>No Metroid thread
Metroid thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>No Metroid 5 at e3
>Prime 4 still in early development
When will it end bros?
I believe development team has vapor for brains.
Retro will pull through!
They're probably reusing the assets from the canceled version, unless Samus's model was just that shitty.
From scratch means from scratch. I still find it funny that Nintendo thought that a studio in Singapore could even make a good metroid game.
>Metroid game after Super
>supee missiles and power bombs
>speed booster
Can't they invent something original? I don't mind having these but I'd like some new toys to play with.
Yet somehow spaniards failed to remake Metroid 2 and ruined its atmosphere.
I believe any country could make a Metroid if "Fangame the country" failed to do so properly.
>metroid thread
oh shit, im sorry
You mean 2D Metroid, obviously.
In that you're right, all Fusion added was ice missiles, I can't believe they only added an ice beam replacement, why not a cool counterpart to the Grapple Beam or Spider ball? Something for utility before the screwattack, ya know?
3D too if we count some shitty one dollar game where you don't even explore to find the upgrades.
I keep hearing that Metroid 5 is a shoe in, but I've seen nothing to confirm anything.
Is everybody just deciding they're Mike Brown now?
Just four more years until Prime 4!
It certainly is quite the popular opinion nowadays
My favorite part of Other M was when Hitler and Stalin buttfucked each other while George W Bush farted on both of their faces.
Im not gonna make it, bro...
Just let the franchise die already.
Not yet, just one more.
that honestly would be better than the Other M we actually got
Why is his thumb so small?
Well you see Metroid was born with a deformee body.
Okay now you're just being deranged and you know it.
I hate Super Mario Galaxy 2 but I'd never want Hitler Osama G.Bush and Stalin to all fart in it.
Metroid 5 will be announced either a The Game Awards this year or sometime next year.
That's your fault for not reading any of Sakamoto's interviews and ignoring the leaks.
Well, Samus Returns did introduce Aeion Abilities.
Oh yeah, the beam barrage one was actually pretty cool, the witchtime type ability too.
The defense was okay, nothing crazy but okay. Now, if only the sound design for Samus Return didn't suck balls, maybe I'd remember.
>No online multiplayer despite Sylux probably coming back
>Probably no mention of the other hunters either
Why, bros?
We need Prime Hunters HD.
I'd rather see a reboot. The multiplayer was fun but the singleplayer was dire.
>tiny planets
>only powerups were beams that let you open different coloured doors, half of which are impractical to use for general exploration
>only 4 bosses in the whole game, 2 of which are the final boss
The hunters are bosses, and they're pretty fun.
>that cutscene with the GF troops getting shat on by the ing
>having to fight their lifeless corpses right after
Prime 2 was easily the best in terms of atmosphere and seclusion
Plus the Luminoth remind me of Hollow Knight
Hunters was kino, but did anyone play the Echoes multiplayer? Was actually fun af
Still waiting on the Battlefront inspired game between the Galactic Federation and Pirates/Ing/Luminoth/etc
>all the luminoth are in stasis with only 1 guardian to protect them as they wait for a miracle
Somber stuff
I think im glad metroid prime 4 got so delayed. the switch is a such a shitty piece of hardware that Id rather just wait for the next console entirely.
What im not happy about is that there no trilogy port just to tie us over. Prime trilogy isn't accessible unless you emulate since its so god damn expensive to buy. the switch can handle a gamecube game, surely.
How do you handle Prime 3's control scheme on Switch
post samus lewds
Fuck off
I don't see how you can't just use 2 control sticks as modern fps games do.
even prime 1 and 2's control schemes can allow you to move your camera at an object, but the only example I can think of is locking on in prime 3 with the xray visor and hitting a weakspot.
Why not lock on with L, you can still walk around with the right stick to kite enemies but the camera perspective is still fixed on the enemy and the xray window is still centered, then from there you just guide aiming reticle with the left stick to the weak point.
