
Best RPG made in this decade

prove me wrong
protip: you cunt

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Truth right there user. Also fuck this sonic puzzle, this is giving me a headache.

Grab a pen and a paper and start writing.

Oh I have user, But I suck at musical theory and the notes they give me might make sense but Im just slowly decoding it all.

What sort of builds/playstyles are good for a first playthrough?

Stop trying to comprehend the music theory, just think in numbers. This is a shift cipher, nothing more nothing less, the music is just flavor.

Unga bunga spear chucker.
Jin Roh death squad impenetrable walking SMG or shotgun fortress.
Kiritsugu style time wizard gunner.
Just a full blown wizard who has a myriad of ways to rape every single encounter.

It's wrong but even if it were true it's not saying much

But user, its literaly a cypher of translating musical notes within a music sheet into a finalized numerical 4 digit input. How the fuck can I do this without understanding musical shifts and shit?

>Slavs keep making good games
>only make one every few years

>haven't played since 2015
>made a full psi character
>the moment game opens up after Depot A decided to check on all doctors in all settlements
>all of them have a temporal manipulation trainer in addition to the normal one
>in less than 30 minutes i became an utterly overpowered time machine constantly running on 65+ action points

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>wizard gunner

There is not much to figure out, the emails write down both the scale and the intervals. Write them down and number them.

Psi empathy + minimal amount of points in temporal manipulation to grab all time altering spells. Everything else is like on a normal gunslinger.
Enjoy being able to reset your skill cooldowns for guns and grenades, run for days, have a shitton of AP while having on demand stasis, all while enemies are cockblocked from at least 10 AP per turn.

>trying to save edit because I found out I fucked up one of the Jack Quicksilver quests
God I'm a shitter, but I don't want to miss out on cool shit.

Just restart user, its not even that hard. Scumming it will only make you feel like shit and not enjoy the run.

I already restarted once and I don't think I have the patience to do it again. Eh, it's no big deal, I'll just do it right on future characters.

Aaah how the fuck do I move the submarine?

i don't know man. i played divinity original sin ii and that was something i marathoned an hour a day it was so good

Is it normal for a spear build to just fucking lance through everything without trouble?

I'm doing something similar to this on my playthrough yet I grabbed phychokinesis for forcefield and early game stuns with electrokinesis and put some points in thought control incase I use it later

got some crafting as well

as soon as I could craft grenades the game opened up

hybrid character is starting to shine, I just beat depot A and got spec ops, my time magic will be high enough for the cool shit soon

holy shit deep caverns are terrible, how can i end it quickly so i can start my new run?

Convince me to try this game. Keep in mind I'm 6'3.

Ask the ferryman

When do shotguns get good?

Have you ever wanted to roleplay a canon manlet?

Never seen the guy guess I'll have to search him finally.

Yahota can tell you where to look, call her.

You are super not ready go down there, go do Dude's new quest first trust me.

The game is shit.
It's a meme at this point.

We've gone past the point of getting invaded.

Are there any RPGs set in the rule world where you can play as thug, con man, thief, gangster or detective?

Thinking about buying, what are the pros and cons of the game?

Hey, I cummed down your mama's throat. It felt pretty good. I miss that stupid bitch.

Thanks for the bumparino

Yeah its pretty OP. I'm not even specialized in spears, but I use them because they are just so strong.

So, what's up with PS3-tier load times and constant repetitive stuttering?
I just bought the game and that's what I get?

probably when you get a burst one, I'm level 10 on my first playthrough so I haven't seen one that's better than a spec ops sub

Don't know of any. Age of Decadence lets you play very different roles like merchant/conman, loremaster, thief, soldier, but it's a fantasy/sf late Roman Empire setting. No Truce With The Furies will be a detective game in a fictional but 70s setting, but it's not out yet. There's also another supernatural 90s RPG with time travel I think, the title escapes me, but that's not anywhere close to coming out either if it's alive at all. And there was some Greek alternative history, WW era maybe I don't remember, thing, who knows what's up with that.

So basically nothing right now.

>go do Dude's new quest first trust me
Helps but not a must.

Lots of exploring
No handholding
Plenty of combat options depending on your preferred playstyle
There's often multiple ways to complete objectives

Looks pretty ass
Inventory management can be annoying
Despite appearing non-linear the game funnels you through certain areas and quests at certain points

*blocks your path*

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The fact you don't get party members is the only thing that keeps me from truly enjoying it.

>you don’t actually role play

>le funny wacky Larian humor
>5 minutes of grimdark, brooding end of the world mood
>cut to a talking crab who asks people to be their friends

haha xd remember snowman king :D epic!

>Despite appearing non-linear the game funnels you through certain areas and quests at certain points
It only really gates you from two places after the world opens up. There is an optimal order, but I've done them in every order and it's not a big deal. Only some parts of Core City and Upper Underrail are noticeably higher level.

>the game stutters every few seconds
>audio is fine
>my antivirus is off
>the game barely uses any CPU/GPU time or RAM
>FPS even in the main menu jumps between 40 and 60
>The first "Loading" after launching the game takes a good minute

What do I do, user? I'm googling right now but I see no solution so far.

Is this more like Fallout or Baldur's Gate?

Snowman king was a good fight.

While that's true it really rustles my RP jimmies that you have to become the arena champion, that shit should be a sidequest

My first playthrough was a stealth sniper, what should I do for the expansion? I'm thinking a heavy armor shotgun and assault

>Can lose hours playing it
>Decent writing
>Lots of builds
>Decent music
>Unique EXP system
>Big map and a lot of quests

>Essential skills (crafting, hacking + lockpicking)
>95% misses, get used to it
>Hard to get into
>Endgame gear is extremely grindy to get

Uhh you don't have to become the invictus at all


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anyone ever drew an ainsley style picture but wearing a black overcoat and settings traps or something?

yeh I'd definitely get rid of the 5% miss chance, at the very least for weapons where missing is incredibly critical like snipers or crossbows

I wanna play a dick ass thief. someone give me a build please

nvm, had to restart PC - now it works.
Thank god as a software engineer I was able to figure it out

buckle in, user

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% misses, get used to it
>tfw sword build
if any build deserved to be able to reach higher than 95%, its the FUCKING SWORD BUILD

why'd you think you had to be the invictus? to join one of the three companies? eventually if you've completed enough quests you're basically famous enough to join, invictus is just a sure fire way to get in straight away
also i'm a big fan of the fact you can spend half the game trying to convince the various npc's that you meet that you're the invictus with absolutely none of them believing you

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Who sells the Stasis psi mentor?

I always read people complaining about DC, and while its certainly a step up in difficulty I didn't struggle THAT much. I was playing some PSI sniper bullshit I came up with though and it felt pretty overpowered even on hard so maybe I was just lucky.
What do people typically struggle with?

stealth, lockpicking, hacking, pickpocket

People generally don't bring enough supplies

This build. Its flexible though, you don't have to go these exact stats except high AGI and high Dex. For example, you can lower strength to 4 or Perception to 3 and get 5 Intelligence to get cheap shots.

