how are gamers treated in your country?
How are gamers treated in your country?
they are stoned to death
Very well. There was never really a stigma on gaming in my culture. In fact there generally never really was a stigma on "geek culture" in general. Ever since the early 90's, gaming was mostly seen as something primarily indulged by well-educated men in their 20-30, and while the novelty of that wore off, it never got the weird looks it seems to get in the west. Working in gaming was considered a very good job, partially because our games used to be very well regarded abroad.
The whole "gaming is something educated people in their 30's do" means there was never much of the usual cringe culture surrounding it.
video gmes are for children and women
>children and women
why did you say the same thing twice?
We are being genocided
But we will soon rise up
Gamers here can make easy 6k or higher over here but most of us envy or hate them for it because we see games as childish products and unfortunately so do the developers as they actively screw over the people who buy their games for small markets that couldn’t care less such as China or women who complained on twitter
Absolute cringe.
Normies have settled our ancestral land. Our young can no longer fluently speak our language. They no longer participate in our traditional activities and economy, but work for the invaders and spend the invaders money buying the invaders useless goods. I fear our home will soon be completely assimilated. We must flee before it is too late.
Don't listen to their propaganda. They made you hate what you are.
You are a gamer.
Remember your heritage.
Be proud of it.
We have to do gamer tests every 6 months if we don't want our gaming license to be revoked.
At leas penis inspection is not mandatory anymore if you prove you're not an incel.
where are you from? the UK?
If I find out someone is a gamer, I light them on fire at the stake to send a message.
Nope. Eastern Europe. Or Central Europe, depending on what perspective you want to take. Not that it makes much of a differnece.
Based sandnigger
Not well.
You either like football/soccer or you're a faggot if you're a guy.
If you're a girl and you play anything that's not girly games like Animal Crossing and games about horses you're considered a tomboy and useless.
Try to guess my country.
gamers in Sweden are treated like royalty (if you can 100% "through the fire and flames")
poland then
Like most of the world: too well.
its pretty normal, just like anime, cuz ya know, Asian country
ESL thread
here in poland we still think games are for kids
and the older i am the more i agree
i wasted so much time on this shit
They're literally the single most oppressed minority group of all
Literal whos
70% are basic fifa/fps bitches, there are people whit more niche taste but they like to hidde their powerlevel, oh and they love nintendo a lot.
Close, but no.
Interesting. Never was really a thing here, and we are very close both in culture and history. But of course, this could be also just a case of this oddly-common polish self-loathing speaking.
i mean i was born in mid 90s
games became popular when i was still a kid, so a lot of older folks had this idea of kids exclusively playing them, we had no consoles, only pcs
back then young adults were mostly drinking/partying or injecting heroin
and... i agree
ideo games are waste of time, hollow entertainement
for every deus ex, planescape torment or mask of the betrayer, which are genuine top-tier artistic experiences, you have dozens of mindless games numbing the void in your existence, the neverending stream of pleasure, the infinite jest
I hate everything about this webmexcept maybe the girl on the left's soles.
The fact that he's asian is even worse.
"Nigger" isn't really a thing here so proper gamers don't exist.
>for every deus ex, planescape torment or mask of the betrayer, which are genuine top-tier artistic experiences, you have dozens of mindless games numbing the void in your existence, the neverending stream of pleasure, the infinite jest
what if i just dont play anything that's bad?
i play maybe 3-6 games a year and they're all really good. i avoid the shit. almost no multiplayer f2p lootbox garbage
In memexico all gamers play normie shit like halo, gears of war and smash
You are getting colder, actually.
Interesting. Over here, since we had the same PC culture, gaming was something that people smart enough to set up and build computer were doing. Mostly young men that were doing well. I think it also kinda got lumped with other "nerdy" things like interest in sci-fi and fantasy literature, which was always considered somewhat patrician, for reasons that are somehat difficult to explain.
As such, we had gaming mags that were pretty pushing boundaries in such things as visual design, and the people writing them were generally well educated people - I particularly remember one very good game reviewer that was a psychologist by trade, and wrote some amazing articles on such things as A.I.
It was never considered particularly childish or embarassing to anyone.
As for the complaint that for every genuinely good work there is a ton of shit: that is simply true of all media.
The life of a Chaddingham Guthridge.
It's not fair.