Decide to try TABS again for the first time in months

>Decide to try TABS again for the first time in months
>Launch too early, land in fuckass nowhere
>Swim across a river
>Find a helmet and nothing else
>Enter house
>Leave again after someone drives up on a bike
>Panic across another river with said person taking potshots at me
>Find another house, only ~10 people left by now
>Sweet, bolts and a crossb-
>Person in the door
>Facing the other way
>...okay, my heart's started again
>Unload into his back, panic fight ensues
>Manage to win against a guy carrying literally everything possible
>Now have three guns and health packs
>Proceed to duel the next 3 people I encounter with an AK and a Garand
>Quit because I'm obviously not going to achieve that again

What was the last unexpected victory you had?

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this 8


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I used to love TABG but it rins so badly and is filled with cheaters.
I alsp don't like the fact youlre forced to land on azone to begin with, also is the water glode glotch still there? Loved to make loops around the island while waiting for the zone to apepar.

This game unironically is and was my favorite BR. The movement is actually next level (it clicks when you drop City or Chaos) and the arsenal is nuts.
I hope to God they do f2p soon this game doesnt deserve to die like this. This engine is so sick

Wait the game isn't free? But it was free when I bought it??

No they made the game $5 which is basically a death sentence on steam nowadays

It was free for the first 48 hours or so.
Then they decided to ask some money since their servers were being molested by the initial wave of players.

This was a surprisingly nice read, good job user.

I made this meme 8 months ago but it still holds utterly true. I'd gladly sacrifice a whole slew of games to see this game be successful

Attached: BRmeme.png (1312x799, 205K)

Oh makes sense, I played it when it released and dropped it after a week, came back to it ont month later a bit disgusted.

How is it nowadays?

>fwamewate issues
I can't tell if you're memeing or not, cause the game runs like absolute SHIT.
But otherwise, yeah, agreed.

Tabg is unironically my favorite battle royale and now i want to play it again.

Th-thank you
TABS has given me good stories before since it's more frenetic and entertaining than similar games

>One of the games I played when it was new
>Start near the military base area
>There's bound to be plenty of gear there, launch
>Wait, this is a really bad idea
>At least 15 other people realise the same thing as we all land
>Chaos ensues
>Run around the side of a building crying to escape the bullets
>Wait, is that a fucking 2-handed axe
>Axe to the face for the guy nearest me
>Someone starts shooting at me
>Axe to the face for him
>Some others start running
>Axe to the back of their heads
>Find three tracksuit slavs squatting and listening to hardbass
>Axe to their collective faces while feeling slightly bad
>End up will something retarded like 10 kills in under 2 minutes

Attached: q1maSee.jpg (7323x5100, 2.33M)

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Dead-ish. Only like max 50 people online at peak-time.

They waited way too fucking long to merge their servers into one.
Everyone (even Europeans) was playing on USA-West, but someone who would buy the game would probably not know that, try to start a game, see nobody online on their regional server and instantly refund the game.

It's a real pity the devs decided to focus on Totally Accurate Battle Simulator instead of TABG.

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As a squad, my team would always make sure to grief the last man standing if it ended up a 4v1
>stungun + boxing glove kills
>cage grenade + dynamite kills
>perma stun grenade kill
and of course
>cage grenade + orbital grenade kill

Attached: 421 8 kills.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

>Slaughtering the gopnik who aren't even fighting
You should feel bad.

download it to a SSD mate. Granted it runs alot better than it did a year ago

Attached: gotem2.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

The Blood God does not discriminate by how chill people are
I couldn't join them anyway since I usually dress like a homeless man and can only beatbox

Respectable loadout even if it is inferior.

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they had to remove that song at some point, even though they thought they had a license.

it's a pity so many people kept crying about cheaters/hackers, since most of that shit was just the game being a buggy mess.
>people jerking around / flying through the air
desync, usually caused by vehicles
>people spinning over the floor
local physics tripping balls
>random deaths while driving a vehicle
desync issues
>people claiming they are being punched to death at range
either desync or simply someone with a supressor (makes a gun 100% silent; the choop-choop sounds you sometimes hear is the VSS rifle, not a gun with a supressor)
>people spamming infinite grenades
duplication exploit/bug, sometimes just randomly happened to me as well as I was picking up stuff

It's a pity they didn't fix their garbage network syncing, because this game was fun as fuck.