Battlestation thread
Battlestation thread
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For fuck's sake
god no
Just fuck off.
You have literally no reason to fucking post your PC tower and a monitor on your fucking nightstand and start a "battlestation thread"
No one anywhere needed to see this.
why do you keep your shit on the wall?
Reposting my sit/stand meme. I love it so far. Would recommend. You adjust to standing pretty quickly, and you feel like less of a lazy piece of shit
Comfy desu, but the lack of knee room would drive me crazy
did you nail everything to the wall?
What the fuck has social media done to humans? Do they really sit alone at home now posting images of a computer on a stand for strangers?
What are you talking about
Here before the autistic humble brag and the disgusting degenerate furry tranny.
Suggest me an extremely cheap but good mechanical keyboard, anons
>that pepe Gadsden flag
I want reddit to leave
Standing user, I want to convert to standing desk. My family's bad back is starting to catch up with me. I'm a little hesitant to bite the bullet on some desks cause they're like $1k. But would you recommend yours? I'd like it to be adjustable, and I'm a 6'5" lanklet with a pretty large need for deskspace.
>Hyper light drifter
I need to give that another playthrough. I love the visual style and the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful.
Please bully.
Pepe is from Yea Forums not reddit. We use pepe all the time.
This is the most reddit post I’ve seen in a long time. Time to go back.
Racecar bed?
>physical media
>watching utter SHIT anime
also living room stations are perpetually 1/10
Are you living in a prison?
When you take a photo and post from your phone, you need to edit it it order to post it vertically. Just crop it by a millimetre and resave it.
t. another phoneposter
That's a nice media collection you've got there, user
What is your PC propped up on ?
The only ones with battlestation in bedrooms is faggot live with parents
One of those tables that you use so you can prop a laptop up while lying in bed
I just bought one on sale for like $220. Brand is Flexispot. One of the more expensive ones abailable, but came with the frame only. Slap a cheap desktop on it and you're golden. I would absolutely recommend it, if you can find a similar one on sale. Don't fall for anything over $400, as those are just bait for wealthy hipsters.
It is one of my favorite games for those exact reasons. Also the lack of dialog makes the world much more interesting.
im imagining the look on your parents face when they hear japanese girl voices from your television.
does your father drink heavily?
the pic is sideways, thats the joke
Fucking end my misery.
>This nigga actually nailed all his shit to the wall
>in bedrooms
>being so underage you can only conceive of bedrooms and living rooms
Though, I suppose you aren't wrong. My own battlestation is in my office, and while the room doesn't have a bed and no one sleeps in it, it's still legally classified as a bedroom.
fuck all of you
Lil cramped, don't you think?
user I’m 35 and my dad is dead.
They never hated me watching anime, in fact my mom watch all of Escaflowne with me and love it and dad was a fan of cowboy bebop.
Office is for work not play though.
Looks nice and cool.
Amazing, thanks for the info! For attaching the desk tabletop, would I need a powerdrill, or does it come with anysort of generic clamp or bolt?
I can breathe in the asbestos just looking at that pic.
Fucking equatorfags
>Office is for work not play though.
okay then, here's my battlestation. forgive the really shitty lighting.
Not wrong. Gaming Pc go in entertainment room not office.
How'd you get everything on the wall like that?
have been wanting to get one of these sit stand desk legs but not sure how i'd go about doing cable management on it
thought there was a piss bottle from the thumbnail
I'm too poor to spend a few thousand on another PC just to fuck around on when I'm not working and another few hundred a month for a bigger place so I can similarly split my gunsmithing just because a manchild has stupid ideas
you're fucking retarded lmao
This picture has never been seen on the internet, I'd like to know more.
I've seen this image posted countless times.
It's a meme.
>old monitor
>old keyboard
>old tower
confirmed fake
Razer Ornata
The switches are plastic membrane but they're extremely good and satisfying.
Nice police hat.
Trying to hide your CP stash, officer?
idort masterrace reporting in
You sleep in your living room?
This one has a number of screws that you drill into the desktop. You could honestly do it with a properly sized screwdriver if you have a cheap particle board desktop, but it would take you a long time.
