Yeah im thinking miyamoto is based

Yeah im thinking miyamoto is based

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Video games are supposed to be safe spaces that are accessible to everyone regardless of age, education level and sexual identity

Imagine defining yourself by where you like to stick your dick or vagina, or what you like to fap to, lol.

Video games are supposed to be cinematic experiences showcasing the modern acceptance of the LGBTQ community.

This is what I learned in 2019.

What games has this cunt actually made?
Literally just the original Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros.
The rest of the time he's just berating other people while they do all the work.

Wow, the videogames he makes sure are not passive or casual, nothing keeps you more engaged and sitting on the edge that new super Mario bros rehash #7

The only people who would be offended by this are the makers of walking sims.

How do I become an active person like Miyamoto wants me to be, anons? I often try but don't have that spark that seperates the NPCs from real human beans.

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mario games are pretty fucking hard for his core target audience of small children.

Fun fact. Miyamoto was referring here to the game QUAKE. The high skill ceiling is what makes you challenge yourself and many people are just too fast to drop the challenge and seek just mindless entertainment.

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Yes, more advanced games, like, Super Mario, or, the Legend of Zelda.

>Video games are supposed to be cinematic experiences showcasing the modern acceptance of the LGBTQ community.


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Fuck I hate most of his games and think Nintendo is pretty shit but he knows what games are.

I respect the man. Shame that the modern game industry is fucked. That's why games like souls stand out so much.

This slanted eye jap never made one hard challenging or thought provoking game so he should get the fuck out of here just because he made Mario does not mean he has any say in what people should or shouldn't like

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Theres no reason to show your hand, you just want to be call out as the retarded nigger you are

>those games
Shut up, "passive" nigger.

quite a statement from a man who has never made anything beyond braindead easy games

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I bet you have never beaten super mario bros.

is that the best you can muster?

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8