English voice acting is a trash fire, why can't dubs just die?

English voice acting is a trash fire, why can't dubs just die?

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99% of dubs are objectively better than subs. There is no argument.

Is that character even a loli? She looks significantly "older" than Nowi for instance. (Yes, I know they are both thousand yr old manakete, but the aesthetic is what I am referring to here, autists).

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Maybe you should try not playing anime trash op?



UK voice actors > funimation and Burger dub trash

xenoblade chronicles 2

It was bad, but still a step above those other VA I mentioned. Because Funi and Burger VA are already low-par bad. Xeno2 is a mixed bag of bad

Skullface plz

That's a big yikes from me

Yeah but nobody cares about your utterances, so you can just go stay in the corner where you belong.

Its because the same Funumation sjw actors have a stranglehold on the industry, especially after the union strike.
There's lots of good English vas out there but they'll never get a chance

Can you fuck her?!?
Someone PLEASE let me know.

English subs are a trash fire, why can't translations just die?

Unlike in Fates which had a more ensemble cast this game only had low-tier, mostly literal who VAs.

Yet they're still way better than the dub actors/actresses.

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because americans

this, although xenoblade 2 is the only exception

Yes. You can even have a lesbian relationship with her.

Unfortunately localizers want to cut corners and don't have the money to license the original tracks. There's also a profitable horde of deaf subhuman EOPs lapping it up like

Not interested in the lezzer shit, just wanted to know if you can DICK her.

Only good English voice actors are the lords. I play on Japanese because all literally everyone sound better.

rich that YOU would call anybody an autist

the only dub I love is SMT IV. (And I've played via the undub cia too)

Skye was the only truly bad part.

But the Dragon Ball dubs are infinitely better than the Japanese voices

Are you mentally deficient?

Malos was perfect though

well they had a good voice actor but then trashed her due to "NDA" - blame Nintendo for being autistic. And before any faggots say Nintendo had good reason to trash the voice actor, no other gaming company will fire you if the trailer is already out and you say "yeah, that is my voice"

Small is hotter than loli anyway. This is the way forward.

I loved Nia's voice. I doubt without the welsh kitty, there would be no Nia postings.

Selected dubs when put on a vacuum can be mediocre, great or perfect, but even I, a dubfag, know that subs>dubs in general

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It's actually half decent honestly.

I think it's pretty good so far, particularly her and Claude.

Who? And what happened?

Christina Vee, the queen of shitposting

Wait so they took her out or just retardera shitting on her? What she post?

Dubs always sound like VAs are reading the script for the very first time and just want to get it over with.

Not even that far, voice actors can bring up work for companies on games that haven't even been announced yet as long as they don't say what it is. If Nintendo actually fired someone for stating that their voice was in a trailer, then that's pretty extreme, considering that it doesn't break any NDA clause I can think of.

Japanese voice actors get paid by contracted lines, American voice actors get paid by time, thus most voice acting directors try to keep the amount of takes down.

just him and zeke really

She's garbage, I wish she'd stop getting so much work considering that she lacks talent and never gets any better. The only thing she's good at is hustle, she did a great job getting on everyone's shortlist.

>switch to jap audio.
>Bernadetta sounds like a dying animal.

If I made an animation or gamethat was fully voice acted in multiple different languages, and then found out there was a whole elitist subculture trying to convince people the best and only way to watch/play it was to put some fucking system font over my art and be reading while I was trying to show them something, I would be furious.

This has not a thing to do with the quality of the voice acting, you autists just want to hear your superior kawaii uguu nipponese seiyuu folded over a million times.

It's OK to be legally retarded, it's not OK to subject random strangers to your disability. Just because you're too fucked in the head to be able to appreciate voice work doesn't mean everyone is.

castrate yourself weeb.

fuck voice acting, just give me better everything else in a game, preferably gameplay though

Appreciate animation you fuck.
If you speak Japanese, then watch with Japanese audio and no subtitles. If you do not speak Japanese, and speak one of the other languages it's dubbed in, watch it in that.

If you don't speak Japanese you wouldn't be able to pick up on any of the substance in the Japanese voices anyway, no matter how elitist you are. Subs are prescribing to solely to the worst part of Japanese voice work, the tropes.

The only time you actually get anything from the original language is if you know Japanese, are familiar enough with how the language is used colloquially to understand what the director is trying to do with it, and have enough experience the artform to know when a VA is doing something because it's popular for the 'cool' or 'cute' character to speak that way or when it's actual fucking voice direction.

Hot take, Japanese voice-work is some of the worst in the world, even if it's a 'respected' career there unlike anywhere else in the world. Just like shitty moeblob character designs - VAs are taught to use shitty pandering voice patterns and are often just mimicking someone else. This happens everywhere but Japan does it the most.

This turned into more of a rant than I intended. TL:DR; I suck cocks and have no idea what I'm talking about.

you can always tell who's brazillian or french in these threads

I'm glad kirbopher got kicked out of the game, but I hate that resetera got their way again


Wait a second, you can't recruit Flayn?
I was aiming for her and Lysithea in my first playthrough.

beware user, you will wake up the stupid burgers that swallow all that shit with pride

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You could have the creator of something come out and say they prefer the English voice work for something and you’d still get retards using Japanese voices “because it’s the creator’s vision” or some such nonsense.

It's a video game you moron. The animation work used in these games when the characters are talking is completely irrelevant. Regardless, you're absolutely beyond fucking retarded if you think people can't manage to watch a show or movie and read at the same time. No one is missing out on fucking anything with subtitles up, like holy shit how can anyone be this stupid

American women especially sound extremely annoying. Can't bear to listen to any dub of a show with female characters.

I want to fuck this sleepy dragon sexually

I can think of at least two games that were made with English voice acting as the original language that weebs still cried about, Killer is Dead and The Last Remnant.

dark souls

>if you think people can't manage to watch a show or movie and read at the same time
Doing two things at once means doing both poorly. Again, you are literally covering part of the art with ugly system fonts.
Drawings and animations are meant to guide the eye around the screen, adding in a totally new zone of intense focus at the bottom of the screen completely destroys the shot composition.
You're like those people that listen to their own music while playing a game.

You're retarded to think you can watch 2 things at once. It's been scientifically proven that multi-tasking is not actually possible. You can pay attention to one thing and only one thing when watching a TV show, movie, or game. This is why people re-watch a movie 16 times and still pick up on stuff on the 17th. Spending your time reading text when your brain is more efficient at processing sound than it is visual cues is a fucking dunce move, cap.

>VAs are taught to use shitty pandering voice patterns and are often just mimicking someone else
This is more of a problem in the past 20 years. Jap VO used to be as good as weebs say it is, but most modern shit is straight up bad.

And I assume you speak the language natively, otherwise the body of your post invalidates your own topic sentence and is just brain damaged rambling.

DaS didn't have a Japanese dub.
BB did but even weebs aren't dumb enough to complain about that.

If you think the Three Houses dub is shit you haven't listed to a lot of dubs.

>where's YOUR game? You can't critique something if you haven't made one yourself!

That's the very first line you said, retard.

That's not even remotely what he said...

weak bait

>I suck cocks and have no idea what I'm talking about.
The only correct thing you said

Wow, you really are like genuinely LD, I mean I was just being an asshole before but I am sorry for making fun of you like that. I hope you manage to have some sort of decent life anyway, man. Still, stop posting and subjecting us to your problems, we don't deserve that, just as you don't deserve to be retarded.

Imagine being so bad at reading that you think it constitutes multitasking to watch subtitled anime. My god, is it brainlet hour here or what? I guess they better strip out soundtracks from movies because there's just no way humanity can handle an epic score and cinematography at the same time. I sometimes forget that some people never progress beyond a third grade reading level. It's one of those problems I just never had, so it's very difficult for me to empathize with it. It's tough for me to even comprehend someone like you.

I know but I've seen people bring it up and call it a dub, when it isnt technically

I'm sick of dubs because they're always in English and in Europe we always have inferior products because we get translations of the American translations for games (especially Fates) with shitty censorships, name changes that make no sense (Zero becoming Niles was bullshit because literally the only French people who knew how to pronounce his new name were the ones who watched The Nanny reruns long ago) and nonsensical references for non-Americans. There's no point to making non-English speaking people play a game with an shitty English dub with French/Spanish/German/etc. subtitles when the game is Japanese in the first place.

