Can i run 1440p?

I am currently using a 1080p monitor, and i was wondering if you guys thought it would be worth upgrading to 1440p, and if my system could run games at 1440p 30+fps.
Here are my specs:
>GTX 1060 3gb
>AMD Ryzen 5 2500x
>8gb DDR4 RAM
>ASUS B350M-A Motherboard
>500W power supply

Attached: download (3).jpg (300x168, 13K)

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The only problem there is 3GB VRAM, but yes you should be able to do 1440p 60fps in most cases, may have to reduce texture resolution a bit, and turn off AA.

>1440p 30+fps
Yes on medium-high.

Heavily depends on game of course, DOOM for example is really optimized so you can even get 1440p@60fps. Same goes for Remake and DMC. Ubi games on the other hand are quite famous for their ridiculous technical requirements.

No way

3GB VRAM is not a problem if you have good system memory.

Is 8gb ddr4 enough system memory?


if i upgrade to a 1070ti, will my pc be powerful enough?

Fucking retards on the board i swear...

Literally every new game will use 3.5+gb vram @ 1440p if you put that into your swap files your game will stutter like a crack addict with parkinsons. Just buy a 8gb gpu like everyone else you poor fags

Yet I'm running modern games at 1440p 60fps on my 1060 3gb

Instead of being an elitist prick, you could have given real advice instead of condescending to those with lesser GPUs

I'm running bEAttlefront 2 at 1440p right now on
these garbage specs so yes

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Instead of being an elitist prick, you could have given real advice instead of condescending to those with lesser GPUs.

Thanks user. and thank you to everyone else who's helped me today.

bought a 1440p ips 27" 144hz freesync monitor, what are some games to take advantage of the colors and refresh rate?

I seem to run newer games between 75-130 most of the time if I don't lower settings.

Can be videos and cool websites too I just wanna look at nice things.

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older games, duh

Thanks user. and thank you to everyone else who helped me today

would you mind sharing your specs?

i have a 2070 with a 2k/144 fps monitor. You can do 1440p at 30 fps but going 60 fps will be a pain in the ass. Also you vram is pretty weak so you might expect vram porblems.

thanks user, i'm planning to upgrade to a 1070ti and an extra 8gb of RAM anyway.

i7-2600 non-k
8gb ddr3 ram

Shit like GTAV you can't max but it's not so much an issue with freesync taking care of it if you can keep fps above 80.

Bunch of more recent games hover around 100
but I don't mind, it's still better than 60 and the colors are worth it.

I did notice slightly worse blacks on IPS but you need to have something to compare it to and the colors being miles better make up for that imo.

is this rtx stuff even worth it or should i get a 1080?

Anyone notice any differences when upgrading from 16gb ram to 32gb?
Currently running a 1080ti+i7 7700k while playing games at 1440p 144hz and I'm considering upgrading the ram.

Why don’t you got with a 1660 ti user?
I have an i7-9700k
16 gigs of ram
And an asus 1660ti

I think the asus version is the best among the group however it is a little more expensive, I think it’s worth it though because it can easily do 1440 and it excludes ray tracing so you don’t have to pay for the meme tax, overclockable and runs pretty cool.

Right now I can max oout every game I throw at is but it would definitely recommend some fast 16gb ram and pair it with that card and you’ll be set for years to come, it’s worth the investment

the newer cards are just 1080s with gimmicks slapped on


Remember that you can turn down/off antialiasing because you're running at a higher resolution. This will help your performance.

i'll consider it when i look for potential cards to upgrade to.

If you can't run 1440p on ultra at 144fps or more, stick to 1080p. And I don't think any current pc can do 1440p at 144fps for most games, so there's your answer.

please off yourself

No. Unless you run 1440p on a 13 inch screen or something.