It's a little tough. This one came with a rack underneath to house the motor cables, and I use that to tie up my other cables. Not the prettiest, but it works quite well. I haven't even noticed they're there yet
good morning
Enjoy not being able to play any fucking games. The only games on Mac are borderlands and Valve games
You can tell who is fat just looking at some of these.
please resize your pictures. holy shit.
Are you really this fucking stupid?
Also I'm posting this one just to spite you.
This thread has incited phantom pains in limbs I didn't know I had.
list them, then
Every one with an anime figure. That's a red flag.
Jesus christ
>no, I sleep in a big bed with my wife
>outdated expensive hipster garbage
Oh good
This guy doesn't even hide it.
What makes you seethe about other people's vidya stations?
why don't you post more, people like you I feel extremely curious about the places they sit in all day.
Shit costed me literally $50.
>post more
post your battlestation*
Work should supply you with equipment.
Are you a midged op?
Why not just buy an actual drawer ? That looks ridiculous.
You paid too much.
Are you a woman?
As you can see its clearly a "womans" room, its called being creative sweety
I don't even want to imagine the amount of dust in that place
>my face
looks like mine when i was 14
standing chad i kind of wish i went this route
really weak. Dont post in these threads
zoomer garbage
pretty nice
I like your blinds
>reddit meme stickers
End yourself.
What a shit taste you have
i love how most of you guys shit on others when you dont even post your own setup
>based on the reddit flag
>has Reddit stickers
Fuck off
Best ones in the thread
At least I'm using two screens. Why would anyone in the modern day and time only use one screen.
Also I'm pretty sure that's a dinner table you have there
ALt tab user
What do you even need a second monitor for while playing video games?
I'm about to move, whats a good desk recommendation?
Maybe an L desk?
stay away from l shaped desks and corner cuck station desks
Uh, why not? It's just convenient
looks comfy
L desks give you bad posture and bad habits you don't want that.
Buy a regular I desk don't listen to the other fag. Simple, room to move to the sides, you don't need to complicate it.
Electric sit/stand frame as in If you don't like standing, then it can simply be used as an expensive and very sturdy normal desk, which you can be set to any height ideal for your body/chair configuration
58 euros. Pretty stylish and looks comfy
3 euros... What a steal
How do the Germans sustain themselves with these prices
There is some rich kike who will probably buy that garbage
>This bed
>hey bro just by this $65,000 desk while you're moving
i want to get rid of this l shaped desk but i feel like its really comfy why dont people use these?
>tw shit camera
ahah wow
The fact that someone “based” that room is proof that Yea Forums has fallen too far.
>drinking monster energy + coffee
living a healthy life I see
don't forget the smoke pack in the back
I see so many mac users here.
Never understood how someone could purchase such overpriced shit.
You are basically paying thousands for a plastic shell.
the thing with these aesthetic looking stations is that they look really nice and aesthetic, but in practice reaching to anything in that clutter is annoying and a fucking chore. Is that a UV light on the left? I need to get a plant on my desk
best ITT
where do your legs go?
That is my exact desk that I just sold off. Lasted me 5+ years but I really want to get back to just a long sturdy table desk. Having a hell of a time deciding.
>saw the perfect desk at a thrift store
>someone had already claimed it
>even if I find another one it will never look as aesthetically fitting or pleasing
I should have visited earlier, goddammit. Now I can't stop thinking about it.
Anybody got any experience with this? I'm probably overestimating how much two monitors plus a c clamp mount weigh.
Based Wall player
you are between 23 and 30
plays ARMA, EVE or MWO and WOW
likely German, nice setup
>plays ARMA, EVE or MWO and WOW
none of those
welp, people who use teamspeak often play those but a second look at the screenshot shows its not WOW after all
Would be 10/10 if the monitors were bigger.
I have a similar desk, no issues with 2 screens and a tower.
I should probably get a real desk some day
you stay in michigan?
a pic from when I lived at my parents house. probably around 2013-14
>zoomer garbage
Why, because of the LEDs?
these threads always cause me some secondhand embarrassment because you never really realize how fucking poor Yea Forums truly is
Most are just students or NEETs, so go figure.