Glad that Three Houses has the Japanese voice acting for eveyone but I'm still salty about Fates because my favorite voice actors were in it. Also, I'm playing Echoes right now and I can't stand the characters because they all sound goofy as fuck.

Same for me. The SMT4 Apocalypse was good too, and for both games they used voice actors who tend to be in cringey dubs in other video games, like the previous Fire Emblem games and the Persona games so I'd say shitty translations and direction can really ruin everything. I think what made SMT4's dub good was because there was no lip-synching, the characters talked like normal people (except Nozomi sometimes) and they weren't forced to say dumb shit like -chan and -kun with stupid American accents.

People look at me less weirdly if they hear English voices coming out of my Switch.

i was talking about burger dub in general

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>playing a nintoy in public
>with speakers on

>I have no argument
Okay cool.

Shitty american voice acting > high-pitched asian squeakers raping my ears

>character does stock animation #99 while flapping mouth
>wtf i must take in this information at the same time as the text!?

The English voices are good. Only one I think is below average is Mercedes, but it's hard to do that pure cute innocent voice well and not sound retarded.

No. Language is not a crafted artform. You do actually need to know a given language to understand it - it is designed that way.

This is not true with professions or critiquing industry practices.

If this is the quality of what you're watching then you're right, there's nothing on the screen to appreciate.

Thats a good point, if you really get technical, any voice a videogame character does is dubbed, the actual 3d model isnt actually talking, someone is dubbing it no matter what

Yes that's 99% of all video games in existence, welcome yo the medium.

It doesn't matter what the game, movie, thing, whatever the fuck it is. I want to see and hear a medium of entertainment in its original language, regardless of whether I have to read it. The subtitles don't stop you from appreciating the scenery, If you truly believe that you need to work on your reading speed you mong.

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Has it nip dub?

Americans don't watch foreign media in general and their brains fucking break when you ask them to read subtitles. Something that's normal to the vast majority of the world just does not happen here and people get offended when you suggest they do something different.

I've heard this innocent voice plenty of times in western cartoons and obscure localized gook games so it's definitely possible. For some unholy reason weeb game dubs almost never get it right, though.

three houses unironically has a better english dub than japanese
i say this as a major sub fag. there are some stand out japanese voices, but overall English is better and has more unique voicings also

>X has better dub, no joke
>im totally a sub fag guys, trust me
Why is this a template?

>The subtitles don't stop you from appreciating the scenery
They factually do.

>If you truly believe that you need to work on your reading speed
If you believe they don't, you need to learn about how composition works and how the eye is led around an image.

The fact of the matter is that subfags know jack shit about art.

I've been playing with the dub and I think it's good so far. Haven't really heard any voices that are bad, though something about Ingrid's voice is off to me.

here's some anecdotal evidence to back this up; sometimes i'll set game audio to french, despite being english. i only have a gcse level understanding of the language, but i feel it just somehow sounds better.

self promotion faggot

So does anybody know when the Dancing contest is? I wanna get Dorothea in Golden Deer ASAP so I can make her a Dancer when it comes up.

Dubs are just better for games. They never sub everything.

there is one thing you can pick out regardless of your understanding of a language: the pitch
which is the most common fuckup in burger/bong dubs because they frequently insist on putting landwhale voices on non landwhale characters

do you think cowboy bebop is better subbed too?


The only reason you faggots think subs are superior is because you're tone deaf to the language and don't realize just how bad many of them are, because terrible Japanese acting isn't as easy for you to pick up on as terrible English acting.

Dub seems fine to me.. I even noticed they have Reigen from Mob Psycho voicing a few side characters. Then again I'm a pathetic dubfag with most anime I watch.

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i’ve always figured this as well. it’s likely the same effect for native born japs

No comment on the Japanese voicetrack, but my problem with English dubs are how stiff the VA's speak. This is especially true with the male voice actors.

>"The japanese dub is so much better than english"
>"Oh, so you know japanese?"
Fucking weaboo retards. If you don't understand the language you can't say it's better.

You literally have to be autistic and not be able to recognize human speech patterns if you can't tell if a performance is good due to a language barrier.
Both of you stop posting here.

>watching a scene from Eva
>characters speak a line and I read it in less than a second
>now I can look at the scene that's going on, looks cool
>on to the next line
If you truly can't read fast enough to understand what is said and then look at the scene, I feel sorry for you. Maybe you should check out a reading course to work on that read speed.

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Another autist in this thread

And the American voice acting industry is still a joke either way. No language barrier will change the fact that direction is terrible and most actors don't even know what character they will be voicing until they show up, and the fact that they bill based on time instead of lines recorded guarantees they will be rushed jobs. Xenoblade 2 aside, British dubs are almost always significantly better.


>calls others autistic
>worships a language he doesn't understand
You weebs give the rest of us anime fans a bad name. Unironically kill yourselves.

No problem, the English dub is so god awful that I have to listen to a language I do not understand to feel enjoyment from the dialogue. Is that better you massive faggot?

if you knew anything about art you'd understand why it is important to hear the dialogue in its original language
but you'd also probably not be so much of a brainlet that you think reading a line of text makes it impossible to see the scenery
lmao, the real pottery here is you took the bait of someone posting a gif of nuNGE

If you don't understand the language saying it's better OR worse is equally retarded. Luckily there's always a group of the latter to balance the weebs out in these brain damaged topics.

where even is the british voice acting/dubbing industry? almost all english dubs seem to be american, and when they have an english character it always sounds like an american putting on a bad accent. definitely not a fan of how much of a monopoly the americans seem to have on dubs.
asking where it is because i'm kind of curious about getting into voice acting.

>if you knew anything about art you'd understand why it is important to hear the dialogue in its original language
There is no point hearing if you do not understand.

Telling others to kill themselves in a sign that you don't hold compassion for other people, and another autistic trait.
Thanks for confirming what we all already knew.

>self proclaimed anime fan
>doesn't understand chingchong at all
congrats you're the biggest retard of them all. tell me you're in your high school anime club next

>there are people that didn’t play Xenoblade 2 in japanese
Why would you ruin the experience like that?

No idea, I would assume London but I'm going entirely on the quality of the work instead of my familiarity with the industry. I only know how horrible the LA anime dub industry is.

>if you knew anything about art
I literally have a BFA.

>why it is important to hear the dialogue in its original language
It's more important to view it in its original format, which is with spoken dialog and not written dialog.

>impossible to see the scenery
How do you get to be this dumb? It's not IMPOSSIBLE to see the scenery, but it's a distraction. It distupts composition and creates a different gaze path than was intended.
You retards and claiming original intent matters, yet you don't think it's important to absorb a VISUAL MEDIUM the way it was meant to be watched.

>you took the bait of someone posting a gif of nuNGE
What does the gif have to do with anything, you spaz?

Pic unrelated, I'm guessing? Cassandra Lee Morris is an excellent voice actor.

i played it even in japanese text

quads of truth, was going to romance her but now I'm between Flayn and Lysethea, help me choose bros.

well, i wasn't really asking where it geographically is, moreso why it seems to have absolutely no presence

that's right faggot

English voice acting isn't a trash fire.
The voice actors being shit is the trash fire.
Nobody wants to act out a role they don't have any control over besides some voice lines.
And if you give them control, then you get shit like Shark Tale.

Fucking weeb games are all trash. Fire Emblem was ruined by weebs. The GBA games were great but then you weeb fuckers had to infest this franchise with your basement dwelling ways and its essentially dead to me as a series now.

I can't respect subfags you guys are honestly worse than dubfags
Learn japanese you faggots

Kudos to you user

This. The entire thread is filled with secondaries and tertiaries.

>Dumb voice director wants pump the damn thing fast as possible because VAs are paid per lines.
>Give lines without any kind of context
>Plus whole union mafia means that same set of retards are doing voice work nearly every single game.

I wonder why most dubs end like garbage.

