Fucking hell...

Fucking hell, what's so good about this game where you can't aim properly and not even kill people with direct hit of grenade, yet they can spam it and make it curve to your position?

Attached: bullshit.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>clear sky

do i buy tarkov or mordhau or dayz

Tarkov, it's miles better to play than Clear Sky.
But I would either get Stalker SoC or CoP.

>Clear Sky
Myдилo, блядь.
Actually, I liked it in concept.
But they fucked it up, so grenades thrown by enemies spawn exactly at your coordinates, and enemies have invincibility when you damage them and cause stagger animation.
Also, grenade in the screencap is defensive, so range>damage. Use F5, it has damage>range.
Else play SoC with AMK or CoP, they are better (not as retarded).

lol, do yourself a favor and download anomaly

please tell me you didn't start with clear shit

>what's so good about this game
It was one of the first few open world looter shooters. It's like complaining HL1 is not fun in 2019 anymore.

Attached: shrug.jpg (1150x1266, 134K)

Just pirate it

are you playing on master?
Clear Sky vanilla patched is good you faggots

Try turning the difficulty up, in Stalker games the lower the difficulty the harder it is for you to be killed and kill enemies.

>he joined duty

Attached: stalker duty cat.jpg (888x60, 14K)

I just play through this shit so I can tell I have completed it, and then I shelf it. Also Anomaly is based on CoC, which uses CoP. This is Clear Sky with SRP.
Nah I started with Shadow of Chernobyl, then with Call of Pripyat and lastly with Clear Sky.
Shadow of Chernobyl, Boiling Point and Far Cry were around that time on market as well, so what excuse there is to make it shittier than their first game?

Attached: f08.jpg (282x264, 25K)

Don't lie, faggot.
Clear Sky spawns enemies when you travel between locations right behind you, when stalkers throw grenades they teleport to your place and animations make enemies immortal in addition to high health pool.
GSC also nerfed guns to shit so that you have to use upgrade system. Storyline is shit, locations are same plus shitty swamps and linear limansk.
In conclusion, fuck you.

It's on master.

>what's so good about this game
Nothing at all. Except for ability to repair shit and upgrade (which is fucked up by nerfed weapons).

> what's so good about this game
You fell for the meme, didn't you? None of the Stalker games are good. Just pretentious PC kusoge.

Stop spreading this meme. Enemy damage taken is never lowered.

Attached: file.png (1034x552, 79K)

Yeah, but there's always that one guy sometimes hanging around stalker threads who posts pics taken out of his phone and defending this piece of shit like it was a second coming of Christ.

You can't be fucking serious using this term for non-Japanese games. Kill yourself, man.

Attached: 1558388903085.jpg (439x439, 140K)

Гocпoди я дyмaл чтo тaкиe гoвнoeды кaк ты вымepли eщё в 2008 гoдy

Attached: b7d.jpg (680x680, 32K)

ask me how I know you've never played them

>looter shooter

Attached: 1555309589246.png (324x331, 180K)

Kusoge is a universal term, Bioshock Infinite is American kusoge, Stalker and Cryostasis are Slav kusoge.

Attached: checkem-scanline-mkr.jpg (1190x1570, 1.08M)

Yeah I actually stopped playing clear sky because of the homing grenades, I think there is a decent game in there somewhere though

step one: clear sky is the worst stalker in the series, drop it and play call of pripyat or shadow of chernobyl, fuck the faggots saying to play the call of chernobyl mod, its shit (same for anomaly, call of misery, dead air, whatever fucking meme mod out there since its just a reskinned call of chernobyl but everything is brown and has insane item bloat and one bullet costs 50 billion dollars)

step two: playing on anything but master makes the enemies insane bullet sponges and if anyone says the bullets disappear on lower difficulties, dont listen to them, thats complete bullshit
the AI is just that fucking stupidly tanky on lower difficulties for some reason

Attached: 1538108704947.png (680x1203, 1.52M)

neck yourself pedophile

>ask me how I know you've never played them
c-consciousness proves I have played it, and you have not, that or you didn't get the true ending like a pussy. Stalker is pretentious, cope.

