Other urls found in this thread:
just post the anal porn or don't bother making a thread in the first place
No, I won't fuck engage in sodomy with you. It's degeneracy.
yeah bois post some panda links
no wait..
deranged monkey
I prefer her vaginal creampie porn.
>all her anal is gone
me too, anal is gay
stretching Ioris butthole to unimaginable proportions!
>everytime anal
>never prolapse
C'mon now.
>panda goes down
>people act like all the porn is gone
Are you really that stuck in your ways? If the heating breaks, do you just freeze?
My nigga. Lovey dovey heart eyed vaginal sex is the shit.You have links then?
who are you?
Newfags will never understand it.
t.retard that didn't keep backups
But i did, and you will never understand how nice was the panda my retarded abortion friend.
Shindol did it
Share the backups then.
Not even a you, tripfags deserve to be ignored and gased.
fuck off tripfag
Even with recovery efforts, there's a risk stuff's gone
It hurts even when you can rebuild.
lurk more, if you cared, you'd know already.
You're a real piece of shit
This is the worst month of the worst year.
Le Epic meime
Only artbooks and CGs were lost. Scraper sites have all the porn.
The one featuring her and Yayoi is absolutely fantastic. Fucking criminal for being so brief.
Well it seems your so smug to judge others who werent as quick on the draw but when asked for proofs you can only tell me to lurk. I dunno. Just seems weird to me.
Iori is such a good girl
Post yfw you never learned how to get past sad panda and this doesn't bother you at all.
theyre coming for everything else too user
Though people've been arguing over the quality of the scraper rips.
Least with magazine scans and artbooks, a lot are still on EH and you got places like /m/ saving their shit and threads on here saving Yea Forumsrelated content.
Though I wonder if someone already saved stuff like dengeki mags
Thanks, didn't saw this one.
>log in
>delete cookies
What are cookies?
anyone have the pic of these two holding loris legs open
Those round things that you can eat
I'm also interested in this
Iori is the cutest and has a fetish I'll happily engage in with her.
50 Terabytes
Like the wind
too soon cunt
>all these dummies somehow missing out on the /g/man back-up
They look so soft.
She knows how you like them.
redpill us please
Give me the anal porn damnit
there's no way such a famous doujin wouldn't be available outside of panda
the famous ones aren't the problem
H doujin/manga will survive, but non-H/artbooks/game CGs/artist CGs won't
whats cg
Cool Guys
It's an ebin ruse. Pics of REAL folders, not just some categories and 45tb. Until proven wrong, I wont believe dogshit.
God, I can't believe it's 10 years old now.
cunny gore
I swear to God if someone doesn't post the anal porn I'll jack off right here
He needs to post pics or it didn't happen
I for one am glad that pedophile site got taken down. It's good to know that pedos still aren't tolerated in some places.
It's ok to admit you're upset too, user. We're all in this together, after all.
Are Idolmaster games even fun at all?
wtf what's wrong with pedophiles all of the sudden?
She's got cute balls, but where is his butthole?
facebook users invaded
Sorry, but there's none of that gay shit there
Fuck you, man.
There is like 10+ other doujin/hentai sites. What is the big deal? I never bothered with it cause stupid login system of being 5 years member.
I appreciate the effort but it just isn't the same...
Reminder that pedophiles are on the list of "groups of internet users so terrible we tried to force them into a containment board." One of the earliest examples of it even.
Didn't some anons and the chinks manage to get a back up or something of the site before it went down and were discussing how to best go about hosting that shit back up again
e still exists but its not the same anymore without the panda screening some nerds
feels bad man
>wtf I'm getting a sad panda?!?!?
was peak soul.
>he couldn’t get past the panda immediately
There was even an addon to make it easy and some people were still to retarded
With leg-locking. Never got the appeal of anal shit.