I cancelled a thread I intended to make on /wsr/ but I guess it's the right thread to ask, there's a current good deal for a 1440p monitor which would allow me to have g-sync, 144hz and better response time, but I don't want to push my gtx1060 6gb above 1080p, so here's my question : how would downscaled gaming look ? So far, answers I found aren't clear or convincing enough.

i'm not too bothered about frame rate. i mentioned in my original post that i only want 30+fps.

16 GB is GB is the most you need for gaming currently . Anything above is overkill For gaming in mind.
Only reason you would go above is to future proof or you what your pc to double as a workstation

>1060 3gb
just buy 2060 already

on medium settings

1440p isn't that much better than 1080p.

A higher framerate at 1080p is 10x more enjoyable than 30fps 1440p.

nothing wrong with using low settings. only full retards use 32x ssmaaxtxrxfffzzaxa anyway

you literally cannot see a difference between 8x and 16x yet your frame rate will half

Then just buy a PS4 or something. If you think 30fps is acceptable, there's zero reason to want 1440p.


Is 1440p a stop game? I mean people keep talking about either 1080p or 4k. 1080p being the norm and 4k as something everyone wants.

>1440p isn't that much better than 1080p.

>30fps is the minimum i can enjoy games at
>I own a ps4 but i prefer my pc
>my ps4 drops below 30fps often in triple a/graphically demanding games.

my brother owns a 1440p monitor and it definitely looks nicer than my 1080p monitor. Before you suggest it, i'm not gonna use his monitor.

Depends on the size of the screen, and how far away from it you are. As always. It's not as simple as pixel count.

4k is a meme unless you have 2080ti or a better gpu. you can run most of AAA games on 2k with 2060(a $300 gpu) and it looks fantastic.

i play games at my desk, and i'm currently using a 21.5" inch monitor. So, if i upgraded, my next monitor would be a similar size.

Does that mean 1440p will become the norm? Because 1440p monitors with ISP and low response time are expensive.

thanks for the help user.

1440p is overkill, bud. Don't sweat it. You won't notice the difference unless you're monitor is over 27" or you're using a TV.

i easily found a 1440p 95Hz monitor for £180

60fps is better then 1440p.

4k isn't worth it

i agree that 60fps looks nice, but i'm fine with playing games in the 30-60fps range.

"wahh you're an elitist prick for calling me out on giving god awful advice on as to how it's totally possible for shit hardware to run like anything but absolute shit

hate how people like you remotely try to complicate things like this.

if you have to ask the question if your old ass PC can run something, it probably can't and you probably do need to upgrade. simple.

you're not an elitist prick because you suggested i upgrade my gpu, you're an elitist prick because you said anyone with a gpu that has less than 8gb of vram is a "poor fag".

you need a 1070 or 1660 minimum to get comfy fps otherwise its not worth it. Also once you move up in resolution you won't be able to move down. It's going to be painful to want something and not have the hardware to run it so don't ruin it for yourself.

i was already considering upgrading to a 1070ti or a 1660

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nothing wrong with shitting on poor people they are the scum of the universe

yea then you'll be fine. There is A LOT of meme shit going on in this thread by making you think that the only options are 1440p at 30 fps or 1080 at 60 fps. Pls ignore this meme shit since this is contextless/gameless information. I get 100 fps at 1440p on most modern games with my 1070.

not taking any chances.


people like you are the scum of the universe.

Man I honestly would rather reccomend
144hz over 1440p. I bought a 1440p monitor and traded it in for a 144hz one and you definitely notice the high framerate more. Even moving the mouse around is smooth as hell. It's great.

Not even that guy but go the fuck back to ledit you fucking fag

thanks for the advice user.

Anything below a 1070/1070ti is not a 1440p card. Flat out.

>144 hz over 1440p

more meme shit
Stop giving op this shit advice. Nobody buys monitors under 144 hz so mentioning this is worthless. You would just get a 144hz 1440p monitor. Why is everyone making these self forced limitations?

i'm gonna upgrade to a 1070ti or 1660 eventually.


