
What kind of person would make a game this vile?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Stunning and brave people of course

Why do these games always make the anti-Nazis the side of degeneracy and disgusting behavior? How does that help the cause?

Because that's exactly what they're fighting for and always have.

Who the FUCK wants to play as an ugly woman ?

What is this crap?
What are they fucking doing, what is this spastic flailing shit?

teenage girls in uproarious laughter after smashing a guy's head to pieces. is that what I'm seeing? yikes.

judging by sales? nobody

I'm going to keep saying it.
Alien insanity beams.

Swedes, need I say more?


The brown haired chick seems like a bit of a qt, but the fucking dyke lesbian bitch is fucking ugly

>abloo bloo

I think its really brave to have a game where you play as two girls with Down's syndrome.

>Alien insanity beams.
It was better when Naughty Bear did it.

The fuck is this

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how dare you insult jess
she is perfect in every way

they have great company

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It looks like the same janky shit that Mass Effect; Andromedia was, no one who made this game gave a single solitary fuck about how it turned out.

No one has cared about this series since Return, can't we just let this shit die?

it's shit.

only a woman would think that was funny

>Its shit
I see that, but what the fuck is this. I mean, why would anyone go making games only to throw up this kind of shit? Why?

What kind of troll keeps making this thread?

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The kind who keeps getting replies, hint hint.

A lot of white guys have really low standards, so I'm sure some of them consider the women in the OP attractive.

did the alt-right even exist when that picture was taken
weren't fedoralords all about leftism so long as it included anti-god stuff

Kys nigger

What did they mean by this?

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It wasn't always this way, RTCW was cool. Nowadays it's cringy liberals riding on the "right is nazi" bandwagon.

Beta incels that think it will make some pink haired uggo pitty sex them

>nooooo you have to be an incel like me!

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It did not.

no these guys were alt-right

Because no one cared about how good it actually was, they needed something out the door that might sell a few copies so they could sell the idea of some more Wolfenstein to the investors.
>"look mister glickstein, some people want to play more overt communist propaganda don't you hate trump we have trump jokes please give us 6 billion dollars to make more games"

SFM when

Because SJW are backed up by raw decadency

Is that Anya?

What's going on with Wolfenstein? Is this some sort of post-modern humor?

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no, they were just edgy atheists.

Hi SupaHot, I forgot I need to filter you, thanks for reminding me.

I've seen WEGS with better looking female characters than this, why are they so bug eyed and mannish?

>why are they so bug eyed and mannish?
Because the people who made it did a bad job, i guess.

I-Is she pretending to suck a penis?

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Have a fresh one, gymnast.

cucks and ethnics

i thought so too at first, that wouldve been absolute kino

but no, she is simply blowing up a middle finger balloon

I think self-deprecation

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At least something good came out of this ""game""

Because they think everything Nazi did are all bad and support what Nazi opposed means good, and Nazi happened to oppose some degenerated behaviors, so they have to blindlessly support these behaviors to show they oppose Nazi, no matter what.

Same reason modern libercucks are so rampantly promoting lgbthiv+ degeneracy and labling anyone oppose it as literal "Nazi", because the old Nazi also happened to oppose it(ironically the old commies such as Soviets also opposed it). It's typical mindless contarian mindset which can be seeing from any side, regardless left or right.

Lol faggot mods

So basically theyre just being childish

>resetera gains control over 4chingchong

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everybody has know jannies to be trannies for years now

This comment wasn't even supportive of Nazis, Yea Forums is becoming more and more like Resetera every day.

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Never mind the politics shit, look at those fucking helmets

Here's your Yea Forums mods bro

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A bethesda slave, for certain

It's almost as if discord trannies are seething

His type is usually a rampat shitposter (most of the time a stormnigger electionfag who comes to other boards to proselytize only, i.e. lacks any actual hobbies or interests) so it might've been just a blanket deletion of everything he posted.

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you're pretty spot on. the fedoralords were pretty much the first leftie whiteknight atheists. but it's pretty easy to slap some text over an image to push an agenda.

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According to trannies, anyone altright is a soiboi.
The way i see it you're either a tranny nigger or a white guy.

ok tranny

All day every day. Now and forever.

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This game was an actual joke lol

Imagine you are an actress for this character and the director of the scene is trying to explain to you that you have to gulg the imaginary dick and then flip a bird.

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Why the fuck this got deleted? This place is slowly becoming reddit

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I think she is doing that thing where you pretend to inflate your finger like blowing up a balloon, but it's OK I have an autistic nephew I understand.


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Wrong opinion, apparently

So brave. So powerful. I'm literally crying here. So beautiful. So inspirational.

Then she failed to pantomime that because to everyone beside your supposedly non-autistic self it looks like she's blowing the Invisible Man.

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you think discord trannys would do that? Try to raid Yea Forums to turn it more liberal?

why are they acting like niggers?

to show that they're on the right side of history

Because female.

Because nigger good
White man bad

>mfw people pretend rules 1 & 2 ever meant anything

This guy


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>Made a joke the other day that the game would have white girls dancing.
>Game has white girls dancing.

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this dude looks like a serial killer

How long until he's outed as a sexual abuser?

What the fuck happened lads, TNO and TOB where genuinely good games and then TNC was complete crap, I can't comment on youngblood because I haven't played it yet but it isn't looking to good.
Why Is it so difficuly to make a good shooter, they did it twice before TNC?
Did all the studios talent pack up and go?

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It was always shit, it just started to be even more shit.
They must legitimately think they're improving on the formula.

Oh God, please never.

Did you cap this from a youtube video? Are youtubers thinking for you again, OP?

>Wolfenstein games are anti Nazi

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In due time.

Yep it's from Worth a Buy's video on the game

So basically women acting like men.
Is this what modern progressive women think men want?

somebody please firebomb these shits

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Proof please.

why should they act like they think men want them to act tho? Do you think you're acting like women want?

Gentlemanly and Masculine, hell fucking yeah.
That's why I like my women Graceful and Elegant, with long hair.

>very easy answer

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it is not vile! it is stunning and brave and empowering!

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sweden things

Of the "new" games I've only played TNO and this one which I haven't yet finished. You play as nazi resistance, yes, but TNO is extremely pro nazi in its subtext and I'm already seeing the same thing in YB.

For instance, in TNO, you could read all these bits of news article of the "what if" future and all of it paints the Nazi rule as a utopia. It settled all wars, united all nations, used technology to bring black africans geneitcally up to pace with the rest of the world and they even started colonizing space.

YB is the same deal so far. These are not games to be taken at face. The designers are very sneaky and deliver their messages with subtlety.


And people wonder why it keeps getting cancelled

they dont do it for men. they want women to act like this to destabilize traditional society so they can have their commie revolution.

You can actually feel the anger and triggerism in thigs. The beginning starsts very polite, as per examples of people actualy doing this thing in real life.
But then the triggered writer start to get angry and angry and ends in the ridiculous tone of "you can only clean our toilets!!!!"
Pathetic that something like this is forever added to a game

livin rent free in ya head

at this point i honestly cant tell if these wolf posts are ads or not

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Very interesting.
It's so borderline it could be taken either way.

trump derangement syndrome is scary

I get your point, it does explain why the leftists behave so vile and unintelligible in the game.
Shit I'm starting to believe this more and more.

Fuck its pretty terrifying.

I get "any press is good press" but I don't have a lot of time to dumpster dive for wackos on twitter, so i'm glad when my gamer bros here warn me to avoid political shitfests

don't these faggots work directly for Trump's brother?
how embarassing

Now you get it.

Holy fucking shit, it's a modern day parody of lefties. Kinda like inglorious basterds.

Who are the real nazis

Yea Forums never changes. I love how no one in this thread has even played the game, but will judge the game completely based on only their own personal beliefs, and perceived attacks on their identity. No better then the far left ironically.
The game is pretty good and one of the better coop games of the last few years. The mix of semi open maps with multiple interconnected routes, and quick fast paced action is highly entertaining. The game also looks great and runs fantastically. It's not perfect by a long shot but it's still a good time that doesn't overstay it's welcome, and is priced accordingly.
Of course Yea Forums doesn't play games, and they don't have fun so none of this is a surprise. never change.

Jesus fucking christ I might have to actually play these games now.

It's basically Starship Troopers the video game fuck this is awesome.

I disagree. in their seething froth, they somehow let the truth slip. its like how when trump says "shithole country", the left immediately singles out black countries.

so, im supposed to feel sympathy for the "heroes"?

i feel sympathy for the nazis, the game missed the mark.

Ok shill, you posted your viral marketing, now go to uncle Todd for the payout.

>you need to play the game
>forgets about all the streamers on twitch giving us the experience
Personally i watched 4hours of Criken and Tomato playing it. And i'm more than enough convinced that this game is bad.
Nice try tho (not really)

this. their beliefs and positions are illogical and contrary to good taste that they have no way to shape it into something desirable making their enemy look like a better alternative by comparison.

But I wouldnt go as far to say that they're saying the Nazis are good, they just saying the left is fucking garbage as well.