You don't need it when there are 10000 English words that describe the same thing. It's literally just "shit game", you retarded weeaboo.

It's impressive how much of a casual filter the entirety of STALKER actually is.

Play Stalker Anomaly
It's literally the best Stalker mod to date, runs on the new 64bit engine, and requires no base game

Attached: a nice stroll.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

kuso post, stay mad

There's a small optional mod in SRP that can make them stop or rarely throw them.

most normalfags play stalker retard even reddit loves it

It is not, tho. It was ambitious, but they fucked up.

It's a shit game what do you expect

>play call of pripyat
>it's pretentious cuz ending cutscene
go back

Attached: 1560803175605.gif (350x314, 2.06M)

>join Monolith
>immediately greeted by two Pseudogiants outside of the cultural center
Such a life in the Zone.

Attached: MONOLITH MEN.png (909x866, 1.13M)

It's even more impressive how easy & boring it is. Generic iron sight shooting is okay when slavs do it.

You retard, enemies take less damage on lower difficulties because of the glancing off mechanic. Anything that fully connects does near 100%. Problem is when you play on novice its like enemies become bullet sponges since almost all your shots dont hit even if you aim at them. So yes enemies take less damage.
Also, clear sky is the only Stalker with shitty combat thanks to bugs. Worth it if you like the series but a pain if youre just trying to get credit for playing the game

>It is not, tho
though* this isn't discord you faggot.
Look up pretentious by the way.

stalker and cryostasis were both fun as fuck faggot

Either you haven't played any mods apart Anomaly or you have shit taste.

What's worse is that people were actually consistently using it to refer to cheaply made JRPG's and cashgrab mobage, but your retarded ass doesn't get that. Just because you are a dumb fucking weeb.

Stop spreading old memes and rumors. You're being a retard while calling others retard. Player bullets never fucking disappear.

OP here, wanting to say that it is nice to know a lot of people appreciate Stalker Anomaly, cause it is by far best experience to play any Stalker game.

Attached: 3df.jpg (1192x830, 175K)

No, really. It was not pretentious.
It was your generic sci-fi.

And yet every day I come on here and see some shitter saying "It's too hard" when they get BTFO by a single cheeki breeki.

cringe webm doesn't do the mod justice

>Problem is when you play on novice its like enemies become bullet sponges since almost all your shots dont hit even if you aim at them.
reminder, stalker uses projectile based bullets, not hitscan, and they hit if you hit them unlike what this retard (stalker fan) suggests.

there isnt
its a boring slog and the final section is so terrible i had to use cheat engine to keep my health from dropping from 100 to 0 in .05 seconds
>dude chase strelok and shoot him 40 thousand times with a GAUSS RIFLE
>oh also heres like 40 monofags that teleport 4 feet in front of you while you have next to no cover at all and are timed

Attached: 1554414427717.jpg (320x320, 28K)

Damn, I sure as hell love my inventory management sim.

Cryostasis is about as bland as a shooter can get. Get better taste.

Stay mad Slav kusoge fan. Nothing will make this game not shit.

>It was your generic sci-fi.
Which is pretentious.

Attached: orig.jpg (1792x2024, 291K)

cryostasis was fucking rad, you don't know shit

>Which is pretentious.
Why? There wasn't some shoehorned philosophy or some shit.

Dead Air is Misery shit. Anomaly is Misery lite. I hope they remove all the remaining shit in the next update.

>unga bunga i must loot everything on a corpse :(((

What? No. Don't pretend to be retarded, please.
Any kind of misery is shit. At least they fixed the "stutter anomaly)))))".