Attached: MeleeAssassinBuild.png (1558x660, 76K)

going down there unprepared
not understanding the debuff/endless spawns
hate scavening/exploring
hate reading/thinking so they dont know what to do
hate how the majority of battles down there are kinda nonstandard compared to the rest of the game
made the faceless hostile
can't even with puzzles
hate backtracking

I think that's most of it. Buncha zoom zoom babies, imo

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>shotgun build
>start actually using trainshot

holy fuck, a special ammo type that's actually god damn useful, that's a new one

>made the faceless hostile
okay this one i can understand
I had to restart my very first character who made it to DC because I was being an edgy university tchortist RPer and killing all the faceless I could find
That really did not fucking work well for me when their fucking super assassins in DC came after me

It's only critical in the very early game where you get one shot a turn. Later on you can afford to miss some shots with a sniper if your build is good.

Why 4 perception if you're using melee? If it's to spot traps and passages, you could just get Snooping
And 3 int for any build is terrible, IMO. 5-6 should be a minimum


it has worse art direction, but superior gameplay.

my opinion:


Still some designs are very neat looking. Hostile encounters make you think. High level of customization.

hard to emphasize with characters/story. You feel numb when taking sides and making moral decisions. some caves feel redundant as well as outer city parts with monotonous walls.

Doctor in the Institute.

For the last time snooping does not increase detection

Can someone please post that build guidlines picture for new players? Or is it obsolete in the current version?

its pretty obsolete but its also not terrible advice
we should really make a new one

not on higher difficulty levels, if you miss that one critical aimed shot you're often fucked

Fair enough. I play on normal.

Is the world building good?

It is absolutely fantastic, but a lot of it is gleamed through interactions with characters. there are very few "text dump" style lore dumps (although there are a couple).

Int is not essential I don't know what you're talking about. People keep it at 5+ because they want to craft and crafting is very good, but its not essential.

>>Essential skills (crafting, hacking + lockpicking)

Lockpiking is by no means essential, only hacking if you want to asscess various intersting things, and even then you can go by without it.

>go into some dumb cave
>suddenly something appears from what looks like the ceiling
>poisons me and then disappears
>pass turns waiting for it to reappear so I can hit it
>doesn't happen
>poison runs out, stuns me because reasons

how the fuck?

Depot A has cockblocked me out of enjoying this game twice now. Is every encounter supposed to be a death squad? How do I build so that I dont have to micromanage every resource but also that I'm not getting raped every screen transition? What secondary skills are worth it on a first playthrough?

Do mobs respawn?
Should I keep exploring randomly?
Is magic good?

Is it 'great'- great or la mulana- great?

Yeah !
No fun in my games please.

I don't remember being able to drink together with Dude.
Was it added with DLC?

yes, but only animals
probably, you find interesting things out there in the wild but theres also a shitload of caves with monsters in them
magic is absurdly good

Yes. Just keep drinking man.

exploring randomly to find the oddities are the only way to get exp if you chose that way so yes

pls help, I've never sucked so bad at something I loved/loved this much something I suck at

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welcome to underrail kid

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Depot A is the noob filter, so yes its meant to feel like that.
post ur build

I keep muttering "boom" under my breath every time I fire my shotgun, I think this game is legitimately making me autistic.

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2 things I found incredibly useful in depot A: molotovs and caltrops
both are pretty easy to acquire

invest in throwing weapons
grenades, molotovs, caltrops
they're all useful, but depot A is when they'll start feeling nearly necessary if your build isn't super strong.

>miss first hit of flurry

Why is it harder skillwise to make a Molotov than it is to make a literal hand grenade
Also why the FUCK would you need tailoring to soak a rag in gas??

whats a fun first time build for this game?

Game is fucking trash.

pure psionics
max will, max int, min every other skill except CON which you dump your remaining points into

>watch gameplay video
>start in an office
>guy stood there with full plate armor

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I politely, and respectfully disagree.

You are retarded beyond measure. Begone, you pipeworker.

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Is there anything wrong with this build? Heard stealth smg is good so intending to do a smg+ psi first playthrough
Should I just skip psi and add a 'grenadier' to stealth smg? Heard that's op. Btw I want to blast through this game without getting stuck for bs reasons.

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>superior gameplay.
>Hostile encounters make you think
whole game is literally consist of savescamming.It the main and the most flashed out feature.

play games yourself you dumb zoomer

>intimidation and persuasion
what are you doing? this isn't fallout
at least invest in mechanics so you can build your own guns

Dude's bizarre adventures is among the best fucking CRPG quests i've seen in a while.
Just brilliant.



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god already these psi crabs are scary as shit when I only have a shitty machete. I don't think I'm ready for the rest of this place

alrite. otherwise is this strategy viable? psi+ smg stealth?

How did you get this user? I've been dying to try it out.

on normal it should work at the very least
if you don't take crafting skills going full mercantilism might be a good idea because otherwise you're going to run out of money fast

but backtracking with endless spawns is recipe for disaster

Port Crag, if you didn't side with the pirates it involves murdering the pirates or sneaking into the tower there which has a ladder that leads down below, then if you have the microchip with advanced clearance in your hand you can open a sealed door which contains another sealed door that will activate two hostile naga protectors, you can also enable some turrets in the room to help you if you have good hacking, after you've killed them clear the lockdown and open the door again inside there's a statue that has the spear but you need 7str to pull it out.

>see 3 enemy
>throw molotov
>hit yourself
>initiative proc fucks you in the ass
>quickload 5 more times
>finally first turn
>step on the mine
>quickload into oblivion
>avoid mine
>3 more enemies show up behind the corner
>quickload till the worlds end
>sip monster 20 minutes later
>turn one finally done
very engaging gameplay

Do I have to take the psi pill and get the health debuff or can I unlock psi shit some other way?

I already exterminated the pirates for fun. I know what tower your talking about I'm heading their right now. I got 7 str and lvl 4 clearance Thanks for the info.

This but unironically. A good 70% of my game has been spent reloading save points because I missed an attack which literally ruined the entire encounter and caused me to die.
I've tried at least 15 different builds. It's the same on every single one of them. Enemies are just as strong as you, so one miss = you don't kill that enemy = it gets its attacks off = you die or are significantly weakened to the point that his friends will 100% kill you

just get your flurry/onslaught up and use expose weakness on the psi ones

live with the consequences of your actions
plan ahead
git gud

It's no one elses fault that you're a lazy tard.


anybody wanna guess what I just did?

Attached: phat lewt.png (313x159, 31K)

killed people?


...The NFT deserved everything they got for delving into this shit.

Does the ethereal torch break or can I use it as a psi grenade?

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based cheat engine user

Not an argument. Dilate.

Depot A

am i just supposed to hit these fuckers with a sledgehammer for 10 minutes?

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no, walk to the door and itll open

i'm begging you, actually fucking read the dialogue you are presented with

well obviously

Refund now before you'll be utterly disappointed.

Nah, that would be Bloodborne

>getting filtered on the tutorial
not gonna make it

>Dude's console

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first casual filter

>posts div 2
>only talks about div 1

>Playing a Crossbow build
>Haven't used a SINGLE special bolt for the entirety of the game so far
What did I mean by this?

