Dark souls 2 is shit. Stay mad.
Dark souls 2 is shit. Stay mad
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This is true, but so is Dark Souls 3.
stay mad
There was a magic barrier preventing you from going in
Hallway Souls 3
This is one of my main issues. Dark souls 2 isn't without its problems but fuck the garbage layout of 3. From went full lazy on that one.
Sekiro = DS > BB > DS2 > DS3
Eat shit, linear fag.
True, but remove all the areas in DS2 that are purely to access PvP covenants
Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne don't have a lot of interconnections either. They are just hallways originating from a single point.
DS3 has different kind of interconnected design. It has shortcuts within areas. Like that lift that goes from the castle to the starting area in archdragon peak.
>still mad that Sekiro stole your thunder
lol@ur life Bloodbronies
>Dark Souls 2 and 3 babies arguing over who is the second worst in the whole series
>implying you slaying 4 legendary beings is relevant to the story at all in 2
haven't played the game since the year it came out but I still remember that much
I played ds2 more than any of the others due to time constraints when 1/2/3 came out.
Its still my favorite.
The 4 lord soul section of DS2 is 70% of the game. Must be a terrible game to backload its entire story to the last 30%
No one mentioned Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne, besides you. Either way, both are significantly more non-linear than Dark Souls 3.
Maybe look at the pic he is replying to
>dark souls
>having a story
Anything else is nonsense, these are RPGs, not slow DMC-wannabe action games.
>dark souls
>god tier
DaS is only good for the first half, arguably the first 1/3(I think anor londo kinda sucks).
The list goes
>God Tier
Demon’s Souls
>Ok Tier
Dark Souls 3
>Trash Tier
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
The only reason DaS3 isn’t trash tier is because the controls aren’t a clunky mess and the world design doesn’t shit the bed halfway through(DaS) or completely suck(DaS2)
who gives a shit about story
go watch a movie
based OP
>Dark Souls games are great and each one has unique things about it certain people like
>Yea Forums can't make an ironclad tier list, slowly growing more insane
shit cracks me up
>Dark Souls 2 find a cure for yourself, fuck the rest
>Dark Souls 3 save a world that is already dead
in is kino the other is gay
Interconnections are quite honestly overrated. There's little effective difference between getting a door from lower burg to upper burg and just being able to warp to lower burg once you find the bonfire. It certainly FEELS cool, but it has no actual impact. DS2 lacks interconnectivity, but it has EXTREME choice in progression, which, in addition to the super cheap first few soul levels, lets someone set up essentially any build they want with only a couple bosses killed.
Basically every cool weapon in DS3 is locked behind hordes of bosses. I can't get a good build going that isn't "spam with straight sword" until halfway through any playthrough. And when every playthrough goes the exact same way because of linearity, that's not good.
I like all of them well enough. It's insane to me that people will worship one game and freak out at the mention if another. They're all massively flawed in different ways but all have their own unique charm too.
in dark souls 3 you slay 4 legendary beings to drop a ladder that is at arm's reach
but it's ok when miyazaki does it
except you can kill the Dancer immediately and drop the ladder within 10 mins of starting the game
but you can drop the ladder before fighting Vordt
Prove me wrong
that old lady dying is what drops the ladder, killing the lords of cinder is what takes you to the soul of cinder arena.
>Basically every cool weapon in DS3 is locked behind hordes of bosses.
This is one of the problems of Bloodborne too, the little weapon variety combined with most of the cool ones being in the DLC leave you with little variety even when rushing what you want.
in dark souls 3 you slay one of the most powerful beings to drop a ladder that is at arm's reach*
that's so much better
nope. the ladder only drops after killing the dancer
1 above all mainly because I only played 1 and don't bother to play or research the other games
I prefer the bottom one when looking at it in a story perspective.
>lol u save the world
is dumb
>do this hard thing to achieve your own selfish goals
Now this is good.
>one of the most powerful beings
what do you have to back up that claim?
you couldn't pull the ladder down because the old lady was in the way and she wanted you to gain more power before going up there. but if you kill her early to get her out of the way the dancer shows up to stop you from pulling down the ladder any way.