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If they could learn Japanese they wouldn't be bitching and whining about people who are literally reading the exact same garbage translation they are, except their version comes with voice acting they can understand.

Human speech patterns are different in every language you dope.

Yep. If they spoke Japanese and watched it in Japanese, I would have no qualms.

>British dubs are almost always significantly better.
Fuck no, good British dubs died when Manga UK stopped doing them. Xenoblade 1 was a fluke, other modern Brit dubs like Wakfu and Fatal Frame V are trash.

How come I never see the
>learn japanese dumb subfags!!
rhetoric on Yea Forums? Not once has that stance ever been accepted there but it’s always like this on Yea Forums

because Yea Forums is full of dumb weebs

You just assume everyone is just as unable to understand Japanese as you are, and you never listen when anyoen tells you otherwise.

>every single non-dub actor who's ever done them will say that dubbing is by far one of the hardest acting jobs
>weebs on the internet: "ugh the people who do this for a living are so lazy"
It's a small miracle that the average quality of a modern dub is passable.

Because Yea Forums is full of subfags you retard.

Yea Forums still has some semblance of its identity and elitism left after all these shitty years. Yea Forums is full of American redditors that think reading subtitles detracts from the game more than hearing god awful voice acting does.

But wouldn’t there be more japanese speakers on Yea Forums than Yea Forums?

Yea Forumsfags actually think watching subbed anime and DJT has taught them Japanese when really at best they're at a preschool level.

>Why does a board for unironic weebs glorify japanese but a board for videogames doesn't?

Gee, I wonder user. Also, lol at weebs telling
people they're stupid for prefering english dubs. You guys are the fucking retards for being too stupid to learn the language you supposedly love so much.

>Yea Forums still has some semblance of its identity and elitism left after all these shitty years.
How does it feel to be a newfag

Including Jap voices was a mistake. You people don't deserve listening to superior voice acting and direction.

Normalfags and children. They have the basic excuse of blind ignorance, most of them probably couldn't even locate Japan on a map. These people are definitely retards, but this is more due to inexperience than actual idiocy.

Insufferable ironic weebs. They have managed to cotton on to the basic fact that localisation work is a sham industry that only produces low quality content, but they're too lazy to learn the language. Almost certainly insufferable people to be around, due to their bizarre superiority complex despite consuming identical content to dubfags.

>Japanese speakers
Kings. Anyone who has made it through the hilariously simple path of learning Japanese, especially in the internet age where high quality learning material is available around every corner, has managed to elevate themselves a few orders of magnitude above the petty arguments of sub v dub.

Yea Forums has been a complete lost cause for years, it's the board that DJT was fucking banned from because the mod got upset that people were actually using it and laughing at him for not knowing Japanese.

Anime, which is all Yea Forums is really about, is a very simplistic medium in the first place. It's the best candidate for translation work, because there isn't much dialogue. Games are a very stark contrast, because the work required is 100-1000 times more, which leaves a lot more room for error.

Where is anyone saying their lazy? The problem is the industry doesn't respect them as real actors and is designed to extract subpar performances for as cheaply as possible. Voice acting in LA is treated as a job for failed real actors instead of just another facet of acting.

This is completely untrue. Western dubbing work is generally very good. The problem is game translations, which are done as cheaply as possible because localisation companies are parasites working on shoestring budgets so they can get the best return.

I’ve been on Yea Forums for about 10 years and anyone saying dubs are better than subs would get laughed at. I also imagine Yea Forums would attract way more japanese speakers than Yea Forums, so it feels like they have more credibility. Which is why it’s weird to see people here use their apparent knowledge of japanese to say subs are worse than dubs or the same.

Well yeah, I'm talking specifically about anime and Japanese video game translations. There's a reason people don't usually complain about the voice work in American made games because they actually try there.

Is this the same Yea Forums mod calling people Yea Forumstards and getting buttflustered over decidedly Yea Forums subjects like lolis? I don't even go there anymore but nobody deserves that kind of moderation

>jp voiced Claude: "Sensei"
>en subtitle Claude: "Hey teach"

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That's nice, I've been here 15 years, and I stopped going to Yea Forums years back because it became absolutely intolerable. The people posting there are all complete casuals these days, the posting quality went down the toilet as soon as CR took off.

The major difference between the dubs/subs argument for anime is that it's a different script. This isn't the case with 99% of games, if you use the sub or the dub, you're getting the same low quality translation work either way.

When I download a CR rip out of curiosity, I'll see a fair number of very basic errors. But the difference here is that an error in an anime sub doesn't really matter, because it's a 20 minute show and even minor fuck-ups get glossed over pretty fast. With games, this just doesn't happen, you will see shit like "you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" posted for the next 100 years.

Is it worth sharing a meal with two people you want in your house but don't have a support with each other?

Keith david and john whiterspoon are considered to be real actorsg
>I’ve been on Yea Forums for about 10 years and anyone saying dubs are better than subs would get laughed at. I also imagine Yea Forums would attract way more japanese speakers than Yea Forums,
If you said /jp/ or old Yea Forums i would believe you but definitely not nu-Yea Forums

Only truth

Theres nothing wrong with dubs you faggot
Why would you ever want to read the story instead of listen to it? Read a book.
>b-b-b-but the original va is better
you don't speak japanese so you cant possibly know that you fucking weeaboo

I’ve never heard a good argument as to why Dubs will always, in every case, be worse than the Sub. Not that I have anything against either, you’re not watching certain shit right if it’s not the sub. That said, there is no reason to outright claim that one is better than the other in every case.

I always go for dubs unless I know an sjw butchered the localization or if the dub really is that bad like the zombie girls idol anime

They were playing this episode on a tv in a Roundtable pizza place. No sound, but captioned, so it spelled out Nigger in public. This was in a liberal town.

Dubs are silly. They usually change context or personality of a character completely. Most people who like dubs cannot read properly. Lack of concentration skill
FF12 is like the only good dub I know. Otherwise it's always subtitles with good translation team.

Any reactions?

what is the dlc content?

Name five anime dubs that's better than this masterpiece

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but isn't that down to being the fault of the director of the dub, not the sheer quality of being dubbed?

Like you would know what personality is being conveyed through a language you don't even speak, nigger

>jp: お兄ちゃん
>en: Dude

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>It’s another “user gets angry about a single case of changed dialogue that makes a character slightly more informal (which would have happened anyway due to the extremely formal nature of Japanese)” Episode

Yea Forums became intolerable but Yea Forums didn’t? As terrible as Yea Forums is these days it still isn’t nearly as bad as Yea Forums. Yea Forums‘s huge surge of posters in 2012 still doesn’t match Yea Forums even back then in terms of low quality. Anyway, a lot of the dispute I see/saw between dub and subs is the acting actually. The usual arguments are that dub acting usually isn’t nearly as good, and the directing can be noticeably worse. In japan they put a lot of care, and well funded/trained talent in the same room, while in the west it’s usually lower budget, with actors on their own voicing it under lesser instruction.

I agree that things are worse in games because of the script being the same as the dub, but that doesn’t make dub any better.

I can tell when English voice acting is shit (ex: BotW), I can't tell when foreign voice-acting is shit (ex: switching BotW to Russian)

Man Ian Sinclair is fucking based. Gordeau, Berkut and Toval are all great characters

I have heard some poor japanese acting that turned me off some anime

nice of you to post a selife of yourself, seething subfag

You can’t. It’s the ultimate dub. It surpasses the Sub in every way, which was why Yea Forums hated it for a little while.

>"no you" rebuttal

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user, you've already lost when you have to resort to ad hominem attacks.

Post great dubs

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You can’t post a wojak at someone and expect a quality argument, all you argued was “you are stupid”

Even Suda says the dub is better

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Literally No More Heroes. Weebs can suck a dick if they think the Japanese sound good

Sure, but it doesnt mean one is more correct than the other.
Two voice actors will bring a different interpretation to a character. Even though they look at the same writing, it doesnt put one above the other

Based Suda51chads

>FF12 is like the only good dub I know
As much as I love them both, this is the videogame equivalent of "Cowboy Bebop is the only good anime dub". You think it makes you look cultured for being so selective, but really it just outs you as a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about and just parrots what others say.