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Everyone's telling me I'm supposed to be lvl 10 by Depot A but I'm only lvl 8...

Absolutely godawful ruleset. Like one of the worst in the entire genre.

damn i put so many hours into tranqulity build and it's never utilized on full psi caster - you NEVER go first NEVER. also can't kill psi beetles(the big ones). also am a mindless hoarder with every type of stuff neatly organized into different containers and i spend hours sorting it. already playing this a week and only now got to the core city. kill me.

you felt for oddity meme. now suffer like a retard

You're supposed to be level 8. Ignore those retards. You'll probably finish up on depot A at level 10 though.

craft it you retard

yeah it's doable. You have to explore almost everything you can though.

You heal your damage on the first turn and proceed to shit out an immense amount of stuns and CC to never get damaged again, retard.

Is this the thread for patricians? Even on Yea Forums everyone praises this garbage left and right. I'm glad there are still some people who realize it's absolute trash.

I've seen three. Three numbers, with three at the end.

Underrail threads are essentially RPG Codex threads. And Codex tore OS2 a new asshole.

>map has three/two entrances in one side
>you stand on red line shoot and exit the map
>repeat till everyone is dead

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I've got loads, I just don't want to use them because it feels like a waste.

Styg nerfed that by adding -1000 initiative

Didn’t styg nerf this?

you're the retard ... how am is supposed to do that against psi beetles? i have 4 turn fear, 3 turn stun and 2 1t stuns but if you have full health and adrenaline shot you can only do like 4 temporal distortions + 3 turn stun if you are full health. but against psi beetles you can't even have full health on your turn most of the time if theres a big one and 2-3 small ones even if you have advanced health hypo. explain to me how i should do it.

Better to just open an excel sheet. Cuts downs on the busywork.

You literally don't have to understand anything about music, all the terms you need are explained.

>but if you have full health and adrenaline shot you can only do like 4 temporal distortions + 3 turn stun if you are full health
Sounds like you don't even have a psi beetle vest, headband and didn't even visit the doctors around the settlements for +15 AP buff and other new psi.
You also didn't mention the psi wall which is incredibly useful for crowd control together with distortions.
In other words you're not using your build to the fullest.

there are areas where separate entrances are quite far away

so you have two three turns till enemy arrives at your location. you shoot and go back to the other entrance where enemies already departed.

I personally love OS1 the best. And if you think that is garbage I want to round house kick you in the face.

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Talking about other rpgs. How's atom?

It's like Fallout with no soul.

can i just blow doors with my hammer or do i have to be a little fag that puts points into lockpicking?

Fucking ferryman I've searched everything that's in "north". How often he changes places?

Wrong. It's Fallout with slav memes.

You can be 10 if you most there is to do before it. Up to 11 if you do EVERYTHING and have some luck.

How the combat like? I fucking hate shitty RNG combats where you just stand in front of eachother and fire hoping your roll will be better than the enemy.

that would be skyrim :^)

Atom felt like shit. Bad combat, not interesting story.

okay psi wall i underutilize (but i still use it in ceratain situations with traps). I have a vest but only +10% reduction in cost and +10 to all ablities(that's why am hunting the big beetles to get better one) and i have a unipsi headband +12% to cost and +10 to all abilities. i dont know about any doctors that give +15AP that might be a problem thanks dude ill look it up.

Fallout 2.1 for all that's good and bad. It's basically a direct copy only with russian/slav references and pop culture instead of American.
Release was very poorly balanced but there was a really big patch that 'fixed everything' since then so maybe it's better.

I'm actually impressed. Don't stop, user. Kill them all. Tell us if they drop oddities. This might actually be the optimal thing to do.


you can bust open ventilation shafts with a crowbar if you are strong, but you can't literally break down locked doors no


You can keep using it or sell it Azif. Or just keep it, who knows when it will come in handy.

What can I do with AconR

Any shotgun bros here? How does Leading Shot and Barrel Stare interact? Do you just have to ensure there is a full square between you and the target to get the benefit of both feats?

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But Codex loved OS2

Stop lying

You must take the pill. This game doesn't span the decades it would take to unlock it naturally.

still makes me feel like tranqulity is leading you into being a savescum retard honestly. idk why i went with it the second time i already hated it the first time i tried it.

Go around Underrail asking important dudes if they know anything about or want to buy it. Or keep it. It's up you whether you want to sell that invalueable piece of tech.

>still makes me feel like tranqulity is leading you into being a savescum retard honestly
Tranqulity is zero RNG-reliant unlike Psychosis.
At worst you're getting standard psi. Psychosis is always gimped.

depends on your gameplan.

I prefer traps :^)

my rathound king fight was

placing ~6 mines next to first entrance and placing bear trap next to the second door so that rathound king leaves his place to disarm trap and proceed to try to disarm the rest. you toss the grenade and he dies in huge explosion. then you get ancient rat outside, net him, rush in and close the doors. lock pick the cage. open front door, get yourself into cage and shoot stupid rats.

He moves between B6, G1, I8 and J11 . You can contact Yahota to see in which of these 4 spots he is. He'll give you the coordinates and his radio frequency on your second or third meeting if I remember correctly.

is it bad that I'm using a build outline my friend gave me
really enjoying the game on hard but I think that's just because his sniper build is good

>you NEVER go first NEVER
Don't drop Agility, dude. Take Paranoia, dude. Drink Root Soda, dude.

I'd prefer to play my own builds, I think that's more fun, but who am I to tell others how to play? Post build btw.


Kinda feel bad for Styg, none of the Twitch facepeople wanted to stream this; it's unfortunately the best way to earn money.

>Take Paranoia, dude.
Trigger Happy is better if you value initiative over detection.

>Best RPG made in this decade
lol not even close, why have people started shilling a 3 year old game all of a sudden, its literally just Fallout 1

why the fuck would anyone watch a stream of underrail anyways
its a game you have to play rather than watch

because the expansion came out a week ago

>its literally just Fallout 1
I'm glad this is not true, Falllout 1 and 2 had braindead combat.

you can't do a proper psi caster without dropping agility.... you need thick skull

>What do people typically struggle with?
Endless faceless gaunts coupled with not getting the feat that slows down creeping dread due to not finding Leo immediately for me.
Also nigh invincible robots for my crossbow character but thank god for stealth.

>It's basically a direct copy only with russian/slav references and pop culture instead of American.
So what're you saying is that it's 10/10 game.

New Vegas is my personal fsvourite but I do love underrail as well

A fulltime sniper is basically the middleground of builds, not nearly as broken as any kind of psi or a proper unarmed or SMG build but a lot better than crap like firearm handguns.

thick skull literally is a net negative to your character if you are a psyker
you can make yourself immune to stuns for three turns with locus of control, but LoC doesn't affect being dazed.

Trigger Happy also needs 6 DEX. It's a waste just for this one feat, and you don't want to skip on Sprint.

Oh yes it works exactly like you think as long as you have one square between you

oh thank god ty

i was actually curious about this the other day

if you have bullhead up but have the thick skull feat, would you still get dazed by attacks that would stun?

does anyone have good psyker build then? help me i already tried a week to make this work im not planing to play this game for years. Full caster without metatermics if possible i dont like the tree.

