ESA Summer Marathon 2019

Now: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
After: Super Mario Bros. 3
Later: Super Mario 64

Now: Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Side-room stream; Mario Bros. Battle Royale)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-23 20-00-23-21.webm (666x376, 2.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the hair cutting if anybody cares. Had to split it up.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-27 11-09-36-27.webm (960x498, 2.84M)

get hyped for overestimate trainwreck everyone

>almost over

i'm gonna miss you lads

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-27 11-09-36-28.webm (960x498, 1.5M)

going out to buy my dinner
you guys want something?

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-27 11-09-36-29.webm (960x498, 2.85M)

Get me a pizza and a large soda

i want you

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-27 11-09-36-30.webm (960x498, 1.2M)

it's not even noon yet why you buying dinner?

spag hetti

Annoying how you can hear stream1 claps in stream 2. I just want to comfy Frozen Throne.

I want a good Warcraft 4.

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>last hit on ganon
>someone pays to instakill him
>ok tries again
>same thing happens

this is gonna be ass desu

It's a timelimit in this case. If he isn't done by 3h the "chat wins" and they move on regardless.

I don't know if people are going to keep paying enough, and there's a cooldown on the actions, so he'll probably be able to deal with it. Unfortunately I don't think this is gonna be a trainwreck.


Attached: overestimate.webm (520x416, 877K)

It's on timer and gets more expensive each time.

get DABB'D on streamlets, stream 1 is where the chads are

>haven' seen him on stream since monday

i was worried he'd be on all the time since he was mic'd up for like three runs in the first two days, thank god

Breakfast, I haven't eaten yet.

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is he going to be a runner in Sunshine?

>not just screen transitioning immediately when they trigger swarm attack

this guy aint even trying

why isn't there more meme overlap between twitch and here?
it's all the same kids at this point

who the fuck has dinner at 11:30 in the morning?

he's not even wearing a watch

twitch was one of the primary reasons that pepe became an extremely normie meme

Was there Geoguesser speedrun yesterday?

American education

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How much does she charge?

the absolute state of whatever country you live in

Twitch chat is barely above Youtube or Facebook comments.

>have to work on saturday
>nobody else here so i can just watch the stream and post in the thread

who else here /paid to shitpost/?

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From my experience it's a really recent thing and way more relevant in american streams

idk if there's an official list out but this was posted to twitter for people still needing to practice their shines

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First time's free.

I wonder if we'll get a poor showing from some runners like the previous Super Mario 64 relay race.

>thread suddenly extremely dead

dam, depressing end to the week

>this was supposed to be a race
Well, thank god he couldn't make it. This is 100x better because it's one person.

>Larxa post deleted

Oh shit is Hoganposter a janny now?

Oh SHIT TMR is facing Apollo

It will pick up at the finale.

The only people who care about 'Twitch culture' are too normal to post here. I think there are fans of individual streamers, but that's it. This site is getting further away from it if anything since they removed emoji support a year or two ago.

nah the finale will be hype. Cheese 120 star into the massive sunshine relay

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he's well connected, (((they))) are watching the thread now.

we could have prevented this, if only we'd listened

>the SINGLE fucking american fucked it all up for everyone
i'll never stop being angry

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LOL that's evil

why isn't /our guy/ clint running SM64 instead of the cheesehead??

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he wasn't the only american, but he was the only outspoken furry

Lol at the guy that predicted this exact thing would happen last thread

kek that death.

FUCK I didn't realise today was the final day, gotta go shopping before the last two runs
puncayshun is /ourguy/

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Did they take some random guy from the audience or why is he so bad?

>30 minutes in
>hasnt even beat the first boss
will this run get mercy killed?

this boss made me rage so hard as a kid, i remember screaming "DAMMIT" and my mom heard so she took my snes away for a week

They said if he doesn't beat it by the 3 hour mark then chat wins and they'll end the run.

chat donates to fuck with him, stuff like spawning enemies in or literally just making him die immediately

>1-hit KO and cucoo attack at the same time
>donated by the same person

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This Mario bros. match is insane. TMR vs. Apollo

this might be three hours long?
fuck me

>that weirdo who's watching stream 2 right now

im watching speedgaming
its getting intense right now

>not watching the last game on stream 2

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>not watching stream 3

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stream 2 is for chads only

Stream 3 is the match of the century

>not watching both streams

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RTS runs are for slavs and koreans

It's the last one though.