The translation's pretty iffy, but the actual voice acting hits that perfect balance of melodramatic scene chewing and over the top cheese that just fits a game like AC. Armored Core is probably a voice actor's wet dream since 99% of the character is conveyed entirely through their performance, without having to worry about how they look beyond the mech design or lip flaps or anything like that.

To be fair NMH1's Jap dub was made for the shitty PS3 version, the English dub is the original as per Suda tradition. Though even the handful of Grasshopper games that do have Japanese dubs at launch, ie Killer is Dead and Let it Die, I'd say are better in English anyways. I know it sounds lame but they just FEEL right in English. Maybe the one exception is Liberation Maiden, and I only say that because I actually haven't played that one in Japanese but the dub's good enough since it's literally just two characters and one of them's based Jamieson Price.

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Every Ace Combat, if that even counts since they've all been made with English in mind since 4. 5 even has a variant of the dub that was only in the Japanese version until the PS4 re-release, though the only difference is they say "booby" instead of "kid".

Sothis is just as loli as Nowi, but she's dead and has been for a long time, her soul is inside of you. You can have a romantic ending with her but it's still more like a schizophrenic man who loves his tupla..

Bros I head my switch never be that loud and hot as when I played this shit

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because americans are posturing little bitches and need to convince themselves, loudly, that they're morally superior for which direction they wipe their ass in

The DLC route where you revive Sothis is coming. She's already in the game files with stats and a battle model. The season pass says the "additional story consent" is coming in 2020.


>meme translations yet again
I'm going to shoot up treehouse

Are this and the dragon waifu show the only dubs made in the past twenty years subfags have ever even heard of? Because those are always their go-to cherrypicks.

Humanity literally communicated with verbal cues before proper language was invented. Not being able to to figure out if voice acting is appropriate despite a language gap is literal below caveman tier autism.

It’s the boondocks, people already know what’s up.

Yes. Ten years from now they'll still be posting the same clips to "prove" that all dubs are shit.

>mfw "hurr I don't know Japanese so at least I don't know if it's shit"
There isn't a more braindead argument than this, at least "you don't know Japanese so how do you know it's good" is an attack and not feigning your own ignorance.
Also making blanket statements about one or the other is dumb and you shouldn't do it. The truth of the matter is every single piece of media is different and should be evaluated as such, and just saying "dub sux" or "moe hurt ears" makes you look like a troglodyte incapable of forming opinions, not cultured or smart like you think it does.

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>Japanese Tora
>Japanese Gramps
>Japanese Morag to a lesser extent
That's why.

Jesus Christ they really phoned it in, the made up script isn't even half as bad as the voice work.

Japanese voice acting is so shit that I can't really be bothered to switch to subs. How the fuck can Japan have such a huge voice acting industry that churns out shit voice actors?

Go choke on a burger, Kyle.


You, mutt.

t. seething frog

>doesn't even address his arguments

Because new voice actors are literally just taught to perform generic archetypes instead of how to actually act.

And new voice actors are focusing too much on being celebrities. Japan's voice acting industry is cancer.

>from memorable asshole to generic nice guy #2 in the party
>bbbut it's the grandfather u neva had ;_;
Good to know dubshitters also have thin skin and can't deal with characters with an attitude.


He could've just said "Master"

Throwing Vic Mignogna under the bus for not being a huge sjw is not based

English Bayo is leagues better

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Point one of these at the intakes behind the dock

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How many times have you called your teacher “Master” user

For real?

>If I made an animation or gamethat was fully voice acted in multiple different languages, and then found out there was a whole elitist subculture trying to convince people the best and only way to watch/play it was to put some fucking system font over my art and be reading while I was trying to show them something, I would be furious.

This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Why are EOP using such retarded argument?

Holy shit, and this is even dumber. So the creator has an opinion somehow changes the fact that the original language its created in is always better then a translations?

>Yea Forums suddenly loves Vic Mangina now that he's "based dabbing on libtards" after shitting on him for being a creep for over a decade
Election tourists were a mistake
Also Vic is a shitty voice actor and his handful of good performances I'm far more willing to give credit to the voice directors for.

Its a game fag, it just has to make sense in the world

>So the creator has an opinion somehow changes the fact that the original language its created in is always better then a translations?
In English please spic

Go fucking fuck yourself, you little left wing twat. I've been here for much longer, and I don't appreciate seeing them toss a man out for far left reasons. Its disgusting.

So that's why she wasn't in the stat growth charts. I was holding back on this game because of that

>playing the game with docked switch on my 2nd monitor
>the switchs fans are louder than my PCs fans
dafuq is wrong with this shit console..

I don't believe in having one voice actor do multiple roles. There are 7 billion voices on Earth, and you'd keep picking the same ones?

What a compelling argument

My favorite thing is when a show becomes overwhelmingly popular and gets praised for its great writing even though most of its dialogue consists of nip puns that can't be converted to english.

Dubfags are so fucking retarded that they think if the creator has an opinion, it must be objectively correct!

Completely stupid, whether someone thinks the dub is better or not, doesn't change the fact that you should always watch something in its original language.

So calling your professor Master makes more sense than calling them Teach?

>not being a pervert or having an ego so overinflated that even other voice actors, the fucking KINGS of having an ego, think you're an egomaniac is "far-left" now
wew, go back to sucking off meme lawyers on twitter

Is there a better way to raise Byleth's stats? He's falling behind everyone else for me. Hes d and d+ in everything while others are c and c+ in their focused stats.

Do i just need to spend time training with the teachers over other options? I was trying to raise reason to recruit linhart, but I see thst faith is byleth's budding skill so I wanna know if I have enough time to do both on top of swords

Memexican dubs are the superior spanish dubs
Don't @t me you filthy spaniards


How ESL are you that you don't see the irony in "someone else's opinion can't be objectively correct but mine definitely is"?

t. Newfag

you're right
what the fuck is wrong with spain

If the argument for subs being better than dubs is that to truly experience something, you have to do it in its native language, the creator saying watching in one language is better, they’re automatically right. Regardless of anything that’s been lost in translation or any narrative themes that may or may not be pushed more, or even subtle changes in dialogue, if the creator says one is better than the other, then that means that that version IS the superior. It IS the intended meaning of everything that happens in the story.

Nah her dub voice is pretty cute. It's no lolibaba but acting like a know-it-all brat isn't bad either. The "Phooey!" right near the start was really good.

The only noticeably bad voice acting I've heard so far was the SMT-looking fucker who they just said fuck it and put generic evil filters on.

Imagine being so new you don't remember that Vic considers Yea Forums his personal biggest enemy because of how hard we shit on him, then having the gall to call someone else a newfag.

This whole debate is retarded, Nips have it right, original audio > all.
Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, are played and have always been in english with japanese japanese subtitles, lots of Square's western games get japanese dubs but the majority don't use them and play the games in english with nip subs like Tomb Raider.

>if the creator says one is better than the other, then that means that that version IS the superior
full fucking retard

>memorable asshole
As if. Dude's trying way too hard and sounds like a literal fucking clown.

Because English VA is frequently better than nip VA, as seen in Dragon Ball, Fire Emblem Echoes, Xenoblade, etc

B-But it's in a superior language!

Not like you'll listen to reason, you actually think that its somehow acceptable to live in a world where that type of treatment is even acceptable. And you think that if you disagree with that, suddenly you are from leddit? Utterly idiotic.

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>he doesn't know that Japan dubs literally everything, even more so than Americans do
The absolute fucking state of weebs

Dubfags are always dumb Americans. If none of the voice over options are my primary language, why wouldn't I just pick the original?

Nothing to say? Don’t even wanna try to argue against it? Excellent

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>act like a creep
>"but what about MY feelings?!"
Vicfags are next level delusional

It's a shit argument. Nobody should give a shit what the creator says, especially if they're wrong.

>only Americans speak English
Found the self-hating weeb American pretending to be a yuro.

>the creator saying watching in one language is better, they’re automatically right.

Dubfags are 100% retarded and its statement like these that make it official. Since I can also understand Japanese, even your kinda dumb argument that you cannot fully judge a good/bad performance in a language you don't understand will not work. I still very much appreciate Japanese works in their original Japanese language, just like I don't watch The Simpsons by watching the Japanese dub.

