Post 10/10 female character designs/redesigns.
Post 10/10 female character designs/redesigns
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Also her tits are fucking massive. They weren’t always like that were they?
It is pretty gross, true I was just happy they gave her PANTS though!
Did they increase Cammy's tits? They're fucking huge.
Where the fuck do you even find these posts and why are you such a bigger faggot than the one in the screenshot by making a thread about it?
why did twatterites suddenly start using "yall"?
She got some nice tits.
Would slap those titties
Obvious SJW-bait aside, Jills RE1 costume looks great
A vain attempt to imitate black people and southerners without understanding the charm behind it.
Texan here. Seeing my culture appropriated by what essentially amounts to anti-Texans is really painful.
black people use yall. anything black people is instantly a hit among left-leaning millennials.
like these gifs for example
it's gender neutral
[spolier]512 here [/spoiler]
At first I thought the post was about the crossover finally happening, but then it turned out to be swj trash.
>ya'll year 2000
>makes you think of big titty motherly wholesome southern girls with a cute accent
>ya'll year 2019
>makes you think of pink haired screaming demons
this is the worst timeline
What an amazing titty frame.
Agreed. Fuck yankees, fuck liberals and most importantly, fuck niggers
t. Mississippi
There is literally nothing wrong with cultural appropriation. That includes white people "stealing" shit from blacks and asians and vice versa.
Why are people so prude all of sudden?
>"global appeal over pandering"
what in the name of fuck does that mean? cattering to people who don't buy games but post about them on twitter?
people like championing causes, it gives them a sense of purpose.
Just remember the crowd that stole yall is the same crowd that ban you from wearing sombreros and having a luau
Piss-poor attempt from liberals still trying to convince Japan that the world hates women.
>mistreating a fictional character
what the actual fuck
Is this "resetera?" I've never been to another site besides Yea Forums (no Reddit/Tumblr/etc.) And I see these people calling other people resetera trannies, these posts are very funny I would like if someone old me where they are made, also did not know shantae was 16 that just makes her hotter
>broken spine
I’ve seen more extreme back extension of guys doing DB rows, how fat do you need to be to believe this requires a broken spine?
they're made in shitty universities. they were originally on neogaf, but had a mass exodus a while back
also it was some literally who likely unpaid intern who said she was 16 on twitter. they were just guessing, it's not canon
It's like unironic reverse Yea Forums, it's so sad
Do you just go looking for things to make you mad?
>Global appeal
This is their actual mindset.
>Is this "resetera?"
Yes. Even nu/v/ is heaven by comparison.
What bans me from wearing a sombrero is not being a Mexican gunslinger
>not using the greatest contraction in the English language
y'all better wise the fuck up
>Cammy without pants: hot ass
>Cammy with pants: military stylish
>either way I enjoy it
No, as I am no longer a liberal.
Then why do you have so much /pol/ trigger bait, faggot?
have THEY ever seen a real woman, or have they just seen trannies? jesus christ
You are aware being able to have half naked women is part of liberalism, right?
What part of conservatism do you think promotes revealing attire?
>that last comment
what do you think how much online pussy "he" got for this?
>it's an other "a SJW was mean to me so I'm no longer a liberal" episode
You were never a lib, you dumb ideological tourist.
>"I'm out"
>continues to post
Post more.
>thank you for not letting them dictate the designs, Square
>thank you for instead letting US dictate the designs
>yaaaas fag, slay!
I save and share.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about huh
Show the thights, retard
i unironically like both outfits
>What part of conservatism do you think promotes revealing attire?
The lack of screecaps from conservatives getting triggered over Japanese character design.
Their cult religion dictate that only the bottom of the barrel landwhales and false """"women""" should be represented in fiction. But it's totally ok if make characters are always 10/10 gigachads
Houston and Dallas are as liberal as they come.
Also, pro-tip, they only started saying it because they noticed black people say it.
Holy fuck that crow is huge
He does tho
Why do leftist urbanite faggots insist on using southern lingo?
Friendly reminder that if you go to Japan play this game. It's pretty fuckin' good.
That's just a tumblr gif.
You're just not looking for them. There's plenty Facebook concerned moms out there on both sides.
