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Other urls found in this thread:

Nintendo bonus is at work. Without it probably wouldn't even reach a 70.

>good game gets good reviews


Attached: enough with these fucking consolewar threads.png (845x477, 107K)

>getting threatened by a weeb game of all things
sonygroes are truly pathetic

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Another thread?


Rent free

Because PS4 is marketed for all age groups, stupid. You’re a grown man with a children’s toy

>Critic score is 100 point scale
>User score is 10.0 point scale
What a devious way to prioritise the critics.

>user score is more accurate 90% of the time

That's a pretty good score though
Imagine trusting critics after botw anyway


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>But it’s okay when


All video games are children's toys. If you weren't so busy shitposting on a Mongolian woodworking board you'd recognize this and stop wasting your life.

>critic score: 87
>user score: 7.7

>critic score 87
>user score: 8.6

There are people who unironically deny the Nintendo bonus.

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Literal autism

>20 points for nintendo bonus
>10 points for switch bonus
>10 points for weeb bonus
A literal fucking 47. THIS is supposed to be the game that saves Fire Emblem? Switchlets are PATHETIC.

>one of the primary Nintendo RPG franchises going back to the NES in the early 90s
>it's just a weeb game ur scared an sheeeit
Even in defending Nintendo, nintendies admit Nintendo is destroying historic franchises by turning them into generic weebshit for toddlers and mentally ill sycophants

Seething nincel.

>spending $80 on cardboard

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Because anything under 90% is shit. That's how a 0-100 scale works. Definitely.
0-89% F
90-100% A+++++
These threads are so fucking stupid

>game is actually getting a lower score than it should because Retardera and game journos are super butthurt about the way they handled gay romances
>snoy still shitposting about the nintendo bonus

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>source: my big stinky bum bum

>snoyfags are COPING hard right now
LOL, have sex.

I'm looking at the review scores, you imbecile. That's the source.

It's just anally annihilated shitposters mad over a great game.

Why does every Nincel blame Sony for everything?

>caring about weebshit
yikes and babymanpilled

>snoyfags SEETHE that FEchads rape spiderboys to death in critic ratings
>spam 0s on their accounts that solely exist to spam 10s for sony games
LOL; this only shows how massive the snoy COPE is today.
How is the game drought going?
No exclusives since worse-than-FE-man, must suck, huh?

>nintendo makes something for kids to enjoy and makes millions
Enjoy your next game(movie)

>most accounts literally give 0s to all Nntendo games, and 10s to all snoy games
>guyzz, it's totally not snoyfags!

Don't really care about the game or the Nincels.
Can you fuck the loli?

>spider-man user review
>yaaaay pride flag thank you based Sony I love representation 10/10

>3H user review
>wtf only old ugly gays baka 0/10

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>dude nintendo gets a big bonus just trust me the game is actually bad

>literally every notable Sony exclusive has a higher user score then Waifu Shitblem
>somehow the Nintendo bonus isn't real

Nintendies are absolutely SEETHING and trying to cope to absolutely no avail. All they succeed in doing is shit their pants in impotent rage.

>Because PS4 is marketed for all age groups, stupid
Yet they have the youngest audience out of all the platforms.

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At least spider man is just a flag, fire emblem has actual fags in your gay wife sim. How is that better, retard?

Doesn't hzd have the same score? I thought snoys loved that game


Seething Nincel. I bet you would get your ass kicked by a kid.

Literal mental illness.

>higher user score
more proof only snoyfags are SEETHING enough to review bomb a game they haven't played.
Thanks for proving me right.

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>this kind of peak COPE
LOL, snoyfags really have no brains.
You are literally the niggers of vidya.

>SM gets 87 points for superhero bonus

Is this how you fuckers spend your free time? Christ almighty some of you need a break from this place.

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How does this compare to days gone? Wasn't that the next big Sony release after GoW?

>and sony bonus
>and lgbtq+pedo bonus

How based at least I can play Mario Bros for the 1000th time because NIN-TEN-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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You are the s o y Apple fans of gaming.

nice autistic folder, LOL.

>this level of COPE

Nintendo bonus is real, nincel. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not, there is OBJECTIVE proof it exists. Seethe and cry some more.

>can't defend his beloved "user" reviews
>COPES immediately
Literally the nigger of Yea Forums

There were people who cared about this?

Why do you fags fucking care about review scores?