Damn its like a comedy, both extremists trying to annihilate each other fuck Machine Games rock!

Does ANYONE unironically like the "humor" in nuWolfenstein?

Play the games, pay attention. That's all.
Or don't. it doesn't matter. It's all fiction anyway.

you know their names...

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Can you provide me with more proof, trying to google it but found nothing

You really just ripped this from the WAB video didn't you

I just perma banned for posting video related

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Always a good sign when someone can't handle criticism (no matter how brazen or hamfisted it may be)

i thought she was coughing at first

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Hetler was the bad guy?

One "SHILLLLLL" with no content, and one "i watched it on stream". classic.
These games have never taken themselves seriously. Imagine getting butt hurt over a game about killing Nazi's in a franchise about killing Nazi's, with such over the top characters as "Mecha Hitler". The game has plenty of issues, and is by no means perfect.
Form your own opinions think for yourself. Stopping taking everything as a attack on you personally and you might find you enjoy life.

It's been a while since I played and my rig wasn't great when I played it so I didn't take too many screenshots, unfortunately. I'll be sure to take better ones in YB.

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If they can actually make the females characters in YB look more attractive and sexy, like the iconic feamle Nazi soldiers back in the days, I would believe you more. But they didn't, instead we got a bunch of flat chest stronk nazi waymen, and two ugly female brats as protagonists, hell, even their mother Tanya looks more attractive than them.

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Why do these games always make the anti-Nazis the side of degeneracy and disgusting behavior? How does that help the cause?

t. nazis already trembling in their Springerstiefel

no one. people who say they like it, say it only, because they agree with the message

Alright bud, you earned your extra lootboxes for FO76. All that overtime is paying out.

>imagine being so salty over people not enjoying a game that you make up fantasy scenarios were people didn't play it or simple want to shit on it for the sake of it, in the era os most easy access to media..

>The game has plenty of issues
think nigger

There are some genuinely funny moments. Thing is, Yea Forums overreacts to everything these days.

If it were a Trump lookalike telling brown people to go back, you would only see

Uhh dude, thats just propaganda....

Fuck niggers lol

>they will never match RTCW
>nothing will ever match RTCW
Just ignore cucked swedenstein games

imagine hating a nation based on middleschool brainwashing stories of throwing 6 million people into a 12 sq ft oven

So what is the agreed upon safe criticism? I bought the game to leave a bad review and refund it. Don't want to raise any suspicion by the SJW mods, so what am I supposed to put in?

Are they mocking and insulting the German people with this?

Fuck off.

This image gives me hope for the future. It explains how the advertisement department changes their strategy just to appeal a specific target. Once they get that target engaged or fail to do so they will move on.

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microtransactions in a singleplayer game plagued with minute long cutscenes that are irrelevant to your missions


I'm almost too scared to ask since something stupid will no doubt follow, but against better judgement: what do you mean?

You're so crazy girl whooooooo :P

Lucky guess. There's a floppy mocking the guy who came up with the code.

name something they did wrong besides losing
if you say they killed innocent people reminder the US is the only country on the planet to ever nuke a population of civilians and they did it twice
where is their holocaust remembrance or bullshit museums that conveniently have a donation kiosks around every corner

Nice marketing, Jew boy, that post probably could have got you a few dozen sales if you posted it on shiddit where you belong. Fuckin' faggot.

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no one

It almost seems like they're trying to paint alternate history to make it seem like "Thank God the Nazis lost" but that image kind of seems like it's implying things would have been better if Germany won the war.

kek please be truth

Seriously man you got my hopes up.
But you have to realise thats just liberals mocking germany for its use of propaganda.

>oh look it’s a Yea Forums feigns concern about vidya violence because it’s women beating nazi men in this specific case
>silent in all other cases

I was banned on Steam forum of Rage 2 for posted a compariosn video and critcized their characters(expecially females) being too ugly. Guess who financed and published Rage 2? Yes, it's also Bethesda.
What a coincidence :^)

>I called people who disagree with my worldview a NAZI again!!! xD
>a-alr-ready t-trembling arent y-y-ou....

The fact you take yourself so seriously is laughable. Get out.

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>Those first few seconds
>Blonde chick is pretending to suck a dick


She was raped by a nazi and was having a PTSD moment. Basically telling the girl she would be raped by a nazi with their 20 inch cocks.

He looks like a wannabe.

>wolfin (((stien)))

Have you played the game? No? reading this thread it's pretty clear the majority made up their mind long before the game came out.
Lol he used the same exact reply...

I enjoyed the game personally for what it is. But if you play it and don't then i accept that. I'm only defending the idea of criticizing a piece of media based on it's faults and strengths, and not my own person views of what it is or should be. Stop asking for what you should believe and start forming you own beliefs based on experience.

>buy the game and pay my employer money before shitting on it
Nice try shill-kun.

>but that image kind of seems like it's implying things would have been better if Germany won the war.
that was the entre crux of the conversation.

Not sure if you remember or played Wolf TNO, but in some journal notes left behind throughout the game, it is revealed that Anya actually WILLINGLY had sex with a nazi and she aborted her baby because she hates nazis.

Why do these games always make the anti-Nazis the side of degeneracy and disgusting behavior? How does that help the cause?

The New Order was good and before they doubled down on their idiotic marketing tactics. The sequel could've been good, but they got their head up their ass and the game's both shorter and with more cutscenes to break up the actual gameplay.

Series needs a reboot back to WW2 honestly. It's neat they tried getting sci fi but they've completely squandered the possibilities of it.

Not him, but I've bought and played almost every previos Wolfenstein games before, including TNO and TNC, so of course I already made up my mind, for not falling for this bullshit again.
I'm not even White nor Ameican and I dislike Nazi.

>bad writing
>main characters revoltingly cringy
>sjw pandering
>annoying correct-bullet system
>now rpg style you have to level up to actualy fight lvl X
>repetitive levels
>incredible boring and dumb missions
>zero experienced girls go now fight alone nazis
So no, i can't see those details about the game just by looking at a video i HAVE to pay for it, install it and play it to see all those things?
Or maybe you are the one who can't, no problem, people are different.

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gunna need a source for that. That's actually like, a mentally unhealthy way to write about something, and judging by the marketing and designers that'd say a lot about who they are as people.

>Wolfenstein 3D
>You fight nazi soldiers during WW2
>Wolfenstein TNC/Youngblood
>You murder innocent workers and commit acts of terrorism in a post WW2 world
Who ever wrote this game is a psychopath, basically what ISIS do.

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>name something they did wrong besides losing
Turning a nation into a totalitarian shithole that crushed any dissent.
Brainwashing people from childhood on.
Establishing a secret police terrorizing their own population.
Relying on war economy, effectively proving they were unable to maintain a stable economy otherwise.
State despotism - you could not expect a fair trial.
Willingly throwing away the lives of their own soldiers and citizens on multiple occasions for crazy ideas of glory.
Plundering art throughout the conquered nations.
War crimes on a scale previously unknown - especially in Eastern Europe they didn't come to conquer, they came to commit genocide.
Industrialized genocide.
Plunged the whole whole into a conflict that killed millions - more civilians than soldiers, too.

Just from the top of my head.

Do I need to spell it for you retards?
There is an effective way to fight back.
SEXUALISE them. Make them hot (call it "fixing" them) and make lotsa porn. They are twin sisters, they are literally and figuratively asking for it.
Incestuous and exploitative for male eyes only.

When did Yea Forums lost it's edge?

Do mods genuinely not know what Racism even means?


What I was talking about is Entry's 5 and 6.

Congratulations, you basically just named every known nation state since the beginning of time

The fact that you take me seriously and get furious over it is telling.

It's like the game about Not Important, but made by SJWs.

Never on that scale, though.

Also, you are a fucking retard if you honestly believe getting called out for saying nigger is the same as disappearing in a Gestapo basement for suggesting the government isn't up to snuff.

Britain has never thi-

I'm completely genuine when I'm saying that people like you shouldn't be able to walk around.

Yes Robert Trump is on the board of directors for Zenimax.

More like botspam think.

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>There is an effective way to fight back.
A better way is to 'force the issue' until enough people are pissed off that they vote to change.

Good luck to BJ aka Boris Johnson!

Hardly. Nazis and commies took it to a new level.

A Swede.

Nigga must be really thirsty to be able to sexualy this nightmare

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Tranny jannies need to go back to resetera. This is a perfectly reasonable question:
>Why do these games always make the anti-Nazis the side of degeneracy and disgusting behavior? How does that help the cause?

Right one is kinda cute.

Dzungar Genocide, Japan
>on that
Khmer Rogue and whatever retarded shit Mao did
Every pet project from KGB, Stasi, CIA, basically any Middle Eastern Intelligence Agency since Islamic Revolution
Literally any war since the beginning of time that I could name since the Gallic Wars of Caesar

You're a fucking idiot, go back to whining about dumb shit that has happened through out the course of history

One of the few times on this site when I actually think the ban is ridiculous

Steam forum mods can be such butthurt fags.