You don't own that lingo, you flyover nigger.
because they are planning to turn southern states liberal by moving their and adopting their language
This is the most blatant projection I've ever seen
TN here, fuck non-southerners who say yall.
tbqh, 99% of all thigh gap images are visual trickery, so when the standard in video games is thigh gaps, it comes across as fake as shit. It's like when everyone on Yea Forums lost their mind when trannies and gays got more represented in video games, despite their low population percentage.
to be fair that pigeon toed bullshit is the worst fucking moe trope by far
only they are allowed to culturally appropriate, user
game developers aren't active participants in those groups and literally no one takes them seriously
It really is when you know the character in question
She's a member of the demon lord's army and runs an item shop with many cursed items mixed in with the normal ones as she's only part of the demon lord's army in name as she doesn't want to work for the demon lord. She's also one of the most powerful characters in this series and also a lich.
The last word you'd describe her has is dainty
Why do people even bother pandering to SJWs? They clearly won't ever be pleased. It seems more logical to just stick with doing fanservice.
Based. Gen 2, nice movepool, decent stats. Ampharos is a good boy/girl.
>Tits are bigger
>Everything about the girl is hotter
>This user
>Wtf Crow huge!?
My sides
when they think of "actual women" they imagine their 500lbs selves
Unironically sexier than her regular outfit.
One more for the road.
left looks hotter, right is deformed
>thigh gap
That's not a thigh gap, her legs are spread apart, what the fuck?
Reminder that Retarderror were mad as fuck this ended up becoming a thing
Resetera freakout thread
>her right hand
>It is pretty gross
Fuck off nigger.
fuck, you're right that is a big bird
I wonder if this constant dull roar of hatred of SJWs in this place is what people felt in the 60's in regards to hippies
Why does ResetEera live rent-free in your heads?
The question is why is that bird so fucking big? Like, the devs just sit down to discuss things and they just turn to each other and go
>Alright, for this next stage we need something that stands out
>A suit of armor?
>A stained glass window?
>A giant ass crow?
>Yeah, sure, why not
>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere
do trannies ever enjoy anything? It looks to me like they're in an infinite loop of anger and sadness.
Need some screenshots of the seething.
>the pot calling the kettle black
Guildmarm is pretty nice
The attractive ones do. Sue always plays good shit.
>horseshoe theory
pick one
I literally never come across it unless someone is slapping me in the face and trying to say "FUCKING LIBTARDS AMIRITE FELLOW GAMERS" Like, yeah, no shit these retards exist, but I can go my entire life and never have to interact with them.
>tfw she's never coming back
It should be in the archives(should've saved some)
A few I do remember were;
>them whining that their "criticisms" of Japanese games weren't included because they had a fair amount of praise to give as well(see. shitting on cute or sexy designs)
>Whining that all the chosen passages were against SJW view points
>They didn't like the Anita joke
>They were mad the word Feminazi got published into a Japanese magazine
>Mad that the selected quotes were all heavily praising Japan and not criticizing "problematic" content in their games.
You could probably find something in the archives.
Because these morons never leave their house. They plainly exist, but are so introverted and mentally ill, you literally almost never see them in the real world.
>fuck the old fans who made this possible
>attractive trannies
that's an oxymoron
It's not a good thing that they increased her tit size. They did this to both her and Juri.
It's the same as reducing, no man of integrity would stand for this.
>Thank you so much for choosing global appeal.
End every artist across the globe simultaneously groaned.
>all the seething incels in this thread
Why do people get so mad at the use of "y'all?"
I agree. Large breasts are disgusting and gross. B cups for everyone. Like the new Tifa.
sure am glad you retards had fun with your ironic shitposting over these years. really has brought great company to the site. I'd also like to toast our mods and jannies for keeping the board in tip top shape
Copying ebonics, lots of niggers in the south that say ya'll.
Either that or trying to appear "folksy".
That's not what I'm saying, although personally, the literal muslim-approved censor bars bother me much more than the nerf.
Unironically that loop results in suicide, always
Why? The female body is haram and Allah demands it be censored. Praise be to Allah!
>B cups
Nigga you are fucking crazy if you think thats anywhere true for her body type
It's "y'all." Why do people not understand how contractions work? You are combining the words "you" and "all" so you put the apostrophe where you remove letters
I think Tifa's boob size is fine, but those thigh highs, the new skirt and the black bra are fucking hideous
the Dissidia NT design is perfect, they shouldve copied that
>that edit on the right
>darkening her hair even though she's standing in front of multiple lights
>editing her boobs bigger than they actually
>making her thighs wider than they actually are
>needlessly showing off her panties for no reason
Lay off the hentai for a while. It's literally rotting your brain.
