays at 70% speed.

GBA / DS had a doom port as well

>But then it took on this additional level of being used against anyone who complains about anything gaming-related, regardless of validity.
yeah it was funny until this. I mean its still kinda funny but now brainlets are actually defending corporations fucking them over "For the lulz"

I-is this the power of rising up?

Why do you let /pol/ bully you so bad that you keep with these childish grudges and let it effect you personally? If you hate /pol/ so much don't play along with their game you fucking idiot, that I have to tell you that does not make this any better.

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i know a gba port was made years ago (officially) but it was crap, dunno about the ds but I was VERY pleased with the psp homebrew I had long ago since it was easy to use, just shove in a wad (can't remember if it took custom wads) and off you went

>what the fuck is with people who want to let corporations shit on them?
This is counterculture in 2019. You know that image with the guy being like "how do you know it's shit if it hasn't come out of my ass yet?" the new generation are like a third panel saying "well everyone is expecting shit so I HOPE it's shit just so I can show everyone how much more open-minded i am for liking the taste of shit that bigots won't eat"

Liberals are natural contrarians. Corporations are able to easily exploit this by "going woke," which distracts consumers from other scummy practices they may be doing that take advantage of them. Basically people don't care that they're getting fucked over by corporations as long as the corporations also target people they don't like.

Why would any game be capped at 35 FPS? Wouldn't that make the game look like stuttering shit on any display? Capping it at 30 FPS would be better.


>spammed all the time
>lol u mad or something
Get out

>It's so obvious they're only pretending it was a mistake because enough people gave them shit about it.

Yeah, that's usually how it goes with corporations

>I can show everyone how much more open-minded i am for liking the taste of shit that bigots won't eat"

Why are you so obsessed with "open minded" people? Jfc get your head checked. You see a meme and the first thing you can think of is politics

>no mods
What's the point?

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This is the truth.
On a side note, ironic humor in general is fucking parasitic and destructive in the long term.

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bruh is that really all you can rebuke me with

come on

even by Yea Forums standards that's pretty weak

They made one successful meme and haven't dropped it in the years since. Say what you want about /pol/ but they'd have moved on to some other meme within a month or two.


that tempo being off was around since the fucking PS3/360 ports from like 10 years ago!!!!!!!!!

>I-i-i-i'm one of the good ones I swear!!!
Pathetic bootlicker.
The fact that braindead corporate drones like you spam unfunny memes everywhere to cover up shitty business practices and then claim someone else is sensitive is hilarious, snowflake.

hold up

people are buying a free to play game?

The image has absolutely nothing to do with bigots or whatever politician posters here are supporting these days. The fact that people here feel so victimised and think everything is out there to hurt them and their feefees is quite pathetic.

telling people to dilate is, on the other hand, the peak of imageboard comedy

And it came years too late.

I've never played them so I wouldn't know.

Is this even Doom anymore?

wasn't the original cavestory like that?

That still doesn't fix the fact it was made on goddamn unity and the sound quality being fucked.

So are they also going to fix the fact that it's in Unity too or?

>no wads
>no mods
>no multiplayer
No thank you.

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Well, let's not forget the 5 guys she fucked to get those reviews and the multiple "gamers are dead" articles within days of eachother. That'd just be revisionism!

They also made pepe.

Why are you pretending that it's anyone right of far left when they literally call us "reactionaries" as a derogatory term, because we are constantly "reacting" to them being outrageously weird and crazy and saying crazy things, making wild accusations that are expected to be believed purely based on gender or race above evidence or logic.

how the fuck can you infight with people here when corporations are openly admitting to manipulating a bunch of this shit? money trails don't lie. it's not a conspiracy theory that so many names keep popping up in connection to funding of all these insane leftie groups working everyone into a psychotic froth over literally nothing, defacing monuments and museums and striking people from behind a mask.

it's all so tiresome, don't beat down on the people who just want it to fucking stop

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>Your people
This type of narrow minded political tribalism is exactly the problem with everyone nowadays. You do not know my personal ideologies yet you've already labeled me based on assumptions ,leaps of logic and personal biases. Take a break and stop surrounding yourself with this political climate, its lead to nothing but brain decay for everyone involved.

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What a pity

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>calm the fuck down
No, fuck you.

That's just how the original engine was designed. I guess 60 FPS wasn't viable on PC yet or something, and I think it was changed with Quake came around.

Most (all?) of the many source ports can run at higher framerates, but usually the official releases still are based on the original engine. The 360/PS3 ports did this, and this new port seems to be those versions ported into a Unity wrap.

There you go whining again. Whiner bitches irritate me more than anything else.
Maybe stop being so invested in this shit. You'll never meet any of those antifa people irl and corporate greed is a completely different topic from muh lefty boogeyman. Stop trying to pin everything you don't like to a certain group like a retarded 5 year old.