It's almost comical how they turned the games from trying to free the world from legitimately evil nazis into BJ and his daughters just being complete psychopaths hellbent on murdering every single "nazi" they come across no matter who they are or what they actually believe.

Yes. No u is all they have. It's true they can't meme.


sweet summer child

TNO was alternate history resistance vs Nazis with advanced technology.
TNC is obnoxious SJW retards vs robo-Nazis

This is some reddit-tier level shit of humor. I think this deserves a yikes. Yikes.

>le nazi relativism xD
We're talking about a single state, a single ideology that was guilty of all of that in a matter of years.

Whatever, it's pointless talking to you. We both know where your loyalties are. Best we can hope for is to get as many of you out in the open.

Those were not "industrialize genocide with systematic scientific methods" like Nazi did though, Nazi did invent this shit which was never done before..

They are pissed when it happens though.
They hate the fact that every woman in fiction will appear in some gaudy drawing somewhere (the same people who write gay slash fics mind you).
The tumblrsation is an attempt to counteract that and I just want to know, how much uglier they will attempt to make them, before even they can't fap to that. I am pretty sure an unhealthy dose of self-hate went into that design.

>lose argument
lmao I'm a kike, you're just a dumb brainlet that probably got laughed out of /his/

>b-b-but it was bigger!
oh my god, instead of killing one million people, Stormfags killed two million people. Someone call Genghis Khan and tell him how Hitler killed more than him and wiped several civilizations in the course of human history.

Yeah, except it is history courses that never get tired to emphasize how outstanding the nazi regime was in the ways it was horrible.

>You are young scientist fresh out of college
>Hired by the government to work in military projects
>First day at the job
>A fucking wall of flesh invades the compound and start hatching people
>this are your last thoughts youtube.com/watch?v=NDaRiyx9fYQ&t=609s

>I'm a kike
Coincidentally, I am Adolf Hitler writing to you from Argentina. Also, /his/ regularly laughs you and your fellow /pol/ goons out of the board.

>enter Wolfenstein thread
>political discussion

Fuck off.

Genghis Khan was kinda a good guy considering the circumstances his people were placed in.
His actions are morally wrong, but he did what he thought was best to save his kind and even gave others a chance to join him if they proved themselves worthy.

How convenient. Anything bad = black, anything good = honorary white

I wish I could personally lynch you.

The game did it first, dingus


>b-b-but it was bigger
Yes, it's bigger, and not just bigger but also more stronger, terrifying and unique, which is why Naziboo poltard love them so much.
I may hate SJW but that doesn't mean I'm like Nazi and their collaborators such as you.


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Gonna need some context here... why are they dancing like retards and where does that dead guy come from?
Why does she suddenly puke, then keep dancing?
What'd happening here?

>Why do these games always make the anti-nazis the side of degeneracy and disgusting behavior? How does that help the cause?
>gets deleted
Fuck you tranny-janny nigger shills.

imagine sympathizing with cartoonish video game nazis

You have notifications from the JIDF

how do you go from TNO being one of the funnest FPS in years, to fucking Nazi Borderlands with equally shitty characters?

also, the way Bethesda seems to market the shitty Wolfenstein games is to make sure they're as 'progressive' as humanly possible, ie girls with ATTITUDE kicking nazi ASS, so that hopefully people will be scared of criticising the game lest they be labeled women hating nazi lovers

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>not rape

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Because they're white

Please tell Mr one of BJs daughters is a lesbian

What if both are and they fuck each other?

Swedes. Don't worry though. They wont be around in twenty years.


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One of principles of nazi ideology was that strong people with better genetics should spread.
Their mistake was thinking that them were superior.
Life verified their mistake proving that allies and soviets were indeed superior breed of mankind.
So any true nazi female would want to be genetically enriched by strong american army or red army soldier, for he proved to be superior than german soldiers and by breeding with victors they would better german genetic stock making them more likely to win next time as they would carry genes of victors not loser. It cannot be rape for by their ideology, the semen of the winners is exactly what they want.

not the same scene.
The one where dyke is puking is their first kill at the start. They are green.
The one where they dance in the elevator is just a "funny" loading screen that show how dumb they are

>All those articles rolling out about how Overwatch's new character is being racist against the mentally ill

Clown world has its moments.

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This. "muh rapes" is a big myth. German women went with the soviets willingly. When Americna and Russian soldiers entered Germany in 1945 German women willingly flocked to them. In their shame, their cucked husbands invented the myth of "muh rapes" which was later turned into propaganda by NATO for the Cold War. Germany is LITERALLY a cuckold nation, as most born in the 1946-47 period were the result of cuckoldry. They try to hide this by inventing sob stories. This is the true redpill.

German women were so tired of most of their "men" being crossdressing trannys they flocked to the americans and soviets willingly when they arrived.


>wiping out civilizations and murdered millions that would make Stalin or Hitler look like the pope
>kinda a good guy
Yeah, ok

>but also more stronger, terrifying and unique
Attila, Pol Pot, Mao, Timur, Saddam, any of the ingenious shit Israelis have done very creative things to hurt people. It is natural in history for everyone to one up their brutality, and Hitler is just another peg in the ladder. The argument that we should care one genocide in the 40s more than others because it was "organized" is gay and cringe.


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The context is that they killed their first nazi, started celebrating. puked over the fact that they just killed someone and got that guy's brain-bits all over themselves, and then continued celebrations.

What city you're from faggot

Tel Aviv, New York City

Explain this

Attached: crossdressing nazi.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

If he didn't fight back, his civilzation would have been killed by the Chinese.

The absolute madman

wtf I hate nahtzees now.

Please, tell me more.

>What kind of person would make a game this vile?
The same kind of person that makes a Wolfenstein game that degrades into shooting cops in grey uniforms. Ever since The New Order Wolfenstein has been a complete goddamn joke. Apparently the Nazis took over the world, built mega-cities, advanced technology by 100 years in 10, and have a fucking moon colony in the 1950s. Remind me again why I'm ruining everything?

I at least gave that game a chance and I finished it. It was a steaming fucking turd. The ending was a let down (that got retconned). Oddly enough I actually got the side of the story that was pozzed up to its eyeballs since I chose to save the younger soldier instead of the older one.

You want to make a game where the Nazis are cartoon villains? Great, don't do it in an alternate history where they took over the world and did more with it in ten than Americans did with the real world in a hundred. The only legitimately evil Nazi characters were a trio of officers. Everyone else was literally just a cop in a grey coat.

The entire alternate timeline plot was garbage and the social justice warrior shit is both blatant and nauseating. I need more of a reason to hate Nazis than "they only allow boring music about sex-deprived teen relationships!" and "they might maybe go after gay people even though the officer doesn't seem all that interested in actually investigating it when being tipped off by a local woman."

Doom is fucking simple. Demons bad, smash tear and rip their fucking guts out. Wolfenstein used to be simple: Germans unleash supernatural shit and everything goes wrong. The goddamn NecroVisioN game from 2009 is a better Wolfenstein game than Wolfenstein and it didn't even have Nazis in it because it took place in World War fucking 1.

Attached: 3DPD.jpg (699x451, 54K)

That's like the NOC's in the base, this shit is literally Antifastein these days. "Nazis" is code for Trumpvoters


I wish we lived it simplier times, like these

Explain this first

Attached: nazis subhumans.png (1384x1155, 340K)

>"you can't have an opinion unless you play it first!"
>what if I read reviews/watch gameplay etc?

This. This is why I really liked TNO and fucking HATED TNC. My god. TNC was just pure bullshit. I wouldn’t Arcade (((Berg))) clean my toilets, or whatever was his Blumpf BTFO jab was.

>Oddly enough I actually got the side of the story that was pozzed
*wasn't, rather

>tranny discord providing guidance to grapple with le ebil Yea Forums

Everything checks out.

>defending nazis to own the libs

Attached: image0-21.jpg (750x502, 67K)

>Remind me again why I'm ruining everything?
Technically, TNO revealed that all the Nazi technology is bastardized Jew technology they stole from an underground Jew circle. And instead of spending it making life better firstmost, they spent their resources making more and more weapons even when they conquered the world with life improvements being an afterthought. So they could be doing way better and way more efficiently.

Sweden. Sweden is going on.



>For instance, in TNO, you could read all these bits of news article of the "what if" future and all of it paints the Nazi rule as a utopia. It settled all wars, united all nations, used technology to bring black africans geneitcally up to pace with the rest of the world and they even started colonizing space.
>settled wars when there are said to be existing wars
>used jew technology
>nazis using jew tech
>implying that's not worth gassing all the kikes for

Attached: laughing_luke.jpg (843x612, 120K)

What a shocker, females have no loyalty or dignity. Literally traitors and betrayers. Never tell me again that females are even close to human.

Thread filled with salty /pol/fags

The game is bad because of the rpg mechanics but you're just offended they're killing Nazis

Let's not forget the part about how there was actually a Jewish world order organization that could have stopped the nazis from taking over but didn't.

This shits all over the kikes way more than anything BJ can do. Nazis prized stuff like their mental abilities and creativity, to the point of considering nuclear stuff a jew science and would never have gotten nukes as a result. So to have everything they did be a result of copy and pasting jewish stuff is like the kkk openly saying they want black cocks in them.