C cup Tifa is lyfe.
>Guys you would not BELIEVE what they're saying on resetera
her thighs should be larger though
80 lb Tifa >>>> 105 lb Tifa with big cans.
>her thighs should be larger though
So? She's a fictional character.
Thanks for keeping me updated, kids.
and? how does her being a fictional character change the fact that she'd be better with thicker thighs?
Fantasy should be used to better convey the characters, not to just do whatever nonsense.
Tifa is a fighter, she can have melon-crushing thighs to better convey that she will kick your ass.
She does not need a sports bra to hold her tits in place, because it's a fantasy game.
You don't?
There is no reason to talk like a cowboy.
What if the images don't make you mad but are a way of laughing at and mocking retardEra posters and shitlibs as a whole?
Go look at some porn if you want Tifa looking outrageously curvy. Nobody cares what you think Tifa "should" look like. She's a stick and there's nothing you can do to change that.
>Tifa should have thick thighs because she's a fighter and that's more realistic!
>Tifa shouldn't wear a sports bra because it's a fantasy game and it's supposed to be unrealistic!
Shut the hell up, retard. It's so obvious you don't give a shit about FF7 or Tifa if all you think about is the size of her boobs. It's funny you're making that argument for a game where the main character wields a sword about the size of his body. FF7 is inherently a weird game and can do whatever the hell it wants to. If you actually cared about how Tifa should look realistically as a fighter you'd say she should be more muscular instead.
It was so funny seeing the incels go berserk
thicker thighs guy here. she should have thicker thighs AND be more muscular
if the sjw shit finally kills fake titties from real women acting in porn Ill be all for it
so many porn stars used to look nice with their modest titties and then they got those unnatural half balloons
I swear these people are so sexually obsessed that everything they see has to be sexual.
We all know Wiz's only sexual attribute is her big bouncy tits, the rest is just designed as plain to contrast that so you focus on her tits more.
But we knew SJW are pedophiles because they instantly think kids in swimsuit = being sexual
>Post 10/10 female character designs/redesigns.
Fucking Cuckera faggots. I am glad 40% of them will kill themselves.
Tifa is a stick and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
Muscular thighs are pretty goddamn good though.
> Japan continuing to Japan
and god bless them for it
The thigh gap IS just spreading legs apart for visual effect.
I remember there was something different from the earlier design, but does anyone have a comparison?
Isn't this a visible symptom of Schizophrenia?
You ever been to houston, dallas, austin, really any 500k+ pop city? Your state may be red but big cities are always the deepest blue.
Neogaf and Resetera is just projecting to get people not to focus on their pedo problem
You know for a fact that what he's saying is true you disingenuous retard.
The censoring is for chayna
how do you even satisfy a woman that's built like this?
hiding your eyes behind hair is visible symptom of emo culture
>Not your exotic fantasy
Sarkeesian certainly isnt, what a nasty jew in the loo mongrel. Hoes mad
Massage her huge feet and hold her huge hands
have a dick like me
probably easier than trying to have sex with massive landwhale while trying to push away the fat flabs
These "people" discovered that hick gutter speak is inadvertently gender-neutral.
With a big black wallet
Dallas and Houston only seen super liberal by comparison. Go to an actual liberal city like Los Angeles or Portland and it's unrecognizable as liberal.
Mainly due to Dallas and Houston still having large religious populations.
I'm from kaintuck, I used to type yall all the time before the trannies and dykes stole it from us, now I'm genuinely afraid to.
It's just slang. Or least I've always seen that way, but there's literally nothing wrong with it.
By having stamina
If you can't have sex for at least 45 mins post-foreplay, you can't handle any woman over 5 ft tall.
Tifa should have LEAN muscle.(with tits)
We really Choze the wrong timeline, huh?
SHUT UP FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things that should result in a permanent IP ban
>RetardEra screencap thread
>Twitter screencap thread
>FF14/WOW disguised general outside of /vg/
>Snoy wojak posting
Thank you
No but strong delusions and chopping your dick off is.
It's been a point of ridicule for southern accents for decades, coupled with the fact that if you say "y'all" without a southern accent you sound like a fucking tool.
Tall and lean with MOUNDS overflowing her braless crop top.
>Cammy with pants
Why don’t they just put shoes on Juri while they’re at it?