To be honest, I like Anomaly and I really think they should get rid of all the trash. It doesn't add anything interesting to the game nor does it make it more immersive. Having to sieve mountains of shit every time you loot is just an annoyance.

kek I haven't visited a STALKER thread in a while but I remember him

Attached: 1558934064884.jpg (352x356, 23K)

What's wrong with it?
It doesn't even come close to some of proper RPG titles, even if you don't count in "clutter" items

HЛЦ6 - тoп. HЛЦ7 - eщё пизжe.
Cяк - гeний.
У тoгo, кoмy нe нpaвитcя HЛЦ, ecть чyвcтвo вкyca.

I've never heard the word kusoge before. You're just a fucking weeb tryhing to sound "kakkoii" and don't realise how retarded talking like that sounds

Proper RPG titles have varied icons which are easy to see.
Even red med packs manage to be toned gray. And almost everything fits one slot. Small grey icons on items which have similar functions is great, right? The only thing Miseryshit need is 20 variations of AK, including golden, and that would be the ultimate STALKER mod.

I never once stated the bullets disappeared. There is a glancing off mechanic in Clear Sky that when the difficulty is lower the chance of bullets to glance off is INCREASED.

>weeaboo has shit taste
surprise surprise.

>pointless iron sight mechanic because shots always go dead center
>buggy as fuck to the point of breaking the game, some levels start you in noclip mode
>single threaded game so performance is always god awful
>dude physX lmao
It's awful in a technical and design sense.

> There wasn't some shoehorned philosophy or some shit.
There was, if you didn't recognize it you must be young.

newfag doesn't know ancient phrase, news at 11.

Do you have any facts to back that up?

theres so much useless shit, even fucking mein kamf for no goddamn reason
its unnecessary, there should be more armor, artifacts, and guns, not useless clutter that serves no fucking purpose

it may have been a janky slav mess but it was a rad janky slav mess

>There is a glancing off mechanic in Clear Sky that when the difficulty is lower the chance of bullets to glance off is INCREASED.
prove it in the config fanfiction faggot.

>There was, if you didn't recognize it you must be young.
Not everything what seems like phylosophy is intended to be so. If you don't know that, you are definitely young.

havent played any stalker games, have played metro 2033 and last light. what standalone (no game copy required) mod should i get? very interested in anomalies

Attached: 1538573891050.jpg (900x583, 233K)


There is, in fact, glancing mechanic, but it only works when enemies have their stun animations, and there is no chance, your bullets simply don't deal damage. But that is not what he described.

>immediately greeted by two Pseudogiants outside of the cultural center
Pseudogiants are Zone culture.

Just pirate SoC, no point jumping in at a mod

Call of Chernobyl
Merges all 3 games maps and allows you to join ANY faction

A reminder that you should never play fully vanilla Stalker. At least use bug fix mods. Your first playthrough of the 3 games should be with the Complete mods.

oh here we go

Like I said, too young.

>Complete mods.
I can already hear the first /sg/ autist breathing heavily.

Tell me how the mumbo jumbo at the end was philosophy.

yeah just make the game easier I guess
CoP can be played vanilla though, it's p legit

Stalker Anomaly
It's basically Call of Chernobyl but with a ton of new features, balancing, and it's the only Stalker mod that won't crash every hour

Attached: xrEngine_2018-11-03_13-27-42.png (1920x1080, 3.9M)

OGSE with the new recompiled engine is also pretty stable, especially for a SoC mod.
Too bad that the mod itself is so shit that you kinda wish it crashed more to end the game.

Attached: stalker ogse2.webm (1920x1080, 1.46M)

just my big brain
Nah, im not that desparate to win

I sincerely don't get it, and I've played basically every single release and version of MISERY. Is this supposed to be hard to navigate through?
I guess it CAN potentially be an issue with high-resolution screens, but even playing at 1600x900 never bothered me
Also, if I'm not mistaken, alternative inventory layout design is standard part of MISERY installation pack
Consider all the clutter in TES games or Fallout games that serves next to none or minimal purpose on playing the game
I think these kind of items bring some life to a game, something that the ingame world, or someone from it cares for and as such, one should consider these correlations, even if it doesn't have particular, set effect on the game. It brings sort of a charm, if it makes sense

Attached: 1.jpg (365x684, 128K)