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Is this how king crimson works?

who /watchingall3streams/ here?

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fucking great mario bros tournament

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of course the one potentially real girl in the room never puts her phone down.

and g*rmans

Real fucking chad right here.

How many trannies are there?

warcraft III being amazing lads

There's 1 on screen right now.

How can I learn this power?

>the finale is SUNSHINE

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until the choke on last mission

>4h of mario

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>Carlo and Paolo
who are these lads?

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My nigga

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The massive relays are fucking great

dumb frogposter

its a giant relay with a shitload of people
it will be fun

They are the key to everything. They rule the Mushroom Kingdom with an iron but fair fist. Princess Peach bows to them.

Hope we get another fat retard massively fucking up a shine for her team

>Princess Peach bows to them.
That's pretty hot.

I'm so glad this wasn't a fucking race like they planned.

he's winning? spawn the koopa

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The Yetee will probably donate like $5k to make the incentive or some shit.

People don't buy that many ESA shirts.

Bros, stream 2 is almost done. The best stream of ESA...

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son of a bitch stole carlo from tmr

imagine being a mariofag

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Is this the absolute final round of the battle royale?

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lol he randumly dieded againn so fanneh xP

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Rate ESA Summer 2019 Stream 2!

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S TIER: Luigi
A TIER: Carlo
B TIER: Paolo
F TIER: Mario



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>End of stream 2

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Last day was pretty bad but overall better than stream 1, as always.

and that marks the end of stream 2 for ESA Summer 2019!

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lads i can feel it all slipping away..

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pretty comfy but nowhere near as good as winter

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Better than stream 1, as usual, and had the best run of the marathon.

the yetee doesn't actually donate shit, it's just proceeds from the t shirt sales. this aint gdq so they barely sell any, they've only been dropping like 500 bucks a few times unlike gdq where it's like several thousand dollars every day

pretty gud

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As whole? Better than stream 1 as is tradition
8/10 - with 200 APM in last mission

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Pretty good and solid overall. Well done for an end

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So nice to have 2streams to watch if some run is boring. Also stream 2 was superior to 1

Better than stream 1 with the Yakuza run

Is the 70k also all the money from the twitch adds and subscriptions? If not 100k is actually pretty good,more money than it took to organize this and all the money the runners paid for travel at least

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Yep, Stream3>Stream1, Mario chads>Link virgins

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Had comfy moments, I enjoyed it overall. Yakuza was amazing. I wish there was a corner room stream though for extra comf.

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Dat fucking coin steal

Before event is over rank all the posters we've had in these threads from best to worst

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I like the concept, so I'm glad they are still doing it. It's also what originally made them different from gdq

You guys will be back for GDQx this september right?

Top tier:
Shit tier:


don't say orb you fucking cuuuunt

Holy fuck everyone has a game. This final is already great.


Thread have been seriously slow, but they have been at least funny overall especially cause of hogan and larxa poster

>three (3) GDQ a year

They're gonna burn it into the ground

heated grand finals

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Like anyone here will go anywhere.

Only ranking chart I'll ever agree with.

Yeah thats why we never have threads about Vinesauce


>stream 3 fags so desperate for discussion they just spam the thread sayin "we're the best" instead of watching their shit or discussing it

i'm unconvinced, bitch

>TMR's panicked yelling

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Wasnt that Zero who fucked it up?


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the SMB tournament is god tier

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>two more hours of this

take me home, pete

>those jukes

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It seriously has become one of the best things streamed this whole event.

Stream 3 Grand Final is legit lit.