A few years ago there was a website that literally explains why characters like Cammy and Elena wearing pants would be a stupid idea and the exact opposite of practical. Anybody know what I'm referring to?
>they gave Cammy pants!
But one of her default outfits already had pants.
This with FAT floppy tits.
low fat with muscles always screams steroids to me
Thighgap might be easier to animate to avoid clipping by keeping the thighs separated. Just a guess.
What? Why would they make a website for that?
Looks like a dude.
Maybe because you're conscious of your shrivelled dick that could never satisfy such a woman.
Left is unironically better.
Well they are not wrong; she was designed for those purposes.
It was an article from a particular website I should've said.
Cammy was always about big fat ass and thick thighs that were on full display, also small titties
hiding her best assets and giving her bigger breasts is a low IQ move
I know this is a bait thread but
Satsuki being able to take herself seriously while also commanding (and unanimously receiving) respect despite wearing so little IS the crux of her character. She looked at the only way to actually stand a chance against Ragyo, which amounted to wearing skimpy clothes that can kill you, and she jumped in without a second thought like it wasn’t even shit. She doesn’t view it as lowering herself to looking like an object for male gratification, she looks at it as the most capable person there achieving their full potential, and she’s absolutely right about it. She is, bar none, the most capable person on the cast. The only thing that stopped her from not doing absolutely everything herself is the existence of Ryuko, who had to learn to think like Satsuki to use Senketsu without nearly killing herself every time she used him.
I know this is a bait thread but I’m taking the bait, this person cannot into theming and storytelling to save her own life. Yes, she was designed by someone who likes tits and ass. But those tits and ass explicitly serve an important narrative purpose, and to ignore them because you personally hate sexualization is intellectually dishonest.
Well her tits were small because she was like 14, then 16. Now shes in her 20's and isn't a teenager anymore. It makes sense for a clone that was meant to be perfect to have large breasts.
>tbqh, 99% of all thigh gap images are visual trickery
Wrong, wrong, WRONG. Stop spreading these lies. Thigh gaps are real with thin women. The reason so many are "fake", is that most women don't meet the weight requirement for a thigh gap. But if you look at any physically fit woman. at least 50% of them have a prominent gap.
Do you think these runners are using visual trickery as they prepare for their race?
Yeah but they ain't thicc
>large breasts
tits are an obstacle for a fighter, that's not perfect form
next to no tits and ridiculously strong legs is perfect
I do, that's why I ask.
>olympic athletes represent represent the 99% and not the 1%, as the quote clearly states
fuck off
>le gross le problematic
I can't wait for this trend to fucking die
Guys post REAL women
It's about body fat, not athleticism. A ton of average women are their size.
Not with current obesity projections
>left wingers bowed themselves to fight against conservatives to make sex less of a sinful object and more of natural thing
>now left wingers are the ones screeching like puritanical retards when a fictional characters is too sexy
>lefties unironocally believe that fiction harms reality
>lefties are the ones behind the panda shutdown
>lefties are the ones who want to fill japan with non japanese people with objective of destroying homogenous groups
>A ton of average women are their size.
Maybe in Japan.
get your eyes checked
Pants are fine but the overall design is kinda boring.
The whole world isn't obese yet.
Jill’s design is really cool though, but that might be because I’m a sucker for military wear and baggy pants
Chyna Chase.
... is one of the worse Gen 2 designs
food was a mistake
>look at woman
>see dude
alright fag...
don't be a dicklet?
an average 7' is enough, above that average of course better
if you are below the national average, well nature told you to fuck your hand for the rest of your life
Admittedly, I'm not really into pokemon. But holy shit, I remember loving Scyther so much, and HAAAAATING that shittry red scyther. The whole point of the monster, is that he has blade for arms. And then he evolves into fucking SAFETY SCISSORS. With those lame ass rounded edges. He doesn't look threatening at all anymore. Why would they do that?! Why do you have him ranked so high?! Just how incredibly shit is your tastes?!
That yellow and black pokemon looks pretty decent. It's like a dragonite mixed with a pikachu or some shit. Solid design.
Am I the only user who thinks that NeoGaf's/ResetEra's userbase are filled with nothing but larpers that come from Yea Forums and/or SA that "ironically" get triggered by anything & everything? There's no way these faggots can be that crazy enough.
The average woman is buying a 9-12 inch dildo from amazon, our dicks are completely fucking obsolete so unless you got money you can't do shit
These faggotrons actually affect video games, retard.