>laughing at shitty games full of leftist strawmen and hamfist political memes means you're defending nazis

Yeah, no.

>Believing the notes that are literal Nazi Propaganda in the series.
Did you read the note that said "they hardly scratched the Gibraltar bridge lmao" after you ripped it apart with a spinny ball? The notes aren't supposed to be trusted retard.

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>TNO revealed that all the Nazi technology is bastardized Jew technology
Yeah I'm aware and that was the single most retarded fucking plot point in the entire game. Introduced just before BJ uses an ancient kike WMD to commit a terrorist attack that kills hundreds of people on a crowded bridge.
>So they could be doing way better and way more efficiently.
That's the writers being dumbs, flat out. They throw you in a 1950s concentration camp with a living Jew (???) and they force the interned prisoners to...mix concrete with three buttons. Not only could this process have been entirely automated, but they ALSO add an additional plotpoint in that the Jew was sabotaging the concrete while he was mixing it and nobody noticed.

This shit makes NO fucking sense.

>doesn't explain

He looks like someone who kidnaps women to drill holes into their skulls.


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not gonna lie i enjoyed the new wolfenstein games. including this one.
the only thing that really irks me is that the nazis are so incompetent and non threatening. theyre like cartoon villains. they have no evil presence about them or a grandure that usually is associated with the third reich.
ruined my immersion more than a bit. but the games were enjoyable still.

Attached: consider the following.png (940x1290, 1.29M)

Explain to me the crimes of a Nazi working as a police officer in London a decade after the war was over.

Can anyone explain to me why so many women do this?

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No, they were enlightened centrists who hid racism behind libertarian values. Many jumped into fascism because they realized little state interference meant no protection of ethnic identity and no enforcement private companies to host racist content.

>self evident

This is a decent post.
>why are the Nazis the bad guys despite all the success
I've seen this relativity frequently in recent years, particularly where the nazis are suppose to be absolutely evil bad guys. Inglorious Basterds, a film about killing nazis, made them all (barring Christoph Waltz) look brave, honourable and level headed - unlike all the protagonists
New Order was the same for the reasons you list: in barely 20 years they've created technology greater than what we have now and the only real "evil" behaviour from the nazi side is against people who are aiding partizans.
Unlike what other people have suggested, I don't think it's "woah look how redpilled they are", I think it's more because they rely on Nazis as a crutch so they think they can get away with not developing them much.
To make it work, they need to remove the story which was barely present in earlier games.

>modern day jews create an ethnostate and kill all the cheeky brown motherfucekrs that try to live anywhere nearby

See I find it extremely hard to tell the difference between their men and their women.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (780x585, 75K)

what does the sign say

Why is the bulldyke miming sucking dick? That doesn't even make sense as an insult. Or is she giving her sister tips, in which case, that's pretty hot.

>kids trolling a video game was actually a /pol/ psyop
Fuck off.

>Introduced just before BJ uses an ancient kike WMD to commit a terrorist attack that kills hundreds of russian sex toys on a crowded bridge.
Yeah, he should have killed thousands at minimum.

Attached: Untitled.png (1606x1068, 760K)

>""""""""The game is bad because of the rpg mechanics"""""""

>endless stealth knife your way through the map
>backtrack constantly through respawning enemies
>levels built like movie-sets
>deployables inexplicably laid out for you EVERYWHERE
>fortnite dance moves to get buffs
>MMO cash-shop tier microtransactions

Ok, this is epic.

She's doing that thing where you pretend to blow your finger up to flip someone off. However, I couldn't see the finger at first and thought she was simulating a blowjob for some reason.

Am I supposed to feel sympathy for Anya from these audiologs? She comes off like a fucking psychopath.

Attached: wut.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

It's funny when you go and shit in someone else's pool. When you shit in your own pool and then play with the turds, everyone who lives with you is going to hate you for it.

>The same kind of person that makes a Wolfenstein game that degrades into shooting cops in grey uniforms
What? That's literally the original Wolfenstein. In the new games, the "nazis" are halloween cartoon tier monsters and mutants. One type of nazi is a gigantic, armored dog ffs. In RTCW (or was is old blood?) some of the nazis were chimaeric Quake monsters.

Attached: 20190726203522_1.jpg (1920x1080, 491K)

Why does this and Ghost Recon need dumb rpg mechanics when they dont need them.

Lol fuck germans

Fuck Swedes more though. Both countries need to be wiped off the face of the earth.

being part of the opressive system

>Yeah I'm aware and that was the single most retarded fucking plot point in the entire game.
>implying it wasn't genius
Kikes can't do anything by themselves. They needed to steal few Jews of all people.
> They throw you in a 1950s concentration camp with a living Jew (???) and they force the interned prisoners to...mix concrete with three buttons. Not only could this process have been entirely automated, but they ALSO add an additional plotpoint in that the Jew was sabotaging the concrete while he was mixing it and nobody noticed.
Exactly. They're brain-dead Europe-destroyers who could have automated shit but decided muh concentration camps. Numerous Nazi shit was highly inefficient but they went for it anyway because muh nazism ideology.

>What? That's literally the original Wolfenstein.
Nigger I don't give a FUCK about Wolfenstein 3D and nobody else did either. There's a reason it's not regarded as the great grandfather of first person shooters.
I sincerely hope you do not live in any first or second world country.


Because the gaming industry is intellectually bankrupt


they didn't have windows back then?

Those are all consequences of them making their game like destiny and borderlands, that fucking rpglite garbage doesn't belong in an fps

That's another key point about TNO. None of the resistance is actually fighting for the resistance. They all have a very personal vendetta against the Nazis for some egregious transgression committed against them.

Never in any Wolf game is the resistance painted as right and they never actually win.

>Lol fuck germans
This. I call dibs on pic related.

Attached: Asuka_Langley_Soryu.png (714x1000, 343K)

I mean not really, there are quite a few scenes early on where she expresses regret over the horrible things she’s done and says how she’s lost pieces of herself so the game sort of acknowledged she’s a psycho

Probably instinct. "If the big scary males think with their dicks maybe they won't kill me for being with their enemies before."

Even the 90+ year old nazis should be hunted down and killed.

They look like those ugly characters from hotline miami but in 3D

>Nigger I don't give a FUCK about Wolfenstein 3D and nobody else did either.

Attached: 1458418169700.gif (280x210, 1.41M)

>RPG mechanics in FPS

Attached: 1486349278422.jpg (514x836, 424K)

>le wiki fays
explain this then

Attached: OY.jpg (2000x1709, 986K)

God you're a retard. "abloo abloo, Nazis took over the world and killed hundreds of millions of people and are oppressing billions but a couple hundred dead in a terrorist attack is so bad."

Pay attention to the story you dumb nigger. They kept him alive because he was a part of the secret Jewish sect that had crazy technology. They used his knowledge of concrete to create the super concrete. And the Nazis were notoriously inefficient in the use of their slave labor, and they can't spend 3 hours at the camp fleshing out all the jobs.

>/pol/ is so powerful it does legitimate psyops
God damn, when leftist schizophrenia surpasses fiction. Imagine being so preternaturally assblasted you give such humongous credit to your perceived enemies. I wish I could make this stuff up.

Attached: tfw.png (523x536, 420K)

but destiny and borderlands are FPS????

This looks like it was made by those Broad City slag jews, christ.

Sod off moot.

>Kikes can't do anything by themselves. They needed to steal few Jews of all people.
Fucking "demons from Hell gave them the technology" would have made more sense than ancient kabbalist jews making supertech 10,000 years ago.
I bet you didn't even play it before the year 2010 faggot.

Before TNC, I kinda interpreted the resistance in TNO as just as being psychopathic as the Nazis, and that nobody is inherently a good person. Then TNC came out and they were actually telling me that the resistance are actually doing good things.

>They kept him alive because he was a part of the secret Jewish sect that had crazy technology
No better place for him than mixing concrete in a place where people starve to death in bunkbeds huh? No faggot, you're the retard for accepting this garbage as even remotely sensible.

I played it when it came out, zoomshite.


Attached: Emma-Gonzalez-speach-2018-a-billboard-1548.jpg (1548x1024, 1.26M)

Sure you did user, just like you correctly identified a 28 year old man as a zoomer huh?

>various german jew scientists created the atom bomb and space technology IRL

you know when i played TNO i actually expected BJ to start realising that the world was too fucked up to be changed and by the third game he would go on a time travel adventure to face off with Mecha Hitler at the end of Wolf 3D and fix the world from that point
it seems alot better than what we got now

Attached: Wolfenstein-II-The-New-Colossusx64vk-10_26_2017-9_31_38-AM-800x450.png (800x450, 485K)


>weren't fedoralords all about leftism so long as it included anti-god stuff
They were contrarians first and foremost, so when leftism and atheism became accepted they instinctively became god-fearing conservadrones.