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>shit emblem
>good game
funny joke.

Yea Forums is filled with underages and poorfags, of course they care about review scores.

Meanwhile in the real world.. also if these reviews don't matter then neither do metacritic's. You can't dispute that.

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Nice children’s toy you got. Run along while the big boys play the real games


Sony and MS have bonuses as well. Let's be real DOOM is objectively superior on PC but it's rated higher on ps4 and bone

So are PC video reviews the only ones without any form of journalist bonus?

Do the reviews matter or not?

>big boys play the real games
Nice try, trannystation.

It's at an 89 with a much higher underscore retard.

So one point higher than FE, user scores don't matter considering how autistic snoyfags are.

It was 87 the day of its release, newfag

>seething over an accessory made for children

>playing an accessory made for children

i dont get this, I only see niggers and spics with ps4s.

PS4s are toys too dipshit.

>user scores don't matter
lmao, enjoy the journalist garbage they're paid to like

Did the LBGT+ subhumans bombard SM's score due to the lack of homosexual representation?

They don't on metacritic. There is no way to tell if they actually purchased the product.

It’s that time again

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>snoys actually think 87 is a bad score

>Ninties still think it's sonyfags shitting on them 24/7
Smashfags showed us your true colors, better go back to NintendoGaf

Can I go buy a mountain dew

Any opinion on this? Why do MS and Sony get free bonuses but no one ever talks about them?

It is though. It has been since at least 2009 on this board

>snoyfags still think they can falseflag as anybody else
LOL, everybody knows only snoyfags are this retarded.
Nice try.

Because they make actual good games, even if their scores are a bit inflated.

Man, Eric is going hard today.

>Because they make actual movies, even if their scores are a bit inflated.
Snoy never makes games.

Sony hasn't made a game in over 15 years.

They are allowed to get genuine bonuses in ratings on objectively inferior products because they make good games? Is this consolefag logic?

Go play with your blockies, McBingBing

this COPE, how funny

I'm not playing it. Also,
>shitting on a fun accessory for no reason other than feeling threatened by mario

>b-but Sony


>comparing consoles to accessories
Just... yikies

>snoyfags SEETHE the second they are called out
LOL, how pathetic

It's so sad that tendies lose in every metric so hard that they collectively enter a delusion of "i-it doesn't count!!"

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No, it was Telliusfags.

Feels good to be such a Chad. Looking forward to Doom, ninten-OH WAIT AAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA

How did they handle gay romances?

>snoyfags scream critics score don't count
>lose by every metric
LOL, snoyfags can't even keep their own autism straight.

It's Metacritic Eric. There is no winning or losing.

>wow userscore matches criticscore unlike OP's image
Confirms nintendo bonus.

>confiormed snoyfags SEETHING penalty by soamming 0s on their incel accounts

Lesbian options include 3 main characters plus 2 other attractive women whilst the one gay option is a stereotypically feminine young man.

Thinking normies really go out of their way to do these things to ninfaggies.

>You’re a grown man with a children’s toy

>Yay i'm swinging around as Spider-Man! Wheeeeeee!

Kek Sonyfags are a joke.

Will I find a cute big tiddy goth gf?

Okay I laughed

What is the point of consolewar posting?


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snoyfags COPE with their pathetic existence this way.
It's either this or suicide for them.

dick measuring contests. except it's a lot gayer.


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Forget the waifu nonsense Fire Emblem has turned into. Sucking thirsty boys dry of their money is understandable. What I can't get over is the shit graphics. Path of Radiance looks better, for fuck's sake.

>It's so sad that tendies lose in every metric so hard that they collectively enter a delusion of "i-it doesn't count!!"

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Long story short some guy feels Nintendo betrayed him with the Wii U do he's been on a what, almost seven year shitposting crusade against them.

>b-b-but snoy!

Because Spider-Man is for adults, manchild. The game deals with things like crime and death, something Nintendo wouldn’t touch with a ten foot mushroom

>Because Spider-Man is for adults, manchild
>Spiderman is for adults
Snoyfags have gone completely retarded, holy shit!
Next they are going to say Barney is for adults as well.

No need to criticize your yoshisaurus like that

Will Wrath: Aeon of Ruin come out before August 15th?

Ironic seeing that manchildren are into shit like MCU movies.

Yeah, it is ironic that snoyfags claim that is for mature adults.