How long before Epic gives up on their storefront and goes back to complaining about all PC players being pirates?
How long before Epic gives up on their storefront and goes back to complaining about all PC players being pirates?
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Before they ever get a shopping cart, that's for sure.
>goes back to complaining about all PC players being pirates?
>It's another salty steam fags make up bullshit episode.
Got some bad news for you user, your lord and saviour fat fuck Gabe is going to die within the next few years, when he does Steam is going to be sold off to Chinks, most likely Epic.
Within 6 months
That's great, but have you considered the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre?
well never they literally control everything :)))))
Why isn't fortnite dead yet? It's such a shitty game
How far have they come on the roadmap for the store?
EGS is the scam citizen of vidya stores
They added cloud saves this week. It was originally due in February.
at the current rate they are giving pc games away, i won't HAVE to pirate.
They've done fucking nothing.
How long have they been holding on to those exclusives now? How many months is left for them?
>Controls the most popular game engine
>Controls the most popular video game
>Wants to control the most popular game store
The fact that people actually treat Epic like some kind of underdog is so weird
Within the last 8 months the only customer-facing features they've added to the store are a search feature and cloud saves in a limited number of games (just a few days ago)
Love this picture. They even include the 5% they take themselves from games published on Steam with their engine, yet pretend they are the guys looking out for the devs. Pretty ironic.
Steam has been profitable for years without adding many compelling new features. I'm sure they could get by without Gaben
gabe should probably consider losing some weight if he wants to see his kids grow up, though. that man looks like he already has heart disease
Honestly? Now that they implemented local currency support and better region pricing than STEAM, I'm rooting for them. I haven't seen new PC releases going for this low in about 10 years.
the last epic sale was like "here you get everything for free when you come from russia or turkey"
I mean I think the whole Tencent thing is overblown, but you're comparing a partnership with actual 40% ownership of a company
Uh, they are. The 5% is hand-waved if you release on their store. It destroys Steam's business model
It's honestly impressive how little they've done. They are determined to be lazy on this.
>pirvate company
>minority shareholder = partner
like steam and they literally never made any chink friendly decision compared to steam and fat fuck jewben
I give it a year.
Its the Chinese approach to problem solving. Just throw money at it. Time will tell if it works or not.
And Brazil. Holy shit, games went for dirt cheap down here if you purchased via boleto.
gog will always be king because at the end of the day, they're the only ones guaranteeing that your game will still work after the store or even the internet itself dies.
They have billions of dollars at their disposal. Everyone under estimates Fortnite money. They haven't even started flexing yet with their free games and exclusives. You think what they're doing is currently bad? Wait until the next gen consoles come out. They're going to grab some console exclusives as an EGS exclusive.
Works for me, I haven't spent a single cent on the EGS.
That is 100% true. I tend to buy games from gog every chance I get if I can.
The issue with next year is that half the shit from E3 got delayed to next year which coincides with all their initial wave of exclusivity wearing off. They can't starve steam of games for more then a year unless they buy more companies.
I thought the Chinese approach is declare yourself the second coming of Jesus and get 70 million people killed.
Clown world as is.
>It destroys Steam's business model
It humors me that you believe that.
>It's another salty steam fags make up bullshit episode.
Cliffy B cried about piracy for years, shut up newfag
>muh China is bad
Why is Yea Forums like this? Are you scared that China will be numero 1 soon??
Imagine associating an internal political revolt with a fucking video game store
The truth is sometimes humorous
Also, once the first exclusive deals run out and the games land on Steam we'll probably will witness some glorious damage control from Epic and maybe some devs.
1. It won't.
2. Because it's a totalitarian hellhole that's only tolerated because of neoliberal market believes that thought that deindustrialising was good.
>They haven't even started flexing yet with their free games and exclusives.
They originally started with two free games every two weeks. Then they moved to a free game every week to generate more interest. Now as of this week they're doing two free games every week. If that doesn't scream desperation to you I don't know what will
Because if you aren't Han it's a real shitty time brosef.
>China will be numero 1 soon
All the Chinks here in Australia desperately trying to get permanent residency says otherwise
I wonder how many people are going to cry when RDR2 and GTA6 are going to be an EGS exclusive.
Nah, they'll be Social Club exclusives.
You realize the population of China destroys the population of Australia right?
Declaring yourself the second coming of Christ is a Japanese thing though to get people gassed.
They'll just buy them from the social club. Besides, Epic could only afford Borderlands 3 for 6 months, you think they could afford Rockstar games for more then a few months?
>RDR2 and GTA6
I think think Epic has enough money to convince Take Two to move over to a storefront people won't buy from. You can't sell out on a product you know is going to sell amazingly unless you're Randy Pitchford
>you think they could afford Rockstar games for more then a few months?
>"We are pleased to announce that Red Dead Redemption 2 will be launched exclusively on the Epic Games Store for two weeks"
Tencent doesn't own Epic. They're just investors. Not to mention they or some other Chinese megacorp like PWE could have just as large if not a larger stake in Valve. We don't know because they don't disclose anything.
No I'm talking about something that actually happened in China, including the death toll.
How does it take you over a year to add a goddamn shopping cart?
Are you the autist that was sperging out the other defending China cause "THE US CUT MY FORESKIN THEREFORE THIS IS WORSE THAN ANYTHING CHINA HAVE EVER DONE"?
Small indie company
US companies cannot receive funding from foreign countries without disclosing who the investor is.
Now this is quite the defense. Downplay a damned 40% stake and try to imply Valve could be too without anything to go on
Proof that the 30% is perfectly reasonable.