What's the best alternative to exhentai now?
the rope
i couldnt visit that fucking webpage and all of you fags always were like "muh secret club im not going to tell you how to access newfag"
I just realized that all my saved sadpanda links are now worthless
Twins bouncing on your dick
I can see your pantsu from down here, Should have worn spats like best girl
All the other site took them from panda
holy cope
I wonder how many "wtf why there is panda" posts were genuine.
All these layers of irony are not healthy
Based. They couldn't even archive their own site, trusted a lone ponyfag for years, then acted smug about a simple cookie trick. You guys deserved this.
I don't know when was the last time I made a genuine post.
Except this one.
>simple cookie trick
>login system of being 5 years member
So what was it actually and who is retarded here?
do you really fap to drawings?
I cant even get an erection with this crap. You must be amazing or just teens.
why the panda is crying?
Cute boy.
because of your tastes.
>not sadpanda
its just not the same...
You just lack imagination
The cutest boy (female)
Do you have no libido going on? I know that some people can never get hard naturally and have to resort to pills. Most normal people have to fap before going to work since their morning hardon is so intense.
you cant post here if you are underage user
real people are usually uglier so yes, i had no choice.
That second user is the retarded one, it was pretty simple to get access you only had to follow some simple steps and that was it
>Most normal people have to fap before going to work since their morning hardon is so intense.
Ehm...nobody faps before work. You are usually in a hurry, no sleep`at all, reading mails and shit
>kill videogames
>kill anime
>now kill hentai too
This brand of comedy is off putting, strangely homoerotic and borders on schizophrenic role playing. No thanks, op. Low quality thread, i'm giving you 2/10. At least it's not sneedposting. But anime girls aren't really much better.
Choose your idoru
i really like hibiki
she's cute
I do. Wake up at 6:30, short physical warm up, fap, shower, breakfast, read e-mail, check news, leave home at 8, in the office at 9.
I love Iori~n!
Chihaya is my absolute favorite (especially her seiyuu)
whichever is the youngest
Imagine wasting your male essence so early in the day. No wonder you find little girls and poorly drawn anime attractive.
The boy
they all look the same
Why is she associated with anal? That's for homos.
>look ma I'm using the most accessible and largest information network in history
>but I'm not going to navigate to google to look something up quickly
That'd be the twins if I'm not misremembering
Just a reminder to contribute to alexandria ex. NOW user NOW.
Not him, but you just gave the biggest cope reply you could.
iori and the one withwhite/light violet hair since she is usually draw with big hips
imagine trying to turn the tables when called out on your degeneracy. that's the real cope, guy.
Mami for me, thank you very much
>tfw checked the stuff I saved and forgot to save the last kiliu loli magic girl rape manga
hopefully it's still there somewhere else
Package deal mate
2d is much better than 3d for me.
Yes my Queen, please whip this incompetent serve of yours into shape.
They're all nice, but Miku
>tfw saved every nuezou doujin
Again, not him, I am a NEET. I got no responsiblity. But that dude had the right idea.
Works for me. Cheers my twinbro.
That's indeed bad visuals for a cute boy like Makoto.
This is the meanest post I've ever seen here
Kek you sound like some kind of normie
Those new hibiki doujins in which producer really fills her up. Great stuff.
>cumbrain ruined by pornography can no longer get it up
Hibiki has been my wife since 2011.
So where should I migrate too? nHentai? Hentaifox? Fakku jk?
This simple ritual keeps my mind fresh and free from temptation for the productive day at work.
She looks like she fucks dogs
>pedophile only can get it up with drawn child porn
yeah, being a normie sounds better
If you do them both, theyre 26 combined. Perfectly legal
Well yeah, she has white skin
have se- oh wait you wouldn't be able to
I can fap to anything.
JC the best
This is not videogames...
takane is my ayylmao wife
Buxom Hibiki is a miracle.
>tfw you'll never have one of these girls as your highschool gf
No she's the brown idol.
>tfw you'll never be a creepy fat old ugly fuck raping these girls in the ass every night
Be optimistic user, you've already got the first half down.