Yeah, as a someone who has a good paying job, kids and a wife, I still sperg over 10k€ a year on hardware and games. No wonder threads are full of poorfag pirates. Fucking kids and unemployed.
They don't. L desks are objectively the best as you can get much better support for your hands and elbows if the desk is at correct height.
Old Apevia cases are peak soul.
jus took it
I enjoy video game.
thats either a really ugly res or youre zoomed 200% on your browser
2560x1080. Its ultrawide 21:9 ratio
woodcutting level?
>tfw retard station
I never play PC games so I never bothered to get a real PC and I used to take my thinkpad to work. Pretty much just play on my Vita or Switch lately.
I love the way this thing looks. How much did it cost you?
maybe you should have lurked more before replying you dumb nigger
where's the mousepad
I've always hated your setup just for the ugly ass Stranger Things BG you insist on using on every screen. Also the fact that you lie some of your manga on an angle, damaging the covers.
Ass Fortress 12 reporting in
Yeah I saw after I scrolled, my bad. Where'd you get it so cheap?
I can't believe Steel Peak is fucking dead
What's the white box on the left?
lmao, imagine living on the fucking wall
really nice desk and chair
Thinking about putting some backlighting behind the desk, haven't decided yet.
>Ryzen wallpaper
>shilling AMD shit to yourself
Same, monk just feels so weird now.
nigga is your desk up against a fucking door?
>paying hundreds of dollars to the jewish furniture industry to get a "proper drawer" when a bunch of recycled cardboard boxes can fill in the same exact role for literally $0
>this motherfucker made furniture out of a refrigerator box
I'm honestly impressed
nice physical copies
nice physical copies, shit PC
Nice physical copies
nice physical copies
everything else in this thread is garbage
Too much rain lately here
is that a lake right next to your house ??
I always think living close to a sizeable body of water is a dumb move
This was not me.
Nice Furrowfield. I kinda regret how I did mine by the end. Totally thought the town area itself was bigger.
nice mic and mixer, what do you do with it? also solve that cube
how much does a house like this cost
pretty cool, what state are you in?
oh so you live in the middle of a forest
Camera is shit
comfy and based
Bad lighting Ill do another one later
I need more shelves.
>he didnt fall for the furniture jew
Remnants of a podcast I used to record with friends. Now I just use them for voip and streaming. Sometimes record music with the mixer, but not often.
Nothing wrong with it. Cheap crap from ikea, for example, made from same cardboard. And you should sell kidney for armoire made from proper wood.
Tampa Bay Florida, Weather isn't bad for around 6 months but lately I been fixing up homes near me because of the constant Storms. I plan on doing a Catamaran Regatta in Davis Island sometime August 14th.
On 2nd Chapter now, Got sorta confused on how Villagers and Rooms interact in Isle of Awakening. Pretty neat game nonetheless.
best one in this thread
I don't 100% understand it myself, I'm at the second island right now. Sometimes those fuckers will use the buildings as normal and other times it will take like 5 days for them to plow the goddamn fields
I mean, if it does its job and you don't plan on ever having people over, it's literally the cheapest furniture you can get. Making a desk out of cardboard wouldn't work so well though unless it was a very sturdy box.
Reminder that multi-monitor setups are completely obsolete now with the advent of ultra-wide monitors.
multi monitors are far superior to ultrawide meme monitors
>not having both
only for games with ultra-wide support, if you want to shitpost while playing something in fullscreen multi-monitor setup is still the king
have sex
They store things in the community chest, putting a barn near it helps. Building the Restaurant and Petting Zoo was kinda of an eye opener. In Chapter 2 I'm unsure whether these rail carts work for the miners, they say having 2 lanes of Rail makes them work faster and stuff.
Enjoy your bezels
Not true. Even when a game doesn't support ultra-wide, you can still run the game at normal 16:9 borderless and then have the rest of your screen with other stuff you're doing up.
I have an ultrawide and a 16:9, it's ideal for gaming while shitposting.