If anything, this is lazy character design.
>Sir, the guys upstairs want a brown girl, what should we do?
>Uhhhh.... welllll.... Put her in some skimpy tribal stuff.
Every. Time.
Scyther is also one of my favorites. I just think Scizor is cool because of him being metal-plated.
>That Fiona Belli costume.
I'm sure going to to miss all the fanservice SFV had as it will never be like this when the next Street Fighter comes out.
user it's real we are talking about the same group of people who will perform a Witch Hunt if you ever dare to commit wrong think
That's just so they can get an external grip on it. They don't shove the whole thing in.
True for the most part but she's a minor character that no one really cares about.
Y'all is stupid and fake on pretty much anyone but the most deep Southerners. .
>giving a shit about Cammy with pants
>that fucking avatar
Kill Resetera.
Scizor looks like he's going to scoop candy out of the bin for you.
Scizor looks like he has a prize inside his claws for 25 cents.
Scizor looks like he escaped planet Zebes.
Scizor is fucking lame.
>7 foot dick
Just imagine haha, have to wrap it around your body.
Wobuffet is literally just a better take on Quagsire's shape.
Also holy shit I typically hate Gen 2 pokemon but this makes me really love all of them. What game are these sprites from? The vibrant colors really make the designs look good.
Trannies. Thats your answer.
>Qwilfish in S
>Stantler higher than the Sheep line
god there are so much wrong that I won't even bother.
how do you live with such shit taste?
I wear mine like a boa
Cammy never had small boobs. Even in SF2 she was jiggling all over the place.
meant for
>Feraligatr In F tier
People don't come here to be smart or adult.
Some of them are but most aren’t from what little time I’ve spent there. They’re on par with the Toxicity levels of /pol/, and I’m not even fucking joking.
I think its fair to assume at least a few people on there don't seriously believe that way, but I know people like that exist in real life. I knew someone that defeneds Anita's videos and I think even donated to her. It baffled me.
Having evidence is bad, right? I'm not on Yea Forums all the time so obviously I stumble upon these psychos more often than you do. Hell, even if you go on Yea Forums you'll find these faggots. I hate /pol/ and rednecks and Christfags, but they're a separate issue entirely.
Tell me how counter balance weights on your chest that help you gain momentum are a bad thing. Theres a reason Greek athletes used to wear a chest weight in some events.
>She's a seafarer, so it's totally different, LOL.
Not buying it. They make her look as primitive and brutish as possible.
>9% + 36% = 100%
>91% + 65% = 100%
>Retard doesn't understand the difference between standing with you legs placed apart for better balance and a thigh gap
Georgia here, my sentiments exactly. Ready for civil war 2 tbqh
>big cities are the state
anyone who lives outside of big cities ANYWHERE in the south hates those big cities. Atlanta is a cesspool that should be nuked.
Jill herself is a much better design than just Cammy in Jill's clothes.
They're not supposed to add up to 100%
55% of men think neither are ideal.
And 91% and 65% are two different groups entirely.
Fuck you Atlanta is okay
Should I get Menat, Falke or Kolin with my fight money?
baito daze
Because BlackPeopleTwitter became absolutely fucking humongous and any blackisms that people use became the preferred shorthand for posting on meme websites
you literally can't walk around it outside at night
even if it is ok, nobody could convince me it represents the rest of the state. It's the gateway for carpetbagger and faggots.
Menatif you want a difficult to use zoner, Falke if want someone with long, pokey normals, and Kolin if you want an oddball.
I was thinking Kolin because of the Ice shit but yea I'll go with her thanks bros
Why do you have to be the 8th person to explain the same thing? You really needed to get that off your chest?
>something needs to be done about Pixiv
>Be fucking hideous and objectively an unlikable person.
>See video game characters as competition for attention because you're mentally a 16 year old.
>We need to change this! Its totally for progress and not because I'm a spoiled brat.
>This will totally get me a Chad boyfriend and let me live like a princess!
lol """"Women""""
That last comment is peak cuckery. It's like that stolen bike meme.
This has always been my favorite. Zaki from the same game is also really cool.
>a bunch of people flipped their lid when HGH got revealed because Shantae's skin was whitened
>"wtf why didn't they redesign the entire cast for no particular reason in the new game?"
I guess you never met a christfag. We have them in power where I live, shit fuckin sucks.
They're still less abrasive over video games titties than extreme leftists. You're living in 1996.