I hear 1440p is a meme that just kinda exist between a cheap cost effective 1080p PC and a 4K mega autist who has more money than sense. I feel like this is true and have seen many people say not to fall for shit 1440p multiple times

meme in what way? what is supposed to happen when I move to 1440p? do I lose something? Is the only issue cost?

144hz is garbage too. you're supposed to use 120 fps with ulmb

Better to play 1080p at 60fps. Don't spend your money on a bigger screen if you don't have to power to play at 60fps on it.

you can lose fps because of it being more pixels but you get a bigger monitor out of it and everything will look even more clear than 1080p. you will need a good amount of v-ram for it though, 3gb wont cut it. im using near that at 1080p.

so then its just a money issue.

Not you by why is everyone in this thread using 60 fps as a standard? in 2019? Is everyone truly struggling to get 60 fps at 1080p? 60 fps is literally unplayable. You need at least triple digit fps in 2019 my guys.

It sits at a cost to high to achieve and will get outpaced in the immediate future that is a meme. You can build a very cheap 1080p for pretty much nothing now and if you have the cash you go 4K, 1440p just kinda seems like an idiots waypoint where you spend all this money to get the halfway point and then lose it in a short amount of time

>buying a 1440p monitor for 1080p gaming
Shiggy Diggy. Just get a better 1080p monitor or a better GPU

i think its just people who think there is no difference between 60 fps and 120 fps.

they think their 60hz monitor is able to display 120 fps, and when they try it out on their monitor, they see no difference.

they're the same people who think v-sync is bad because it lags your mouse. it doesn't when you have a monitor with 1.5 ms, but they don't know that either.

basically people are just ignorant or don't care.

i might just wait a couple of years, get a 4k monitor, and fully upgrade my pc.

ok but don't forget you can't future proof technology. Wait because of your budget and nothing else. There are some real nonsensical meme shit opinions in this thread.

i had a 1060 6 GB which is much better and couldn't run many games above 75 fps fact many recent games struggled to reach 60 fps.

i don't think you should get a new monitor unless you play a lot of 2D games.wait for more big moves and discounts by AMD and nvidia and buy a new gpu and monitor in the future.

good idea.

>i don't want to push my card that does at best 1080p60 fps on any mediocre recent title over 60 fps but i still want to buy a monitor with goysinc, 144 hz and likely garbage color and viewing angles

No. Its either 1080p or 4K. Fuck that dumb ass wannabe res of 1440p

as far as i've heard 1440p is the real game. even tech youtubers and reviewers all agree on it.

4k is the land of diminishing return on viewing distance while 1200$ cards struggling to keep high fps with all features turned on.

>even tech youtubers and reviewers
the word you are looking for is shills you dumb nigger

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what is the logic behind this?

if they were shills they would shill for the 4k meme that the companies are pushing then.

>using logic rather than gamer bants and marketing slogans to fuel your argument.

>1080p if you're poor/SD gaming
>1440p for HD gaming
>4k for work since you can't game at this resolution because the cards don't have enough power to give you 120 fps

this is the truth in current year

VA can't be that bad right ?


You need 16gb ram and at least 6gb vram, preferably 8

Idk about your cpu since I’m an intelfag

i am thinking about getting a 1070ti

and getting an extra 8gb of ram

you need to just pick a game and a target fps. You can run dwarf fortress at 4000 fps at 8k with some shitty card. Need context if you want accurate information.

1440p 144hz is the next stop, people are still on 1080p with 2080ti for high refresh.

i want to be able to achieve at least mid settings at 1440p in recent triple a games.

1440p 60fps isn't that hard to run, depending on the game. It's not that many more pixels than 1080p.
4k though, that's another story. Just for context, it's more demanding than 1440p 144hz.

at 30+fps

if 30 fps is your target you'll be able to max out games on ultra with a 1070/1660. For competitive games where you put everything on low except textures you'll get 80-100 fps with same card all at 1440p. 30 fps is such a low bar. You prob don't even need a new gpu if you're ok at 30 fps.