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That's not what I said. There are threads for streamers but it's usually a self-contained thing. Twitch culture would be people mixing emotes and memes into their normal language, which you see some people in marathons do.

no it was mr_shasta

Get on the speedgaming channel

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You guys have been saying that GDQ is dying for years.

Apollo is a god

this guy is such an overrated prick. used to be comfy back in the day, now all he does is rage at chat because they hurt his fragile ego. constant face cam was the end for me, his youtube content is ok still but NLSS is straight cancer

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Im pretty sure it was Zero that fucked up getting the hat. Shasta fucked up on Bowser.

>tfw have never finished a Zelda game

does it have speedsluts like you on cam?

shasta was definitely the one who got the hat stolen, this thread was REEEEEing hard over it

NLSS is only good when Dan is involved, anyway.

Attached: Dan Gheesling.jpg (256x256, 18K)

You should go do that. I hope you've at least finished one game during ESA, I finished two!

killing player is not fun anymore.


>new cpu cooler just came in the mail
>don't want to stop watching the stream to install it
how much longer will the mario tournament last?

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20min at best.

Liva is the GOAT

>hur dur we make streamer man angry

this is truly terrible but its making money so they'll definitely spam it at future marathons just like $20%

TMR getting outplayed

This is the grand finals

What do the coins do in Mario royale?

This run is just cruel.

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this, i only watch tuesday streams when he's on, but even he can save it for me with how much is just NL bitching about people suggesting games for them to play

if you get 5 you win the round

>that stun lock kill
Based TMR

Alternate win condition. Collect 5 coins to win the round.


>grab the coin, jump from mario's head to grab the mushroom and then bully the manlet to death
holy shit tmr just fuck his wife while you're at it

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>that fucking juke

Are they doing anything else on speedgaming or is it just stream 1 left after they finish?

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>all those coins at once

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>not just putting on Isaac and going to sleep

why do people keep taling about tmr in this thread when there's a zelda run going on

This battle royale is getting intense.


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stream 3 mario battle royale finale

it was already hard to find good Fei-Yen work, and now with the Panda going extinct it's going to be even harder.

the zelda run is a shitshow and there's absolute mario kino on stream 3

>almost tied up at 3 games
Holy shit this grand finals

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Mario bros tourney grandfinal

The other days they went to around midnight playing various versus games, there isn't a schedule for what they play though.

>ESA going to end soon
>caracarn is now streaming FFX
I just got out of bed and already things are getting comfy

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>ESA ending
You are odd.

TMR takes it all!

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How was W3?

tmr is so fucking smooth

First set to TMR. Sick coin victory.

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This is god tier.

I knew when they let weegee get back to the top half it was over

You underestimate how underage the average twitch user is. Most are still young enough to think that going to Yea Forums is pseudo-illegal.

Mario battle royale at EVO when?

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Holy shit that juke and coin combo was sick

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Hey dont blame me man, I just like me some shotas.

now that ESA is almost over, who was your favorite runner this year?

I was just thinking that. This shit would legit be perfect there. It's almost Catherine tier with players of this skill

The point is there are already comfy streamers to take ESA's place when it ends in a few hours.

why not just camp the bottom floor pipe, aren't you untouchable there???

Attached: HAYAI.jpg (1000x563, 92K)

>that mushroom to swap sizes into kill
Goddamn, TMR is a fucking beast

You'll get pushed into something coming.

You won't get any coins down there though.


Someone would beat you by getting coins.

Have you ever played a video game?

Is the ESA icecream machine actually real?

do coins matter? not just first to x wins?


Are you ESL or something?

>everyone tied at 1 game AGAIN

This is almost as perfect as the Catherine grand finals the other day

you win by surviving or getting 5 coins


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Holy shit that switch.

