Xenoblade Chronicles 2

It's grindy as shit
It's filled with half-baked ideas that go no where
The whole system for acquiring blades is fucked beyond repair
The cutscenes can drag on way too long
The english voices, while fine, are poorly synched and often don't match the tone of the scene.
Battles are near indecipherable with all the god damned battle dialog from anywhere between 6 to 12 people talking at a time.
Hell, you can't even give proper commands to your party members anymore; that was shit they cut from the fucking first game.
Fuck, you can't even do a fucking Chain Attack until chapter fucking 3.
And yet despite all that, I still ended up loving it. I played and finished it at release, and I couldn't really put to words how I felt about it then. Now that I've finished my first playthrough since release, I feel like I can comfortably say that I love it despite the massive flaws.
Anyways, just wanted to vent a bit; Xenoblade Chronicles 2 thread if anyone wants one.

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Also, is Torna any good? I've already bought it, but if it's more of the same then I may wait a month of two before I give it a go.

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Ricky > Tora

You'll find no arguments from me

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I liked it

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And for additional controversy:

I still think XBC2 is the weakest of the Xenoblade games. XBC1 is nearly perfectly paced for a 90 hour game, and XBCX is wildly ambitious for a JRPG.

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Cringe. Imagine enjoying Neptunia tier weebshit unironically

I don't need to imagine

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It's good.

>The blade system is kino perfection only disliked by OCD no-lifers who need to 100% video games to feel fullfilled
>The combat is the best the JRPG genre has ever seen (and probably will ever see)
>Music is God-tier. No explanation needed.
>Exploration is comfy as fuck
>Characters are comfy as fuck
>Locations are comfy as fuck

It's the perfect JRPG, unlike that vile trash Persona 5 which ruined my (previously) favorite franchise. Fuck Hashino, I hope he dies in a fire yesterday!

>It's grindy as shit
That was enough to make me stop reading and know you didn't play the game, you can skip every encounter in the game and be at a good enough level difference to win every boss fight.
Also best JRPG of this generation.

I agree with you entirely, OP.
I love the game to death and yet I still wonder what it would've ended up like with a full development staff and another 6 months of development time.
Torna isn't without its own issues and the story is somewhat hamstrung by (among other things) its nature as a standalone DLC that was advertised as a starting point for players who didn't play XB2, but it's good anyways. Has quite a few handy QOL changes.

I just assumed he was talking about the grindiness of the side content.

Nah, X is still the weakest. All this world building is nice but the plot doesn't live up to what it could be.
It also has the weakest soundtrack out of all of them.

Perhaps grindy was a poor choice since most use it to refer to grinding levels; I was referring to grinding for materials for quests or other side content. In XBC1 and X you grinded materials as you explored, but in 2 it's easier to simply farm one spot for materials.

>I still wonder what it would've ended up like with a full development staff and another 6 months of development time.
That's half the reason I'm so soft on most of it's flaws.
And thanks for the info on Torna, I'll give it a shot in a few weeks.

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IMO XBC2 has the worst soundtrack of the three; Half of them are great, and the other half just sound like discount versions of songs from XBC1. Also, I wasn't a huge fan of themes like Tantal day or Mor Ardain. They're good tunes, but I felt like they were a bit too action packed for field themes.

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>grindy as shit
You don't know what grindy is.

Is this one censored too? I know nothing.

And yet for all it’s flaws it’s one of the most enjoyable JRPGs in the past few years.

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And you do?
Yeah, Tora had a scene where he tore off his head in front of Poppi, but they changed that heart-to-heart into Blushy Crushy maid mode.

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There's a little bit of text censorship in the localization, but nothing huge. All the visuals are unchanged.

Send Tora body back to Torigoth...

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Why does he ask them to send his body to Torigoth when he's actually from Mor Ardain?

Mor Ardain doesn't have those tasty sausages.

