This may be the worse place to talk about video games I've ever witnessed. I'm convinced that none of you actually like video games.
Yea Forums - Video Games
Probably. But you'll never get a dishonest comment from here.
that's not true
I played some rhapsody the other day
I wanna fuck kururu
>But you'll never get a dishonest comment from here.
Why would anyone with any semblance of taste like modern video games? Every game made on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters, vidya is dead. Anyone who can’t enjoy vidya anymore should just be happy about the fact that they at least have some taste.
Yea Forums is just resetra
There's literally tons of great discussion threads on all kinds of vidya all the fucking time here.
You just don't play any good video games so you end up in shit threads.
Fuck off
This. I wish that anyone retarded enough to enjoy modern vidya would just be killed off.
I don't even like myself
Some indie games were made akin to old games - like underrail for example.
good job posting the same exact observation that's been made for at least a decade now, newfag
>playing indieshit
Kill yourself.
First of all: No.
Second of all, what are you doing on a vidya-discussing board you trashbag then?
Why are you eating shit, zoomer faggot? Don’t know any better because you’ve never eaten anything else but shit?
Are you really this bored user...c'mon.
I know it's summertime and all so you got all the time in the world but is this how you want to spend it?
Shit talking random people for no reason?
That's the point dickhead. We all know vidya is a shit hobby, that's why the most fun here involves spontaneous off topic material.
Jesus Christ the zoomer influx these days is insane
I'm over 30, and if you think screeching about shit makes you sound sophisticated and having well developed taste, you are sorely mistaken.
zoom zoom zoom
im sickened but curious
I don't even play vidya, i just post here to redpill people
> le epik zoomer meme xDdXdXd
Thats because theres too many faggots here saying that Persona 5 sucks
Kill yourself, underaged faggot.
Do you honestly think a single person has taken what you've said seriously at all and not just thought you were fucking retarded?
> projecting this hard
>going to Yea Forums to talk about videogames
Because jannies/mods/chinkmoot don't give a fuck as long as trafic is high. It's pretty fucking obvious a select few publishers have paid hiroshima to shill here without repercussions.
Yea Forums has always been this way pic related
also 3/10