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5 coins = win

the plays

>ESA has a fucking ice cream machine
>GDQ gives out fuck all for free food, even for the runners
So yurofags were just projecting with the fat memes the entire time, what a shocker.

because some faggots are obsessed on posting another speedrun event in the esa marathon.

that stream is part of the esa event you retard

you can get $10 food at GDQ

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>Europe are kind and understand the importance of moderation
>Can't have free icecream in US because it would all disappear in a matter of minutes

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Changing the meta before your very eyes.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-27 12-36-25-65.webm (1920x936, 2.29M)

>free food in the US
There'd be fucking riots because it wouldn't ever be enough.

What's the best run so far?

it's not fucking faggot

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This is the good stuff.

Fucking godlike

TMR has been using the switch shroom like a mastermind this finals.

mario bros battle is fucking great thanks



TMR shrekt

It is retard

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>implying $10 is free
Maybe in yurope where there is a 80% tax on everything, but $10 is slightly above average pricing for food of that quality.
LMAO keep projecting yurofats

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you're embarrassing

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Tauriner+, please.

Carlo vs. Paolo. The classic battle.

Stop talking about food you are making me hungry

holy shit


The fucking switch shroom again! Holy shit!

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that fucking switch mushroom again
holy shit that was awesome

>that play

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Because they are fucking streaming at esa event, it doesn't mean it's part of the esa schedule, fucking brainlets. Make your own thread.

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>that swap

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>TMR wins with the switchshroom!

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Killing with swap strats TWICE. TMR is royale god.

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I want to fuck TMR

I can't believe how much 'Switchshrooms' favored TMR.

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GDQ gives out free food you dipshit

sick tournament

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>including gratuity
that's outright stating that they're stiffing you

It was promoted by ESA staff members on the main ESA stream. It's as much part of the event as stream 2 is. Cry more because no one wants to watch your faggot Twitch chat Zelda run.

try to be graceful in defeat

what does everyone use to add transparency to a .png?
i need something lightweight i just wish ms paint could do it

TRANNY ALERT, just magic wand the white away

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-27 12-49-10-59.webm (1920x936, 2.43M)

>tranny on speedgaming
crazy how a stream can go from 100 to 0 so quickly

That was legit as good as the best speedruns of the event, and it was better than all the other tourneys. Fucking 10/10 entertained from start to finish. That display of skill shroom mastery was incredible.

>muh projection

Why does this fucking retard wear the mask?

>Muhh because Ben said that before he got banned
Shut the fuck up Ben. Get banned forever.

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is his neck broken?

last time i used it was kind of bloated, but i'll check it out again, thanks

No one cared about him until he put on the mask

I'm gonna go nap for two hours, wake me up later.

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Why does she have four ears.

to hear better


All the better to hear you come home. duh,


Legendary, thanks for this.

one to hear in human and the other to hear in dog

why dont these tranny freaks at least attempt to look like women?

What's going on here? I thought trannies weren't allowed at ESA.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at 12.59.12 PM.png (1698x944, 2.06M)

>It's on stream again
Still wearing the same skirt and socks. Gross.

>Leathal League is a tranny game now

what the fuck is that thing doing with its mouth?

That's why they are in their containment channel

Who the fuck cares, youre worse than the jannies. Let them have their fun.


What the fuck is that thing doing with its mouth

being a woman just requires you to say you're a woman, everything else is just a courtesy

chewing gum I guess

I did not need to see that

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He ran Buzz Lightyear a few days ago and the mods were seriously timing people out for calling him a he and when they said they weren't aware (because he never said what his stupid pronouns were on stream) the people in chat were saying that "you should've gone to her twitter and looked up her pronouns first, it's not that hard". It was hilariously stupid.

looks like it's chewing its own tongue

Man, I always miss the good shit. At least I got there in time for the GGs...


That's some boomer reference, user.

Not one gives a fuck about dipshit stream. You are the ones that keep posting tranies. What a fucking surprise Get btfo'ed

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because looking like a woman is just conforming with the patriarchial systems and because cock-chopping isn't about autogynephilia but self expression.


*checks what's on speedgaming*
*closes tab*

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>Tranny fighting game
When are they going to make it into EVO?

He is legit the lowest effort tranny I think I've seen at a speedrunning marathon and that's saying a hell of a lot.