What is your budget? that is another thing that is important that I forgot to ask.

my budget for a new gpu, or a new monitor?

30fps is awful just fyi to whoever wants 1440p 30fps

it's a very bad idea

for whatever or whichever my man

Only good on MMOs until more games allow it.

awful for 1440p, or awful in general?

Awful in general. 60 fps is so much better feeling and looking

around £300 ($371) maximum.

i would prefer a frame rate higher than 30, but i can still enjoy games at 30fps.

1440p 100-144fps is the current sweet spot. the best balance of eye-candy,smoothness and affordability.

pc is not only for gayming and has other uses and advantages over the ps4.

there are some cheaper 1440p 144fps screens. it only gets stupid expensive with some of the gaymer branded ones with admittedly nice features

so what? i can still enjoy games at 30 fps black and white 480p.

it's just that colors, higher resolution and framrate are better. and it turns out that reaching 60 fps is the best enjoyment for your buck out of all of them for modern games that aren't turn based.

most of the 1440p monitors are high refresh ones though, he obviously wouldn't be hitting 60fps with a 1060 on newer games but older games should run no problem

just get a 2060super or 5700/5700xt

most of the 1440p "gayming" monitors have 100+ fps refresh rates anyway.

i can't afford that.

>I hear 1440p is a meme that just kinda exist between a cheap cost effective 1080p PC and a 4K
that's exactly what it is, not really a meme but it's a good compromise of better visuals/high refresh rate and price. high refresh 4k panels are still kind of stupidly expensive and also require retarded hardware to run properly

yeah, i agree.

>1060 3gb


a monitor isn't cheap especially at 1440. You only have enough money to buy a good monitor. I'm going to assume you don't have an SSD and reccomend you use this money to go for 16gb of ram and a 1tb ssd. 371 isn't enough. I would buy a 1660 and sell your card then with that money buy the SSD and ram. Then in the future save up for a new monitor.

1660ti's are meme cards, since you still have a 1060 just save up a hundred bucks more and get a 5700, a 1070ti is pretty much the same price anyway

If you'd actually read the thread, you would know i'm planning to upgrade.

nigger you can easily get decent 1440p 144fps monitors for cheap now. here's one

i have a 300gb ssd and a 1tb 7200rpm drive

Is IPS a meme or is it fine to grab a TN?

actually forget the 1660ti suggestion and just save up for a better card like a 20xx series card then the RAM. You just don't have enough space without buying redundant stuff or only one thing out of multiple things you need to move up.

Take out a loan and file for bankruptcy.

if you already have an ssd buy this monitor then just use the rest on RAM.

it's fine if it's just for gayming, ips is nice but pricey not really a deal breaker or such a massive leap as compared to say going from 60fps to 100+fps

that's not cheap. that's like 75% of the price of a decent GPU that still can't max it.

>95 hz

dont do this, this is a hard bottleneck

that's what i'm saying, lots of choices nowadays. granted that's only a 95hz panel

its the best looking meme on the market

Is no one going to shit on OP for looking for 30 FPS instead of 60 FPS? God the quality of the board between night and day is, well, night and day. Holy shit.

95Hz at 1440p is great for the price

op said his budget was 370 ish, if it were for a monitor upgrade it's well within his budget with a lot of decent choices. but if he was trying to fit in a gpu AND a monitor then yes it's stupid.

i've stated several times, 3ofps is the absolute minimum i will play games at.

we are all trying to do it but in a cultured way that is more sublte than saying " your taste is shit kys nigger but rip off your worthless eyes first they aren't worth the grave your homeless father is gonna dig up your for your unemployed ass"


eh, personally i'd just save a bit more and get an actual 144fps panel unless that panel was overclockable

i don't think he should upgrade his monitor if he can't power it with a worthy GPU. save up for when you can buy both or buy drugs.