New Vegas was a decade ago, bro.

I believe so, yes. although I haven't tested it specifically with bullhead, thats how it works with LoC's stun immunity

>pure psi
>not taking the psi school with the most consistent amount of damage
just take the damn metathermics

It's not a waste if you already have 6 DEX for other reasons, tho.

Plenty of youtube videos on the subject. Not like you're trying to make something especially complex, just dump perception and strength, max out will and then do whatever.

Pure sniper is actually quite shit. After the initial snipe + aimed you're fucked unless you have traps or if important grenades miss.

>Killed the rathound king
>Got his head
>3 of that camp hathor or whatever the fuck its called people died in the fight, including the old leader
>go back to the other guy who is now leader
>get no quest reward
>still have the rathound kings head in my inventory
Wheres my quest reward? Why do i still have the rathound kings head?
What the fuck yo

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Your reward is his head, enjoy!

you sure you exhausted all the dialog options with Boyd? because he's meant to be the guy you turn the quest into if whats his name dies in the fight

im only going 3 trees because otherwise you can't craft or open shit. temporal manipulation gives too much utility + temporal distortion is like the best dame ability in the game is good on beefy shit and is good on robots and is good on huge crowds. maybe i could pass on psychokinesis but some anons told me that metatermics is the worst one + i don't like it.

Sure, but for what reason would a tranq psi need 6 DEX?

yep, received no reward. also didn't get a reward off of big brett either for going to camp hathor in the first place.
the fuck was even the point?

>Pure sniper is actually quite shit.
lol no

>After the initial snipe + aimed you're fucked
You're really not, sniper rifles can dish out a decent amount of damage from a very safe distance with regular shots too. Especially with even a bit of crit chance, get it to 50% and you can expect to 1-shot another enemy each turn with 2 shots per turn. It becomes crazy if you up the crit chance to 100% with Ambush. That's not even getting into the new Shooting Spree and Limited Temporal Increment, which allow you to use Aimed Shot every turn for like 3 turns in a row.

Oh, you were talking about tranq psi, not in general. Then yes, paranoia is the way to go.

>5/10 game with no roleplaying
>best RPG
Keep dreaming

i already looked but the good ones are not on expedition. thus they dont have temporal manipulation so its kinda pointless.

>the last part of Dude's quest

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Do you mean cats or fatherland

does anyone know if expertise works with each individual pellet of the shotgun or does it just add a flat number to the end of it?

flat number at the end. don't take expertise with shotguns since shotgun pellets roll their damage simultaneously. they'd need to roll independently like spiked gloves for it to be worth it

You are when 100 daggerfaggots or bots rush you. Sniper is the build that's very badly fucked by the amount of enemies. I really doubt people can even complete game on dominating let alone things like Carnifex.

except the mutants keep rekt'ing me...


Just win the initiative roll against carnifex. Root soda and Gunslinger with a pistol sidearm equipped.

>You are when 100 daggerfaggots or bots rush you.
Daggerfaggots are handled by the secondary smg/pistol. Bots are slow af and can't even open doors. Snipers are actually one of the better builds vs. robots because they don't give a fuck about their high DR/DT.

> I really doubt people can even complete game on dominating let alone things like Carnifex.
I did. And I did the same with Expedition.

Attached: 250520_20190710013022_1.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Enjoyed it until the final area.

eye of tchort is a bullshit debuff and on my blind play through i basically got walled off. Yeah yeah i know about Leo's knife, but how would you know that on a blind play through.

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Post video of pure sniper killing Carnifex on dominating or Neville quest.

>Yeah yeah i know about Leo's knife, but how would you know that on a blind play through.
You don't even need Leo's help, just jump into hatches. There's no need to see a single tchortling before the final boss.

>tfw killed tchort without echoing sololiqy because I couldn't find leo's knife because i'm a retard
if i didn't have stealth to run away from the tchortlings I would have been tearing my fucking hair out

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Ok, give me a few minutes to make it.

how do i walk faster?

Press + on the keyboard

are you joking? if you understand how ur works you should know how all you need to do to kill dominating carnifex even as a minimum initiative sniper is to stack ini items and then spam reload and one shot him

and all you need to do to beat the nevil quest is drop about 3 bear traps at the chokehold towards nevils area, then just pick off the crawlers

Quick Tinkering is easily one of the top 3 feats in the entire game.
There's nothing any of you can do to convince me otherwise. It is so absurdly good.
>Just checked the specializations
>For a pathetic 2 points you can reduce the cooldown from 3 turns to 2
I mean, fucking hell, it's just absurd how good it is.

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And with Limited Temporal Increment it's 1

I thought the cool down was 5 turns? it was 3 and then styg nerfed it

the cooldown is 5 turns now and the specs bring it down to 4

it is still crazy good though

>get it to 50%
how do you do that? high quality seeker goggles?

The final fight is against robots.

Bitch, what?

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show lockpicking and hacking

what happens if you overcharge a cat though

Ahh you're correct, still feels like it's up very quickly so I always forget that it got nerfed.

Completely useless and irrelevant.

Which weapon is good choice to pair with sniper?
smg since im planning to add 2 extra dex for escape artists or maybe ar/shotgun since i have 6 str anyways,
though im pretty sure you cant add silencer to those and i would love one silenced weapon.
Also how much lock-picking/hacking/crafting i need for end game, i really want to get electronics later in the game so i was thinking on not maxing those.

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10% base
+/- 15% seekers
15% focus stim
5% chips
7% recklessness or scrutionus if you wanna wait. Or both.

I was not ready for this

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and you even have points to spare, you don't even need throwing with temporal manipulation

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what the fuck is the difference

thats your opinion

SMGs or pistols. SMGs blow pistols out of the water when it comes to DPS. Pistols get you +7 initiative and get the 30% crit damage bonus from Sharpshooter. I prefer pistols desu.

one avoids melee
one avoids ranged

Melee and ranged.

It increases it for the purpose of finding hidden objects.

AR is a good choice if you have the strenght, since you are going sniper you are probably stacking crit damage, so you can craft a chimera with crit damage then throw a flare and shit on groups of people with ambush

t. trashy loot whore

>flare trigger ambush
i never thought about this, this will help me a lot

But why if you can dodge a fucking bullet you can dodge some guy with a knife.

Here you go user. I even specifically refused to use any of the new goodies snipers get, specifically to use the limited temporal increment or shoot the camera to trigger shooting spree.

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same reason you can't block crossbow bolts with a shield but you can block a dude with a knife

what exactly does night vision do?

the same person or 2 different?
is any of this tested? i'd like to try with dexterity instead of con and ditch metatermics for better crafting and hacking/lockpicking i just wanna know if psyker with low con can even finish the game.

I heard the "best" psi armor has like an 80% armor penalty. Is that even worth using? Seems like you would be crawling along most fights.

Negates any light penalties. There's a few poorly lit spots around the columns.

someone stabbing you will have physical tells that tell you when to dodge.