Is this autism?


"That's the way the creator meant it to be!" is like the #1 subfag argument though. If what the creator thinks doesn't matter then they have nothing left except "Japanese good English bad because I say so"

You raise a good point but the dumb Americans part is unnecessary. That would apply to anyone fluent in English, which is a lot of people considering it’s the third most spoken language in the world, or anyone fluent in any language that isn’t the games native tongue for that matter

fuck off phoneposter

Good, maybe his personality is being a fucking clown and there's no reason to modify it because some thinskinned retard might find it offensive.
Localization is just soft censorship. Good thing I know enough languages to not have to deal with that garbage.

>"That's the way the creator meant it to be!" is like the #1 subfag argument though.
No, the #1 argument is that it sounds better. Dubs always sound like the VAs are reading the script for the very first time.

But isn’t the argument against dubs that it’s not the way the thing is meant to be experienced? If the creator says one experience is better than the other, how are they wrong when they’re the one who laid the ground work for that experience in the first place?

>he doesn't know

Complete utter retard. You do realize that people grow up over the years, and that it doesn't change the fact that the behavior and treatment of Vic during that whole thing wasn't acceptable, it isn't something you are just gonna like because of something in the past right? Also, you really do sound like a fucking women for thinking being a "creep" is some crime.

Yet another reason why Japanese seiyuu>>>>>American voice actors. You don't have to deal with that inane bullshit.

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The dub is mostly alright but a lot of them are kind of "wooden"

"The" argument against dubs is that they're bad.

Why the hell do any of you care? You can change the audio to japanese before even hearing a single english word like I did. I dont have a clue what the dub sounds like, nor do I want to hear it

Let's say I have no fluency at all in any language but my own. The piece of media is available with subtitiles in my language, but no voiceovers in my language. Which voiceover do I choose to accompany my subtitles?

I don't care about the dub vs sub faggotry. I just think nobody should give a shit about the creator's personal opinions.

No, people like the original voices, because that's the language the work was created in, and frankly for most American dubs, it just sounds better.

The original, non-second hand dub.

So in other words "Japanese good English bad because I say so". Got it.

the massive amount of dub praisers gives companies who want to penny pinch less reason to provide the original audio track, especially if it's going to be quite costly.
look at what nintendo was able to pull for so long. FE Awakening had dual audio, and yet the 2 games after it didn't for absolutely no reason.

>You do realize that people grow up over the years
Vic clearly hasn't, seeing as instead of hiring a decent PR person and staying low for a while he decided to listen to retards on Twitter and burn every bridge he has.

because most of the world aren't biased weebs, and prefer an adult voice

You didn't ask for the reasons why dubs are bad. You asked why nobody likes them.

>has to invent a pretend scenario to seem right

>why nobody likes them
Subfags really don't understand that they're in the far minority do they?

I honestly hold the idea that rabid dubfags are the way they are out of racism more than anything. They can't stand foreign cultures, even when they are consuming foreign media.

I didn't ask for anything. You seem to be getting your anons mixed up.

Some of them are "i don't like it so it should be altered" cumguzzlers.

>rabid dubfags
rabid subfags are worse lol

>pretend scenario
I'm literally describing my experience watching random foreign films

Dubfags never used to be this angry either. Must be part of the rise of the anti-weeb sentiment.

Congrats you've managed to make the stupidest post in the thread and that's saying something.

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why the fuck are anti-weebs playing weeb games?

>it's another cancerous dub vs sub thread where every single argument assumes you only watch one or the other
I really hope you autists realize that normal people who don't spend all day arguing about this nonsense tend to watch a mix of both

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It doesn't matter who posed it, that was the question. No, not
>Japanese good English bad because I say so
>people prefer original to dub because dubs are worse

Well then we’re arguing from a completely subjective basis and people should just do what they like

Neither of us can really prove the other wrong here. You could post footage from the dub and the sub, see who likes what better, but there’s no agreed upon metric but “sounds fine to me” to judge it off. So whatever, I guess whatever anyone does is fine.

Really fucking good question.
Ironic weebs should be lined up and shot.

What's wrong about being anti-weeb?

Sorry I didn't realize you were so cultured, I'm sure you have a massive wall of obscure foreign kino and totally aren't a weeb grasping at straws.

What? This thread was made by an angry subfag. Everything else is just a reaction to that. And these types of threads are far more common than the ">he plays with Japanese audio" ones on the opposite side.

Yes, evidently dubs are alright if you have shit taste.
I don't think anyone was disputing that.

English dubbers are objectively terrible as actors.

Nothing until you notice said anti-weebs are playing the most weeb games in existence.

Post her feet

I don't have to be an anime avatar-using, imageboard shitposting, forum roleplaying, room temp IQ moron to enjoy Japanese works.

I specifically asked for why dubs are bad you mong

can't you hate weebs and weeb culture but enjoy jap shit?

Those two greentexts are the same thing.

Nothing, they're free to their opinions, the issue is when some of them go beyond just voicing opinion in the public square and start hounding and harassing companies over making things they don't like instead of just voting with their wallets.

Most people praising original voiceover don't speak or understand Japanese and most of those who do are delusional because they wasted years of their life learning it to play vidya and read porn.

Is the joke of the thread that Three Houses's dub is perfectly fine?

You're a weeb in denial.

There's some decent VAs in BotW but character that talks the most (Zelda) is absolutely awful in English.

>But isn’t the argument against dubs that it’s not the way the thing is meant to be experienced? If the creator says one experience is better than the other, how are they wrong when they’re the one who laid the ground work for that experience in the first place?
>isn’t the argument against dubs
I hope you've been drinking.

what's wrong with voicing your opinion? it's a good way to spread a message and get other people to vote with their wallets to as well as companies being able to see negative feedback immediately

Sure, but just don't go full on raging activist against the parts of the culture you don't like when you could just ignore them.
I hate how shitty k-pop is getting mainstream but I'm not going into forums where people like that stuff and telling them they should kill themselves.

The absolute state of Yea Forums

>and start hounding and harassing companies over making things they don't like instead of just voting with their wallets
So you mean like most subfags when a company decides that dual audio isn't worth the extra cost?
Literally the only times I can think of the opposite happening are BlazBlue and Persona Q2.

Ask your handler to read it for you.

>4 (You)s
you guys fall too easily for this ;)

Honestly if you didn’t grow up watching subbed media and aren’t used to hearing Japanese it may not be worth your time. For those of us who have, there is a clear distinction and the Japanese voice acting is clearly better. Sorry you can’t pick up on subtlety

>subfags trying to pull the victim card
You might want to look at the OP again

There's a line to be drawn I feel. If you're not representative of the majority consumer of the product I don't feel you should be complaining about the company catering to the majority even if you don't like it. Just adopt the "don't like it don't buy it" stance. I don't buy EA, Activision, or Ubisoft shit but I don't go out telling people not to buy it if that's what they like.

What the fuck is "making things they don't like" when it comes to a fucking voice anyway? Have we come to a point where it's okay to modify characters to accommodate a group of retards who get arbitrarily offended by sounds?

What's the point of using the Japanese voices of subs are same as the dub word for word. Whether translation is good is the only thing that matters.

You can in blue lions

>and the Japanese voice acting is clearly better
I was with you until this. You might be legitimately deaf if you think Japanese voice acting is really anything special, especially modern garbage.

Japanese voices are just as bad you just can't understand them

I just need to know one thing
Does Tomas or whatever that priest dude is named ever say "Good news everyone"?

"because dubs are worse" is just snidely trying to pass off your opinion as objective fact. It is absolutely no different than saying "JAPANESE GOOD ENGLISH BAD"

Both matter, but one is much harder to get changed than the other.

The japanese dub is pretty bad too in that case.
Three houses isn't as good as Valentia, but this one is actually pretty darn good too. I even prefer the english one. Makes each character stand out more.