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I agree with all of this. I am in chapter 4 currently (I think anyway) and while I like the game, the first was better.
It also feels like a lot of work with all these different blades, their own progress trees and the sidequests all being so fucking bad.

Also to add to this post, I hope Monolith doesn't get shafted again with XB3. Probably not with how big they've gotten now.

Tora a cute no homo

How's he going to eat the sausages when he's dead? I'm beginning to think Tora hasn't thought this through.

Home is where the heart is, and Tora's heart consists of Poppi and Tasty Sausage.

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I hate that it was rushed for 2017 when production was already so limited. Alrest deserved so much better.

you don't need to grind at all to complete the story, it's significantly less grindy than 1 or X were unless you're trying to max poppi or get all blades
>blade system is fucked
not really, it's not optimal but it takes maybe 3-4 hours postgame to get all of the gachablades using optimal strats
>cutscenes drag
yeah but it's a JRPG, what did you expect?
>english voices
NOT FUCKING FINE. Terrible fucking dub compared to 1
>battles indecipherable
yeah but it's a JRPG, what did you expect?

The biggest thing that you're 100% right on is gating the things that actually make the combat interesting, Torna does a wayyyyy better job at letting you actually play the game at a reasonable pace, you can do driver combos immediately and have access to chain attack the second you get your full party.

And then Torna’s combat ends up being entirely braindead. When will MonolithSoft learn to balance their shit?

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>X has the weakest OST
pleb detected

Mor Ardain theme wasn't really action packed, it just sounded adventurous, and the Tantal theme makes sense in the context of you having to rescue Genbu under a fake time constraint as the main thing you do there. 1 has some great tracks but it also has a ton of very mediocre ones while 2 doesn't have any especially bad tracks. X has the highest peaks and the lowest lows (NLA night being the only actually 100% terrible theme in X but also being the worst theme in the franchise)

Yeah the automatic orb mastery was a bit much unfortunately. It's close to a great system though,

I want to ride this unicorn.

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>the other half just sound like discount versions of songs from XBC1
Which ones do you have in mind?

I feel you on most of these issues
But fuck me, why do I like this game so much. It gave me the same sense of being on an adventure as some of the mid-range FF games and my first couple of DQ games.

Riki is the definition of pointless comic relief character.

Good taste OP, this is pretty much my opinion of literally every Monolith game outside of maybe XS3 and XB1, which are relatively good all around.
Baten Kaitos Origins for example has some cliche elements and budget presentation but at the same time has a god tier soundtrack and one of the most legitimately fun battle systems in any JRPG.

You can't even spell his name right.
But whatever, as long as we agree that shit > Tatsu

I always find myself zigzagging around saying "x is best" or "y is worst" when it comes to this series, but honestly after replaying them all I really do think they're equal.
One of Xenoblade's strongest aspects is how radically different each entry is. All three games have a completely different tone and style that really helps them stand out.

X's OST is god tier overall but still the weakest. It's just that 1 and 2 have such kino music, its not really a fair comparison.
X has the most unique soundtrack at least, and I think THEMEX is the best main theme in the series.

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someone is making a (SFW) double doujin of her where the difference is what name rex choose to call her.


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I like this artsyle, she looks like she made of cake.

Agreed, has many flaws but somehow still an awesome game, not entirely sure how it pulls it off

>grindy as shit
? Did you grind outside of tiger tiger?

Riki is the weird comic relief trope where he's a mascot but is also much wiser than his surface level antics let on. Remember the scene on fallen arm where he says he's too tired to go on because he sees that Melia is pushing herself too hard, then has a late night conversation with the other chad dad party member?

Riki is a more interesting character than either Tora or Tatsu, with Tora being a "let's poke fun at ourselves and our audience of otaku losers" character and Tatsu being Xenoblade's Jar Jar Binks.

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That one scene isn’t nearly enough characterisation imo. Felt like a cheap one off that plays off his "older than he seems gimmick" that is more apparent in japanese.