Someone shooting at you will require you to evade their line of fire.

sorry man but i can't leave a zone unless it's empty i'd rather just quit the game than leave zone with loot on it. i feel bad about being like this but im just a hoarder cant do anything about it

God I still don't get how you deal damage like that with a sniper rifle. Mine only does like 700. Is it because I'm level 14?

You can craft psi beetle carapace armour that has like 20% armour penalty. any more you add on top of that is your own choice.

I'm running an SMG nade build. Electronics or Biology to complement my crafting?

Stack critical damage (anatomically aware scope, sharpshooter, critical power) and smart bonuses (smart module on rifle, smart goggles). You can replace the smart goggles with seeekr goggles once your damage gets big enough tho, better to have moar crit chance than overkill damage.

Of course it can, on any difficulty. I prefer 3 CON stealth psi though.

Yeah, but psi "crabs" seem to be a thing now. How do you even make those work?

well shit, i'm not up to that stuff yet


You can get 100+ quality psi beetle carapace and be as good as crab, but with 15% penalty instead of 80%. Need a lot of reloads to get it though.

>not going ultra high con AND stealth

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Where would you even get good quality beetle carapaces though?

% misses, get used to it

I gave up two hours ago just because of this bullshit. I'm not going to waste my time making sense of why a giant hammer is missing a fucking DOG (it's even fully repaired).

Way to go man I was wrong.

>why is my giant unwieldy weapon missing a small, nimble animal

Seeing a game like this, that does most of what RPG Codex wants in a game right, makes me realize that some of it does seem outdated - prime example being the uncertainty surrounding some of the builds. Perhaps I don't like restarting my game so much until I find the perfect tweak: doubt that many people figured out temporal gunslinger simply by comparing point investment etc.

I'd take it over rtwp shitgames any day of the week, though. Back to Diablo 2 now.

>adds 70% armour penalty
haha, what the fuck

Azuridae Goliathuses.

Temporal gunslinger?


seems to me like tranq was meant for character who avoid damage not characters to tank damage with high con

What these guys said. Good place to reload and pray for rng might be area near hanging rat bar

There a list of all the portal locations yet? Only found the one in junk yard


Or you could try a different play through and enjoy learning the mechanics.

minmaxing isn't a skill people. Anyone can do it with any game. So shitting on a game because you can't resist minmaxing really says more about yourself.

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Oh you haven't seen shit yet

Phoneposting while playing underrail master race

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is it worth full price?

Aren't they just the cutest little things?

it was 5 bucks off a few days ago

I did depot A yesterday for the first time. I used molotovs, the already placed mines to my advantage, some frag grenades and ventilation and did just fine. I'm playing on Hard.
Mutated dog leather armor helped a lot for the big bois deeper inside the depot. I looted one by pure chance from raiders in the optional tunnel in GMS while looking for oddities.

I think he means abusing the +ap ability for 90 ap for three turns allowing some crazy shit

based thanks

I was level 7 when I first entered the depot. 9 when I finished it.

>stealth to run away from the tchortlings
Wuh? I had max stealth and they'd just detect me instantly the moment I got close.

its over 100hs of a good game so yes, its actually dirt cheap for what you get from it as long as you like the type of game

I mean, I kinda get where you were coming from. Sniper CAN get fucked by too many enemies and crippling strike dudes, especially early on. But there are ways to mitigate both. Carnifex is probably the worst thing for snipers and it's still not that bad if you know what you are doing. I did have escape artist and like over 50% mech DR on that leather armor (infused pig) and a fair bit of HP, so I wouldn't even call that close.

The RAF fight with Nevil isn't that bad either. It's actually pretty easy for snipers compared to othet builds because, as I said, you just 1-shot industrial bots like everything else. MK III
EMP nades and setting a few EMP mines in front of one gate in the time you have help a lot, too. I don't have a save handy from before the fight, so all I can offer you is this. Nevil survived, btw.

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really? that'd odd. I also had maxed stealth but i could run around them for a little while before they detected me fully. I had Nimble for that little bit of extra stealth though, so maybe that was a factor

What kind of expansion is this? The "you have to start the new game" or "go to this place to start the expanion"?

Anyone got a good unarmed build?

The second one. There is some content added to the main game, too.

The "go to this place to start the expanion, but it would probably be better to start a new game because it has so much new content in the base game as well". Think Gothic 2: Night of the Raven.

>could have infused my 82 quality ancient rathound leather instead of crafting it

Thats getting nerfed for sure.

Yeah what the fuck is going on

Instead of crafting an expansion he should have focused on creating better character models. Look at that Carnifex fight - it's a random NPC body, I would never have guessed it's powerful in any way shape or form.

have sex

Advice for warehouse mission as a sniper? Just 8 gorillian mines and caltrops everywhere?

God I made that mistake on my replay run

I somehow forgot that you just leave after tagging them once or with the nade

Could also be that I was playing on an old version. Didn't even have a map and setting traps had cooldowns. Very happy with the quality of life changes I've seen since I started my new character yesterday.


>prime example being the uncertainty surrounding some of the builds
There is no uncertainty. Any build is viable on any difficulty (maybe not on DOMINATING) as long as it's not intentionally gimped. For fucks sake, you can beat the game using NOTHING BUT TRAPS. You just need to git gud for that.

The crabs have much better DT and psi regen, but yeah, I don't see how you get around that armor penalty without going too off the rails.

Is it normal to have to fight enemies one at a time in the very early game?

>tfw made 1000 stygs early game by sabatoging the un*ted st*ations embassy

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I can beat my dick using nothing but traps


>when you walk through the first rift

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Can you use Aimed Shot with shotties? Also is 7 CON worth it if I go metal armor for that one Feat that gives you extra HP when you're above 50% equip load?

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>can't *v*n c*nsor prop*rly
yep, confirmed dumb anarchist.

Its normal to have to completely rely on grenades/beartraps/corners to get through the first half of the game.

2 psi regen vs 10% reduced psi cost, who wins? Crabs suck.

CoreTech or Praetorian? If CoreTech, that's easy, just get enemies focus on the allies and try to eliminate key targets (snipers, crossbowsmen, etc.) without drawing attention.

If Praetorian, that's harder. Personally I just fina cozy spot that lets me start the fight by taking out the most dangerous enemies and bear trap all the entrances. Bonus points if you can break the line of sight while in your comfy little box to piss off ranged enemies. Can't remember what I picked last time, but you get the drift. Throwing caltrops and making a minefield everywhere works too.

damn i love everything about this game I just wish more people worked on it and there was more depth to the crafting. It's already good but there's so much more you could have ... the models can be simple enough the only hard thing about it is theorycrafting what medicine you could make and what plants would do what all kinds of more creatures and stuff.

>Can you use Aimed Shot with shotties?
it specifies "single-target ranged weapon", pretty sure shotty spread disqualifies them

>not working for Oculus AND Protectorate
I'm in for the money, Cathart approves anyways.

Can I energy edge spears?

Also, is Riot Shield + Spear a good combo or a waste of feats?

Well that sucks, gives it awful synergy with ARs and snipers. Do they get slugs to offset their short range?