>there should be more armor, artifacts, and guns
there are

MISERY is just a bad mod, user
don't bother

ah yes i love having 3 different variants of the same exact item
>sunrise suit
>sunrise suit but shit
>sunrise suit but even more shit
>gun but shit
>gun but even more shit that you will only use out of desperation
and also
>artifact but you cant equip it and it has no stats beyond it being somewhat valuable
>artifact but its in a box that weighs you down
>artifact but its in a box that weighs you down but you still get irradiated so whats the point
>artifact but its in a box that weighs you down even more but you cant even use it so whats the point
>the only worthwhile artifacts to begin with are the bullet resistance/impact/rupture/whatever the fuck ones since everything else does nearly nothing noticable or has such a serious downside its not worth using
fuck memery, i wish this trash would die already

Attached: misery.png (942x2026, 180K)

And user can have an opinion that he voiced and as such I can ask why does he have such sentiment
What purpose would forums and imageboards serve in the first place if not the debate. Fucking niggerhell, Socratic method is considered as probably the best educational approach since antiquity

>>gun but shit
>>gun but even more shit that you will only use out of desperation
It's progression, you faggot. It's too easy to repair weapons. If you want a shiny weapon at pristine condition, you won't find it on the first guy.

I admit that misery completely ruined artifacts, though. Even vanilla SoC was so much better than their shitty artifact system.

my god, consider taking your ADD meds more often

>anno domini 2019
>misery mod
i will forever laugh

Attached: 1267121638060.jpg (1440x900, 128K)

> requires no base game

Fuck this shit. I want to pump my stalker hours on steam

whats this about a 64bit version of stalkers
have i been living under a rock

And after joinging ANY faction you do NOTHING since there's fuck all to do. Rescue some chump or get a pda/artifact.

GSC released the source code for Xray a while back
Since then modders have made a new 64bit version of the engine that's far more stable, Anomaly is the first mod to utilize it

Story mode got added a while ago. Find Doctor in the top left of the Great Swamp.

There's OpenXRay that Anomaly uses and OGSR engine that OGSE 0693 uses. On the latter the slav fuckers managed to fix a lot of stuff. Both are 64-bit.

Yeah, I'm gonna spare a (You)
I guess you just can't appreciate the hobo phase of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games as a whole, since MISERY just turns it to extreme. Yet you can always come victorious even against odds with superior tactics
>sunrise suit but ...
>gun but ...
>artifact but ...
It's almost like the game has progression, innit. Almost like this EXACT FUCKING DESIGN was used throughout the all of the original titles, the player getting sort of "softcapped" by their gear but always with different methods how to overcome such obstacles, provided you got the guts and ingenuity. Again, MISERY does EXACTLY FUCKING THAT, just turning it up a notch
>the only worthwhile artifacts to begin with are the bullet resistance/impact/rupture/whatever
Confirmed for never playing a Recon high on dope with Electro artifacts, speeding through the whole map like Coник в кинo

Attached: suka.jpg (419x351, 19K)

Bare-bones SoC story tacked on, great fun. They even removed placed loot so you're stuck gambling on stashes. Why not play something actually good like Secret Trails 2, Goldsphere, SGM and many others. Hell, even LA is passable with the last patch that removes all the illuminati crap and donut steel animations.

My only complaint with Misery and others is weapon/armor degradation. You get hit twice by a bandit in a makarov and now your suit requires 15k rubles to repair. Fire your gun more than four times and it breaks.

That's somewhat fair. But you always got the means how to overcome these problems
When it comes to armour, use kevlar or steel plates. Those armour-slot-filling-goodies don't give you just the penetration protection and ability to completely disregard soft-tipped ammunition. They also skyrocket the durability of your outfit. Keep that in mind, whenever considering buying few kevlar plates
When it comes to weapons, just provide them basic maintenance whenever possible. Oil them up frequently, clean them, use small spare parts when it is emergency or when just the situation calls for it, etc.