I dunno user, I consider pic related to be rape

Attached: 1560803377389.jpg (1200x1200, 602K)

all is fine buy why are you in a suit

so since this thread has turned into /pol/ cesspool I'm gonna post an epic meme

Attached: zyklonb.jpg (548x487, 75K)

I’m pretty sure that was the intention but obviously something changed in the writing between both games

>states the obvious as the only bad thing about the game
>gets presented with multiple examples
>ignores them and doubles down in his idiocy

Gee, tell me more oh wise one. What other profoundly obvious things do you have to share with us humble plebians?

You may not know this considering your serious lack of general knowledge, but some death camp prisoners got preferential treatment such as more food and access to medical facilities.

>lefties engage in historic revisionism
Nothing surprising, business as usual.

Ghengis Khan was an able administrator and politician(possibly only surpassed by Ogedai) and through the use of army reforms was able to quell internal tribal disputes to form a functioning army, being on the receiving end of his wars was brutal, but in general the territories and people within his domain were treated well and the regime was more than happy to utilize and import foreign peoples(one of his best administrators was a Qara Khitan). Their viciousness in conducting siege warfare is from the fact that they hated sieges but also partially due to most city states at the time consistently killing their emmissaries which under mongol customs and religion is a huge insult/declaration total war. Furthermore if a city state agreed to be a tributary state all they had to do was keep a mongol ambassador and pay their fucking taxes and the ruler of said state would still be allowed to rule and administer to his own people(think empire in morrowind). China was about the only exception to this, but that is partially due Sebudai wanting to murder them all instead of accepting terms of surrender and China being the designated target to help keep his people united, similar to Charlemagne's war on the Saxons.

>Fucking "demons from Hell gave them the technology" would have made more sense than ancient kabbalist jews making supertech 10,000 years ago.
But user, don't you see how it undermines all of the Nazis by making them rely on Jews?

>communism is wearing a dress and not liking fascism
American politics are fucking retarded.


You know Stalin killed a lot of Jews, right? He got mad when Israel existing started giving them ideas about their cultural identity that didn't start and end with them being 110% leninists

Learn to format your posts, tourist. Fuck your shit is unreadable, nobody will take you seriously regardless of what you have to say.

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listen, I don't have a problem playing as a cute girl
what I have a problem with is playing as a dumb zoomer

I actually expect III to have alternate endings. Maybe a Kill vs Spare Hitler one. Given this game saying Hitler had set something to fuck the world upon his death, maybe this is the Kill timeline.

wow you figured it out, great work user.

Do you have that

>general knowledge
You are hilariously full of yourself for someone as fucking gullible and willing to accept trash as you are. Hey guys let's take this incredibly important prisoner and throw him into a labor camp. We couldn't keep him in a legit prison or, better yet, a military police facility where he can be taken care of and won't be subject to the same risks as someone in a forced labor death camp where some faggot in a basement randomly murders prisoners for his own amusement. Someone so integral to our operation should obviously be in a place where prisoners subsist on rotting sausages and go days on end without food.

Just fuck off already you dick guzzling faggot.

>Try the game at that Quakecon London thing
>They turned Wolfenstein into some shitty Boredomlands clone which isn't even fun with other people

I should have went up to the devs and asked them what the fuck were they thinking

Attached: 1551054118572.jpg (235x300, 24K)

I actually expected BJ's kids to have a boy & a girl because the old timeline he had a son. Maybe a brother-sister dynamic could be better too.

Attached: SoupyDimEquestrian-small.gif (445x250, 821K)

It's not the only bad thing you fucking retard

2019 Yea Forums habbo raid be like
>starts spamming shit about jews
>starts screaming "CENSORSHIP!" when banned
>has alt right youtube virtual patreon friend make lots of videos calling "habbo sjws for censoring people who just want to share an opinion!??!?!!"
>posts on /r/kotakuinaction

Stupid nazis, why didnt they put him on the moonbase?

That's not what the image is trying to imply. You might suffer from slight mental retardation.

Someone told me they have a fucking colony on Venus in the sequel.

Not that guy but lots of Nazi shit was retarded or hilariously inefficient. Just see their torture tests records. Poorly documented trash that more or less said
>Ok, ze subhuman took 3 secondz to die. Our aryans, being superior, should take at least 6 unter the same circumstanzez.

notice how the none of people in the left image are complaining about jews or sjws

so unrealistic!1

Unironically Trump

Is this post satire?

>Hey guys let's take this incredibly important prisoner and throw him into a labor camp.

Attached: Consider.jpg (600x600, 50K)

>Not that guy but lots of Nazi shit was retarded or hilariously inefficient.
Sure senpai, they took over all of western europe and made the best tanks in the world but they were retarded and hilariously inefficient.

Attached: war is peace.jpg (1276x691, 192K)

Pretty much this
Leftys grab pictures of leftys and put alt right on it and call it a sick burn.
pretty damn funny when you think about it

Attached: COOL IT WITH THE ANTI SEMITIC REMARKS.jpg (523x155, 12K)

2016 collectively broke the left. It pushed them over the edge. They have become more rabid, paranoid, delusional and hostile than a squad of Waffen SS in the middle of Jerusalem.

>muh rpg mechanics bad
>"hey how about those other 50 fucking things wrong with this shit?"
>we know, but how about those other fuckups?

The fuck is wrong with you, I wonder.

Attached: d56.gif (280x302, 3.63M)

>not choosing both

Attached: Asuka Rei.jpg (880x908, 134K)

In past Wolfenstein's you weren't a goddamn terrorist in a post WW2 world.

God damn that looks ugly.

This is standard practice when an enemy is defeated.

Their competence must be downplayed and history must be revised. Their competence could lend credence to their ideas in the public eye.

Attached: germany vs the world.jpg (311x327, 122K)

noone gonna read that shit my guy

>they took over all of western europe and made the best tanks in the world

Attached: laughter.gif (390x277, 2.31M)

Bruv, they lost the war. As things went to shit to the point even kids and cripples took up guns, do you think they had time to afford proper documentation? Do you think kikes and commies would let anything survive? History is written by the victor.

>But user, don't you see how it undermines all of the Nazis by making them rely on Jews?
Yeah I understand this but I 100% legit do not care one way or the other. It's a shit idea from a bad writer made for politically biased reasons. Because of this it is banal and vapid.

I know for a fact he still goes on /jp/
I wonder if he ever regrets selling out?

The problem is that, to liberals, a utopia IS BAD
They have convinced themselves that being a 3rd world nation is great and wonderful.

The inefficient farming-system back then meant that Germany needed more agricultural land inorder to feed itself, this has been somewhat mitigated by large-scale rationalisation of Germany's agricultural land in the 50s where fragmented properties where swapped out so one farmer did not have one field here and one field there on account of centuries old course of inheritance but rather all his land right at his farm.
Old hedges and stonewalls were removed, rivers creeks and roads straightened so the land could accomodate large tractors and agriculture itself be transformed into the industrial machine it has become today. The introduction of chemical fertiliser also meant that more land could be put under intensive cultivation where beforehand you had rather elaborate cycles of crops to plant over a 7-11 year period to ensure you don't exhaust the soil, while other fields were simply marked as so unproductive, you'd simply leave them as grazing-land or mow them every couple of years and leave it at that.

Note that the nazi-idea for Lebensraum was practically a Jeffersonian style dream where every man and his family were home-steaders tending to their family-farm and raising a bunch of aryan children (as opposed to eg. the communist ideal where the art always shows collectivised agriculture) who presumably would one day move further east to start farms of their own as the german people overspreads the continent, assering its superiority.

Germany had serious food-shortage problems during WW1 when Great Brittain closed off the North Sea, so attaining more Lebensraum, beyond they nazi utopian vision, was a very pragmatic attempt to ensure food-security for the country so that Great Britiain could never use dependence on imports as leverage against Germany ever again, not unlike the way the USA has vowed to no longer be dependent on the Saudi Oil-teat by increasing oil-production back home.

>killing white people is okay
Why do you leftypol trannies hate the white race?

Want to know how I can tell you are very poorly educated?

Attached: nazi occupied europe.png (691x600, 198K)

Nazi Germany's economy was a fucking money black hole that only managed to stay alive in the early part of world war 2 because they plundered all the countries they took over. That's why the nazis had so much fucking gold, because they took all of western Europe's. Hitler ran Germany like a dumbass because he was a dumbass, and he's the number one, two and three reasons that Germany lost World War 2.

Oh shit I just noticed that nig's always been cross-eyed.

Attached: noice.jpg (720x717, 48K)

>they took over all of western europe
Has nothing to do with general competence. Taking over France surprised even themselves with how fast it happened.
>best tanks in the world
Why are you bringing up tanks you utter retard? Either way, the Tiger 2 is not retarded or hilariously inefficient? What about the Maus? What about the fact that when they first encountered the T-34 they immediatly ordered a copy to be made since it was a far superior design to what they had.

Attached: .jpg (755x310, 35K)

That's what /pol/ goes things like "it's okay to be white".

The image is trying to imply that electionfags didn't change board culture and all that changed was reddit.

So you're essentially assblasted that they made wolfenstein into basically man in the high tower the game?

