Incel Games

Post some games only incels play. I’ll start

>Dwarf Fortress
>Crusader Kings 2

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Post some games only non-brainlets play. I'll start

>Dwarf Fortress
>Crusader Kings 2

I don't know who to believe

[insert your favorite game here]

Dota 2


What texture pack is that?


What tileset is that? looks really clean.

that's from the steam release IIRC

Is Tarn gonna make it?

The Persona games. Literally a major aspect of those games is to make friends and get a waifu. Incels like them because they don't go outside and make their own friends ever.

Thanks user

If you're not a brainlet then you're an incel. It's pretty simple, only dummies get laid often.

Wrong. I have a boyfriend and I play DF and CK2.

you're not allowed here roastie

How fucking many chromosomes do you have?

>He thinks girls browse Yea Forums

the bigger your brain the less you want to associate with women in any context

Whatever game(s) this guy plays.

Have sex, incel.

spread your legs then :3

just have sex lmao

Breath of the Wild

Incel? More like "in Cell".

'Cause I'm gonna absorb all of ya. So you'll be in Cell.

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Just participate in society bro

Dwarf fortress isn't that hard anymore. There's plenty of great guides and utilities to make it enjoyable for people who didn't grow up with ascii games.

Anything other than FIFA and Fortnite.

wtf dorf fort looke like THAT now?

haha oh i get it

>There are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who've never even tried Dwarf Fortress

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The thread


Wow this looks cool as heck. Is this dwarf fortress?

Dwarf fortress isn't for incels, the developer's adding cute trans girls.

RimWorld is better

DF fans dislike the texture packs because it exposes how shallow the game actually is. That shit looks empty and lacking because it is.

It looks empty and lacking because that's an artist's rendition of gameplay made to look "clean", not even a screenshot of the graphics in play. It's also being worked on by Meph, the guy who copypastes work from other mods and calls it his own.

All games, because gaming is for incels.

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I play Crusader Kings 2 and Rimworld, I've never had sex or kissed

yeah with the tilepack for the steam version

wouldn't that be voluntary?

steam release


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>Crusader kings 2 is an incel game

Please no i have over 1000 hours on it while also being married

And yet he has sex
You do not.
You seethe and post his screencaps on Yea
Who won?

I never understood the point of Factorio. Couldn't you just have the same experience by learning to code and having fun writing your own shit? Every Factorio thing I've ever seen looked like something that a program would do, so if the dude who made the thing in Factorio made it in a programming language instead he would have had the two benefits of both making something cool and having a skill he could make money off of.


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After being married to your mother + sister + aunt hybrid I guess

I've had sex and I play CK2


tfw i know a girl who plays a majority of grand strat and i'm too much of a brainlet to talk about that shit with her. outside of Civ cause that shit is easy and i'm a goober who just wonder rushes

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ask her to teach you

Damn it looks pretty good, I've never played with tilesets because I dont like how they like but I might reconsider with this one.

>tfw incel but the DF UI is too frustrating to get used to

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Seven years ago when I was really into /gsg/'s, I would have probably gotten really hyped about a girl being into them, but nowadays I'm so disappointed in the community that if I found out a girl played gsg's I'd probably be turned off from her. When I first found them, it was through alternate history autists who actually gave a shit about the scenarios and whatnot, but most of the community now plays them for the memes and not because they care about history or alternate history. I was even trying to make my own GSG at one point, but gave up after realizing that if I put in the years I was willing to put in into finishing it, the most people will say about it is some dumbass videos on YouTube trying to meme instead of people discussing the time period in the game while playing like in the old-timey EU3 and Darkest Hour threads. Look at how these people perceive WWII after HOI4 got thorougly passed around by youtubers.

>anime avatar

Every time.

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not really
your brain just gives you excess stimulation from tile patterns and minimizing A-presses so you do that instead of trying to mate constantly

Just play rimworld, it's good enough until you get motivated enough to learn df

>that face
You can actually see the thin person inside that suit of fat.

I'm fairly certain people who play Crusader Kings would ironically wear a shirt that says "I've Never Seen A Vagina"

>and fivehead

What fucking brand of humor is this, you are either 15 or 50

Black Ops 2

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the combat, yes. everything else, no
maybe after mods actually but not vanilla

LMAO at the amount of cope in this post.

Mein [Spoiler]kraft[/Spoiler]

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>yfw nu-Yea Forums would rather play the latest goy wars game rather than a classic like Dwarf Fortress.
Oh how the times have changed.

She knew what she was doing

really makes you think

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The odd thing is that this is true. I have seen and known more people that were fucking spergs that have like 9999 hours of playtime in CoD and dont play anything else, you expect these people to play niche titles and low end stuff but its not the case, its the most surface level stuff, almost like its an effort to fit in by only caring about the thing that is popular.

I have too many games to play to deal with that. So she asks me to watch anime with her and i do.

I know what you mean. I think she legitimately likes those game though. Idk what kinda freak has like 2000 hours combined in all those paradox games, not even including total war and civ and those other games.

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It's true tho, women do prefer taller men.

le funny next leddit buzzword after autism.

Go jump in front of a car.
Your life is worthless

Its true though, but if you have money nothing else matters. If you are under 5' 8 you should just live in a cave or something, maybe a fat woman who has been used up will wander in there one day.

You're favorite game

Post games faggot OPs play

>any nintendo game

More than you, faggot

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>implying it's about height and frame
t.6'3 22" biacromial shoulder breadth
I mean I still go to the gym and get haircuts in order to better exert dominance over men but it's admittedly not all that useful if you're an ugly nigger. I'd still take a 5% increase in odds versus none I suppose, but then I'm a ruthless autist.

Judging by how the rest of the GSG community is im guessing she's probably a fucking psycho

Any competitive game, chads play on casual servers with micspam and custom maps

>muh lifting
women think you look gay



>Wife is currently playing CK2
>I'm playing Stellaris next to her

How about just fucking enjoy your damn games?

She's adorable.

You married an incel?

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>"Things People Lie About on Yea Forums for $100 Alex."

how many fucking sex do you have
that's right!!! 0 lol

CK2 was a game built for casuals though

She plays XIV too. So you're right.

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Dilate, then le epic kill urself, dood. 7

so the power...of pc....woah....

You're right on front, wrong on the other. It's not so much an approximation of coding as it is of operations management/production management. Took a class on the stuff when I was going to college and having played Factorio made it a breeze.

>he thinks biological girls play DF and CK2

The place where plains meet mountains really fucks with my brain.

Just imagine that the light shines from the bottom instead of the top.