>clear sky haters are cheaters and modders they can’t finish games because they’re too hard

Colour me SHOCKED

kill yourself

Git gud zoomer

>When it comes to weapons, just provide them basic maintenance whenever possible
The problem is that 'whenever possible' translates to 'whenever you ever dare to use it' and if you don't then prepare for wallet rape. That sort of autistic micromanaging is complete anti-fun cancer.

In my experience, I've never had that much trouble keeping my gear in pristine condition. And that means various encouters and various use of gear as all of three classes. For example, I've never had to use any other repairing kit for my outfit than the emergency repair kit or Tur glue; both of which are ~2k rubles and 2 uses
For weapons, at the very worst, I had to use the universal cleaning kit, which is with 3 uses around 5-6k rubles. Oterwise I always used Brunox lube or Rusak, Hoppe or Dvojka oil, which are all in the scope of 1-2k RU. And that's when you don't count in discounts after doing quests and getting rep
Just combine repair kits with additional materials like steel wires, other lubes/oils, cloths, tools (especially Swiss knife), etc. and I'd say you're always good to go. Never bothered me at the slightest desu

you can aim just fine in STALKER

Attached: standard pistol 3 kills 4 shots.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Just tested 300+30 continuous rounds from standard AK-74 at 100% condition. The condition dropped to 66%, also suffered 1 jam in the process at the very last few rounds. It ain't really realistic, but hell, even the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games weren't that bound by reality either when it comes to handling weapons
Practically though, it's FUCKLOAD of fired ammo at a single wander into the Zone, while it still is in the range of universal cleaning kit to get it repaired, which is cheap, for guns around for 65% condition and readily available. At around ~250 fired rounds you can also use the smallbore cleaning kits for weapons at 75% condition

That is Shadow of Chernobyl, not Clear Sky tho.

you can still aim fine in CS and CoP

Yeah, right.

Attached: bb.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

yeah it is right. you're spraying at full auto when you're at a sniping distance. what did you expect?

narcissist and probably gay

Attached: games.jpg (184x184, 11K)

Zone culture is pretty unnerving

Attached: 915348932384.png (756x960, 579K)

That the guns will fly out of the barrel, instead next of it, like I was playing CSGO.
Also sniper rifle isn't any better. The only reason there were kills received was due to close distance and so many troops being there. (Also I cleared out the base, but once I got the task to clear it out, the whole place got restocked with enemies.)

Attached: bb2.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Just copy all the content of the standalone mod where Stalker is installed and rename the exe launcher into what the base game exe was.

Consider your pic stolen

complete are shit for real though

Dead Air is the best mod, Anomaly second though.

stalker has a bizarre difficulty system, which is probably the reason that grenade aint doing shit.
basically on easy all damage is massively reduced regardless of who is doing the damage, play it on the high difficulty, you'll die easily but so will enemies.

>That the guns will fly out of the barrel

Attached: mask.jpg (700x403, 100K)

Aim higher you tard you're not accounting for bullet drop

>that one guy who spent an entire real time month in the rookie village for "immersion purposes"
Anyone have the image?

Attached: 1438984346672.jpg (445x515, 31K)

>Dead Air
>has a "feature" that makes the game more and more boring over time

he's really not that far 100 meters at most and with a 7.62 rifle he shouldn't have to aim that much higher but maybe he has some mods that have a ridiculous bullet drop

>no war mechanics
>can't join factions, forced to stay Loner
>hides half the UI because muh realasim!
Anomaly, CoC, and Dooms Mod Merge are the top three. Anything else is Oblivion Lost levels of crap.

last thing i played was Misery (lol). Call of chernobyl any better?

Attached: 20190505210428_1.jpg (1920x1080, 288K)

You see the bullets as a tiny yellow trail, all of them hitting their feet or knees. This guy just needs to aim higher.
What mod changes bullet physics? Actually interested

Give me a list of your favorite/top games.

