Does anyone here still play Dwarf Fortress? What's everyone favourite way to kill the elves?
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Does anyone here still play Dwarf Fortress? What's everyone favourite way to kill the elves?
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Lmao, only incels play this strange garbage. Get a life, dude. Like, seriously? How are you gonna discuss this shit with your girlfriend? Don't play incel games.
>should I bring MORE REDDIT FAGGOTS to Yea Forums?
>should I advertise /dfg/ on reddit
What the fuck kind of question even is this? what? why would even consider something like this
What's wrong with you?
s-shut up, dwarf fortress is for big brain individuals, you wouldn't understand retard
Why do you hate Reddit in the first place?
The fuck is this gif? Who plays this garbage? Fuck off from my Yea Forums, imbeciles.
What, are you fucking gay? Vote Yes you faggots
/dfg/ needs more higher quality discussion; 4channel hasn't met this demand, thus we must source it from a more refined social media platform. Vote yes to breathe new life into /dfg/
I stopped playing after the big update some years ago pretty much killed goblin sieges and forgotten beasts randomly attacking you, the game is just too boring when there are no threats to the survival of your fort.
This is not even a game because it seems like a broken app with symbols diarrhea.
You can get those seiges happening, you just have to raid an enemy settlement and piss them off
t. low IQ brainlet
t. smoothbrainlet
>summer Yea Forums
The upvote system psychologically rewards people for being insufferable, creates an echo chamber and drowns out discussion.
The userbase primarily consists of a few groups of people:
1. Literal children. There are entire subreddits made for actual teenagers with thousands of users. They contribute nothing of worth and act like retards, and don't know anything about anything
2. People who feel they're smarter than everyone else. Reddit is absolutely OVERFLOWING with these, they have a rabid urge to make sure they sound really smart at all times and post "little known facts" everyone has seen 27 times. They are then upvoted by other people who also knew those things because they want to share in the feeling of being oh so smart. They post with phrases like "It's almost like..." and "Wow who'd have thought that...", and all the posts in which they're not bragging about themselves are just cynical nihilistic sarcasm that contributes nothing. TL;DR the Rick and Morty audience.
3. Boomers. Not 30 year olds, I mean literal old people your parents' age. They will encourage literally any facebook garbage they find because their brains were poisoned by lead when they were children and they think the stupidest bottom-of-the-barrel forward-email-from-grandma shit is god's gift to mankind. These users poured into Yea Forums during the election in 2016.
4. People who act like teenage girls. They very well may be teenage girls. By this I mean people who don't actually consider ideas, read longer posts, or think about things. They just go by whatever they feel. If they don't like something they say they don't like it. If they like something they say it's great and post some emojis to that effect. That is their entire vocabulary. They like reddit because it has dedicated "like" and "don't like" buttons on every comment. When they come to Yea Forums they exclusively make single word posts like "this" or "based", or just post reaction images. These people are noise.
there's a dwarf fortress general?
I discuss this with my wife all the time while pounding her puss.
I can't tell if you're shitposting or if any of the retards who insist on saying "4channel" really did start coming here after that useless board split happened.
oh, i see it mostly one guy destroying the thread with autism and its probably this guy i think i'll stay away and just enjoy dwarf fortress. hope your general dies.
There is. Make sure you say either "dorf butt", "OOF OL MATEY" or "moi ploimp hoilmots" to introduce yourself. We also love it if you post under the name /dfg/++. Thanks for reading!
Uh, cringe? Listen bro, Dwarf Fort gets bitches wet like you wouldn't believe. I was pounding some pussy last night (pic related, it's me and my bitch), and every time I mentioned my minecart shotgun she tightened up around my cock. Anyway, I gave her the old dwarven atom smasher, and when I whispered "praise Armok" into her ear it was like I breached a fuckin aquifer down there. She moaned like an elf in the trade depot and filled her up with my lava pump, shit was so cash. Dwarf fortress is for chads.
>actual redditor
yeah this makes sense
Here's an old fort from a while back. My stockpiles were still amateurish at that point. Quantum stockpiles are where its at.
I'm coming off a drunk night last night so Imma rant a bit here: people like you are the worst aspect of reddit where IRL you're an unfunny, tryhard faggot that nobody can stomach except your (possible) ugly in personality and looks gf/wife that'll end up cucking you later. I like reddit in terms of the fact that you can get info from people that actually know WTF they are talking about but every attempt the website makes to be funny is, for lack of better words, pure fucking cringe. FFS even the shit they screencap on r/greentext or r/Yea Forums is the typical shit the average redditor would find funny
nah, you hit the nail on the head. he falls under the 2nd group in . I should've been more clear, it's not just people who want the gratification of feeling smart, it's people looking for gratification in general. He's the upvote whore that tries desperately to be funny and get meme points and forms his personality on that. He's like that one guy in the friend group that would constantly try to tell jokes even when no one's laughing, and keep going on and on with it and not know when to stop. I'd say about half of reddit is comprised solely of these people.
>thinking you have friends
I stopped playing after I realized toady had left the game a broken mess for a fucking decade and doesn't give a fuck about making a good game. He just wants to make an epic random story generator.
Steam version is coming soon user. After that a Villians update, then magic. He's making good progress. It's going to be great again.
Playing now. Still learning the basics and trying to learn how to specialise dwarves to perform specific roles only. Wish there was more to make a distinct culture in my fortresses.
I really want to play again but I keep getting random blue screen of death that I'm pretty sure are related to my graphic card, which baffle me to no end
What do you mean by that? You can build temples and taverns with different cultural practaces.