DS1 > Sekiro > BB >>> DS3 > DS2
>to drop a ladder that is at arm's reach
>arm's reach
Already utterly forgotten and irrelevant
Like your sex life!
i just beat ds2, ask me something. i enjoyed it, still have to do the dlc but i killed aldia
I fucking knew somebody would fall into the trap and post this
Based. You and I are the only ones here with functioning brains.
There's no denying that DS2 is one of the weaker entries in the dark souls series but its still a fun game regardless.
I'm not a fan of the clunky combat and bullshit artificial difficulty but you can't deny that the game still has a charming element to it that makes people still want to play it.
Well its a Dark Souls game so it kinda goes without saying
i did the thing people say to immediately level up adaptability until reflexes are 105 so it's like ds1 i-frames, and then with under 70% weight the game felt fine, i used str 2 handers
>He doesn't know you can skip all the lord souls and go to drangleic castle
>Thinking reference souls 3 is good
I didn't like ds2 much at the start, but then 3 came out and fuckin dissapointed the shit out of me.
Made 2 look the best my retrospect
yeah just grind 1 million souls
At least we can all agree Sekiro was a shit show and the least replayable game of the franchise.
you are complete retard if you think dark souls 3 is worse than 2.
The game looks like shit, the player animations are fucking terrible, when you hit the enemies feels terrible, not even comparable to the other games in the franchise, they absolutely shat the bed on DS2.
1 > 2 = DeS > 3
Haven’t played Bb. Don’t really care to. Fuck the PS4.
People always shit on Dark Souls 1 after the Lord Vessel, but it's not as bad as everyone says.
>New Londo has no issues. There are clever short cuts you can use, and the abyss is connected to the Sif fight, which I think is cool.
>Duke's archives is fine. The forced death sucks, but it is possible to skip that, and there are some NPC quests that end up here. (Sieglinde, Logan, that one cleric girl.)
>Crystal Cave is really short, and the invisible platforms are straight paths. The only part I don't like is the slanted crystal that is easy to slide off of.
>Catacombs has cool short cuts, and secrets. Yeah Pinwheel is too easy, but he is also possible to fight at right after the asylum, so there's a reason.
>Tomb of the giants has the darkness gimmick, which makes you need to use spells, the skull lantern, or the sunlight maggot to see. You could also just go through blindly if you know where to go.
>Demon ruins and Lost Izalith are the bad ones. The enemy placement sucks (Taurus Demons, Dragon Asses) But at least you can fight Kirk there to complete his story. It's basically a boss rush, but the bosses suck so I always do this part last when I'm over powered. That's the only zone after you place the Lord Vessel that I don't like.
>The Lord Soul Bosses boil down to DPS races usually, but there are some tactics you can use yo give yourself the upper hand. Divine weapon on Nito's friends, Curse resist on Seath, Stack Poise on 4 kings. And for bed of chaos there's a trick to kill it quickly with firebombs.
na, i used to think all that but i played it to completion this week, it's gorgeous, shrine of amata, adalias place
DaS2 apologists fucking love minimising the entire series to dots on a map in the hope you notice how fucking abominable the individual level design is.
Jokes on you, real men farm 1 million souls without touching any boss.
Stay mad, loser.
swap 1 and 3 and we're good :)
This, 100% agreed.
if you so say user
The dancer is defending it retard
DS1 and DS3 levels looks good at worst, meanwhile in DS2 we have N64 woods.
yeah but ds2 areas are many and small so you get a few stinkers but overall interesting variety
thats like saying quantity > quality
which in the case of soul games, doesnt matter.
Yeah why settle for a handful of good things when you can have a wide smattering of shit
>DS1 and DS3 levels looks good at worst
yeah Sekiro is definitely the worst dark souls game
fucking idiot
it's not better it's just interesting to play at least once
Are we pretending now?
