Both look worse than pc
those trees in the distance look straight out of mario 64. Nintendo keeps doing this because their undiscerning fans let them. They will never stop lapping up whatever low effort garbage nintendo decides to shit out.
This. You are fighting over second place.
if you cared this much about how it ran and looked you would play it on pc
Super seething Snoyboi can't cope lmao
Fancy graphics are a detriment to gameplay. They take up precious processing power that can go toward making the game itself better. This arms race of more detailed photo realistic graphics are why games are becoming more and more expensive and declining in quality. We've reached the point of diminishing returns. We should settle for less because it means we gain so much more.
Did anyone actually say this?
Genuine question
Japs wont give a fuck that's the problem.
Nope, the snoinyggers are just having their daily meltdown.
>Fancy graphics are a detriment to gameplay.
that's some next level cope
No one. Most previewers basically bitch about the graphics before they go on to praising all the extra content.
Fancy graphics. The switch cant even run Builders 2 at 30 fps ffs.
I saw lot of resetsoy said no downgrade when first trailer revealed
He isn't entirely wrong in that, however just because one version of the game comes with worse graphics doesn't mean its devs put the effort somewhere else.
yeah, the switch trades power for portability... don't you guys get this? do you not leave the house?
Only snoyfags are acting like people said this. They're delusional. Everyone has said the graphics have been downgraded but the Switch version is superior because of extra content, patches and fixes. But snoyfags prefer graphics over gameplay.
I sure will miss that slightly more grass. That's gonna really bring down the gameplay.
If you are rational, you expected this. OP is just dunking on retards who acted like there was no downgrade
No, OP even admitted sometime ago that he is just a graphic whore and the thread gives enough You's everytime to keep posting it.
If he would genuinely care, he wouldn't post such shitty comparisons each time (like standing still vs running on the field)
Nobody is saying there isn't a downgrade. There saying it's not as drastic as you fanboys are making it out to be.
Compare DQ 8 on console to the handheld version and then take another look at he console to handheld version of 11. It's barely anything.
But I'm trying to be dramatic and offended like my favorite twitter bitches!
Yeah I have it on PlayStation 4 and it doesn't look like a big deal of a downgrade. No one was ever pretending they were exactly the same.
I might double dip. I don't know yet.
I assume it's the same dude spamming the fake images of XBC2 with ridiculously blurry textures
He argued that he was just posting facts and there was no way around it, until I posted a new screenshot from my own game showing that his was fake. He never responded.
>Direct feed vs Youtube compressed image
Why do people reply to these threads seriously?
what do snoygers even do in those games? walk around?
Dragon Quest 11 is a 120~ hour game. No one is going to play it again just for different music roughly 10 hours of flashback missions.
>all of them caused because youtube
Tablet-Tier CPUs are a detriment to gameplay. You can't run good AI or increase game complexity with a strong GPU but anemic CPU.
>defending performance that would be embarrassing on the fucking dreamcast because lol it's grass n sheeit
I know. I cant be arsed anyway. I played it on pc where the music wasn't even a problem.
>Extra content 30$
What do you mean?
>The switch cant even run Builders 2 at 30 fps ffs.
Meanwhile on 4K PS4 Pro...
Neither can the PS4 Pro
I don't think anyone argues that there are any cutbacks to the game on Switch, but I mean, you are using a compressed YouTube capture of Switch footage so I mean, even if it was exactly the same as the PC/PS4 version it'd look worse thanks to the compression.
Regardless, downgrades are inevitable for a portable/hybrid running on a mobile chipset. How come nobody complained about downgrades when Vita got versions of PS3/PS4 titles?
To be fair, neither can the PS4 Pro.
But having sub 30fps on a PS4 is cinematic, therefore its okay!
what extra content does the switch one has over the PC ?
New quests, 2D mode from the 3DS version, orchestrated soundtrack, various quality of life changes, etc.
Wait, so the game just had shit performance all around?
Its funny ninty always say "power is not matter!" but they clearly want high-end console when rumor of the new generation begins like "WiiU will be X times more powerful than PS3/360!!!"
I'm so fucking sick of seeing this excuse come up half of the time. Shitty Youtube res doesn't make blades of grass disappear, or the grass around the tree on the left vanish, or the detail in the distant trees go away.
After all this, they should've just gone full balls to the walls and added the 3DS 3D graphics. I actually prefer how that looks over the PS4 ones.
The 3DS versions of VIII and VII were the superior versions due to content, not graphics. And it seems the same is the case for XI.
Yea Forums isn't even interested in this game though and just want to vomit more console war garbage.
>various quality of life changes,
You mean Casualizing?
What does the Bank have purpose when i can load from the last checkpoint anyway?
First of all the game has no ps4 pro features so that's moot. Second that's an online multiplayer mode autism town and not the main game. If that's digital foundry I hope they explained all that or are they complete fucking shills at this point.
>blades of grass dissapear
>grass is gone around tree
>details of distant trees go away
oh my how will i ever play a game without my precious GRASS
>The game was graphically downgraded
>No it wasn't... You're thinking it was but it wasn't.
>Yes it was, here's the proof
That is not what I initially said at all. I admitted that it the graphics were downgraded from the other versions, but like, who the actual fuck cares about how many grass blades there are on the ground?
The absolute state of Snoybois.
>graphix brainlets
I'll get the version with all the content, thanks. Enjoy your slightly prettier incomplete game.
I never really understood the fight over graphics and orchestra music in Dragon Quest. The series has a basic formula and is more fairy stories than opera.
You faggot defended Spider Man when they removed puddles and downgraded the graphics, yet you also believe that how many blades grass has will make or break a game?
DESU if DQXIS was just the base game with the orchestral ost it would already be sidegrade.
Builders 2 has a terrible engine. This doesn't mean shit. I ain't even a Sony Pony. The engine is just literally garbage.