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it's shit taste of course but not everyone is a raging faggot like you

you can overclock a monitor?

Is there a 1080p version of this?

it would really depend on what games he DOES play though, high refresh is easily doable on older games

thanks user... i guess.

some models allow it

select the FHD model which is actually a 240hz one

Why are there almost no 27" VA 1440p/144hz monitors that aren't curved?
I don't know if I want to mess with a curved monitor if it's not a giant screen.

I'm just trying to do my part to make sure that 30 FPSfags know they are less than human.

it's not so bad if you're the only one using it though, but I agree that it's a meme.

curved monitors are just a pointless gimmick.

should i upgrade my CPU
i have an i5 6600k, GTX 1070 GB, 16GB

lower down to a 144hz 900p
you will enjoy yourself 10x more

fuck off you pretentious asshole

I have 60hz 1080p monitor and I feel like anything more than that is a jewish trick to be honest. I feel like I'll stay with it for some time.

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to be fair if he plays older titles,esports or even new non-graphically intensive titles it won't be a 30fps machine at all. general browsing and everything else is also so much better with a high refresh monitor.

read the thread also not everyone is underaged

going from 60 ->100+fps is one of the best upgrades you can do to a pc aside from an ssd or gpu especially for gaming. not super sold on 144fps ->240fps monitors though.

The loss in performance isn't worth it, and 1440 monitors makes 1080p content looks like shit yet you can't reach 4K either (4K monitors which can handle 1080p content just fine too)
It's the ultimate cuck resolution.

Because 1440p/144hz are not unique selling points anymore, so they curve the screen in order to go "yeah, you might have a 4K screen, but is it curved???"

Do you plan on streaming or playing CPU intensive games like tarkov or doing work? otherwise don't yet because you'll have to get a motherboard as well. I'd wait another year before the fps gains from a cpu are significant enough. I THINK you're looking at 5-10 fps with a god tier cpu right now.

it's fine for a few more years at least, invest in a better monitor or audio(not gaymer crap) instead if you haven't already.

going above 60 fps will LITERALLY and MAGICALLY increase your fps skills. I'm not even joking.

Not recommended, newer games won't be a stable 60 FPS even on medium. Your GPU and ram are bit too weak for that, you would want at least 1070 and 16 GB ram, maybe a better processor too.

Just get an ultrawide VA. The curve makes sense then, and you'll get an huge advantage in multiplayer games that support the full width

>loss in performance isn't worth it
>so get a 4k instead

everytime in this thread lmao is this the same one guy or something

>It's the ultimate cuck resolution.
it's also a good compromise if you can't afford 4k high refresh panels, no one's saying it's perfect but it's a sweet spot. 4k 60fps is for cucks unless you're a graphic designer or some shit.

Man this is why it is so much better to play on a big OLED TV

Enjoy your burn-in, retard

>burn in meme
nice one samsung advertiser

Read motherfucker. You can game in 1080p on your 4K monitor as it will looks better than doing the same thing on your 1440p monitor if you lack perfs. You don't need a super strong PC for 4K videos also, and a lot of small games just run in 4K on a middle tier PC too.

My old monitor is 1080p 60 hz. If I buy a new 1440 monitor and use the old monitor as a second monitor is it true that I'll run into issues? Im not really into these builds using 3 and 4 monitors but 2 really is the sweet spot

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Thanks user. and thank you to everyone else who's helped me today.

I rarely play fps or online games. I'm sure the smoothness is nice and all, but not worth it for me.

Eh, too much I just need a nice solid 1080p 144hz freesync.

A lot of games will never reach more than 120fps or even more than 60 anyway, 60 fps is enough a,d 4K is a better deal because it's not just for gaming.