Just woke up, what did I miss?

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Oh no, user... You missed the best tournament of the event.

SG3 has a Zero Mission race if anyone gives a shit

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Are you forgetting Benjamin Franklin?

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I think Lethal League had poorman's tournament at EVO already

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Why did they even add a Kill option? We all know if he actually manages to get to Ganon's Tower he'll be softlocked there forever. This run is a bore.

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You just missed a great tourney. Woke up at the worst time.

At least they shaved and aren't wearing granny clothes

It's about the journey not the destination

>hurrr durr
Enjoy your tranny

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Because it costs $20 every time (and it goes up the more people do it) so it's guaranteed to rake in cash. I wouldn't be surprised if they made more from this one game than the entire rest of the marathon combined.

i'd agree, making it impossibly harder is amusing, but straight up killing him at any time is just cheap

The more they use it, the more the price goes up.

That's what people say when they're given up. It's the mantra of failures.

Because it's raising money for charity.

We learned from the VC run they don't care about the speedrun so long as they make money.

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why do peopl try to low effort tranny? As I fellow incel, it seems way easier to just lift weights since you already look like a man

But when the journey is boring as fuck, why bother?

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>Steb on mic now

there's a reason most trans people are autistic

But didn't they say a while ago that the price resets or something after a couple of tries? Or did I mishear?

>Enjoy your tranny
I'll try. It's getting harder these days since so many these days don't think that looking like a woman is part of the transition.

I feel like stream 1 is trying hard to become next GDQ, where they only care about money, while stream 2 was still standard ESA.

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The funniest part is they probably don't even realize that they should've made way more money from the Vice City run but it was steadily losing viewers pretty much the entire time it kept going on even though it's a fucking GTA run. Honestly, them banning Ben probably cost them a decent amount of potential donations since his replacement completely brought down the quality and mood of that run helping to cause the loss in viewers.

>why do peopl try to low effort tranny?
Sadsacks who think it'll fix their issues. It's the hippie commune of the 20th century.

Hippies in the 60s were having sex though. Trannies are still incels.

Some retard in yesterdays thread said that people were making up that he was a tranny. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT'S A GUY?

>this dudes commentary
Why isnt he trying to have a girls voice ?

Yep, the perfect example is the Yakuza run compared to the Vice City run, but I know retards out there will say "But Vice City made more money therefore better, dumbass!" without realizing that Yakuza was on stream 2 with thousands less viewers. If that Yakuza run had been on Stream 1 it would've raised more than VC easily.

That VC run being a race was an awful idea, and they chose terrible runners for it. I don't even remember them doing shotgun donations like they said they would.

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who says girls can't have manly voice too?

A few threads ago I mentioned how I didn't like how e-hentai looked and you could change it if you know how. Well I gave it a shot and this is the results. Some of the colours are wrong but I couldn't A work out how to change them and B had no way of seeing/remembering what colours everything was.
>Get Stylus
>Create style on e-hentai
>Paste this
>Ex colours

Sorry it's kind of shitty.

Attached: I tried.png (1324x924, 230K)

FFX2 race was stream 1 though

Probably. I'm still in the camp that believes the more viewers it has the more boring the suggestions become so I believe it's possible even the Yakuza run could have been ruined on stream 1 by all of the unimaginative donation comments by braindead "ooooorb" redditors.

is anything good going on in stream 1? I cant take my eyes off of stream 3

those bug catchers are still swapping fluids, unless your idea of "sex" is missionary position with hte lights off only.

are there any trannies who are actually good at speedrunning? Success before trannydom doesn't count though (eg Cosmo)

kill player should not be a command jesus

Terrible choice of command, but excellent retard bait for virtual donations.

>Get to boss
>Kill player
Time to run to the boss room again haha

I would say Miles but that guy's talent dropped off immediately when he started spending more time on twitter than actually practicing his runs.

He's too busy hitting himself in the face

Cool. It's still missing all the purged galleries that ex used to host. It wasn't just the loli/shota, there as all the dmca'd shit that was on ex but not the public galleries.