But it is .
Where do I go now for all my funny and cute needs?
Do you guys like donuts, miki-miki sure does
>that series of hairy creampie doujins
Finally, some good fucking food
It is, you mongoloid.
I'm going to jelly miki's donut
i followed the steps and i never got past sadpanda, it didn't work
thankfully I'm not very interested in masturbating to pictures of naked girls drawn by skinny asian guys
t. aphantasia faggot
>Hibiki went from black hair in iM2 to blue hair in ML
I hate it.
>when he does math, he doesn't see the numbers in his head
>he doesn't jerk off to images in his head of getting gently femdom'd by his waifu
this makes me sad
Stop being gay, user
It's not gay if it's cute
You chose the words that would hurt me the most, didn't you?
I want to play with him and Ritsuko at the same time so the gayness is negated
Been out of town for a week, the fuck happened to my panda porn and my meticulously organized favorites folders?
Panda is fucking kill
I'm new here, what died? Some panda site apparently. What was it called?
The hentai equivalent of the great library
But it would be two girls user
Sorry girl, my sister already got me. I can't even talk to another girl without her permission
Hey, I guess we still have her doujins.
How were people so retarded? You could just log in to e-hentai forums and access exhentai org from there. I did that on my phone every time. Just dont open a seperate tap and you‘re fine. Works with incognito mode as well
Also most of your doujins are still safe, if you arent a complete degenerate. Your favs and account is still save on e-hentai, along with anything that wasnt tagged loli guro or some degenerate shit like that.
well fuck you buddy
It's all gone, like tears in the rain
Time to die
But I LIKED that degenerate shit.
Especially the doujins that were 90% normal and 1 page at the end that was degenerate shit, which got tagged as such and now is gone.
all the idorus belong to me
A "secret" hentai club that was so proud of its status as a difficult to use site that tons of people uploaded the only existing copies of lots of hentai to the site, and refused to upload elsewhere.
Then the site got taken down so all those files are lost forever because no one made copies.
Makochi sure is cute
Everyone made copies.
I'm trying to find a silver lining but it's just not there
Fuck us, fuck all things.
Probably nhentai cause loli
All porn is degenerate you fag.
>the hentai-equivalent of the burning of the library of alexandria happened within your lifetime
Check out the vanilla and leglock tags. They're pure lovey-dovey wholesomeness.
and nothing of value was lost, now we can MAKE WAIFUS PURE AGAIN
excellent taste
>doujins where the producer is a masculine man, not a skinny nerd or a gross fat fuck
Those are the best
I had hundreds of them favourited on sadpanda
>tfw didn't get to save all of those Kaede doujins with chad producer I could actually self insert as
why puchi is so good?
So, what was purged?
e-hentai got puke and stomach deformation still or it's too degenerate?
The panda might be dead, but his little brother is still alive and there is still material around.
Save you shit before e-h succumbs too, because soon or later it will.
It's a miracle of the universe
Miura seems to enjoy them quite a bit
it's sooo comfy and makes you believe there's good in the world
Yeah, I'm out
I really like the one that has a smell fetish and the pink haired gyaru one but they are usually never posted in this threads.
There's a disappointingly amount of loli ass ITT.
yea nah you hyperbolic fuck. he didnt destroy his server. he closed the site. could easily put it back up
Remember to contribute
What is this?
if they allow people that are dumb enough can`t enter a site proceed complain its a secret club, i think panda will be dead long time ago
That's racist.
it was dead fucking simple to get on ex, you have to be braindead to not figure it out
Feed Yayoi hamburgers
All my loli doujins are gone. I had one of the favorites category dedicated to those. At least I can still check all the titles, I guess.
>Herr herrr everything is safe except the things i dont like fuck those who cares about preserving art
Drink paint and die you stupid fucking philistine retarded piece of shit, you're the reason everything is going to shit. Go back to tranny era.
yayoi is for starving
is this from a doujin?
why you mad though, it's just pixels
>he couldnt get past the sadpanda
Is the panda epitome of a casual filter?