>looks better than doing the same thing on your 1440p monitor if you lack perfs

literally what? This doesn't make sense? why would it look especially better? everything you are using as an example to justify 4k can be applied to 1440p. This doesn't make sense how hard you are trying to push 4k WHILE trying to say it wouldn't make sense to do 1440p. Can you explain it better with something to back it up than just saying so just because?

Yes you are going to need more power the high the resolution... but 4k doesn't have some magical efficient pass.

No you won't but if the refresh rate is different between the 2 it's going to be very jarring.

I have a 32" 144hz 1440p monitor and I think it's the best of both worlds. With my 1080ti I can run modern games with 1440p and a minimum of 60 FPS. Any slightly older games, like Destiny 2 I can crank up to 90, Warframe I can do 144hz, obviously any older games you can do 144hz and the smoothness is out of this world. You know you are spoiled when 60 FPS looks choppy now. A monitor this size would look like utter ASS at 1080p with pixels as big as hams.

So basically my thinking is, since I can't do 4K 60 FPS on any of the most recent games, and I play lots of older games, might as well go for mid-tier resolution and highest FPS possible.

literally everything benefits from a high refresh rate. they're not even expensive nowadays. don't knock if you haven't tried it.

One would be for browsing the web and watching things while gaming on the main one. I dont mind getting a better one for both eventually but I would rather wait than drop the money on both at once.

>This doesn't make sense
Brainlet. I can tell you never tried both too you poorfag. 1080p looks blurry as fuck on a 1440p screen, but since 4k is 4 times the 1080p pixels (resulting in a perfect scared upscale) the content won't looks blurry at all. Which makes 1080p content and gaming looks way better on a 4K screen, while on a 1440p screen you're forced to play at that resolution exclusively.

A 24"1080p monitor will look the same to a 27"1440p monitor, literally the only difererence will be the size of the screen.

>A lot of games will never reach more than 120fps or even more than 60 anyway
only the modern horribly optimized console port ones
>60 fps is enough and 4K is a better deal because it's not just for gaming.
no, no it's not unless you're just a graphics artist or play nothing but 4x games. 1080/1440p 120-144fps> 4k/60 all day everyday. there's a reason there's a push from almost all major manufacturers for high refresh 4k panels even if the hardware is just barely handling 4k/60 as is


Hell even 720p looks better at 4k than it does at 1080p, it's an exact 9x increase in resolution(3x on both axes).

this is... a really insane argument to be making here my man... playing 1080p on a 4k monitor. I mean exclusively? This are some pretty specific constraints you are putting yourself under and for what reason? If you really wanted to force 1080p on yourself on non 1080p monitors you can simply select that resolution without ever needing to stretch anything out. Its crazy that you would come in here with this scenario that NO ONE will ever have or is asking about to deter someone from obtaining things that are within their budget.

big wew.

oh my god fuck off

wow what a discovery user
and a bigger tv is also just a bigger tv!

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>1060 runs games at 1440p 144hz on medium settings
wow no shit

am I getting memed on here

what the HECK

You're not forced to only play at native resolution on a 1440p screen, you can use any res, the scaling just won't be perfect but a slightly blurrier picture isn't the end of the world. You sound like those retards who spend hundreds on upscalers and cables for their shitty consoles.

4k is for 50 inch TVs

>He plays at 1080p
>Me play at 4k


i'm pretty sure you are.

Get a 4k TV and wait for the past and Xbox scarlet, the majority of titles are going to be 4k 60fps on both consoles

>the past
PS5* don't bully the phoneposter

Sure, because the ones that don't even know about pixel density and just think in "muh 4k, loocs betar" don't exist, sure

>titles will be what console makers say they will be
>even then
>60 fps

don't do this to yourself m8. We are supposed to remember history so we don't repeat it.

4k is pretty nice at 27 inches. I was surprised at how usable it is without any scaling. When running games though, it's not easy to tell the difference between native and something like 1800p besides performance, which is why i play my games at custom resolutions like 3200*1800 or 2880*1620.