Why doesnt Cosmo count?

>the same faggot is going to keep killing him

is that it? Is stream 2 over now? :(

A runner actually putting in effort to do the requests, even if they're lame as fuck, is still better than the shitpile that was the Vice City run where almost no one tried to do anything. Froob would've turned it into a good show because he had real enthusiasm and wanted to entertain.

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>Same person killed him again

Why is there an antifa member on commentary

because antifa are based as fuck

cause he didn't break any records as a tranny

>same person killing him

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>time for the gay bitch to get back in the game
Wtf kind of commentary is that?

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no, no they're not

how's alttp been? seems kinda cancerous

All the guys in the crowd will go mad with lust if she took the mask off.

Yes they are they trigger the fuck out of conservative boomers on twitter and reddit so they are based in my book

I thought that I missheard that. Damn

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Boring as fuck with the same guy killing him on bosses over and over again. Expect the run getting mercy killed because donating to kill is a fucking retarded idea.

I wouldn't say that chat "wins" if he's not able to complete it within 3 hours considering they have the power to just kill him at any time and there's nothing he can do about it.

Bet that's the ugliest possible lad under that mask

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Making the game insanely hard for him and him having to overcome it and try to survive sounds pretty fun, but just watching him instantly die is just a literal waste of time.

Looks real cute to me

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Jesus christ

me on the left

>when you think you're a woman but you hide your face because you're actually a man

haha trannys haha trannys BTFO haha epic fellow pede


Yeah, then it's just a 'wait until the runner gets to the boss' situation, and hope that some other person gave you fairies.

>thought it was just someone who didn't want to get cuaght on stream. Is actually just a furry turbofag.

fuck, it's punchi isn't it?

But hes still the same person. Just seems dumb.


>Announcer is well-versed in ZM and enthusiastic
>No crowd bullshit
>One of the runners actually posted in chat at one point
SpeedGaming 3 is comfy

Punchi is with me, we're roleplaying Sonic Adventure 2 fanfiction.


Is the VOD out?

have sex

jaku? yeah I agree, he's pretty cute

>not just immediately going to screen transition to despawn swarm

what did he mean by this

>only nintendo kiddieshit left
Yikes. No point in watching anymore.

how many crystals is he at?

>defending donations to a speedrunning marathon
Yeah, you clearly get laid all the time.

I do, with your dad

got all of the pc trash out of the way the first two days, which everyone here bitched about constantly. nintendo runs are just better, seethe more

>not looking forward to the clusterfuck that sunshine relay is going to be

Its ya boy here
I'm gonna line up Punchi and that lad in the gay little mask after the run and bust them cheeks

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Twitch vods are immediately posted, even during the stream.

You know he's positive, yeah?

It's ''clap those cheeks'' retard

Shut the fuck up and prepare your angus Punchi

No, he's gonna hit them until they literally bust.

nooooooo steb lost


speedrun hentai games when?

>2 dungeons

Everyone hates them but themselves, so you're not wrong in a way.
I honestly like them on some level, because the lulz they provide through getting rekt.


You mean glorified VNs? There's no skill.

Did you dm her to buy pics yet?

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what's next on speedgaming?

that's require people admitting they got through them in record time, and what kind of man wants to own up to that.

The actual VOD of that tournament isn't out but there's one of the 7 hours block, that's why I asked.

>he doesn't know about xstoryplayer


So, at the current rate will he realistically be able to finish within the 3 hour time frame?
I know nothing about this game.


20 peece

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Nah, it would take just one person to do kill at ganon and rip the run.

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Who the fuck cares about this event Jump in

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I've never seen a randomizer lttp seed this bad before. It's pretty brutal.

alright he has no chance, just mercy kill it now

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>300,000 viewers
holy shit


Post clips

Might as well drag it out.

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>Kill Player

lol i pay like 50 dollars to kill u haha

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haha i kill player with no chance of counter haha


imagine unironically spending 37 (yes its at 37 dollars) to slightly slow someone down in a meme run that has no chance of completion

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Who thought this was a good idea.