CoC is great if all you want is a pure sandbox for proper RPing. With few selected addons, it can get fucking amazing, though, just personally speaking, it tends to get kinda blank I guess. It's just all of the games connected together after all, nothing more, nothing less, while addons can give it some spice. The thing is, if it is enough for you. I'd say just find for yourself user
Quite frankly, MISERY spoiled the experience of good amount of mods for me, so take my words with a grain of salt

Playing video games to say you cleared them is perhaps the gayest thing anybody can do and I suck cock for a living

anomaly is pretty fun. its amazingly stable compared to everything else stalker.

Also show stats and inventory w/ loadout

>ending a game series with the second released game
>ending a game series with a prequel
>ending a game series with the worst game
why the fuck would you do any of this?

It makes complaining faggots shut up in a discussion when they claim you've never played the game tho

>Start anomaly for the first time
>Check out the first vendor after starting a new game
>Item bloat up the ass

Attached: Stalker8.jpg (314x313, 10K)

So that I can then return back to other games, that are actually great.

I forgot the Stalker games even had grenades desu

What I've gathered from this thread is that every single Stalker mod is shit

Yes but they're good shit.

That’s true for every mod. Modders and modkiddies are all fags with shit taste and shit skills who pretend it’s the vanilla game’s fault they suck.

You really are a bit of a faggot, ain't you
I wouldn't expect anything else from a tripfag, but holy shit

lol stay mad modfag zoomer

I may be mad, but at the end of the day, you'll be the one who'll stay a shitposting retarded cockgobbler

How miserable is Anomaly?
Misery sucked, but I want to play stalker.

Attached: stalker apu.png (697x622, 262K)

kill yourself

Why do people hate Misery so much?

Better than those weed smoking faggots

>t. a kid who’s mommy doesn’t let him mod her work computer or a poorfag with a toaster PC.

considering the seethe level of comments against anglos i’m guessing it’s the second. probably why you take pictures of your screen, to hide how shitty your 1280x720 game runs.

Top kek

It really isn't.

>start game
>character cannot sprint for more than 5 seconds without having a stroke
>takes almost a full minute to recover stamina
I couldn't even keep up with the AI on the first ambush mission while having starter gear so I uninstalled it

I liked Clear Sky more than CoP to be honest.
The areas in CoP are kinda shitty and samey compared to the other games, the protag isn't cool, the Monolith plot went nowhere and the ending feels rushed
It did a couple of nice things like anomaly sites and it has Call of Chernobyl but that's about it.

as someone who has never played, whats the best game and should i use mods?

It was bad but I'll take it over the rushed last part of SoC.
I mean SoC is my favorite but at some point the game has zero pacing it's all running through the final areas shooting Monolith or Zombies.

shadow of chernobyl
play it with ZRP for vanilla with bugfixes, or autumn aurora 2 for close to vanilla with some more improvements

Iron sights suck tho
I always either get a scope or hip fire

sounds good thank you, do i have to pick one or can i use zrp and autumn together??

if you can’t aim properly you need to drink more wodka

Multiple of reasons, which varies from person to person and is a mix of external and internal issues
>it's popular
>it has been used to compare with other mods, which is bullshit mind you
>it is specific kind of take on the game
>changed formulas all over the place; someone always finds a thing they don't like
>all of this culminates and each issue amplifies the other
Honestly, I'd say a lot of people just don't try enough finding their way to success ingame or straight out are not willing to give it a chance if it defies their idea of gaming experience

AA2 already includes ZRP

sweet cheers

i liked the precision grenades. forced you to constantly relocate so every battle became very tactical

kusoge? you speakin greek? is that a kind of hoagie?

Wouldn't have that much of a problem with precision thrown grenades, if it wasn't a fucking hail of them every time
Sure, it is an actual method of offensive used with mass grenades thrown even at individual soldiers, but with the frequency CS offers it's just bullshit and even breaks the immersion, which is arguably the strongest quality of the franchise

mordhau is fun

I agree that webm was made awhile ago to show that you can still aim accurately and kill enemies with the junk pistols you get at the start.