Nazi Germany was a weird cult that basically existed as an extension of Hitler, and he made sure of that y creating a vast Bureaucratic mess that was constantly fighting each other and was inefficient as fuck, so if there was no Hitler (and no war so the Generals couldn't just sweep in and create a Junta) the entire state would eat itself

He lucked out because everyone thought Poland was way stronger than it actually was and getting lucky at the Maginot Line. They were running out of resources real quick and were practically fucked from the get-go.

er tower>castle**

The panther was without a doubt the best MBT in WW2, and the Tiger was equally the best heavy tank.

You could say "But Russians had the best tank destroyer!" - nope, SU-152 was a very minor production and actually had lacklustre kill ratio (its expensive-but-shit transmission being a major factor - same story as the t-34.)

Attached: nazi armored losses.png (538x420, 156K)

I bet he doesn't even know a Man in the High Tower. There's no Japan though.

Is this the western equivalent to that >japanese humor webm that get posted on Yea Forums all the time

Making appeals to farm land ownership in farming as proof of Nazi inefficiency.
Pointing to the fact that a country ravaged by World War 1 and up to its eyeballs in debt keeping itself afloat via plunder as proof if inefficiency. Probably has no idea what the Treaty of Versailles is or why it's economically relevant.
>Has nothing to do with general competence
Mmhmm, all those soldiers, officers, strategists, and so on don't count huh? lol

>CIA literally invented post-modern art
>/pol/ is CIA because it made some twitter/MSM leftists admit their anti-white racism and vitriol
Come on now.

Attached: IstillEndUpDissapointed.jpg (510x511, 66K)

There really was no scenario where Germany could realistically come out on top.

Nazi Germany more or less fell into the same trap Imperial Germany fell into, a war of attrition that completely exhausted the German army to a point where it could no longer fight.

The Wehrmacht was a surprisingly effective and advanced army, but it could only win short, decisive wars. Once its offensive momentum was stopped and their forces were put on the defense, the army could be worn down through constant pressure from the Soviets and the unforgiving climate of the steppes.

the attrition began taking effect as early as mid-1942, with fuel and steel shortages pressing Germany to dedicate all available resources solely into tank production at the cost of the Luftwaffe's power, which Albert Speer called "Pazner Priority". Controlling all of the skies above Russia just wasn't possible so they doubled down on a land victory to pull them through.

Then from Stalingrad on, it was just a process of Russia sending German men and resources into the meat grinder and deal irreplaceable losses on the Wehrmacht, while the Soviets simply built momentum as manpower, steel, and fuel was always available to them to where the only shortage that truly worried the Red Army was food.

It's safe to say that Germany's only advantage was winning a quick war. The longer the war lasted, the chance of a German victory drops rapidly.

The T-34 had some of the worst kill statistics of any armored vehicle in WW2. And, contrary to popular belief, the T-34 was incredibly expensive (it was just made by a state economy that had no such concept as prices.)

Here is a fun fact: the transmission of the T-34 alone cost more than the entire power assembly of the Panther. And this transmission, made from extremely expensive aluminum, failed in a mean of 50 miles.

>Pointing to the fact that a country ravaged by World War 1 and up to its eyeballs in debt keeping itself afloat via plunder as proof if inefficiency.
Not that guy but what about the depression going on?

Except the West jerked off the Nazis for decades after WW2 because the history of the Eastern Front was written by literal Nazis. "History is written by the victors" is literally the most normie and high school level thing to say zoom zoom.

>Tank will win the war by it self

actually this

The sexiness is the only good thing about the game t b h

this! those nazies were dumb ideots like my history teacher mr. goldbergensteinfitzblattschlottfeinman said

why were they so stupid lol, they shoulda just not done the war! *farts & eats cheetos* *works retail job*

Attached: nazi leadership intelligence quotient.png (226x471, 21K)

Nazi inner circle was a huge mess

>Non-German Catholic. Ugly features, socially awkward in 1 on 1, nervous and anxious, overly emotional. Has no ability to micromange and often makes contradictory policies

>Weasely looking chicken farmer who was too squeamish for violence yet meant to enforce it. Prone to panic attacks and addicted to the 1930s equivalent of Xanax. Also socially awkward with a high-pitched voice. Very incapable at leading and left nearly all work to his subordinates

>The only one genuinely loyal to Hitler, very similar personality. Lanklet weasely thing that was unable to do anything beyond rant and scream political rhetoric. Extremely emotional and prone to depression (probably Bipolar) Showed no interest in woman to the point of it being strange even in the more puritanical 1930s

>Got anywhere purely because of the reputation of his WW1 squadron leader. Overweight & a physical mess. Prone to bizarre seizure-like emotional outbursts when overly excited. Will cry hysterically and laugh inappropriately within 10 minutes of the other.

>Martin Bormann
>Big-nosed manlet who tried to act as de facto fuhrer by deliberately making the nazi bureaucracy as inefficient as possible to prevent others from getting anything done. Lazy, alcoholic, and sexually perverted

>Reinhard Heydrich
>Yet another big nosed weasely looking fellow who was sexually abused by his father. Unable to work with others and prone to random outbreaks of physical violence (even towards women)

>muh k/d
>muh unsourced image
Panther was an oversized, overweight hunk of garbage that spent more time in the shop than fighting. IS-2 was better than the Tiger in every single way.


Fun fact: this Wikipedia page caused so much asshurt that Wikipedia made an entirely new version with Germany's utter dominance softly concealed.

i guess if you consider that the jap shit is lighthearted and harmless while this is full blown degeneracy and intentionally disgusting

They use the word themselves. You don't have to be CIA to use the word.

the keyword here is "complaining"
I honestly wouldn't mind constant /pol/shitting so much if it weren't always phrased as a complaint. like, yeah, ok, the jews control the world bank and IMF, what the fuck do you expect me to do about it bro? I'm trying to discuss fucking video games here.

>all those soldiers, officers, strategists,
Not in charge of the country.

IIRC, Nazis somehow getting Moscow and then winning next year in Stalingrad would've ended the Eastern Front, but that would've depended if Stalin just fucking snapped and purged his military leadership for the losses.

Nazis had a chance, it was Japan that was pretty much fucked

I know a guy who sold a lot of stock because he thought DARUMPF would crash the economy. He lost thousands of dollars. Jokes on him; that's what he gets for taking stock advice from the Daily Show

Imagine the depression in America. Now imagine America had just been bombed into oblivion a few years previous then forced to agree to pay for every single expense of every single country that took part in that bombing over the course of the entire war as a war debt.

Your cities are broken. Your industry is shattered. Your children, your children's children, and your great grandchildren will be in debt for their whole lives. Congratulations, you've just imagined what the future looked like in Post-WW1 Germany.

IS-2 was an end of war design - its German contemporary would be such machines as "Ferdinand". I think the kill ratios for Ferdinand & IS-2 speak for themselves (as well as the kill ratio for Panther and Tiger, for that matter)

>What about the Maus
It was a mess that never made it past a second prototype.

Superheavy vehicles was a concept adopted all the way from brits and commies to even japs. They thought the future of armored combat was Wh40k.
As the war was coming to a close, prototype after prototype was failing and viable tank technology became even more apparent. Superheavy vehicles
are predicated on the notion that you have enough wealth to support the production of units that simply dominate the enemy's viability.

Commies turned their superheavies into propaganda parade pieces, for example.

>Reinhard Heydrich
>Heydrich fell short of the strict Nordic ideal; his hips were too wide
>Reinhard Heydrich was noted for having a feminine type body with hips wider than his shoulders, as depicted in the photo above.
>He was shy, insecure, and was frequently bullied for his high-pitched voice and rumoured Jewish ancestry. The latter claim earned him the nickname "Moses Handel.
>Once again, however, he was teased. Heydrich was by now over six feet tall, a gangly, awkward young man who still had the high, almost falsetto voice. Naval cadets took delight in calling him "Billy Goat" because of his bleating laugh and taunted with "Moses Handel" because of rumored Jewish ancestry and his unusual passion for classical music.
>the closest thing to an athletic blue-eyed, blond aryan was a bitch-boy of this caliber

Attached: skykeker.gif (480x206, 584K)

>Pros: It uninstalls fine

Attached: 1515348442827.jpg (690x720, 77K)

lmao no

Can anyone invite me from their buddy pass? I'd like to play the demo which i already downloaded but it says i cannot play without the invitation

T. Cleetus

>T-34 had some of the worst kill statistics of any armored vehicle in WW2
Soviets characterized anything that cause the tank to not work as a "loss" even if it just threw it's track.

>he transmission of the T-34 alone cost more than the entire power assembly of the Panther.
Source your claims because I know you're pulling this out of your ass.
>this transmission, made from extremely expensive aluminum, failed in a mean of 50 miles.
Source your claims you utter retard..

I don't fucking care what /pol/ anons call themselves. And I'm fucking tired of arguing with an abysmal idiot. Stop replying to me.

>you CAN'T play as a horny nine month pregnant Anne Frank shooting Nazis from rooftops with a sniper rifle by day and riding Confederate cock nonstop by night

Waste of money.