>implying amazon isn't owned by the Chinese investors who have 80% of the company
Amazon is publicly traded m8.
Are you dyslexic?
Epicshills are literally 12 year old fortnite spergs who make shit up out of thin air, treating it like an epic v steam popularity contest.
Its the same fucking thing every time.
>Epic has published a near term road map. This road map includes a look into things they are committing to. If I were a betting man, I would expect that there are more things that happen than what they are committing to. We also must acknowledge that Borderlands 3 does not exist *today* but rather it will exist in September. The store will be different when the game launches
>-wandy bitchford about 4 months ago
August is gonna be a busy month for epic.
More like proof Epic wrecking Valve
Borderlands 3 is gonna launch of the Epic Games Store before the store even has achievement support. That'll go over well with a lot of the more casual PC players
Will Borderlands fags even play it much without achievements?
>30% gets you a store with artificial intelligence that assists you in finding games
>15% gets you a store that doesn't have a shopping cart in 2019
Imagine willingly installing EGS on your computer.
Let's be honest, a lot of the day 1 buyers of that game will be console players
Obviously, I hope PC fags into it can wait though, they'd have to wait that long for the rest of the game to be added via DLC anyway.
I'm never gonna bother. I'd rather not support making the PC space worse, and anyways everything I want is single player so I can just pirate
>muh 40%
imagine being this dumb
It's not downplaying anything, a 40% stake in a private company doesn't translate to any control whatsoever. It's not my problem if Yea Forums doesn't understand how stocks work.
>implying i want a store
I just want my game and then I'm out
>caring about pointless features
>pointless features
Universal built-in controller support is pointless? Game-based forums which are useful for finding community fixes is pointless?
You expect a shill to actually respond to any of this seriously?
Steamcels physically cannot grasp the idea of someone not wanting to use a game launcher as tranny facebook
I'm just amazed someone would use the the store of someone who outspokenly belittles you, calls you his enemy and made said store specifically to greedily fuck you in the ass.
But enough about Origin
Then why are you promoting EGS?
>Origin has a shopping cart
>Uplay has a shopping cart
>Even the shitty Bethesda launcher has a shopping cart
Hearty kek
Origin's not bad. Hardly any of the games on it are worth the money though. Simcity's cool.
EGS though, is literally trying to turn PC gaming back to the way it was when it caused Tim and epic to literally abandon PC gaming altogether in a fit of nerd rage.
There was a time Origin forced me to buy the Polish version of their games without being able to change it to english.
Here user, have that (you) you're desperately fishing for
The Epic Store exists primarily to give Tencent the standing to sue Microsoft later next year when they remove the ability to run applications from third-party sources from the standard version of Windows 10.
Not that they really care about Microsoft doing that, they just know its coming and it will be an easy way for them to make a few hundred million dollars and gain preferential treatment on the Windows Store. So it will be at least another year or two.
>here's the part of the shilling instructions where we pretend all the real problems don't exist! *snickers* *stinks*
>this shit again
>aaaaaaany minute now you'll see
>any minute
>Microsoft are back peddling on UWP for win32 but aaaany second now
I wish you faggots were this mad when Valve used objectively worse tactics to push Steam, make it so giving some company a donation through a console wannabe platform is the only legal way to play new games on PC, get rid of choice by getting rid of actual physical copies with the entire game on the physical media and that don't use any scum platform, normalized being charged for a fucking download and all the negatives that come with it, etc.
Like Valve did by pushing digital distribution and console wannabe platforms in the first place via brainwashing. He thought you people were dumb enough to fall for it and he was unfortunately right, gaming has continually gotten worse since Valve's tactics were normalized and popularized.
The fat kike said the fact that he had to buy HOMM three or four times because he kept breaking it is a reason to give him a donation for a download.
>This is just a more reliable and dependable situation. I mean, I bought Heroes of Might and Magic four different times now, I swear."
The fat kike said that the fact developers used to have to release their game finished, at least on consoles, and playable without a patch because they had no way of patching it was a bad thing but tried to spin it in a positive way. Getting a physical copy of a game completely playable without a patch is a bad thing.
Pushing automatic updates as a good thing when they are the opposite, games are now intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch or update because they can easily patch it through whatever platform which only further encourages games to be released that way.
(((Gabe))) carefully chose his words and called it retail instead of physical copies as a way to make it look like it was "the good guys" vs the "big bad retailers" instead of the truth - "hey we're trying to take physical copies away"
Tried charging for mods, etc
>make it so giving some company a donation through a console wannabe platform is the only legal way to play new games on PC, get rid of choice by getting rid of actual physical copies with the entire game on the physical media and that don't use any scum platform
Interesting, I didn't know Valve paid off companies to not release their games physically. Can you link me to your sources user?
they have over 1000 employees you retard
>Can't recognize the most obvious of sarcasm
>Calls others retarded
Don't /thread your own dumb shit user. We all know how much you hate digital distribution, you post it in every thread (and for some reason blame specifically Valve even though it's always been an inevitability for every media industry in existence)
>A wall of text for a bunch of bullshit claims with no evidence.
Don't /thread your own dumb shit user. We all know how much you hate digital distribution, you post it in every thread (and for some reason blame specifically Valve even though it's always been an inevitability for every media industry in existence)
Never. As long as they have money from Fortnite and from allowing people to use their Unreal Engine (though most of the money comes from the former). Not to mention Tencent backing them up. All the money they got, they've got mostly from Fortnite. If that lootbox and microtransactions ban gets passed by the US Congress then they will have a lot of reasons to worry about.