I kind of agree, CoP is the only stalker game I haven’t completed. I thought it was weird how hard it was to find a hostile stalker faction without you starting shit first. Stalker stashes being findable by default is a nice thing to have, but it also means you find a shit ton of items and never really get low.The areas are nice and big but really the only good one is pripyat. Coming from CS it also felt like the graphics and AI were downgraded. Wouldn’t say it’s worse than CS though

just shut up and get oblivion lost

HL1 is still fun.

It's also unironically better than HL2, gameplay wise

I played it when it first released
it was awful
I played it with the Yea Forums unfucker patch
it was less awful but still awful, and playable this time around
I beat it, years later played misery 2
it was retarded

Reminder that Vintar BC is best gun followed by Hunting Shotgun

Attached: A7AF2542-ED90-479E-B4F0-8E5DF5A1C91B.jpg (2730x1521, 749K)

I miss the 20 strong DOG HORDES in the swamp and insanely expensive ammo from some of the builds.

This. Apparently not being able to run farther than the 20ft the fat retard making the mod can run without gasping like a dying fish is supposed to be more realistic. It has been roundly laughed at by Yea Forums and /vg/ since it was released up to today. AMK 1.4 with Arsenal was considered the golden standard for Stalker mods until CoC and Anomaly came along. LURK was laughed at, ZoA was laughed at as well. Good times.

I don't
I also don't miss the major being able to drop anything he olds
my knife is still somewhere in the burnt farmstead on my original MISERY save

not " glancing mechanic" just anim invincibility

I always thought LURK 1.1 was laughed at and 1.05 was still enjoyed

>always that one guy sometimes

Quite possibly.

Attached: 1459449186488.jpg (2800x900, 747K)

1.1 was awful
>artifacts were useless and required containers or they'd irradiate you constantly
>no HUD
>gamebreaking bug with controllers

I like anomaly
should i buy hunt showdown?

>not enjoying a pitched 5 minute battle with doggos while yelling "I've got 12 gauge treats for everyone!" as you dart in and out of bushes

all I remember was getting into prolonged gunfights with bandits, then looting them to find that they had 3 bullets on them

a few guns - m4 mod and sniper iirc have base dev set too high

No, it's shit compared to AS VAL in CS.
It's same as VAL, but heavy and with reduced mag size.

This user knows
VAL with PSO scope and now you got THE shit

where my groza bois at
fuck these niggas and their VALs, we OTs-14 nao


Groza is my raifu

Attached: groza.jpg (630x283, 20K)

a fellow brother
we out here launching VOG-25s and popping 9x39s

My nigga

Attached: 1372216274032.jpg (2593x1964, 1.46M)

Jesus, that makes my inner /k/ommando squeel with pure delight
Got more?

>try without scope
>one of the shittiest ironsights ever
>try with scope
>half of your screen is now covered by a tower

Unfortunately one of the few I've got, but it's always been a dream/goal of mine to clone a Groza. Was thinking of converting my Slr-104. I'd use airsoft parts as a base and properly machine whatever is necessary. Too bad groza kits are fucking expensive.

Attached: 1387791094935.jpg (1981x1486, 1.2M)

It gets better in some mods where the two guns are different things. VAL gets AR upgrades while the VSS gets the sniper ones. VAL becomes a minigun while the VSS becomes a silent SVD.

STALKER unfortunately shits all over the Groza, there are mods that fix it and add back in the proprietary optic.

Attached: 1372216274033.jpg (2428x1084, 315K)

I dunno, I always found default Groza ironsight pretty crisp and clean
Just gotta shoot it like an onager with that massive bulletdrop at long ranges

Shame how Lost Alpha comes so close but the irons are still jank.

Attached: Groza1.jpg (1920x1080, 608K)

>allows zero visibility under the ironsight's needle
>lol just aim above the target

Attached: xrEngine 2019-07-27 21-16-01-86.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

This should be the Groza's unique scope in Anomaly, but it's still really tall and covers too much of the screen.