It takes a normal person half a second to read two lines of font. The rest of the fine is spent observing? I hope you’re not this inept

I don't agree with the hounding over the companies not providing dual audio, I feel that the reason it's become more common now is because of people voting with their wallets rather than complaining.
Even this thread proves that the vocal majority seems to love their dubs and couldn't care less about subs, and yet companies saw that their bottom line was being hurt despite that.

>muh exoticism
You really have no self-awareness do you

>it's another zoomer who uses the word modern to look like an oldfag
If you listened to voice acting in the 80/90s at all it's easy to notice how robotic most of it sounded.

Dub actors and directors are what's special.
Nobody watches French films dubbed. Nobody watches Spanish films dubbed. No one watches Danish films dubbed. No one watches Japanese films dubbed. No adult watches British, or American films dubbed.

Dubs are simply bad. The only people to ever argue for them are "ironic" weebs from the US.

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>to accommodate a group of retards who get arbitrarily offended by sounds?
Where do arguments like this even come from? You do realize that one or two autists who might vehemently hate the sound of Japanese for whatever reason does not equal everybody who has ever dared to slightly prefer a dub must be fucking OFFENDED(?) by foreign languages, right?

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The issue here is that the creator is speaking from the point of view of a Japanese native who knows next to no English, though.

And, you know, the basic fact that they could very easily just be lying to not piss off their overseas fanbase. Kojima springs to mind, he talks all about the English voice work in interviews with western publications, and then shittalks them in Japanese ones where he says Akio is the only voice for Snake in his mind and shit.

If you happen to not know English, then maybe the creators viewpoint holds some weight. After all, you don't really know how bad the English dubwork is, RE1's dub was famously directed by Capcom, based on what sounded good to the recording department full of nips who knew next to no English, producing a work that's not only terribly translated, it's filled with bizarre inflections.

But if you know English, then the argument is meaningless. As someone who knows both languages, the original is always better. It can be fun to check out dubs from time to time, both J>E and E>J, but it's never the best way to experience a game.

Is there any reason not to promote like in previous FE games? Do their levels reset and they lose out on levels?

because not everyone is a weeb

>No one watches Japanese films dubbed
>No adult watches British, or American films dubbed.
I know you're trying to look smart here but holy shit you're dumb if you think this is true.

That's pretty egocentric to assume just because you think no one doesn't watch dubs that's fact.
There is a reason why nips, germans and french are absolutely horrible at english.

>everybody who has ever dared to slightly prefer a dub
Here, here. You're such a brave boy.

Yea Forums fags are mostly respectful to the original dub/script. It's ALWAYS the ironic weebs in denial infesting video games/anime that need everything translat-- CHANGED for them.

>conflating live-action dubs with video game/animation dubs
Every fucking thread. They're not the same and you know it.

From what I gathered, promote as soon as possible because higher tiered classes get larger stat growths, then if you want the skills from lower classes come back after when you're grinding after maxing out.

who's nobody? because people do watch films dubbed in their language

>I want to listen to the game in a language I do not understand in the slightest
Never understood this meme.
>b-b-but subtitles
Why the fuck would I want to read in a cutscene that can be fully voiced.
Fuck off.

No, live-action dubs get actual actors. And it's still nearly as bad.

you're conflating the average joe with actual enthusiasts

>console so poorly made you need to get a pc fan to help it

Apparently ever preferring a dub means I'm an illiterate caveman who gets offended(again, ?) by foreign word noises, at least according to autists like yourself.

Do you like black magic or white magic more?

you starting a cinema or something? that's some projection

The original post mentioned "things they don't like" in case you couldn't read.

Actual enthusiasts (read: not hacks trying to look cultured) will watch all the foreign dubs of their favorite foreign films to compare them. There's a reason Godzilla fans want both good subtitles and both the International and USA dubs on a release if possible.

The only dubs I prefer are Metal Gear Solid. Otherwise I'm strictly an "original creator's vision" kind of guy. I don't know how I should approach Death Stranding though, is Kojima actually overseeing the English dubbing this time given he hired all the actors himself?

Which one would they watch for the first time?

When has the average person ever been mad at the sound of Japanese? Please, just one example.

No true enthusiast would ever watch them sequentially, choosing one over another. They'd watch them all simultaneously so as not to spoil it and give each a fair chance.

Actual enthusiasts and not tryhards trying to get e-cred will watch whatever they can get their hands on.

Between these, who is the best girl?

I don't know who I should fug.

There english voices and japanese voices I like.

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According to this statistician many do.

Congratulations on being a normal human being who doesn't make stupid dub vs sub threads.

Wouldn't an actual enthusiast want the original vision first?

A problem I often have with dubs is the simple problem of phrases or sentences being different lengths when spoken, it leads to weird pauses in the flow of conversations and makes things seem awkward when they shouldn't

>of their favorite foreign films
that's the key here, it's like watching the 20 different release cuts of your favorite movies, not everyone is gonna do that.

I feel so bad for every autistic weeb that fooled themselves into liking jap acting and voices

I'm mostly a "I'll go for the language that fits the setting".
Three Houses is sort of like harry potter styled fantasy war school, so I went for english in my first run. So far, the dub is good and you can tell most if not all of the actors cares about their acting.
The only issue I have are some of the one liners like in battle or level up.
In fates, I would have gone with hoshido speaking japanese and nohr speaking english if I could.

What is it about the Japanese language that makes their corny as hell dialogue actually work? Is it the harmonic frequencies or something, it seriously baffles me how they can say literally anything and it doesn't sound stupid.

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>preferring something means you hate the alternative
I've had fevers with more IQ than you

ding ding ding

You're in an entire thread proving otherwise.


So we've gone from "no one watches dubs of film ever" to "w-well you watch the original f-first..."

Unthinkable. Every director is just as valid, and some random schmuck a TV station hired to oversee the dub will always be AT LEAST as good as the original director. Not to mention our great, talented, and very successful voice actors, who Hollywood let go so as not to squander their immense talent.

Overreactions to a baiting OP post.
Your IQ's the length of a TV show episode.

no we didn't, it was specifically referring to "enthusiasts watching their favorites" in all the versions.

I think it's the direct translation that usually sounds a little weird. Our grammar doesn't match up. Plus their culture values slightly different things from ours

>Nobody watches French films dubbed. Nobody watches Spanish films dubbed. No one watches Danish films dubbed. No one watches Japanese films dubbed. No adult watches British, or American films dubbed.
>Dubs are simply bad. The only people to ever argue for them are "ironic" weebs from the US.
Why would you go and lie on the internet?

Do the people that stretch and mangle cable broadcast versions of movies also have as much authority to the vision of the work as the original creator did?

>they can say literally anything and it doesn't sound stupid.
Oh it most certainly does. You just don't think so because it sounds "exotic".

Look at Marth in Smash Bros. People memed his Japanese taunts so hard even though there's literally nothing noteworthy about their content or delivery. It all comes down to "lol he's speaking Japanese and it sounds funny isn't that sO wAcKy xD"

I've noticed that you barely see the complaint of people bitching about the dubs if the English accent is not US. Be honest the burger voices annoy Europoors

>i-it doesn't count if it's an overreaction
To nobody's surprise, the projecting retard insecure about IQ numbers is in the negatives.

>haha if I intentionally miss the point maybe I'll look smart

Europoor here and I have nothing against american dubs.

>who Hollywood let go so as not to squander their immense talent.
>it's another "user acts like Hollywood is a perfect meritocracy instead of being about who's willing to suck the right dick" episode

I think europoor accents all sound inbred. ESLs give them a free pass because of course, it's exotic.

Christina Vee wasn't fired for breaking NDA. Chris Niosi was.

To be fair Americans eat up European accents too, even if the acting itself isn't all that hot talking about Xenoblade 2 here

maybe it is the language barrier but Sekiro is basically unplayable with english dubbing. I can't take the plot seriously at all.

Of course.

Nobody is lying or denying your statement. You just can't get it through your head that the enthusiasts in all hobbies usually have certain ways they do things.
You're like the guy going into a vinyl forum and getting mad and confused when people tell you to fuck off for saying you prefer streaming music.

MGS1 is the only game with a half-decent dub, though. The rest are hot garbage in English.

It's not just that, Xenoblade 1's dub was mediocre- subpar apart from Shulk's VA but everyone treats it like it's some god-tier shit all around.