Looks very uncomfortable.
yes you CAN run 16:9 borderless on ultra-wide and have other shit open in same monitor, it's just not ideal and most likely will get annoying if you're playing a game without borderless support and have to use separate software to force it to borderless or mod it.
Battlestation threads have been around for forever newfag
where in the world do you live user? looks like some place in the caribbean.
cute kot
Using extra software is braindead simple and not a pain at all. It's absolutely worth the versatility of being able to use a larger screen space for multitasking AND for games that support ultra-wide. Whereas multi-monitor, you can only really multitask because multi-monitor games look retarded unless it's racing
Learn to read
>vizio tv
based, using one as my main monitor right now
Done user
This is actual bullshit. I tried running only a single ultrawide and while it's great for coding, it's terrible for doing anything else while gaming. Even in 16:9 borderless, you get just enough room to run windows calculator in the space that's left over.
shit, forgot the pic
>go to all the trouble to build a clean battlestation and clean, well ventilated case
>let your cat sleep on it and fill it with hair/dander constantly
Why is your station on the wall? Have you no respect for gravity?
WHERE did you get the Squidward painting thing
i try
OP pic will probably be my setup when i move into campus in a month unless I get lucky and they give me a room with extra space for a desk
>wearing shoes inside the house
put on your glasses next time maybe the picture won't be so blurry
what's up with all the retards responding to this like it's your main station?
nice retro setup.
>utter SHIT anime
You take that back, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
lol nice you actually did it. took you a while though hehe
you would if there's a leak that the owners have been trying to fix.the whole carpet is fucked.
hehe, wanna meet up some time? haha
>squidward painting
10/10 and kino
>pepe meme snake
beyond cringe, please take that down and burn it
>figure from dragon tales of all fucking things
also, nice plastic guitar, you any good?
I need to zoom 125-150% to see the text and I have regular old 1920x1080
>mouse and keyboard position in relation to monitor
what the fuck are you doing user?
Here's your setup bro
Did coffee seep into your screen?
This is exactly the kind of people I imagine being on Yea Forums.
what's the small monitor on the left?
wallpaper pls
average. been practicing alot lately.
dragon tales is og by the way.
Its f.lux
program that makes your screen backlight yellow. To prevent eyestrain.
There's your problem in the first place.
It's nasty as fuck, even without leaks.
Looks like one of those miniature portable aircon units which barely work
not my floor to go and start ripping it out.
Bought used one for pennies
it looks similar enough to my e176fp, which is a bit smaller and vga only but same resolution and somehow natively supports 75hz
4:3 is comfy
>4:3 is comfy
It is. I could get a full size monitor but I felt like secondary one has to be smaller for aesthetic reasons
hey we have the same left wallpaper ! Mind sharing the one from the right ? It's super comfy
Link to wallpapers or artist?
To wallpapers if possible ? (And if you have name of the artist, I could use it)
tineye/saucenao/yandex reverse aren't giving me shit sadly
posting the other one right afterward
Mine isn't ready yet, so I'll post imouto's.
fuck's sake, user
maybe someone who speaks japanese could conduct a pixiv search
or if there is a pixiv-specific reverse search tool I'm not aware of that might work too
>that pepe
bold and brash!
What a chad cat
Nice artic air cooler, I have two.
Thanks a lot user !
This is for the second one
It's just Yea Forums still being retarded and not parsing JPEG orientation tag. Your phone (or even SLR) save the photo as taken and add an orientation tag in the metadata of the file. Yea Forums doesn't parse that while 99% of imageviewing software do, so the photo appear sideways.
Why are there two keyboards?
Do you practice squats with that bottle?
>None of them feature Dante
>Sleeping with a GPU
Shut up lol!
>that trusty can of WD40
will you forget your name if you don't have it displayed over your head lol
Stop being pussies and start showing your face and explain your setup. Here’s mine. Rate, no hate
So I can get robbed by niggers?
>showing your real face on the internet, ESPECIALLY on Yea Forums
I think not, serial killer
thats not you fagget
just get a v for vendetta mask so you can be a l'ebin 4channeler
Or have pizzas delivered to my house by Yea Forums niggers?