Nope, Yayoi is for taking care of and headpats
I want to see pudgy Yayoi
hitomi downloader
Man i hope so! Btw why did it get shut down?
do you believe all the shit you read here?
I'm just now remembering I had bookmarked a gallery of some artist who goes by Dop and I totally forgot to look at it before it went bye-bye.
Cool, thanks!
I still don't know what feels off about Makoto but I, the biggest tomboy connoseur in the whole internet found her bland and boring. Hibiki is my Im@s wife, she has quite a tomboyish atitude but unlike Makoto- lots of character and energy. No offence to Makotofags, just felt like voicing my opinion.
Mmmf arisu is so sexy and mature
>imagine all you can eat Yakiniku
that's a pretty lucky Yayoi
I would impregnate him (her).
Way too soon. Have some fucking compassion.
god yes
I'm uploading all I've saved in the last hours
What kind of things?
I'm at least archiving the artbooks. Go to the /h/ thread, ctrl-F "artbook update" or whatever I posted and give me your spare credits onegai downloading all this shit is expensive and I still have 5,000+ more to go.
The one what?
Tell her that she's cute and feminine, and that she's my pretty princess
everything is on nhentai at least
But she's a tomboyish princess.
That want's to be a pretty princess, but her fans (and dad) won't let her
You are a good man user
They’re taking away our normal hentai too
I wish I was that pillow
Deserves a bullet
I wish that hamburger was my dick.
Yayoi is not for lewd thoughts
based. porn is for cuckolds.
There is nothing wrong with having lewd thoughts about this literal goddess
is all idolmasters this good?
you could always post nhentai links
Threads like this one are exactly why ex got taken down. It was supposed to be an obscure alternative to the main site, but you fucking retards just couldn't keep your mouths shut. Anybody that learned about it after 2011 can only blame themselves.
nhentai is better anyways because it has full encryption
nobody makes a website to stay obscure.
the only reason I didn't like to use it is because it didn't have my 10 year curated favorites list
they should just make all fjorded stuff on panda redirect to nhentai
Imagine seeing this and thinking it's wrong somehow?
Stop, I've already fapped twice to this thread
What the fuck is up with nhentai and the autism in comment section everytime an ntr doujin does well?
Link me to the thread. I don't see it.
I only go to nhentai to fap (slang for masturbate). Never noticed they had a comment section, who the hell wants to talk to perverts?
>muh top secret dark club
>when it was the biggest and most known library alonside nhentai
My post 404'd but it's the giant sticky. I'll resume downloading later tonight and panhandle for more credit donations as per usual. Username is Elemhunter
this but unironically
Same here. I was so busy that i didn't have time to save my favorite top tier doujins before they were inaccessible. God i hope the site comes back
wow the quality is fucking trash
fuck off with your pajeet site
she's too cute for that even though she'd do soo much for so little $
makoto tho i'd rekt that shit until my kick prolapses her pussy and she uses it as a dick
Give in to your desire for Yayoi chan
She's not just cute, she's beautiful and sexy. She's on her way to becoming a real woman
>She'd do soo much for so little $
Best idols
I'm not sure about the subtext and various implications of this image
Idols sure do love cucumbers with lots of bumps
I hate you so goddamn much
Yayoi knows the secret of country grown vegetables
based, currently downloading all of my 1713 favorited loli mangos
good thing panda died.
nhentai sucks because even with adblock I get ten popups on my phone and I'm not gonna take my laptop in the loo
>masturbating in the bathroom
And yet she still calls him Producer.
It's his name
>all those exhentai links are now the porn equivalent to megadownload
>fapping in bathroom
you must be a retard or live with your parents if you do this
Why are anons so horny for idols?
Why are idols so horny for money and fat old man dick?
It's a mystery.
I want to fuck hibiki?