>intentionally miss the point
how is it any different. If we are supposed to accept that a third party voice over of a piece of media is acceptable then why wouldn't a third party edit of the visual part of the content be? It's all equally important in an audio visual medium.

>Throwing Vic Mignogna under the bus for not being a huge sjw is not based
I don't remember that give me some proof of that claim

>omg such good voice acting!!
I just don't fucking get it.

dmc dub was the only thing I liked about it and Destiny 1 made me feel like I was playing as a mute space-Cid with a talking horse

Nobody likes Hollywood movies. That doesn't make your voice actors being Hollywood dropouts any less pathetic.

Most times I don't really care what language I'm playing a game in, but Sekiro is a solid exception. It helps that the Japanese voice acting was actually good and par with the English voice acting from the Souls games instead of generic anime shit like every character in Nioh who isn't some expat speaking English. The English voice acting was weird because it didn't really have a "game dub" feeling, which while fine for most games still would have been offputting in Sekiro, but felt like watching a dub of an old samurai movie and not in the same endearing way like how EDF feels like an old dubbed kaiju movie.

When I see people bitching about the Dubs ruining the experience in games like Legend of Heroes where the characters are mostly westerners I wonder if there are any JPs bitching that they should be playing in English Dubs.

I liked subkiro better but fuck off, MY NAME was kino.

>I can't hear emotion, when someone sounds sad in another language it sounds like a monotone sound to me

>Nobody likes Hollywood movies
Can we stop with these false claims? If no one likes them, people wouldn't watch them.

Perfect comparison to subfags, because both groups are retards who don't know what they're talking and act snobby about it.

>Nobody likes Hollywood movies.
That's weird because even the japs love hollywood movies

Oh the irony

Most people find spoken Japanese relatively easy to listen to because its syllabic structure helps it flow together easily and it has very few harsh sounds. Contrast with say Chinese which as a written language is very similar but is one of the most awful and grating when spoken.

Attached: shogun eye.png (1024x365, 775K)

I completely agree with the original part. I don't care what language it is, I use the original. If it's english then I use it. If it's japanese I use it. If it's russian or fucking swahilian then I use that, I don't care as long as it's the original.

I honestly want to know why there are so many occassions where it feels like a lot of the english dubs are done by maybe three people total for dozens of characters.
>Female voice
>Female voice pretending to be deep
>Female voice that's slightly higher pitch>
>Female voice that sounds like voice 1 but with a pretend accent
And these voices are parallel through a ton of weeb shit like it's the ONLY available female voice actor willing to dub and there are literally none other in existance. I don't fucking understand why I'm the only person who seems to notice this shit but it drives me fucking crazy.

chinese and vietnamese sound like you're being swore at by an angry roastie to me
even when the speaker is male

I'll go one step further.
Xenoblade Chronicles

So, anyone know how bad the localization is? Is it Fates tier?

i watched some chinese anime for the sake of it and the voice acting is aural cancer. Maybe it's for the best that no good games come out of china

If the dub has
>Patrick Seitz
>Ian Sinclair
>Robin Atkin Downs

In it I listen to it because god, I love those guys
They don’t have a Japanese equivalent

they made a pretty good metroidvania game. luckily it had no dub

Not really, but Bernadette suffers a bit by coming off as more quirky than actually socially awkward

You say that like you couldn't say the exact same shit about Japanese voice acting
>tomboy voice
>ara ara voice
>old woman voice
>generic squeaky waifubait voice
There I just described 98% of all female vocal performances in Japanese media

Voice acting in the US is a small clique of people, you always see the same fucking names and they keep out anyone who isn't friends or doesn't have any connections. There's only a few compnaies who don't hire from this group, most recently I think the FFVII remake has a ton of new people who aren't part of this group and, what a surprise, they sound good.

There are a few exceptions to the rule like Silent Hill 2, which has some bad english dubbing but for some reason it works to the credit of the incredible atmosphere and the fans of that game all agree it's better than the japanese VA.

I don't know about bitching at others the same we do, but some elevens prefer the English voice acting for some of the stuff Square Enix has released there with English VO like Nier Gestalt and Kingdom Hearts. Also even after getting Japanese dubs Reuben Langdon is still treated like "the" voice of Dante in promo stuff (it probably helps that he's actually fluent in Japanese, has acted in toku, and lived in Japan a long time of course).

I guess you know chinese, but just to tell you, good acting/voice acting differs from country to country.
It is fairly a cultural thing.

There is no Japanese VA for Silent Hill 2.

If Fates is a 2/10, Xenoblade 2 is a 5/10, Awakening is a 6/10 this is probably a 7.

I like how self aware Three Houses is when Catherine comes up and straight up tells you how bizarre everything is how Rhea just makes her a teacher and how the main character can wield the sword like nothing.
It's like she is pointing out the cliches for us.

This. Echos has some fantastic voice acting, giving even though it is for the 3ds. ESPECIALLY Mae's VA

In general, male-centric stuff comes out a lot better dubbed than female-centric stuff. Hell the same's true for Japanese voice acting too. Maybe the lesson here is that girls suck at acting?

There is a japanese dub for Silent Hill 2?

i never played the game so it shows how much i know. I just listened to some commentary on it

Eh, I don't mind Seitz at all but he's not really all that different tonally from your typical gruff Japanese guy. Replace him with Jamieson Price and you're onto something.

There isn't a japanese dub of Silent Hill 2, it's like RE and DMC, the nips played it in english with japanese subtitles.

>There isn't a japanese dub of Silent Hill 2
That's what I thought. I've never heard about it or anyone mentioning it even existing until now.

If i do betray edel, can i still marry girls from the black eagles house afte tthe time skip

i've never played any fire emblem or srpg before, should I try this one ?

That's not what i mean. Those are still different voice actors for different characters in the same show. I'm talking about the SAME voice actor for different characters in the SAME show. There are occasions where it sounds like it's the same person holding a conversation with themselves and it's fucking retarded.

>that one dub actor who's severely underrated and will probably never catch his big break because he doesn't really fit into any of the typical anime archetypes and isn't twitter-famous

Now you understand how older theatre acting worked

>I'm talking about the SAME voice actor for different characters in the SAME show.
This almost never actually happens though, barring some Persona 4 anime shenanigans.

Do you like Turn-based combat a-la Advance Wars?

Do you like waifu shit in your game?

Do you like mixing and matching certain playstyles up to get great buffs?

If yes to any above, yeah, give it a shot. The beginning is...slow to say the least, bets gets better once you get past it.

Yeah I really love Advance Wars and waifu shit

Then this game is *made* for you. I'd highly recommend it.

BotW Zelda was shit, the rest of the VAs were fine except for her.

Trips of truth. The secret to good voice acting is just getting the guys to do everything. The Pop Team Epic people had it figured out.

Fine thanks, buying it rn

The fact that it's probably not actually the same person but only sounds like it is makes it even worse.

A ton of FE characters sound better in english.

>Mipha's VA
>less shit than Zelda's


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I can't stand twink/princely/brute male voices.

Hot take: English BotW Zelda really wasn't that bad, I mean she wasn't very good either but I was expecting way worse from the way people talk about it

They really weren't.

One thing I will say is that the game is *heavily* story driven. Just skipping the dialogue will leave you bewildered as to whats going on, and will be detrimental to you in the whole realm of bond-making with other characters, so don't skip dialogue.

Uh, ok. Yeah. Sure. Hollywood is good.

That's not a problem for me, thanks for your advice m8

I have absolutely no problem with english voice acting in western games. The problem is english, or any language really, doesn't fit japanese games and character archetypes unless you completely rework them, and at that point you dig yourself a new hole to die in.

Lysithea and Marianne both seem to be geared to be a viable Peg/flyer.

Which is better for it?

Mipha's voice was cute, sorry that you're a homo

It's utter dogshit but saying nobody likes it is wrong. All normies like it.

All in a days work, user. Have fun!

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Breath of the Wild's (English) dub was a problem with the direction and script at least as much as the acting.
I mean I don't know Japanese and maybe Revali does make terrible bird puns every other line in the original, but I know he sounds way more cocky than English Revali's aloof and I can't imagine whatever the soft-spoken healer Mipha says when she encourages Link to go save Zelda and defeat Ganon was as strong or harsh as "annihilate."