It's not comedy you retard it's an offense
You're not a tranny are you?

Now that's a sidestep. You're on a payroll aren't you?

>You're on a payroll aren't you?
Judging by your inane comments, you've never been on one and probably will never be.

You're just reinforcing his point.

Apologize, Yea Forums.

That's okay, I said what I wanted to say. I don't care if he continues being a slave to politicians.

Is it out yet?

Yeah, pretty much. Bethesda is known to blatantly lie/be otherwise deceptive already, so it's hard to disagree with your claim.

What pk3?

You know, I'd like to see just one employee come out and say something like "I told them 3 months ago that it was never going to fly, but they said they wanted to try it anyways. Then they said if there is backlash, we'll fix it immediately and we'll get praise and coverage anyways."

yes, but that was like 2004 man
it was free for like a LONG fucking time.

Fuck, someone that get it and can put into words what I am always thinking.. I am just gonna copy paste your post in the future I think.

I am not right leaning at all and I can see what's happening with this meme. It's still funny but its also being used to silence customers complaints.

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>trannies defending corporations

wouldnt be surprised considering that their lifestyles are allowed thanks to capitalism

most people didn't even play quake at fucking 60 fps, 99% played at like 30 FPS!

holy shit, its like an old game can't be fucking 30 FPS because THAT WAS HOW IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED!

Nah man even better, they are buying WORSE versions of free games.

Imagine being autismic enough to play doom in 2012

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You calling me a Jew, Gay boy?

Except there were other problems gamergate had with game journalism besides Zoe Quinn's favorable, undisclosed, coverage.

Also, much like the gamers rise up shit, if you ever criticize an outlet or journalist for their poor coverage or ethical failings, you get called a gamergater and get jokes about ethics. I mean, now wanting clean games coverage is in the same spot as calling out corporations much like was saying.

You get punished and mocked for the act of speaking truth to power.

25% slower

The account requirement was probably an attempt at adding creation club to doom
Guess they weren't expecting such a massive backlash.


user I am sorry but it's time to accept that you lost a number of years during this coma, you have to move on, life goes on.

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So Bethesda is blantly trying to force accounts to prepare people for Starfield and TES6 to be Bethesda.net exclusive, you are morally obligated to pirate everything they make until they stop trying it.

Wasn't it obvious? Look at the integration of bethesda store with skyrim SE

>creation club to doom
Dear god.

The Hedon dev would have a field day.

What are you talking about?
Doom came out in 1993. Imagine still playing it in the current year. Thats 19 years still playing the same boring game. Absolute insanity.

There are people in australia now saying some religious group should lose their tax free charity status just because they are anti gay.
No religious group should be able to just get tax exemptions fnr but trying to limit it to just certain beliefs is absurd.

he is already selling his mod on steam

it's a common corporate tactic to make them look like they care and that the customer has input. They'll go in swinging with something repulsive like $30 loot boxes then when people get pissy they walk it back and do something like "Sorry for the $30 lootbox bug, as an apology all players who bought one will be given a free roll and future loot boxes will be $15."

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I'm amazed people are more mad about the login then the music being slowed down, i get the drm is shitty but the music is pretty fucking essential to doom and with it being slowed down i'd rather just hack my switch and play a homebrew version.

What's so bad about that account?
Like just enter some spam dedicated mail and be done with it.

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>Buying Doom on console in the first place

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People are mad about that, that's just standard lazy porting though, the concept of a 26 year old open source game that literally gets ported to anything resembling a computer getting online check in DRM with a new account on a fucking console port is just absurd though.

Its anti-freedom and therefor, anti-white

It's the absurdity of the idea. Consoles themselves are innate DRM, why do they need more on top of that, expecially for a game that old.

I was expecting them to renege but I wasn't expecting it to be so fast, guess even normie backlash was large.

>Being upset that Doom is reaching a wider audience.

again i get that the drm shit is fucked but the music affects the entire game when you get past it. you can't even make the excuse that people just aren't noticing because at doom's gate is so iconic it's something most people have heard and know.

Typical Bethseda bullshit. They always intended to do this and thought no one would cal them out.

As if the game that has been ported to the most platforms imaginable including fridges and calculators needs to "reach wider audience" in the first place.

Now make them remove niggers and women from their vidya

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>Wider audience
>Good thing
You make me laff

Next doomguy will be doomgirl (male).

it'll be a game about doomguys twin daughters trying to find him after he goes missing

Who also look intentionally ugly to pander to SJWs and feminists.

Leftists are anti-corporation unless that corporation echoes liberal opinions.

Someone screencap this.

Wait, it's not just "login once" spam thingy, but an online DRM? You can't play Doom on the go with no internet?