Attached: xrEngine 2019-07-27 21-17-37-79.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

I thought you were speaking of vanilla OTs
Yeah, in Anomaly it is pretty shite

The height of the irons look a bit high but that scope is mounted much higher than it should be. Oh well, not my mod. I have to agree that it does look awkward when not done right.

>Clear sky
You have got to be kidding me with this shit, even slavs hated Clear Sky on the release, how can you have shittier taste than us? We've played Lineage 2 instead of WoW for fucks sake

Don’t talk about slavs like you know anything about them dumb parrot brained anglo

Speaking of Groza, can we all agree that all non-9mm variants are abominations?

пoпизди мнe здecь, пacкyдник

Kill yourself tripfag

>This user knows
>VAL with PSO scope and now you got THE shit
Vintorez for patricians. Groza plebs need not to apply


Oткeль пpишoтци, дoбep чeлoвeк?

>Val and Vintorezfags will never have a grenade launcher
why live?

The weed smoking faggots defending the barrier? Yeah, fuck those guys.

I have all three games. I want to start a new game with a mod. I'm torn between CoP and SoC.

Which should I go for and what mod?

Anomaly is a little more forgiving then Misery or Last Days.

Don't tell me you fell for the clear sky tripfag in these threads shit

it was a product of its time please understand

Have you played them before? If not start with SoC and ZRP. It also has an optional addons folder where you'll find some stuff that will improve your first playthrough like repair.

Aren't you the turbosperg who shit himself because of Chernobyl HBO

Am I the only one who enjoys watching this

Attached: 1529632589520.jpg (1920x1200, 775K)

Reminder Duty sucks.
I know I see him in 2077 threads shitting on the game but haven't seen anything about Chernobyl. Now can we just talk about the fucking game.

You don't have to play them so why are you getting worked up about them?

Feels so confusing to get into, there's a million competing mods and no one agrees which are even ok. I just know that I want to play with some sort of mods as vanilla is just a bit too janky.

Dont engage tripfaggots please, just filter like the rest of us and they can talk to themselves.

>and I suck cock for a living
How'd you get that gig, user? Where would I start?

Buy kneepads.

>all 3 leave during emission
>only 2 come back
such is life in the zone

If you want a free roam experience, Anomaly is one of the most polished mods for that now. Otherwise see pic.

Attached: 1466900470469.png (1853x818, 160K)

I've been subbed to that guy for a while. Loved to fall asleep to industrial ambience.

how is it such a short post can be so dense with retardation?

hearty lol

This is what I mean about confusing haha. Thanks for the pic, will save a lot of stumbling around in the dark by myself.


Not really a fan of this image. Some of these mods have aged horribly. Especially the soups.

Can you recommend a mod for SoC with vanilla story? Any other modifications are fine.

NS OP2 spawned countless babies (NS2016, DMX and Stalker Soup is still being worked on. God knows in what state it is today. You also have NS OP2.1.

A lot of mods also add quests and other stuff so it's no longer vanilla. Just look for a weapon pack(stcop, arsenal overhaul) if you don't like vanilla shooting. Zone Reclamation Project for bugs and it also has the FoV changer in its addons. Absolute nature and absolute structures to make stuff look pretty.

Alright, thanks.

Attached: skinner-thumbs-up.gif (480x360, 314K)

play patched vanilla on highest difficulty first. All you really need is there.

If you wanna play it extra safe, look up the "STARTER PACKs". These include the stuff like the ZRP + some visual mods, but that's it.

If you're already a veteran player, jump straight to AMK 1.4.

Attached: stalker guide v1,42.png (1536x1250, 1.1M)

Try using the pineapple grenades. You're using the shitty starter grenades.

Clear Sky лyчшaя чacть, зaшивaйcя

So is Shadow of Chernobyl, and Call of Pripyat. Glitchy, but fun.

>It was one of the first few open world looter shooters.
You got tons of terms there that do not describe STALKER at all.

Plus, both HL1 and STALKER are still blast to this day, and totally BTFO a number of their more contemporary competitors.