Oh please, it was so fucking forceful from her VA that it was pathetic. Mipha, the character, was great. Her VA? Fuckin Garbo

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This is true for like extremely specifically Japanese archetypes, but most games barely go beyond generic fantasy shit. There's nothing really preventing a dub for something like FE from being as good as a native work besides, you know, time money and talent.


Ok fine, but my point is that Zelda's VA was shit too.

Remember that for sub fags, 99.9% of them can't read Japanese. They'll beg for subs so they can understand but for all their screeching about how superior it is, they won't put in the effort to actually learn another language so they can play the game in its native setting.

That's called being hypocritical.

Only amerifats would choose dub over sub

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I wonder if the issue is just the fact that they're dubbing over a script that's already animated in another language, and one way or another that harms the performance. But it genuinely confuses me why the state of dubbing still feels like bootleg. It's not like there aren't good English voice actors. It's not like a lot of the people who give these performances particularly suck.

PS: I'll never forgive SEGA for changing the cast of the Sonic series like 3 times to save a buck. That's your signature series, dinguses.

Don't forget how they bitch and moan about shit like honorifics and "bad" translations when they couldn't form a sentence.

>Edelgard shows early signs of going blown full Danaerys
>The church is led by a "Kind and gentle" woman who has no qualms about executing people for non-issues.
>Dimitri is actually a murderous sociopath with a short temper.
>Claude is an opportunistic Jew.

I genuinely don't know which of these dumpster fires is worse. They're all fucking horrible in their own ways. Can I please just take my wife Dorothea and leave this shitty country behind to go lead a mercenary company somewhere else.

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How the hell did I forget price? He’s also great

I'm sure you make the same arguments about people who watch non-Japanese foreign media with subtitles, even when no voice track in their native language is available

>That's your signature series, dinguses.
But Kanemaru Junichi has been voicing Sonic for over 20 years.

I don't know why EOPs are always so shocked when random nobodies get swapped out for other random nobodies.

I feel like people don't talk at all about how Japanese videogames weirdly have several layers of "authenticity", for lack of a better word, when it comes to English dubs. It's a weirdly globally minded medium compared to something like anime. I guess if I had to stick it into greentext:
>Tier A: English is clearly meant to be the original, if there's even a Japanese dub it's obviously an afterthought (ie Ace Combat, Souls, Suda51's stuff, DMC)
>Tier B: Japanese is clearly the original, but English voices were obviously taken into consideration and used for stuff like reveals; the Japanese release probably even has English voice acting on it (ie a lot of Square Enix's stuff like FF and Nier, Nintendo stuff, newer Street Fighters, a lot of games in the 7th and 8th gen in general that are aiming for western markets)
>Tier C: the original Japanese game was completed and finished with minimal worry of localization, English dubbing was solely a concern of whatever western publisher picked it up (most weebshit like Nep or whatever goes here; this is where most anime stand)
Keep in mind I'm not talking about sheer quality here, just "authenticity"

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So only amerifats would watch the superior version of space dandy or cowboy bebop

On this, I suppose we can agree on.

But at least Zelda wasn't ear-shreddingly bad.

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I'll go even further.
Dragon Quest VIII

>being a weeb elitist over fucking Sonic

The main thing that bothered me was she was British, but no one else was, not even her dad

What does a "specialty" weapon do?

Japanese hasn't been the original language of Sonic since Sonic Adventure 1.

Well yeah, I was talking about the dub, which is the whole point of my post. And I wouldn't say the Sonic cast are nobodies, a lot of them are pretty big name voice actors. I'm not even knocking their performance. My beef is that I'm surprised just how little care is given to English dubbing to this day.

Like, native English voice acting for English content is usually okay.

I suppose that's a fair thing to be irked by. But if I *had* to justify the accent, maybe her handmaiden who raised her had that kind of accent? It's a fuckin stretch, I know, and I do agree with you on that point. But thats the only way I can seem to rationalize it?

Those are not voice actors but actors hired to do voice work

everyone but you stupid burgers think that

>Watching fucking Sonic of all things in Japanese only

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Gives a boost to the type of weapon to the soldier that has strengths with that particular type?

I mean the three stars. Not the "strong" weapons they have.

For example, Marianne is strong in swords but has the 3 stars in Lances.

>your biggest franchise is finally getting voice acting
>is gonna sell millions in North America
>...hire a bunch of literally whos with little to no voice acting experience
I'm not even knocking dubs as a whole here because the best performances in the BotW dub were actually from the people who do that shit for a living, but what the fuck was Nintendo of America smoking? How do we live in a universe where fucking Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem's voice acting is million times better than Legend of Zelda's?

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>>Japanese hasn't been the original language of Sonic since Sonic Adventure 1.
What? The series is filled with garbage translations.

Congratulations on somehow making the most retarded post in the thread 450+ posts in, you've really outdone yourself.

and i congratulate you

>It's been scientifically proven that multi-tasking is not actually possible
OH SHIT NIGGA, I'm a scientific anomaly!
Even as a kid I could pay attention to the whole screen while playing a game which is why when playing Crash games I know exactly what time I'm on during time trials. I'm one of the few people who can perfectly envision a whole screen and catch all details at once, not only that but I'm also capable of seeing everything the big picture of everything because I have a full field of vision encompassing the screen so I don't miss a thing.
Is there anyone else out there that's an anomaly of science?
>inb4 RTS gamers

SA2 through Shadow was fucking developed by the American team and the series has had heavy western involvement since then moron.

In fact, to my knowledge the only Sonic game since SA2 that's been handled entirely by Japan is fucking Sonic 06. There's your fucking Japanese superiority lmao

I mean, keep in mind that’s my only real problem with the voice. I find it soothing. It just really bothers me that there’s no way to justify her being British, but no one else except Mipha sounds close to her. But i see your points as valid too, except for even attempting to justify the accent. There’s only a few scenarios in which you could do that, and BotW presents none of them

The three stars thing means they get a skill and it eventually becomes a favored skill. Nu Serra gets seal speed when armored and lythsea gets a res based sword art for example.

Dimitri is a good boy and has every right to be a murderous sociopath.

>getting rid of Vic Mangina and Kirbopher
Based SJWs saving dubs one step at a time

Dimitri only gets unhinged because of Edelgard being a gigantic cunt

So you go from claiming the "original language" is English to "some of the staff who worked on the game were Americans", am I getting this right?

Talk about moving the fucking goalposts, I guess you googled it and realised guys like Maekawa Shiro don't look like they eat a lot of burgers.

Hasn’t most vocal music in those games been handled by Crush 40? They’re either Kiwis or Burgers if I recall

God they’re good at it too

You realize we're talking about the voice acting here, right?

>bad excuse for an anime has shitty dub
truly who could have foreseen this

Western music in Sonic has gone all the way back to MJ doing tracks in Sonic 3, so I don't know how you can claim the original language of the games is English because of some very Engrish sounding tracks.

Crush 40 has been mainly nips since its inception though, with the exception of the vocals. All the songwriting is done by Senoe Jun.

Of course, but it's bizarre that you'd start going on about some Americans being associated with development when they weren't in the writing seat until 2010 or so, and Pontaff has done a fucking awful job of it. That's a far cry from "English has been the original language of the games since SA2".

Glad Kirb's rep got ruined, he's a egotisical asshole.

Imagine being a fucking weeb over Sonic.
His Japanese voice is horrible, I'd gladly take some rando off the streets of San Francisco over it.

I don't think anybody except that one moron is trying to claim the games themselves aren't originally in Japanese, just that they've very clearly been made with English VO as the main language since SA2 had a simultaneous worldwide release and that acting like an elitist over the Japanese voice is a little bit weird.

>just that they've very clearly been made with English VO as the main language since SA2 had a simultaneous worldwide release
This is such an absurd concept, though. Obviously the "main" language is Japanese. It's the language the script is written in, it's the language the vast majority of the production team spoke, saying that the main language must be English because more people played it in English is like saying the main language of War and Peace is English.