>cant beat the dude in one of the power stations
>savescum until i hit him with a crit on my first attack
get fugged

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literally just throw a molotov at him and his rats

>Can I energy edge spears?

>Also, is Riot Shield + Spear a good combo or a waste of feats?
It's medicore. The penalty from Iron Grip hurts.

I kinda want to go Metal Armor + Shotguns but it seems you're meant to go fast with shotguns.

>Trying to enjoy myself with exploring
>Kill 1 group of enemies
>Full inventory
>Need to go back to base just to sell/stockpile this shit

This is such a fucking buzzkill. Weight limits add NOTHING to video games and just pointlessly prolongue shit as well as making them tedious.
Weight limit is single handedly sapping my enjoyment of the game away.

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didnt find one tho

>Do they get slugs to offset their short range?
Only 3 pellet shells, and the range is still terrible. You just got to treat them almost like a melee weapon.

3 pellet tungsten shells are the closest

Just intimidate him into letting you do whatever you want then guilt trip him when he complains even though you let him stay.

stop picking up every 8kg 50 value pack of skin you dumbo

>picking up all the trash you find including animal intestines and shit nobody would ever want to buy
>complains his inventory is full

stop being a turbojew and just pick up things that are actually valuable

Just use CE and set your inventory to some insane number. I like managing my hideout and sorting out eveerything but i totally understand how much of a turnoff it may be

Just don't pick up all the junk you find.

buy it nigga, they are dirt cheap and you get more than enough money to buy a few + lockpicks + haxxor if you took lockpicking and hacking

>Can I energy edge spears?
>Also, is Riot Shield + Spear a good combo or a waste of feats?
It's pointless.
Losing 15% damage for the shield is definitely not worth it. Spear is also better at blocking than riot armor with fend and spear guardian, riot shield maxes at 55% block chance while spear has 100% block chance.
Also riot armor with a good shield is heavy and spear requires the highest mobility out of all the builds, you are playing fetch all over the place because of spear throw.
It's a theme build, it makes you basically immune to melee damage but aside from that spear + evasive light armor is much better for damage and not much worse defensively.

>It's medicore. The penalty from Iron Grip hurts.
15% doesn't seem like much.

>Lifting belt
>pentapus barbecue
>pack rathound
Literally 105 extra capacity

It doesn't until you miss.

don't listen to these other kikes they're trying to cheat you out of your hard earned charons my brother
The secret is to pick up absolutely anything and everything that isn't nailed down, you never know what might come in handy or someone might want to buy
Never ever discard anything, why do you think Underrail is full of barrels and shelves?
The game is quite literally full of free real estate, take advantage of it, if you have less than a dozen hidden hoards all over the map you are objectively playing the game wrong and Al Fabet is superior to you in every way

Can someone explain this shit for my small brain?

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tfw theres a trader npc in core city who exists to specifically mock people like you

>Weight limits add NOTHING to video games
It's literally another resource to manage. If there was no weight limit, I would just walk around with 1k crawler bear traps and caltrops.

If you have Guns at 100 and everything else at 0 Versatility will boost the rest to 60
Its fairly useless since you don't need to use three types of primary weapon

say you have 100 gun skill
if you take versatility, you will automatically always have 60 crossbow and melee skill for the purposes of using those weapons
basically its for niggas whom wanna use multiple weapon schools without investing in multiple weapon schools
its niche but it has its uses

If you have 100 gun skill it effectively gives you 60 cross bows and melee allows for some weird builds

You invest point into one weapon skill, you become meh at others too. Can be kinda useful for some builds, like crossbow build with expose weakness or ranged builds with dirty kick.

>If you have Guns at 100
>say you have 100 gun skill
>If you have 100 gun skill

>all three posts in 11 seconds

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well when you're dealing with a % its the pretty obvious example tbf

I have a hoard near every single dock area in the game. Most '''dungeon''' areas have a mini hoard area set up out at the front of them too for when I can't carry shit back to a town, in case I ever go back.
Al Fabet ain't got shit on me.
There's literally nothing wrong with wanting to walk around with my countless stockpiles of burrower + crawler beartraps and caltops.
It's not fuckin' fair.

does opportunist benefit from carved up?

This guy gets it.

>There's literally nothing wrong with wanting to walk around with my countless stockpiles of burrower + crawler beartraps and caltops.
There's not, but you gotta work for it. Get that pack rathound. Eat that pentapus barbeque. Wear those infused pig boots and the lifting belt. Make an effort. Make carry weight your thing, user.

I was thinking about making a spear+shield but I dunno after hearing it has trouble with movement points. Does hit n run do anything?

Oh and for the record, I have to go out with over half of my allotted inventory space already full before each expedition.
I've got the lifting belt, always carry that shit with me.
Got the Rathound Regalia for an extra +1 strength.
Pack Rathound is something I won't be able to pick up until level 18 or 20, can't remember which.

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You're not enough of a jew.
Notice that all melee weapons and especially sledgehammers sell like shit? Leather armours too? DISMANTLE THEM. REBUILD THEM INTO THE REPAIR KITS.
See some really good weapon but its durability is not at max? REPAIR IT WITH KITS, ITS VALUE WILL RISE EVEN HIGHER.
A single maxed weaponis worth more for sale than a dozen of poorly maintaned shit you've picked up. Useless leathers like rathound? Make armour suits out of them and dismantle them on spot. Guts and other shit? Carry like a hundred vials of all kinds on you and just process it on spot.
Drop all excess shit near relevant vendors. They won't touch it, it won't go away. Return back and sell it once in a while.
t. someone who can buy the entire Underrail

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>Pack Rathound is something I won't be able to pick up until level 18 or 20
What kind of talk is that, you can pick at level fucking 1. You're not even trying, jack.

spear + riot shield + guard + ice shield.

>carries around more knives than grenades
for what purpose?

where to find infinite supply of Rifle Barrel Retractors and Rapid Reloaders?

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>t. someone who can buy the entire Underrail
You probably can't even afford the Devastator jet ski.


Its fantastic, but its no kenshi

somebody please

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But can you like really tank on dominating?

> Rifle Barrel Retractors
Who the fuck uses that, throw it in the trash my dude. Rapid reloader and smart module on the spearhead, bipod and smart module on everything else. They are even more useless now that you can pick Strafe and bring the move and shoot penalty to FUCKING ZERO on spearheads and just 15% on other sniper rifles.

>Rapid Reloaders
Weapon and mechanics merchants. Blaine before finishing Depot A.

+ last stand + juggernaught. be the wall, guy.

where are the underrail lewds?

The only lewd girl tries to gut you like a pig.

yes you can

based on a cursory reading, i wouldn't think so but i'm also not sure. would be easy to test on a new character though

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Question for first time player:
Should I go with Oddities or Standard Experience gain?
Is there a weapon type that is relatively rare in early game to avoid or are all choices equal?
Are psi powers as cool as they seem? I am thinking of doing a Psionic Gunner, essentially. Do Psi skills work in dialogue too?




Pretty much equal, some come a bit later, but none very late.

>Are psi powers as cool as they seem?

>Do Psi skills work in dialogue too?