Nothing to write home about
this threasd make me wish i wasnt born in a third world shithole
How are your hands not cramped up from that keyboard?
What? All posted pictures are from people living in poverty. Not a single first world country picture.
I guess when I usually play games, I push the keyboard all the way to the monitor base and have it on the side like those CS:GO fags
Yup. I’m not rich but I saved up my money to get what I want. It’s not hard.
you have literally no room for your mouse to move around
Fair, whenever I've needed to use those I fuck up typing more than I'd like to admit.
It's bassicly a humidifier, it can't actually cool the room.
If it's like that I usually don't need to type. Also nice microphone, I have the same one in my picture. Really worth it's price for the quality.
These things are the best
Thanks I got it as a gift and it surprisingly has really good quality/input control.
Think so? I've never had that problem before.
What do you use the Pi for?
Suck my dick meowie.
any girl's battlestation?
Meowie be my friend
pure onions
Go outside user
Oh ok
Need to take a fresh pic of my PC setup
>that little bit of light that leaks out the top of the window
fucking disgusting bro
>Pepe poster
>Racing car bed
>Gamer chair
>Anime wallpaper, hentai mousepad
I always fucking get stuck with the seat closest to the wall and can never see the god damn TV
those last 2 seats would be purely for napping
if i owned that couch
>Monkey Island cover in a fame
I know this feeling, happened to me this tuesday. The worst thing is that I didn't bought it because it was way too expensive. Or at least, 180 bucks seems too expensive to me.
atrocious cable management
my back hurts just by watching at it. Also dont harm the monitor using it as the headset dock.
He be playing the master race.
> all these setups with razer bling
are you all 12 years of age or something
>chinese toy
>chinese buttplug
>old reddit meme wallpaper
>memester energy drink
I guess the viral advertising worked
Damn bro 3 onaholes?
Ain't that a cute lil' keyboard.
Gotta get better curtains
Most I ever have watching tv is 3 people. Think the far seat has never been sat in
What specs user? I have a case that looks super similar but is like 12+ years old? Bu I have a slightly newer system in it, an X5670 6 core 12 thread @ 4.4Ghz.
Plex player for my mom so she can stream from my Plex server.
Is that a buttplug with poo on it?
What speakers
I don't know how people put up with setups like this.
Get a desk, any kind of desk.
You'll thank yourself later.
Jamo S803
>not 16:9 main with secondary vertical 4:3 for internet browsing
I would never go back, just being able to use websites with no white space is great
Wait, that's not seriously a...
>What do you even need a second monitor for while playing video games?
Need is a strong word, but it's nice to have a news feed, chat window, podcast, or movie open on one screen while you're doing something else. Also, while beyond the scope of Yea Forums and more into /g/ having a second screen is really useful if you use your system for anything productive.
i like the koala
>not using the trackpoint to aim
almost a real boomer
Picking between the Aeron and a Leap V2 for my chair. Leaning towards the leap
>racecae bed
I really thought that was just a simpsons meme.
>drug needles in the bg.
Have fun with the cops. You forgot to remove gps coordinates from the metadata.
i am most definately sitting more comfortable than you right now, considering all your butthurt.
fuck off, the monitor is not going to take damage from the fucking pillows in the ear cups
wtf lad.
Butts have poop in them.
oh lawd
you feeling ok?
imagine being into anal and not only not cleaning your toys, but allowing the festering shit to rot next to your PC
just feels weird not having it there when everyone else's is there
Fuck yeah
>still into MLP post season 3 finale
For what reason?
God I wish that were me
pure cringe
How are those Spectre monitors?
That's pretty smart, propping the keyboard against the bed so that it doesn't fall down. But what's stopping your chair from falling off the wall?
>gamecube controller
I think he nailed it down.
Can you even be considered a real person anymore? You're just a caricature of a meme obsessed manchild.
>Mirrored image
Simple but gets the job done.
It's funny how I know it's the Tampa area because of that pic and the weather comment.
Seriously though, the rain this summer's been absurd you live in Pinellas? looks very close
my station i dont really bother with anymore
I saw a super fat guy in a v mask sucking tranny dick once. I'll never be able to disassociate that mask from that scene now.