Attached: Anne and Johnny Reb.jpg (1762x2379, 785K)

Only a few game "journalists"

>Not in charge of the country.
Nigger there was a veteran courier that got shot in the nuts in WW1 in charge of the country. He won an Iron Cross for fuck's sake. The fuck are you on about?

Attached: Yeah, Him.jpg (459x287, 25K)

The person I replied to said that germans had legendary efficiency and whatever. However, that's just not true, so I presented the evidence that the German economy was propped up entirely by stealing, which means as soon as quick victories dried up, the German economy implodes. If it was actually efficient, then maybe it would run on something more substantial that Hitler's wishful thinking. Maybe you shouldnt post about shit you dont understand.

>Soviets characterized anything that cause the tank to not work as a "loss" even if it just threw it's track.
& source that other nations didn't do this?


Attached: trump-dictator.jpg (900x751, 122K)

>judging kraut iq

Attached: Laughing Zebraman.gif (480x300, 3.81M)

No one. Not even actual women. I'm always baffled over it. It's just a bunch of feminists who want it.

>The person I replied to said that germans had legendary efficiency and whateve
Sure he did senpai. Sure he did.

Attached: legendary.jpg (1246x130, 59K)

>shill meter off the charts


I too remember when Wolfenstein was a fun series about shooting Nazis and not a science fiction alternate history interactive exploitation movie where the WWII wages for forty fucking years now

>he thinks this isn't a good thing
I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich.
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick.

Attached: Heydrich's hips.jpg (219x696, 50K)

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Resetera thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" WWE guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a vidya forum. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Reseterafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "RESETERA, BAY BAY." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

The IS-2 was put into production in 1943. The Tiger was put into production in 1942.
>m-m-muh kill ratios!!!!!!
God I hate wehraboo zoomzooms. Not only were the kills massively inflated, admitted to by Otto Carius himself, they also don't matter because the primary role of tanks are to support infantry and break defensive lines.

Attached: sovaks and nazis friends forever.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Not that guy but there's several ways to say the same thing. It's like if everyone said something's shit, and thus someone else uses that to say nobody said it was trash via exact wording.

>The IS-2 was put into production in 1943.
The first time an IS-2 fought was in mid 1944. I dunno what you're reading about. Maybe a headlight got made in 1943.

>CIA literally invented post-modern art

Attached: Bill_Wilson-0.jpg (716x768, 79K)

>Not that guy but there's several ways to say the same thing
Yeah except nobody said that. The post he was replying to was challenging the claims that the Nazis were legendarily INefficient. So he's essentially arguing with something nobody ever said.

Looks like they do, 39%er.

Christ almighty those nazi uniforms make any man look handsome, they did look so impressive.

What nazi would Yea Forums rape if they had the choice? What if they were forced to?

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>talking about germans
>b-but what about rei

user are you retarded?

This is literally what wolfenstein always was. Stupid violence with stupid humor.

Germany should have taken the resources and steam rolled the Balkans and Turkey if they didn't cooperate and then piped in crude from the ME then trucked all the Jews and political prisoners they didn't like to build the damn thing and leave their ass in the holy land.

Unfortunately the Nazi party was headed by mouth breathing knuckle draggers with no vision for the future and an unhealthy fetish for the past.

Attached: briton jealous of master race.jpg (660x933, 114K)

This guy has direct access to the old Soviet archives and he knows fluent Russian.
>If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you ought to know that the German army and the Red Army counted their losses differently. Whereas the German army considered a vehicle lost when it is both destroyed and irrecoverable, the Red Army considered a vehicle lost even if it was repairable, including vehicles that got stuck in mud, fell off a bridge, etc.

I'd also recommend the three "Cheating at Statistics" posts as they go into much more depth.

Hey you remember that audio log where the main female lead of Wolfenstein The New Order admits to seducing a Nazi soldier, fucking him, strangling him to death in his sleep, and then aborting the unborn child?

Wasn't that a heartwarming story of rebellion against oppression?

Attached: furkaisergottundvaterland.jpg (480x480, 54K)

He's saying he should choose Rei and Asuka together, which I agree is the alpha male's way.

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>Unfortunately the Nazi party was headed by mouth breathing knuckle draggers

Attached: 1507525656116.png (645x729, 91K)

Hugo Boss, bruv.

Report his racism.

That's funny, because I also know fluent Russian and I also have DIRECT ACCESS to the old Soviet archives, too. And all that stuff you wrote is bullshit, comrade!

>how to spot a dictator
>not willing to lose their power
and right there I completely fucked your mind, tranny

Why couldn't the neo-nazis of today have such /fa/shion? It's like how "gangsters" today aren't stylish prohibition-era gangsters.

>I better backtrack so I don't look as silly!
If the question is which tanks are better, highlighting k/d ratios is the best way to do that no?
>they're meant for infantry support
Come back once you have a way to quantity that.
How come every veteran who has spoken about German armor mentioned how fearsome it was compared to their own if they were so ineffective? A Russian veteran recently spoke out about Kursk and mentioned that so few pictures made it into the Soviet papers because any panoramic photo with burning tigers had 10x as many destroyed t-32s.
But let me guess, you know better right?

Hugo only made them, he didn't design them.

Incredible really, a lost art. Even back then the U.S Army had some great uniforms, particularly in the 19th century.

Attached: ghngt.jpg (736x961, 150K)

>a russian wrote literal fanfiction about WW2

I've never seen this before
I bet you cite this video in arguments as well::

Then start a blog and post scans of those archives to discredit him. Easy.

underrated post

I mean I agree I was just pointing out that the conversation was only about asuka since they were talking about germans thats all

>legitimate psyops
It really is, I see people irl constantly saying talking points that I had only heard on the internet years ago. The brainwashing is real.

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>If the question is which tanks are better, highlighting k/d ratios is the best way to do that no?
Not that guy but it highly depends on the purpose. Nobody's going to say that a infantry-slayer being unable to beat a tank-slayer being able to defeat tanks means the tank-slayer is objectively superior at its own job.

I hate Jews. And so do you, whether you know it or not.

You hate what they really are, even if you haven't realized their true nature yet. So, you are a Jew hater in waiting.

Their days are numbered.

Attached: 1560997750307.png (1512x1512, 2.09M)

Only incels call women "females."

Remember, America is controlled by the Jew.

Attached: 144442352.jpg (968x681, 48K)

damn right!

Attached: aiportraits_1563498725.jpg (1024x512, 76K)

You aren't wrong.

Attached: jewish media.png (1746x1364, 1.18M)

Then the proper choice is mother and daughter together. Soryu family oyakodon.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (637x900, 120K)

Too bad TNC basically tossed all of that to the side to make jokes about her being horny from killing nazis and getting her topless, pregnant, covered in gore and killing nazis to make her seem badass for a character that does the rest of their killing off-screen or in ways told to us.

>its already on sale

Attached: 9fa4266187c87d51a28c7ebbe9ee3982d28557c8_hq.jpg (1024x957, 71K)

Dont forget the Jew is smarter than you. The false propaganda you spread is used to curtail any legitimate criticisms against them.

Hate to break this to you chief, but prostitution precludes the existence of any such thing as an involuntary celibate. A funny thing happens when sex is monetized: It can't be used for political purposes anymore.

See I think maybe this is the disconnect causing the game's narrative to be so fucking stupid. You fucking people have such a privileged and undeveloped sense of history that you think NAZIS BAD KILL GREY UNIFORM is a good motivation for a plot.

Attached: ugly whores.jpg (800x634, 139K)

>Boт нaши мoлoдцы вeздe чтo-тo cтpoят, нo тoлькo нe y нac в нaшeй жe cтpaнe.

I fucking laughed

actually yes - the left is currently making fun of the left but thinks it is making fun of the right, typical lefties - enjoy making games that do not sell.

Kaiser > Nazi

Attached: Reinhard von Lohengramm.png (512x875, 619K)

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The developer company comes out of California.

It's natural to hype up your enemy to make yourself seem better for defeating them. The simple fact of the matter is that the statistics don't match up and the Soviets were obsessive about statistics. Statistics don't lie :^)

Attached: statsaregommie.png (1294x1949, 180K)

The jew's tricks never last for very long. Sixty years ago, the final solution was almost enacted. The Internet makes it impossible for you to police sentiment. Your days are numbered, like I said.

Attached: jewish expulsions 3.png (928x8800, 1005K)

Germany couldn't ever defeat UK or USA in any way and they wouldn't have given up because some leader who constantly broke treaties, offered more treaties.
Winning in the east was also impossible due to waist size of Soviet Union, their massive manpower, massive industry, the russian weather and their allies.
Third Reich didn't have enough oil, didn't have giant navy, didn't even have propet mechanization to transport their troops, didn't have good leadership and didn't have good allies. They were doomed the second allies defended Poland.