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>Should I go with Oddities or Standard Experience gain?
oddity. its unique to underrail and its neat.
>Is there a weapon type that is relatively rare in early game to avoid or are all choices equal?
all weapon types can be obtained a few hours into the game, but some do take a few hours to reach like chemical pistols, energy pistols, sniper rifles (unless you get a bit lucky)
>Are psi powers as cool as they seem? I am thinking of doing a Psionic Gunner, essentially. Do Psi skills work in dialogue too?
Yes they are, psi shit is fucking incredible. There is some limited psi dialogue stuff, especially with thought control and Will.

Great, time to spend 5 hours making a build

Right off the fucking bat? I'm at Junkyard and killing shit hardly takes more than 3 shots.

how viable is pure psi?

I'm just answering questions, man.

excuse me

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all choices are mostly equal, crossbows might be tough for a new player, assault rifles or SMGs are very easy to use if you maximize burst attacks.

psi is nice but it might be hard to hybrid it with gats for a first playthrough. you can't add only 2 or 3 points into something per level and expect it to work out for you, game doesn't scale like that. game likes you dedicating yourself to one or two weapons max, usually a primary weapon and either throwing/traps or 1-2 psi schools

You are basically immune to melee mechanical damage.
But since guarding doesn't work for ranged at all and your mechanical resistance will be shit snipers, crossbows and assault rifles will hurt a lot. Your ranged threshold will be decent so smgs, low caliber pistols and shotguns should be fine.

>Should I go with Oddities or Standard Experience gain?
Oddity is far more interesting and unique as it rewards exploration.
>Is there a weapon type that is relatively rare in early game to avoid or are all choices equal?
Energy pistols are relatively rare for the first few hours. Sniper rifles too.
>Are psi powers as cool as they seem?
They are amazing.
> I am thinking of doing a Psionic Gunner, essentially
Yes, low investment into Psychokinesis for psi wall + low investment into temporal manipulation for speed-related abilities. It will be hard to do on first playthrough though, stick to pure builds.
>Do Psi skills work in dialogue too?
Will provides you with some of the best lore bits.

its probably the best build in the game when built correctly
even if built poorly its still very very capable.

where are the missing merchants?
they say north of rails crossing but i've found nothing by going north only goliath beetles and some inn

Most broken shit in the entire game, the only thing that comes anywhere close is psi unarmed.

Okay, I will go mostly for Pure Psi first and try to do a hybrid build on a higher difficulty next playthrough.

Thanks for the input.

So how do I play a spear chucker? What are the best feats and required to make it viable?

Please don't tell me I have to take evasion or dodge, though.

Did they buff throwing? I found grenades to be really underwhelming outside of the specialized ones like EMP and Molotovs.

You're close. Go east from the inn a little bit

Quick pockets and its spec. All the fucking crit damage you can have.

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tfw got 103 and 93 quality ancient leathers from rathound king
shame I'm not going to use them


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Goddamn, what should my stats be like?

>find a shotgun
>aim it in general direction of the enemy

Not him but thanks for the info. Didn't know you could drop move and shoot penalty to zero. This will make my build much stronger. Using cover to break LOS is kind of annoying with snipers because of the move and shoot penalty making you miss a lot.

But should I go fast? Should I go slow and tanky? Should I get throwing or traps or neither?

used to be broken, now it's retarded broken with the DLC

>kills you and there's nothing you can do about it because retarded invulnerability mechanics

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>Didn't know you could drop move and shoot penalty to zero.
You couldn't before Expedition. Snipers got a huge buff with Strafe and Shooting Spree. Temporal Manipulation is also very good for them.

>Limited temporal increment with shooting spree for Aimed Shots all the fucking time
>entropic recurrence to repeat your last Aimed Shot/Snipe against really high AP enemies
>stasis to slow down enemies or just tank
>contraction for the much needed MPs after the opening Snipe out of stealth

throw a flare nigga

git gud

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Electrokinetic imprint proves once again to be op as fuck.

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hes hidden nearby you zoner

aren't you extremely tight on points getting temporal manip? I don't really like planning for max level

is it worth to slaughter the base or do you get anything for being stealthy?

Not having enough supplies is what filtered me in my first playthrough. I got stuck in that fucking power plant, I also neglected crafting, so all my gear was IKEA level shit.

Well what do you want to do? the game supports all those optionsand shotguns are strong enough to work with all of them

Does temporal manipulation require a heavy point investment to get all or some of that? Wasn't planning to go psi when I made my build at expansion launch. I'm level 12 now and got no psi at all.

I did it last run at 6. You'll be fine.

buy more bear traps

There is so much loot I'll have to come back when I have less stuff with me.

No, you really only need enough points for the abilites and feats you want, unless you want to deal lots of damage with the distortion. 3 WIL is fine.

I meant skill points. Even with my regular sniper build I'm always starved for points early on until I can stop leveling lockpicking/traps/throwing and start focusing on tech

what is the point of metatermics and pyschokinesis if you have psycho temporal disruption and though control? I go 3 schools psychokinesis,thought control, temporal manipulation. I rarely use psychokinetic punch since there is not enough feats for me to get force user, i rarely use force field since same reason and also it just stalls situations most of the time i use elektrokinesis very often but i could just use psycho temporal disruption instead. You think build with 2 trees could be good? dex psion with temporal manipulation and thought conrol.

but you don't get anything special from not killing everybody?, like why wouldn't i slaughter everything considering the loot

The highest skill req is 70 for stasis. Limited temporal increment is like 25, you can learn it early at SGS. It's pretty cheap.

With this your skill investment in crafting becomes much lower.

>a fucking anime avatar
>classic exp
Pig fucking disgusting.

Except for the 70 bio. But how much of an effect does 2 int have?

>music puzzle
post a guide for this shit

Don't get too attached to Locus Mental Breakdown + Temporal Disruption. With the next patch it'll go the way of the dinosaurs.

Is it even possible to stealth the not-Serbian base without super deep strealth investment?

What will it do?

Very quickly head west and an open locker there has a uniform to disguise yourself.

Probably not, but that's what uniforms are for.

Just git gud . I've seen some guy posting excel file with the universal solution though.
You SHOULD solve it by yourself though, it's not that hard.

kill yourself

As long as you stay away from spec ops, they have insane detection because the mask gives them a 60% bonus.

but why cmon bro. Where did you find this out. just when i figured what i want to do.

It's possible to stealth it with literally zero stealth. Avoid patroller, get an uniform from open locker, blend in

play ATOM rpg

Seconding psi but punch monk in particular. Kenshiro'ing a motherfucker is really satisfying and backing that with some support psi is great

It will break Mental Breakdown and probably incapacitation in general.

I mean east

Here you go. For every number in the octave codes, assign them in accordance with the letters in the given hint codes (i.e the cheat sheat mickey got sent to him). Move to the left in accordance with the note keys you got (the first three numbers) and you'll decipher the code in no time.