That's a weird question
It's what they've been trained to do
I used to fap in my room as a teen and in hindsight it was fucking disgusting. It would always land on my keyboard, carpet or my clothes. Now it's straight into the bowl
>live with your parents
The opposite, when ypu live with others you can only fap in your own room at night, you can't do it in the bathroom with others around
nhentai is better though
>It would always land on my keyboard, carpet or my clothes.
Just because you're not masturbating in the bathroom doesn't mean you need to spray your semen all over the place uncontrollably. Gross.
>you can't do it in the bathroom with others around
Do you use the bathroom with your family members?
I don't know how Bamco did it but every girl in the 765 lineup is genuinely fantastic, even the ones I don't like nearly as much as the rest like Yukiho are still pretty enjoyable
Nearly whenever there's a big group of characters like this, there's always some duds but the 765AS is unironically a fucking killer lineup
because idols are even hornier sluts for anonymous producers
>nobody has posted miki
I sleep
That's because Afuu is better
i fucking wish. just an one off thing
>doing the cuck-cap
Sorry, I'm a free shooter
Every house I have been to the toilet was in the center of the house. In our house it was next to my parents' bedroom
That's a big jelly doughnut
isnt this a music game? why is everyone posting the girls and not the music?
yes or no motherfucker
I can't help it, I'm 31, I'm reaching faceless old man territory frighteningly fast.
Here u go.
It's a mystery
You need to be masculine though, start lifting
Because nearly all the games never came out outside of Japan aside from some shit iOS ports.
I just wanna put my weiner in a girl's tight little butt
But they poop from there
I want to commit a crime!
JC idols are natural succubbuses
They get really mad at me if you do it without asking.
Takane is the best. A voice like cream, unlike the rest of the squeak toys in the group, and is one of the few options for non-pedophiles. She's also definitely not from the moon.
she is definitely from the moon, that is part of her appeal though
All right if you fagmos are going to start a thread with the most beautiful best idol Iori and bait me like this with only a few cute pics I must take matters into my own hands.
1 of idk, a few
>She's literally from out of this world
I guess it makes sense.
You can't even see her butt in this picture, what's the point.
This always puts a big stupid grin on my face. The song, the dance, the costumes, it's perfect.
Punish me officer I've been bad
>She's also definitely not from the moon.
Explain then
HOW!? It rarely updates any of the good authors!
Bouncy idols are the best.
what's the fine for eating amipolice's ass?
she's so perfect even non-lewds of her are lewd
Besides all my ones with butts in them are not safe for this board.
>Because nearly all the games never came out outside of Japan aside from some shit iOS ports.
Why does Bamco not even bother?
Same with Gundam games
I'm more of a Rika and Mika man myself
Easy, staring at the moon and thinking of home is a classic scene, because the onlooker is hoping their friends/loved ones are also looking at the same moon. While they may not be able to see in person one another, their bonds carry on through distance and time.
Kotori a delicious
What's google?
whoops found one with a BUTT
Probably because the shit iOS ports didn't sell well since they cost the same as a full price game in a time where mobile games weren't nearly as popular as they are now. If they were on a proper platform they'd probably sell nicely.
Ah, a classic American folk song.
I know JUST what to stick in there...
we don't deserve mamezou
Son of a bitch
I wonder what does it feels like to be cummed inside your butt.
Give me your address and find out
She is just so fucking cute, my heart is more aroused than my dick every time
Only post fakku links
Why is there sperm in her pupil?
Does this series have anything to offer if you are not a pedophile?
Ritsuko (pic related) is 19 and Azusa is 21 (and goes ara-ara)
Yeah, still very young...
>and goes ara-ara
This supposed to mean something? Next time I have sex with a 14 year old I'll just say "it's okay officer, she goes ara-ara."
If you're still here user, non X is still up and your faves are saved. You can at least screen cap and try to find them elsewhere
You've had sex with a 14 year old before?