Just kill the rotten four times with bonfire ascetics
takes all of 15 minutes
>the benefit to dark souls 2 is that you don't have to play the bad content by skipping it by killing a braindead boss 4 times
wow I'm sold
At least we have the choice to skip bosses unlike Linear Souls 3
>1 fucking zone of the game that isn't even 1% of the game.
you can cherry pick all you want, DS2 will lose that battle.
>that doesn't count
Okay well all the ugly levels in 2 don't count either, GG
whatever you say fag.
It seems that you are the one who is mad lol.
Stay mad pls.
Stop posting this pic
I don't know, user. You sound kinda rustled. Is it perhaps because Dark Souls 2 is the best game ever made?
10/10 tier list user
>A wet shit is much better tasting than vomit.
Why would you consume either?
So pinwheel’s difficulty isn’t the boss fight in and of itself. The difficulty is getting to the boss. That’s how it was designed. The remaster adds a bonfire and nullifies all difficulty and makes it a nightmare getting out of there as a player that hasn’t unlocked fast travel.
So is Dark Souls 3.
Why are consoletrannies so easy to spot?
It's enjoyable shit.
Ah I see you too are a gentlechad of taste.
b-b-but Dark Souls 3
DaS III has bossfights that make DaS 1 blush. DaS 1 gets too much of a pass form "Being a first" when it's not even a first. I'm sorry, but DaS 1 must get some criticism for its many sub-par and utter shit boss fights.
DaS2 main character is such a chad, annihilating world threats just because of slight annoyances.
DaS3 bosses all spamrollspamR1, zero strategy, they're garbage.
this thread kinda makes me want to replay Dark Souls 3. Any weapon/build suggestions?
I can't think of a single boss fight in 1 where I didn't spam roll as a dex fag.
Old Wolf Curved Sword.
What do you mean? The controls are literally designed to make you die in DS3. If there ever was one, DS3 is the very definition of a game which has artificial difficulty.
Go full faith and smite down the heretics. God bless you.
have fun crashing every 10 minutes. Your taste is still shit
when's the miracle build old man???
DS2 and DS3 are of equal quality, but in different points.
Both are also much better than DS1.
The one with messages saying "ah pointless..." all around it?
I had fun with it, because I played it from launch (played DaS years after). It basically was my first experience with the online aspect of Souls. There's no meta yet, and stupid shit still works, like casting chameleon and slowly shadowing people who invade you.
But I agree the core game is probably the worst in the series, but I personally enjoyed it more than DaS. Enjoyed DaS3 more though.
Pure pyromancy
I'm still studying crabs, I might be close to the truth. Cute nunfu by the way.
>tfw you will never suck a pyro girl
>You will never feel her huge load of lava down your throat
the best world design for a souls game would be an enhanced version of DS1's design
dark souls 3's hallway world design is OBJECTIVELY better than ds2's half assed compromise between the open world of DS1 and the central hub with levels that progress in a linear way from demon souls
the order you do levels in DS3 is linear, but the levels themselves are a lot bigger and more elaborate. meanwhile DS2 has a ton of levels that are just going in a straight line and getting ambushed every 5 steps to try and distract you from this like no mans warf.
furthermore, the fact that everyone is generally going along the same path makes the online experience much better in terms of actually having other people to connect with. you can be very confident that if you're at level X people will be at area Y. when you have a half dozen possible paths and level design that encourages people to go all over the place getting items from each of those routes in order to get their build actually working you have no fucking clue if you're going to actually have anyone in your soul level range near you.
open question to anyone in this thread, have you EVER had a blue orb invasion actually activate in DS2? Because I've played this game for over 100 hours and I've never had it work once because the odds of having someone in your soul level range that's also got enough sin that ALSO happens to be in the specific area you're currently in is astronomical.
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
Sekiro is garbage
>Thinking reference souls 3 is good
DS2 is full of fucking dark souls 1 and demon souls references you poser. remember when you fight ornstien for no reason at all, or how half the bosses are just demon souls bosses with new names?