If instakill was crazy expensive or just not a option, this would be good.

Kill player needs at the very least a 5 minute cool down.

stream 3 going bad


>Yea Forums is anti-fun
color me not surprised

The master sword screen with one hit KO and cucco attack was actually pretty cool.

how so?

Rate ESA 2019

liking things makes you a normie and no one wants to risk getting called out for having any kind of opinion

too many races and meme categories, but was still entertaining

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i didn't know there was three streams/10

It's not over yet though.

It's just the instant death thing that's ruining it

Instakill is fucking cheap

kek they aren't going to make their finale incentive, based tight fisted yuros not donating to this trash

Attached: bestgirl.jpg (506x504, 65K)

Yeah. Like I said here
I fucking love the one hit KO option because he can still skill his way out of it. Combine OHKO with cuccos and it's a great time.

Is this a new ESA record?

>banning runners for fun
>censoring donation comments
>nazi twitch mods
>retarded run categories that serve only to collect donations

i remember when ESA was fun and they gave aboslutely 0 fucks about the charity. fuck ESA, it's GDQ-lite

5/10 marathon, will only get worse from here on out

Attached: gluacoma.jpg (250x250, 9K)

Great, one of the best summer ESAs if not the best summer ESA.

A lot more variety than GDQ so no matter what it's better.


>wojack poster

hello where is the fun?

Imagine the absolute shit show this category would be at GDQ


None left

fun is like sex, you're not having either

>"wojack poster" poster

disregarding your "Disregarded" desu senpai

>*points at wrist repeatedly*
Wrap it up!

7/10, rocky start, but had some great runs.

I'm ready for it to be over so I can go play some games again.

Attached: overestimate.webm (520x416, 877K)

Were you not playing comfy handheld JRPGs during this?


>Instakill every 10 seconds

It's still currently in a better state than GDQ, thank god

Attached: GDQbot.png (512x512, 357K)

What was this actually in response to?

FFX-2 run going overestimate because the runners were having a good time and weren't sweating the timer so much.

8/10. Good runs for the most part. Couple of very memorable runs. The asshat that dropped in the late donation to tifas name in ff7 will amuse me for a week.

very average and boring. blew its load too early with RE4


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I've enjoyed it and will be sad when it ends. I fee lit started off kind of meh got strong mid week and the last day would have been shit if not for the third stream.

>10 minutes late

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lol i kill player, stretch this out more

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>Caleb getting cucked after you fags told me it was a lock
I will never not be mad.


>only 7 minutes over estimate

id call that a win

Rate this run

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why is this fuckwit still trying to read donations during the final boss battle

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that prick announcer kept trying to cut in just to talk about an anonymous fifty buck with no comment? fuck this marathon

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>can I read one donation?
>we have a 50 dollar donation from anonymous without a comment


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>listening to Yea Forums
No one to blame by yourself, retard.

rate my dick

>Caleb getting cucked
Just another day for Caleb

Solid 6/9

5/10 - giving the crowd power to outright kill the runner was a bad idea. Still, I'm impressed that he made it through despite of that.

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>raised half as much in a week as a talking pizza and a bunch of furries raised in three days

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Gotta plug in those donations every minute or they get the whip.

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I have to question how good a Salamence would be as a maid. It just doesn't seem the type to clean, much less fit in a house.


does esa even take a cut from it like gdq? if not who cares how much they make?

Bensagram's destroying that keyboard. Remember when they runned step mania on GDQ and the guy was typing so hard the camera started shaking?


Idiotic organizers killed the mood when they banned Ben,they didn't read any of my meme donations, twitch mods were on a censorship
streak.Stream 2 saved it without it 3/10

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I'm sure it'd work out fine.

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>does esa even take a cut from it like gdq?
Overheads for the few staff that they can't get qualified volunteers for. Gaffers and security personnel, etc. People will turn anything into a dick measuring contest.

Somehow I doubt that. She's just too big.