Attached: cipher key.jpg (1228x200, 52K)

great, post the excel file

But it's not dealing damage to them.

can you buy them anywhere? or crafting only

70 is still a lot of points to try and get alongside everything else early on
Unless you don't get any persuasion

A russkie alpha tester decided to report it to Styg when someone mentioned it on the codex a few days ago, and Styg fixed it. And I actually thought it was intentionally that way, oh well.

post build please

If we are lucky it will only wake them up after it triggers, because currently it never does. We'll see on monday I guess.

The crafting ingredients are incredibly common in expedition.

yes but 70 biology

>I've seen some guy posting excel file with the universal solution though.
There is no universal solution. It's randomized.

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God tier post

But the combat is absolute shit. No fun builds, no nothing.

Not waking them up when it triggers sounds like an actual bug. Shit literally tears them apart.

>70 is still a lot of points to try and get alongside everything else early on
You don't really need to get them very soon. But 25 for LTI is worth it, seriously. Do you not want to Aimed Shot more often?

>never use force field
Good luck.

>presentation is always atrocious

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>There is no universal solution.
There is unless you are too retarded to use excel formulas.

Well, yeah, but you gotta understand the puzzle first. You could make a slover for it if you wanted to.

Shotgun or a sniper as sideweapon in a metal armor assault rifle build?

yeah okay that would make sense but i'm pretty sure the damage already wakes them up. If just casting it on enemy ruins mental breakdown then it should also break incapacitation no? my conbo is mental breakdown on people that i can't hit with flashbang and then stack up distortion on everybody with tranqulity AP and adrenaline shot. when flashbang end everybody is either dead or very injured. Or i go in a tunned when one enemy attacks me i incapacitate him so noone can come through and then stack on person behind him distortion. If distortion will break incapactitation then it's just fucked and useless

>have secret finding autism
>need to have 11 perception to find them all
>want to go melee

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Sniper rifle. Shotguns are a substitute for spray and prayers.

where do i get w2c rounds

>but i'm pretty sure the damage already wakes them up
Nope, it doesn't.

>want to go melee
>11 perception
shotguns buddy

Do you *need* Mercantile for a character that's going to craft or is it just a nice bonus? I'd like to have it but it's spreading my Psisniper build thin.

merchants, goyim

you can make them yourself if you find the blueprint

theres no need for a side weapon
you'll be burstin every motherfucker that stands on your way
just carry 4 assualt rifles with different calibres and 100kg of ammo
youre strengtht chad afterall

he means weapons, you duncel kahn

>the console in dude's house
What the actual fuck am I even looking for?
>Three notes, (76,89,25), (79,55,11), (67,33,82)
>Need to pick three lines in the console
>Three sets of numbers on each line, ideally correlating with the numbers in the notes
>But the numbers don't actually line up and there's zero indication whenever you pick a correct line, so there's no hints on what the solution could be

it's nice to have but not a priority. spend it elsewhere

I thought shotguns would be more interesting to deal with those fucking melee assholes but eh, I guess I'll do a Doomguy super mobile shotgun build next run then. I'm at Junkyard and I haven't even taken Aimed Shot yet in my indecision.


Shotguns have their own belt and their own kind of burst. It's either them or assault rifles and you already chose ARs.

Sell me on this game. And by sell I mean convince me to pirate it.

Oh my god it doesn't actually run out of juice ever

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>and their own kind of burst
Kinda lame, I thought there'd be some nice synergy there. Since I'm here, should I even take aimed shot if I'm gonna be bursting all the time anyway?

Yup, perfect grenade for Psi bois.

Nope, shotguns don't work with aimed shot.

shotguns are melee weapons, guy

Congratulations, you can now play janitor for your alien overlords.

Where can I learn all the naval combat feats? I'm tired of missing all the goddamn time against these fucking sea snakes.

The AP cost cucks for the damage it deals. I would say it's a nice mine disarm deivce for non-psi builds.

sucks*, kek

it's okay then. I never noticed because the target that is under mental breakdown gets disruption stacks on him so that he spreads them around and he dies during the proc most of the time. If it's just a bugfix then it's all good.

It bypasses defenses and doesn't cost anything but AP. I'd say its perfect for when you're out of psi.

I mean with assault rifles as a main weapon
I don't know if I want to dabble in snipers + aimed shot just so I can snipe one dude at the start of battle and burst for the rest of it

Am I adding across or downwards? Every combination I've attempted has zero bearing on the numbers in the console.

Well, you can but it'd be a waste of a feat for a burster.

Need a new thread

Drinking so much poison all the time can't be good for you.

reading some reviews, the game seems interesting but people mention the atrocious final level, is it really that bad?

what's the point of force field if you can't cast over it and don't have force user to keep some people out of the fight for longer? I already utilize small passageways and cc the first thing so noone can come through. Only time i used it was before i got all of my thought controll cc and psycho temporal dilation

it's pretty fucking bad if you don't suck the dick of a certain mostly hostile faction


The experience really depends on your patience for understanding and adapting to a new situation, and also how you dealt with certain things before arriving there. Personally I think it's a blast.

i wish there would be a keychain seperate from the main inventory where all key items go into. i dont mean quest items. just keys that you usually just need like once and then never again.

Yeah it's pretty hard and ridiculous. Should be easier with dlc though if you level.

It's an area that gives you a genuine endgame challenge.

I would buy it if it was like 10 bucks for it and the dlc

I never learned anything past basic, but if you haven't rescued the professor, do that. Also, there are armors you can craft that makes the serpents no problem at all, as long as you're not fighting all the different kinds at once.

Can you do both scrapper and black eel quests?

>Find Milton
>Pickpocket his bullets
>He wants me to find a key for the footlocker behind him, says he'll give me 50 charons for it
>Go look for the key
>Find it, head back to Milton
>Use my jewish mercantile ability to get him to cough up 100 charons for the key
>He agrees
>Give him the key
>Pickpocket the key
>Loot the footlocker, find a laser pistol thats worth a pretty penny
>Kill Milton anyway
>Get more delicious loot
You will never maximize your profits to this degree ever tbqhwy lads

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yes, but their final quests are mutually exclusive
there is no reason to side with the scrappers

Their initial quests, yeah. Doing extra work after they unlock the way to Depot A, nope. You have to pick one. And by one I mean the Eels.

It's not atrocious, it's simply a long endgame dungeon where you have to deal with limited resources and hard fights.

Does the number in parentheses for skills count towards meeting perk requirements or do you actually need to level it? Wondering how good versatility is.

is this it, i return the acorn to proff and im gone?

What were the rift locations again?

>Does the number in parentheses for skills count towards meeting perk requirements

>Wondering how good versatility is.
Not good for that.

You can take it to core city for something special

>giving up the acorn

Calling it a dungeon is kind of underselling it though. It's more like a hub of short to mid-size dungeons.

Well, yeah. But I like to call the whole place an enormous dungeon since, depending on your choices, there's no safe hubs to resupply at.

is 10 con plus medium armor (specifically tactic vest with psi carapace) enough to survive the first round on hard?
I don't want to put points in dodge, but I also don't want to go full metal armor
Since I'm psi control, all I really need is to survive the first round and then control the entire battlefield

I could have stealth but it's not always reliable (I want to do the arena)

Well shit. I'm not going to gimp myself if I invest in both snipers and knives, am I? I want to go full assassin.