If you are asking about the motion controls like pulling and pushing levers, that shit wasn't fun anyway. Just make it a button press like prime 1 and 2 grapple beam. done.
dont be fucking cancer and try to talk about video games
Hunters 2 with Rundas, Gandrayda, Ghor, and Dark Samus when
I loved Metroid Prime hunters, I am ashamed to admit but it was my first Metroid game, I had played as Samus in smash but never understood the appeal of that "orange robot football player" until I played the Prime Hunters demo pack-in with the launch DS, I was blown away by playing a 3D FPS on a handheld, so I new I had to beat the game. After I completed it, I was so thirsty for more Metroid that I went out and got a Wii with used Prime 1 and Prime 2 and a shitty Madcatz controller that broke nearly immediately. As you can imagine I became a lifelong fan, played all the 2D games as well and I'm way too impatient waiting for a new game. I've played every Metroid title multiple times now, except Hunters due to the tiny ass screen and my touch screen is so scratched it feels like sandpaper. I would play it again if they ported it in HD to something.
I still want to see it on the switch, I already bought a motherfucking Wii U hoping for a new Metroid game and spent years waiting for dick all, I would have completely skipped over that console if I had known. I bought a Switch for the same reason, if Nintendo blue balls me one more fucking time I am going to lose it. Worst case scenario they could do a Breath of the Wild where it runs on the Switch, but their newer console runs it better. I want 60 FPS or I'm going to be pissy.
>I am ashamed to admit but it was my first Metroid game
I only fell in love with metroid because my best friend who was obsessed with halo wanted to 1v1 in prime 2's shitty multiplayer. I asked him what the single player was like and he said I would hate it because you get lost.
I thought the WiiU ran botw better, the switch dropped frame rate plenty of times when I played
based anons keeping the thread clean from waifuposting and acfag
it's one dumbass spreading this shit
When will you learn to shine spark, bros?
Finished Prime 3 today. It was fucking shit.
>When will you learn to shine spark, bros?
when I can find a way to expose myself to Getter Rays
i liked it
What are some good romhacks?
Honestly the only romhack I liked was Hyper Metroid
I expect Metroid 5 in a future direct, possibly the next one. That E3 leak containing it got almost literally everything correct (I think the only thing that it outright got wrong was the Warioware reveal) and it didn't actually say Metroid 5 would be revealed at E3, just that it was in development.
>game gives you screw attack midway through the game instead of right at the very end
>the rest of the game is small rooms, tight corridors and gaps much too large to screw attack across
I like redesign.
so little garden is interesting.
I finished Prime on the GameCube a week ago and it was an amazing experience, I never thought it could be that fun.
Should I play Prime 2 on the GC or the Wii though?
either works, probably wii so you can enjoy the combat more though
Really? Why would be the combat different on the Wii?
Wii controls let you aim and strafe simultaneously.
Gamecube. It's more of the same, but better.
They're the ones that always bring him here, they're no different from the furfags in Halo threads.
All right, I'll download it just in case.
Why more?
You barely use most of Prime 3's powerups since most of them are extremely context specific and are worse than the default Hyper Beam in every other situation. The Hyper Grapple is surprisingly not one of them, as it can vent out phazon during Phaaze which is really important.
Ship Missiles? Barely use them.
Ship Grapple? Four instances where it's used, then never again.
Hyper Missiles? Rate of fire is too slow and phazon usage is too high to use them consistently unless you need a quick hit.
Hazard Shield? Barely used unless you go for 100%.
Hyper Ball? Is too weak and outclassed by Hyper Beam.
hyper missiles are good for dumping a lot of phazon if you're close to corruption but yeah
I think the Hyper Missiles should have used less phazon but 5 missiles like the Super Missiles did. Would make those missile expansions more useful since you barely use missiles in Prime 3.
Also unpopular opinion, Samus Returns is one of my favourite Metroid games, and has the best Grapple Beam usage too. I don't even like the Grapple Beam much so I groaned when I saw it in a screenshot, but when I played the game I really liked it.
Does anyone have the Peruvian comic this comes from/
Ship missiles shouldn't exist.
>We got the hyper ball and not the power bomb
I@m till mad
Same with the beams stacking in 3 as well
Metroid Prime 3 was released on August 27, 2007.
If Samus did somehow get into a relationship with someone. I think she would be over protective due to her history or a bit aloof and distant incase the worst happens