It's cool, she went ara-ara
I always just used it because of accessibility and not having to sign in and clear cookies every time like some cuck. Fucking based as hell, I'm actually glad panda is dead because now I can actually look at what doujins people are posting instead of being assed to log in again.
Kotori is 20 something but she's not really an idol (she's the secretary/helper for the agency)
It's an anime thing. Anime moms tend to go "Ara-ara you don't want an old woman like me, there are so many prettier young girls out there". And it's cute/hot
Fine I'll fap fuck
Iori > Chihaya > Makoto > twins > don't care about the rest
fap to what
Fap to Iori
I should have saved those Iori doujins
So have we already gotten over sad panda?
cinderella girls > og idols
The only good CG is Koume, the rest are shit.
But that's wrong
Bad taste, the post.
Anya is cute tho
Jesus Christ she is so hot
that's not even a cg you fucking quaternary
It's not like nhentai's going to be updated once ehentai since it relies on the site anyway.
Unless they get around to allowing for user uploads.
Play Million Live: Theater Days but only for the OG girls
Miki a slut
But user, the ML's are just as good.
I find all of them to be mostly boring and unmemorable especially Chihaya No. 2
H-Game CG's are all fuucking gone, no where else archived them.
Posting the most redpilled idol
Perfect size for a human onahole
It's also still online lol
For the 5th time, I'm not fucking your ass.
Pretty please with sugar on top
If someone makes fun of you for saving porn, this is why you have to.
Because one day, it'll all be gone.
Oh, go on then.
I fail to see how putting sugar on your anus is supposed to entice me.
I will never get why people are so fanny flustered when you save porn. I've already had some videos I like get removed and I can't find them again, so now I download whatever I know I'll want to fap to again.
imagine being this fucking gay
Sorry, let me buy you to some ramen as an apology
then don't your tits so low, bitch dyke fag
He's right though
Like dude, you just got to go on the board where people are working at doing the backups and you'd know
cunny butthole
they appear on my laptop too
they can't actually load anything on the page through noscrip tho
why does she like anal so much?
Have you ever done it with a real person?
too soon man too fucking soon
i dont have an idol to anal with
>file name too long
maybe a fucking 128 character limit is too goddamn small when you're dealing with moonrunes
Nevermind, got it working. I've contributed one of my favorite doujins to this. Feels good man
What is THE best Iori anal doujin?
even better
Best girl.
Check out Chihaya she might be using some weird liquids to "Enhance" her body.
And your tits are down there.
i don't like you
Hates condoms and baby pills
I already am but this is gonna be a pain in the ass. Given I have about more or less 87 GB of files (doubled because I kept the rar/zip files).
Four reasons to play Shiny Colors.
and they are?
They are clearly listed from left to right in the image
it's japanese you read right to left
>Likes big boobs
>Likes Colors
Does not add up
Congrats user, on making a post able to get that many (You)s
Here's mine, because fucking hell it hurts
I wonder how many NEETs worldwide killed themselves over this
Choose your glove.
is this symbolism for how lose her vaginas are ?
What kind of fetish is this?
>Does not add up
So if I did like big boobs where do I go in terms of Idolm@ster?
There's always Expansionm@ster
No user, just stick your dick in the glove
This isnt rocket science
>normalfags are slowly killing off old internet
>there's nothing you can do to stop it
I have a mild suspicion this comic is bot about gloves
It's quite literally not fair bros...
>top right
best choice, not only do you get glove, but also handjob
Wait, the meme that asian girls have sideways pussies actually real? Why are half of them rotated like that?
It's kind of a shame that Shiny Colors flopped pretty hard compared to the rest of the current games in the series, it easily has the best art out of any of the branches
why would you do that ?
>implying second middle bottom right wouldnt give a better handjob
no way, you're just squeezing in between there
top right is ready to grab
Let's make another internet with hentai and hookers (cosplaying as hentai characters)
Have you really never been with an asian chick before?
Romantic annalversary dinner with Iori.
>being a racetraitor