League of Legends

Is it just me or it got harder to climb this year?
I am 4 divisions below where I was last year and I played twice as much.

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>still playing LoL after 2012

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> being a contrarian instead of forming your own opinions

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Nah, it's exactly the same as it always was. Maybe your old main is trash now and you have to pick up someone else.

Not him, but my own opinion always was that LoL is the dummy version of dota since it first appeared.

And that game is Diet Starcraft with friends.

So what is Iron Division like user?

good post, heartily kekd

I am bronze 1 / silver 4 and I am usually gold 5 last seasons. Also I played a ton and I am stuck because there are so many afk and people that lose horribly.

>4 divisions below last year when I played twice as much. What's going on bvros?

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Idk user. This is the first time I got to platinum.

I had to change my main, tho. Now I OTP Teemo, the motherfucker is hidden OP.

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There are way too many smurfs lately.

So many people have almost perfect micro in bronze / silver and they are hard to deal with.

Is the end of the season or what?

Why is everyone tryharding so much?

>tfw any time I try to learn a new champ I go 0/20

Literally the opposite. Old Diamond 5 is now low Masters. Everyone and their moms are climbing by just grinding games just compare Challenger top LPs over seasons.

I have over 2000 games played and have only out of curiosity played 4 of the placement games, but otherwise have never ever played ranked since I started in 2011
What’s the appeal of ranked by comparison?

Play Morg or Diana. Easy lp. Even when you do bad in lane with Diana post 6 is easy.

Which is completely wrong, whereas the first thing was 300% correct.

>Old Diamond 5 is now low Masters

This fucking argument is bullshit. Did you forgot they added 4 Iron ranks bellow Bronze 4?

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>What’s the appeal of ranked by comparison?
Not sure. I guess it just gives you some goal to reach.

If it wasn't for League ranked, I would probably just play Heroes of the Storm since the queue is faster.

Some rewards at the end of the season I like collecting the skins especially. It's really easy to hit gold since S2.

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I guess that makes sense. I just always figured it wouldn’t be worth having to put up with all the third worlders who start saying ‘diff int open get me out’ or whatever other combination of words made up to say ‘I give up’ whenever something doesn’t perfectly go their way.
HotS is a lot of fun too, I agree. I think I like the league characters too much though. I never really got into blizzard games.

I do like the aesthetic of the victorious skins. Maybe I’ll give ranked a try if it’s not as bad as I’m making it out to be. I could probably eek out at least making gold.

They pushed the low silver people down to bronze and iron, silver used to be home to like 50% of the playerbase. On the other end there was diamond 5, people there got pushed upwards to between d2 and low masters with the introduction of GM

I just wish it was more like a grind not just who gets lucky and more wins in a row.

If someone has 100 games played get iron, if someone has 200 get bronze, if someone has 300 get silver, if someone got 500 get gold and take the skin etc.

It would be more fun and less frustrating.

Just be aware that your MMR gets reset in ranked, so unless your normal mmr is already bronze-silver you'll want to end your life in your first couple games until your mmr stabilizes.

>tfw nearing top 100 in tft
actuqlly made me try lol
I like it more than other mobas since it has more going on and gemrally more soul. Fuck dota and valve and fuck underlords

I already have a few hundred games, the system just thinks I belong in gold 1 / silver 4 in both ladders and gives tons of unwinnable games in a row when I get to 100lp s4.

Kill yourself tranny nigger. Go back to your general

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>tldr i was too bad to understand dota and went for the easier game

I feel you, I don't like grim-dark games.

You do you, but I personally prefer League. It's a great blend of strategy and action. I've always felt like DotA lacked that magic, which is why I don't play it much..

dota is literally the easiest moba on the market you fucking brainlet.

>strategy in league



The NA server is filled with chink and gook "boosters" trying to rank up accounts to sell because it's the only way they know how to make money.
The normal playerbase dropped like a ten ton boulder when battle royale and now, autochess, became super popular.

autism speaks

No, it's a lot easier. In season 4 i won 7 placement games and got gold 4, i started playing again in this year and got gold 4 just winning 3 games, lmao.
Currently platinum 4 with 55 wins 19 lp, i don't know if i want to spend more time to get diamond.

>"I've never played either game but I don't want to seek new" starterpack

I'm new. Level 22, how do I get better?

Focus on last hitting. The best way to learn is to go into a practice game with a sivir bot or something else that makes farming obnoxious and practice like that. Also there's no point in actually warding unless you push in.

im plat 2 and one win from promos to plat 1, if i win my next game i will be at the highest rank i've ever accomplished.
last year i reached this same spot and lost the next game 5+ times in a row then tilt spiraled downwards for the rest of the season. so im in the same spot in about 1/10th of the games.

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Its like challenger. You can't get in iron just by playing bad, you need to be extremely good at losing, just running down mid won't bring you that far.
But once you finally make it you will meet people of the same skill and mentality as in challenger. Extremely comfy.

You play against actually good players once you get plat and higher. Normals are usually gold and silver shitters.

General is dead, they only discuss eSports and trannie shit.

gold 3 chad here, highest and easiest climb of my life but could be because i used to only play ranked with my bad friends