Just bought this for $25, what am I in for?

Just bought this for $25, what am I in for?
never played any Persona before

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>buying P5 now
That's fucking retarded

Just as worthless as those "greatest hits" copies. Should've just bought digital lmao

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>never played any Persona before
Half casual dungeon crawling, half life simulator mechanics on a calendar system, and you'll probably be spending well over half of your actual time on the life simulator and going through story cutscenes. 5 is the most cutscene-heavy of the Persona games, and certain major plot points require understanding some minor details sprinkled throughout the game, so if that sounds unappealing to you then oh well, your fault for buying it without looking into it.

Literally what's wrong with Pegi? If anything, using numbers for the age rating is a lot more logical than using random letters.

>persona 5 16+
>deep sliver publishing
this is weird

nigga why didn't you wait for Royal

Explain why, for future research and education oh wise one.

I don't care about expanded content

That's a nice edition for a cheap price. Good find

t. brainlet

100+ hours of "gameplay"

It's a pretty approachable JRPG. If you want to just like sink a few days into it, the time will fly right by

Thanks, you get 5 Stars!!

The definitive edition is coming

>5 is the most cutscene-heavy of the Persona games
The dialogue is focused on over explanation of things like it was aimed to retards (which felt like plain filler) , and the dynamic of the PT as a social group felt lacking (which P5R might fix).

Yeah, i took 4 days off work and was looking for a long game to try

>The dialogue is focused on over explanation of things like it was aimed to retards (which felt like plain filler)
and retards still don't understand half the plot even when the game meticulously explains almost every detail, it's absurd.

Just wait for the better version on switch

Should I sell my copy before Royal comes out?
Shit sucks so much that they won't just offer a DLC or something for existing owners.

If i really like the game i can always buy that too

persona 5 royal 2020

2020!! fuck why would i wait till then to buy it.

play the SMT games meanwhile. Most of them are significantly better than persona 5 anyway

This is what I need for a game, too many short lived ones on the PS4

The problem is only a third of it is actual gameplay.

Just enjoy it and dont come here saying you havent finished it yet unless you want spoilers

Could've played it on PC

>Not being M years old

hopefully a refund

don't bother listening to the fanboys, just play it now. the re-release is always just a pokemon-like scam

Here you go op

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Just what the world needs
Another "P5 was my first Persona" bitch faggot

Why buy it at full price again though? Just wait for the full version to come out.

Handholding and railroading like you've never seen before. Still a fun game though.

Worse than Final Fantasy 13?

I was joking I wont buy it again, I might not even like the game, just got it because it was cheap and people said it was their favorite game

style over substance

No corridors but it follows an airtight and immovable calendar. You're doing what the devs want to you to, by force.

I hope for Persona 6 they move away from that rigid system and give you some agency. Maybe even as far as "Fuck this I'm not going to school this month" like some highschoolers have been known to do.

This is only true in the days between palaces where all the major plot progression happens. During actual infiltration periods you have almost complete control over your schedule, and P5 is easily the most flexible of the calendar Persona games.

those people are still better than the p3 zoomers who pretend their dumpster fire of a game is good because it was their first persona.

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You made a wise choice OP. The re-release versions extra content almost always fucks up the pacing and adds a bunch of shit that detracts from the game, like actually letting the best character be human like some kind of fucking degenerate.
P5 does a really good job of balancing the story/vn/dungeon crawling stuff by making you switch it up just as the last one gets kinda boring. Mixing up your own broken as fuck personas and wrecking end game shit is also fun.

>implying the pacing wasn't already completely fucked

You bought the steelbook for $25?

Huh. Ok, cool I guess.

>During actual infiltration periods you have almost complete control over your schedule
You don't. If the game wants you to do something or go somewhere you're gonna do it.
That's not really a bad thing though having a game that's THAT meticulously planned out ahead of time. I really like P3-4-5, just telling OP that if you're not down with a set in fucking stone calendar you're gonna have a bad time. Because you're constantly going to want to do something different and the game is going to tell you to fuck off every time.

>You don't. If the game wants you to do something or go somewhere you're gonna do it.
During the actual infiltration periods this is objectively false, to the extent where I literally just need to say that you haven't played the game and it's obviously true. The game only railroads you in the plot-heavy periods between palaces.

Menu Simulator 2K17. Should have spent the 25 on gameplay instead.

I started two days ago and already dumped like 17h on it. Got it for like 15$ so didn't wanna wait around for P5R which would be full price too.

Was that wrong?

What are you talking about? Even during infiltration periods if there's an event happening you're fucking going to it, the game will literally teleport you there and tell you to shut up and pay attention. When I say it's a calendar set in stone I mean it. You have no say in the matter. If the game has something planned for the 25th and the 25th rolls around, guess what? You're doing it.

and again, if you can't accept stuff like that or the constant "Maybe you shouldn't do that today.." then you're just going to be frustrated. I learned to love it, but it's really, really not for everyone.

>Menu Simulator 2K17.
As if. You're fucking lucky to get to a combat screen.

You are literally describing things that don't happen, user. Unironically, this is you literally making things up. I'm not even joking. Here, I can count the number of times you're actually railroaded during the actual infiltration periods:
- Crafting tutorial, and rank 1 with Sojiro during Kamoshida's palace. These only happen if you do nothing else in the evening and are not set for specific dates, though since you're limited to Yongen for the first palace you'll end up doing them eventually simply because you have nothing else to do.
- Forced backing out of Madarame's palace to bypass the security grid, which leads to you getting Yusuke. This is forewarned by the game itself however at the beginning of the infiltration period. Again, not set for a specific date.
- Courtrooom scene during Sae's palace so you can access the high stakes floor. Again, not set for a specific date, and the game actually has special dialogue if you manage to time it for a holiday.
- And of course, the calling cards for all palaces.
There, that's it. That's all of them. Unless you're being retarded and confusing plot events for the actual infiltration period like a moron, then that's all the railroading the game will actually do. Now in between palaces is an entirely different matter and the game will shove you from one plot event to another, but I was referring specifically to the infiltration periods.

It's a glorified visual novel.

Would I enjoy persona if I dont care about dating anime girls?

No, just play SMT.

If you never played any Persona you'll probably be disappointed.
Go play Persona 3; by comparison 5 will look way better than it actually is.

You did good, user. It's a great game. You'll have fun

The actual dating part is only a small side part of the greater social sim mechanics and you can friendzone every last one of them.

Literally the best game of all time

People really oversell the dating mechanic in Persona games, it's such a minor aspect.
Persona is not a dating sim, not even close.

In a nut shell, the player has a close circle of friends and these people are your "Social Links", deepening your friendship with these people requires time and going through their personal dramas with them, in exchange stronger S.Links equal more power for you in battle in the form of better Personas. Romance is optional but not required, and doesn't yield a better reward than staying friends, but if your not interested in "VN shit" your power will suffer for it.


The pacing of the vanilla version is crap though. I’m hoping they fix the pacing in the rerelease or else the end game won’t be worth it. The game slogs in the 2nd half badly.

You needed to wait to the switch enhanced version that is coming next year

Lmao nincels

>next year

That's too long

I really doubt young people played P3 first

No you wouldn't. You might enjoy SMT though.

>all of these retards trying to push people away from playing P5 because of Royal
That isn’t coming out for a year and it will be different, playing the original before Royal is the best thing to do so you experience both.

Is less that 3% of the game so sure , go ahead
You have to hang out with them if you want bonuses though

This. I played through the entire game without dating anyone at all

Play P4 and it'll look even better.

Based 1000 year old Roman user.