>Akira and Zaki
A man of culture I see.
It's "black" speak and liberals want to sound hip
Like the clapping hands emoji.
I’ve lived in Kansas for 10+ years. Is it okay if I say “y’all”? Mind you, real Kansans have one of the most neutral English accents in the US so it isn’t a very “southern” sounding y’all at all.
I'm quite leftist, but not for sanitisation of art for questionable social benefits. This shit is all over my timeline constantly, have to unfollow people often.
/pol/tards are not much better with sperging out any time someone includes a fem protag or whatever, but at least noone takes them seriously.
If these fucking faggots do anything to pixiv I will ddos Resetera for good and beat the living shit out of anyone who had an account there.
Ironically her swimsuit outfit in 5 has giant boots.
SC here. Fuck all these people using y'all. They just cherry pick whatever folksy term they like. Never heard them say "ain't," or call a black "colored," or use"bless your heart" without being ironic.
Holy shit, I didn't even notice how fapworthy she was. Thanks for pointing it out based resetra turbo faggot
lol virgins.
>Also, pro-tip, they only started saying it because they noticed black people say it.
they noticed lesser/inferior people saying it, so they adopted it to appear humble and down to earth
Because they are still fuckin seething over video game violence. Even Le Drumpf is.
I love Fuuka!
RetardEra indeed.
The mental gymnastics of SJWs towards KLK boggles my mind. The show was created with the primary intent of showing off T&A, but somehow they've convinced themselves that it's actually about empowerment and it's the naughty video game people who are being gross and trying to make KLK sexual.
>caring about Yea Forums this much
I am so going to nut so hard once classic Skarlet is out.
Where are the women moaning and crying about Zangief wearing nothing but a speedo and boots? They are every bit as "guilty" of normalizing the sexualization of women's bodies as men are, because they only bemoan scantily clad women and continue to behave as if men wearing nothing but banana hammocks are completely normal.
English has no good second-person plural pronouns.
>mfw Tennessean
>heard it my whole life
>any time I used it online I'd get laughed at by coasties
>these same coasties a decade later incessantly use it now to come off as woke
This must be how blacks feel when we (albeit jokingly) use their words.
>making her generic is a 10/10
To add to this, "you guys" is a fucking linguistic abomination.
Mid-west is honorary Dixie.
Why did she change the colors on her leggings too?
Whenever woketards find a "problematic" thing they like it's a "deconstruction" and a commentary about how actually said thing is bad.
They think Evangelion is about how much of a pathetic misogynistic incel otaku Shinji is and how sex is bad.
A hole's a hole, user. It's just a hole attached to a giant fucktoy.
How about "you faggots"?
her *not being* typically dainty doesn't change the fact that all of her movements are a light, airy, debutante sort of 'dainty'. the loose wrists, the gently rolled forefingers. It's a bad illustration if it so truly belays her personality traits.
breddy gud breddy gud 8/10 second-person plural pronoun
Nah. I deal with these chucklefucks on a daily basis. They're far more insufferable than a single /pol/ thread which is probably just some shitposter from a discord looking to rile the place up. /pol/ hasn't been relevant in years. It's time to give up the shadow chasing.
why the fuck would anyone ever think of christian aguilera when it comes to anything ever ?
>thank you for not letting them dictate
>square ethics department
>dissidia NT goes back to the original design
>nobody plays this game so they don't notice or care
Seems they are the ones being pandered, not the people who loved the original big titted design.
>One looks like a man
>The other looks like a boy
Fucking the entire south uses y’all. Or do you only like the dumb hick Republicans when they vote for your dummies?
You’re welcome for your entire economy and welfare. :)
East/west coast urbanites, which are most twittards, are not Southern. The fuck are you on about? They've been noticeably been hamfisting that word into any exclamation of theirs.
Why boy/man has giant titties beyond Boogie1488?
>The same people who are adamant that women should be able to wear whatever they want are fucking cheering that there is a costume with pants for a character in a game
Why do they want to cover every body that isn't theirs up?
The kind that lose bets or make a living off speedrunning.
This user is gay.
How about "ya?"
Ex: You, need to take this, the rest of ya need to get out of here.
You used to be plural and Thou was used as "You" but something went horribly wrong along the way and now "thou" is too dorky to use seriously.
Sexy ladies make trannies feel inadequate.
I think y'all is more explicit than just "ya" and people are already using it.