>One sword
>One attack button
>One Block button
>Only customizable moves are your combat art and your stealth attack ability
>Dodge/Jump are just qtes
>Prosthetics that are made trivial besides using firecrackers for easy stuns
>stealth is a joke
>the world is pretty non interesting despite all the verticality
>there is no reason to fully explore maps because you get no rewards for doing so
>no way you can change the way you play for new playthroughs (only limit yourself)
>no online play
>boring lore
>boring talking mc for no reason instead of customization
Please never reply to me with this ever again, thank you
you forgot
>UGLY mc
the world design in DS2 doesn't benefit anyone besides people who make shitpost graphs on Yea Forums. it's not a proper hub layout like demon souls because there's no real theme to what items you find along the branches so there's no "if you're a mage you should do 3-1 first". it's not a fully fleshed out world like dark souls 1 where you can fight a half dozen different things as your second boss and always look into the distance to see how areas tie together (dark souls 2 has bowsers lava castle in the sky) and it's not a micromanaged linear experience that lets them properly account for what options the player can reasonably have in order to actually design the game in a coherant way
it's just a bunch of shit spread out randomly in every direction from majula with no real rhyme or reason. tell me one(1) way it has an advantage you can't find done better in any other souls game and I'll agree I didn't use objectively right
nioh >>> all of that gay shit with gameplay that hasn't evolved since demon souls (not that you even played that game lmao)
Big lava loads my friend. Just think about it. It's the hottest shit ever.
I'm not gonna most of your digital text diarrhea but I'm willing to bet none of you fags realize that most of the criticisms typically spawn from burning out on these games. A lot of people obsessed over Dark Souls. PvP fags that refuse to play other multiplayer games, the speedrunners, the pve players, all of them just obsess with it. They got progressively worse because the games are naturally limited, plus your own burnout. There's a reason From wanted to stop after 3. Hell, Miyazaki himself wanted to stop after the first Dark Souls. The man himself was done with it years ago.
You keep obsessing over the games and you'll find more shit wrong with them the more you look.
>Sekiro is garbag-
What if it's a video game and the physical location of the levels doesn't have to make sense every time?
I kind of want to feel my belly swell up with warmth and light as she pumps her huge futa cock into my boipussy
What if you actually had a argument instead of zeroing in on one specific point that wasn't even the only strength of DS1 level design?
What if I really DON'T have an argument?
and I thought sorcery was gay
switch DeS with DaS1
Only good thing about dark souls 2 is your pic related.
Damn. Hope they keep this level of combat quality for Elden Ring
-e compared to nioh and nioh 2
Based redditor
How many doors are there in DaS3 that are locked from one side? How many of them are iron bars that you can just reach through?
You're a fucking moron
DS1 = Des > BB > DS3 > literal shit > DS2
You actually slay legendary beings because someone left a door locked.
Seethe more, shit eater.
This frustrates the reddit
I prefer it over 3.
You stay mad.
Even worse there are stairs right outside of that picture you can't get to because... of an easily-climbable barricade
Ever looked up and to the left if you just exit quelaag's domain, and see all the unfinished shit?
Ever looked to the left off of the roof of undead parish?
For real, nobody in their right mind would defend DS2
>killing the lords of cinder is what takes you to the soul of cinder arena.
And getting the King's Ring is what takes you to the Nashandra arena, not a pile of rubble
Because your cousin drew a picture?
no, that's official artwork
T-the timelines are merging and time can flow backwards and, and ancient heroes and it's deep 2deep4u in fact
daily reminder.
damn vro...u watch matpat too..
>obsidian makes a half baked and unfinished game
>gets praised as one of the best games of all time
>its okay its unfinished because bethesda bad for fucking with the dev cycle and stunting their ability to make a better game
>from software makes a half baked and unfinished game
>gets shat on relentlessly despite doing a lot of things right
>despite having the same, maybe even worse problems with publishers fucking with the dev cycle, people just say the devs were lazy or incompetant
>one of these games got a definitive edition and had pretty constant updates to fix things
>the other is a bug ridden mess to this day that people've had to fix themselves
you having a stroke user?