There is this pathetic consensus of wehraboo /polyps who desperately want to find a way to make Third Reich win in any kind of way, but routinely getting btfo with historic facts and logic makes them spam their shitty what if threads even harder, showing just how desperate they are for their precious alternative history. They know it's impossible, but the pathetic insecure desperation keeps them repeating the cycle.
It's more entertaining when such subject is self aware how pathetic they're desire is and so ironically spam /his/ with "j-just give me one way they c-could've won please!"

>Those Jews
>muh Christ

Wow a picture with no real sources. Amazing. Truly not the work of a hidden Jew trying to push easily dismissable false narratives.

>Access to archives and loss reports from specific units

Attached: 3ada3132bcbfd7220c8fbd7374e4c670--bait-gifs.jpg (236x236, 12K)

Not that guy but he didn't even capitalize Christ as a proper noun so I get the impression he wasn't placing too much emphasis on Christ as a person so much as christ used as a curse.

Are there any german women like Asuka?

It worked against kyoani.

Every source is listed there. You are mentally ill.

Attached: jews on the goy.jpg (468x633, 84K)

Any word on the sales? Where do they find the budget? Wolf2 bombed like crazy and was in the bargain bin 2 weeks after release Bethesda needs to stop thinking ANYONE wants to play Wolfenstein again after what they did with it.

There are no women halfway as decent as Asuka. You have to realize that 3D will never, ever be good. It's just a shallow facsimile of 2D at best.

sadly the current patriarch of the Hohenzollers said that he had no interest in reinstitutionalizing the Monarchy

>painstakingly type in this old website that doesnt exist anymore goyim
All legitimate criticisms are easily swept away because of the flood of trash you spread.

Attached: 12342354242.jpg (2290x1322, 325K)

There's this scene in Captain America's first movie I really like. It's before he has gone through the genetic augmentation so he's just a little wimp trying to sign up for the military. During his physical checkup, the doctor asks him "So you want to kill Nazis?", and he says "I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from."

That first sentence made me like the movie. So many people out there go on about how much they want to kill nazis, but it reveals a darker side within them. They're just looking for an excuse to lash out and give into what's inside them. It's that peculiar darkness that turns people into monsters to begin with. It's why the death penalty is fundamentally flawed.

There might have been if there weren't several mass importations of immigrant labor throughout German history. After WW1 it was turks, after WW2 it was slavs, now it's sand niggers.
>Wolf2 bombed like crazy
I am thankful for this every day. The alternate history plot was a fucking mistake. The sooner they abandon it the better.

Attached: jews.png (800x1083, 232K)

>this thread has even played the game
HAHAHAHA, NO. I am not buying this game, or giving my money to any company that has shown any sort of wokeness. Currently only indies, Valve and GGG are in my "ok, to buy folder".

>Why do these games always make the anti-Nazis the side of degeneracy and disgusting behavior? How does that help the cause?

Attached: 1540715089209.jpg (500x360, 151K)

It would be different if we hadn't lost the government to the damn Confederacy.

>Ban Reason:
>[ ]

>I love how no one in this thread has even played the game
I played The New Order fuck you. I'm not giving them any more time or money for this garbage. The plot's even further off the rails than it was when everybody lost interest. Doubling down isn't working you fucktards.

The whole game was a fucking mistake except the gameplay that was decent.

The plot and the charatcers may be the most horrendous people created and implemented on modern media, Swedes cucks are ruining everything they touch, can't wait for this people to finally go extinct.

i thought those guys were actual r*ddit mods in a meeting, don't know if the picture was serious or not

No, of course. What is being mentioned are Panthers and Tigers, their purpose often being tank on tank combat.

>image with no source, no context and no point
That's a solid foundation.
>natural to hype up your enemy
Wow, because everybody who ever spoke about the war ever did this! Guess that's me proven wrong!
>just look at the Soviet statistics! They're reliable!
I had doubts I was talking to a retard, thanks for putting me back on track.

Surprised they didn't go full mentally deranged and started flossing as well.

Because most anti-"nazi" people are mentally retarded and can't understand the purpose of what started WWII.

WWIII has already been in motion for years now, which is doing what these "nazi" people did.
But this time it's demoralizing white people, trying to make people think it's socially acceptable to drown the white race with muslims and black people.

The Caucasian race is a minority in numbers compared to other races, but people don't want to accept it because to them minority means, poor fucking retard that comes from a race that is over populating the earth with their low-IQ genes.

Compare the number of whites vs how many chinese, indians or muslims there are.

Since the internet has in control of the core enemy of mankind throughout history, which are the jews, it's yet again the minority (Caucasian) that is silenced.

Pic related doesn't even take the influx of immigrants that have infested other countries.
The "white" countries are filled with more non-whites than there are whites.

Attached: world-map.png (6985x2670, 1.29M)

>Statistics don't lie
As opposed to the Soviet Union, who lied constantly even when there was evidence to the contrary.

Whites will be a minority soon. The sooner the better

It's almost like people were 2006 were a bunch of self-aware dorks having fun off people getting offended by harmless pranks.

It's almost like people kept joining Yea Forums over the years mistaking irony for the real deal, to the point where actual retards are now the site's largest population.

>germany looking like the HRE

>Statistics don't lie
If you ever took a statistics class you'd realize it is the most easily manipulated form of math imaginable and a single word can change the entirety of a problem. Statistics is nothing but lies, there is no statistic ever created that is 100% truth when it comes to human nature or history.

Are you a pokemon named Tranny?

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It wouldn't be so bad if their outfits weren't so ugly. They don't need to be in anything outright sexy, but why not just typical cool guy action hero clothes like BJ wears?

Attached: wolfenstein-bj-blazkowicz[1].jpg (1780x910, 147K)

The game is making it clear that without magical jew suits, women are inferior to men.

>mg focused on shock-value counter-culture schlock instead of game's alternate future-history
it's like they want this game to fail.

Attached: 1520384116595.jpg (595x597, 157K)

>After WW1 it was turks, after WW2 it was slavs, now it's sand niggers.
Damn, they really love foreigners

I'm not a hater cuz I'm not a terror stricken snowflake. Git gud

MG needs a healthy dose of pic related if they want to salvage wolf

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.jpg (414x500, 51K)

>t. triggered incel

>It's almost like people kept joining Yea Forums over the years mistaking irony for the real deal, to the point where actual retards are now the site's largest population.
If what you say is true you should feel a terror the likes of which can not be put into words. This site is gentrified. This is not a secret club of internet nerd anarchists anymore. This is where all the morons in the world come to say whatever they want with absolutely zero consequences. I wonder how you are so calm about such an alarming shift in cultural trends?

Clearly the majority of people who would buy this games do not want them. TNO didn't do well. TNC bombed hard. This game will probably sell like hot turds on a sidewalk. If all the criticism of this game really does boil down to sympathy for Nazis then you should be very afraid.

congratulations, you've just described the US of A

Attached: 1446156236575.gif (285x171, 973K)


But the Nazis still own most of the globe. The war is still on. Those are enemy combatants, all armed. How do you not get that?

So America?


Attached: CA87DD45-11E9-4FCB-A892-26BFF0212C5E.jpg (1130x1600, 356K)

How much did TNO sell?

Nice argument emcel.

14 million


I'm always laughing when Swedes try to look like they're all about diversity and hating nazis, it's almost like they're trying to hide something...

Oh, would you looks at this:

The kettle is still black, gymnast.

You think if they merge with EA their combined evil will somehow break reality and loop around into something good?

>t. soulless unhuman (=female)

Attached: 08C42F93-694B-44B8-8CC8-F404EA889062.jpg (539x588, 253K)

Its biggest selling audience was the UK that should tell you something.

Not an argument. A dismissal of a nutjob. Git gud and choke on my hues.

Attached: 2mYH5K.gif (320x180, 736K)

Just wipe out America and they'll get influenced by some other country instead.

He has bare feet and the artists commented it was to reflect his time in the insane asylum and SJW and journalists had a shit fit about Blizzard being insensitive to the mentally ill

still can't trigger me, but keep trying, funny incel.
inb4 tranny tranny tranny

Attached: president-traitor2_800x600.jpg (785x600, 79K)

The facsist were routed from this thread. Good Work, anons.

This probably sounded really edgy and smart in your head.

But it's utterly false in the case of most nations existing today.

>still responds
Have another (You), I know females love the attention they farm constantly.

You want to know what you sound like? A sperg that thinks way too highly of himself.

bot always leave once bump limit is reached

Same rofl

That would have been an incredible trailer for a Perfect Dark game. I want to go back

>>still responds
(You)'re playing yourself, buddy.

>wants to get the last (You) before the thread goes off page 10
Thirsty, thirsty roastie, so hungry for attention.

I'm sure that's what I sound like to
(You). So what?

Attached: funny_picdump_3013_640_15.jpg (656x600, 33K)

Just thought you should know, faggot.

Yes all nazis were traps and all german women wanted to get raped. Yikes. You should open you're own theater with this much projection.
Dumb retard.

>Confederates can only make baseless assumptions.
That's (You) conceding, buddy.

Attached: tumblr_mhq2hgLCmg1s332cmo1_500.gif (480x347, 377K)

>that pic
I cringed desu

Oh no. So edgy. So angry. So scared

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