Dollars to donuts it was a b/tard.
Can't dude. No space.
best one ive ever seen for sure, and yeah, its mainly cause of jane doe
That looks very nice, user
brockhampton is good
So did all you dumb niggers that bought those microphones think you'd be the next big streamer or something?
It's name is sad-frog, you insufferable new-fag.
Im trying really hard to achieve cozy.
I got some black and white photos of my grandfather and the first truck he bought and i got photos of me after i bought my first truck i think im going to buy nice frames and put them on the corner wall above my computer.
Any other suggestions you guys may have would be great!!!!
holy fuck rip your vision
Enjoy having trouble falling asleep because your brain associates your bedroom with computer time. Your bedroom is for two things, sleeping and fucking. But don't take my word for it, read a fucking scholarly article about it and educate yourself.
I guess NPCs exist in all social circles...
a microphone arm is more of a thing of convenience/space saving and can be found for pretty cheap. a pop filter is even cheaper and can vastly improve any mic you put it on. definitely not some streamer thing.
im trying so hard to imagine if this misbegotten creature lives by himself or with his parents and what people who go into his room think.
even if being "ironic" about this there is such a thing as going too far.
It's not much but i like it.
I don't give a fuck, this is based and funny as shit. Whoever this is knows how to bridge the line of ironic culture and obviously fucks semi frequently with women who ask for seconds after seeing the bed
your desk fell over haha
How do you sit with your chair on the wall?
The wires holding the chair together
lmao, Steve is still stuck at grinding POTD
any figgybros here
>names of the keys taped onto said keys
pleb but good luck learnan guitaranon
no only you, you fucking manchild
>PS2 collection
Based, I'll post mine in a second
I think you'd have to be legally gay to not like pandas.
I used to have that chair, but it started to creak like crazy every time I sat in it. started doing it like 2 months in and I had to get rid of it because the noise was driving me nuts. I'm not even overweight either, I'm skelly
Just got all my lights set up
not gonna lie that's a pretty cool clock
this picture gets funnier the longer i look at it
>watching "anime moments" compliations
based mars space station time traveler from 2236 poster
Setup for two. Room of shame 1/2
LOL i have had mine there, and it's doing the same thing...
the mouse pad
>Racecar bed
look at all that room for the mouse to move around. also makes sense since you homos play overwatch
We do but Overwatch is a corpse that we keep going back to fuck, no matter how bad it is for our health. The plug needs to be pulled
based Nyo
>tfw too poor to get a proper table made out of actual wood
it's a shame, those la-z-boy chairs are really comfortable but built like shit.
Please share that wp
>This setup is bold and brash
More like belongs in the trash
I play on laptop too but I'm also left handed so it's like 2x the ass
I need to update, put some shelves up. Still unpacking though.
>King of the Hill
I know we're not on Yea Forums but I have to let you know you have great taste
Ok, please buy a desk and move your PC inwards against the wall, you fucking heathen.
honestly the most disturbing part is the billie eilish computer screen
New house?
ye, still getting all the little projects done
Your dog wants to eat your food.
bojangles is bad enough for me, let alone the dogloaf
Why can I hear a geiger counter at the start of the video?
His lives in Chernobyl
dat paper weegee
It really did, I never drank monster before that boomer meme and now I drink four cans a day
I'm wearing a Twin Fantasies hat right now. Good taste. Saw him live recently and it was incredible.
if the lights are dimmable, 10/10
Is that a voopoo drag 2 you fucking faggot? I just upgraded from the first to the 2, thought the display was shit quality cause it scratched easy then I realized it still had the plastic on it.
Also what tank is that? Looks like a mesh pro but they all look the same.
they're not dimmable but there's bright blue lights and 3 dim yellow light switches so I can make the room pretty dim if I want
thank you user
I got that same desk for $80 at staples, but I NEVER folded mine in.
That desk was fucking fantastic for the price, plenty of room and multiple surfaces. Optional L-shape. Only issue I had was not using a coaster for so long bubbled up the cheap material on one part.
OP here. Sorry I messed up the picture, I didn't expect this thread to get so many replies.