Imagine being this wrong
>DS3 levels looks good at worst
i like switched covenants cause i was never getting summoned in that one. pretty lame
>dodge/jump are just qtes
Assuming you mean the stab as well, you're a moron
A *****bad***** QTE has a large window of time to press/mash a SPECIFIC button very clearly established on screen
A *****good***** QTE doesn't tell you what button, it just warns you.
And there's big consequences for pushing the wrong button.
And the timing of when to press is unspoken, rather it depends purely on last split second timing with enemies that often change their timing and rhythms to juke you out. Over the entire game, the rhythms become more complex and fast, challenging your ability to read your opponent.
And the pay off is glorious because you earned it with timing and observational skills, not knowing a controller well.
You're just spouting memes. None of this shit you listed actually impacts the core experience being good.
What a joke you are. Hope you know that.
I haven't played DaS2, but one thing that annoyed me about 3 was that so many boss fights felt gimmicky. To kill Wolnir you destroy his bracelets, to kill Yhorm you need stormruler (or whatever it's called, I've not played in a long time), to kill that dragon at Archdragon Peak you need to plunge attack it's head etc. Sure you can chip away at their health slowly instead, but that's not exactly fun. Then the remaining bosses, like the Lothric princes, just felt too fast to do with anything but a dex weapon - to me, at least
I love how every image of a Bloodborne map makes it look like it's comparable to the other games, but then half the dots are literally just a single boss room that's considered it's own unique area.
>A *****bad***** QTE has a large window of time to press/mash a SPECIFIC button very clearly established on screen
That's literally any Sekiro counter you have ONE button you have to press and it's signaled by a huge glowing sign
Ds2>BB>ds3>demon souls> Ds
The entire franchise is plagued with this shit, Ds2 easily had it the worst and Ds3 clearly had it the best
You're a fool. Bloodborne is the tits of perfection.
It's easy to make a game look good when you use a ton of scrapped shit from another game. It's hard to make a game look good when it has to be massively downgraded for consoles.
They mean it'll prompt you, specifically, to press X or Y etc
Sekiro doesn't specifically prompt, meaning you need to pay attention to the enemy's stance and how they attack
who are you again?
>b-b-but dark souls 3
>Sekiro doesn't specifically prompt
Are you high? The flashing jap symbol spells you out what you have to do.
2 and 3 both betray the promises of a game we could have had.
and? still doesn't make DS2 any less shit.
Recycled stuff is better than the garbage.
>dark souls 3
Dark souls 3 didn't show an entire tech demo that looked pretty good and then butchered it on release, what a fucking shame. Consoles were a mistake.
>It's easy to make a game look good when you use a ton of scrapped shit from another game.
None of these environments were scrapped from the other games, cope harder faggot.
except Jump is a separate button from Dodge?
How stupid are you?
The reason it's the same huge, glowing red signal with the same noise is obvious: to confuse you, stress you out and either Jump, Dodge/stab, or (to add to the complexity of this QTE since I did this to Genichiro multiple times) power through with an attack or prosthetic and risk it.
If you jump into a stab counter, have a nice run back to the boss arena.
But I get it. You want to protect your meme criticisms even when they're easily torn apart. Just don't bother replying then if you're that convinced you're right.
If you're saying the symbol is Japanese for "A", and another different one comes up meaning "B", I'll believe you. As I understand it though, it's just a symbol to say "don't get hit by this", and doesn't say specifically which button to press
I can't believe this has to be explained. The hallmark of a QTE is that it locks you into a context sensitive sequence where the game presents a specific input that you have to press in the allotted time with no other possible actions allowed, and success or failure changes the sequence and gives some effect before returning to standard gameplay. This is entirely different from a situation in standard gameplay where a certain strategy might be favoured, or a type of attack being telegraphed which is best dealt with using a certain tactic or mechanic of the base system that you employ.
Thanks you made it
Moonside Lake and Altar of Despair are unique areas :^)
Man, 2 being better than 3 in some aspects is just a source of endless asshurt for you, isn't it?
Honestly you can’t even compare Sekiro to them