Show me characters in dota that are as technically interesting as draven, lee sin, nidalee, elise, jayce...

Show me characters in dota that are as technically interesting as draven, lee sin, nidalee, elise, jayce, neeko and shaco.
Sorry DOTA fags but your game is inferior.

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More important is show me characters in DOTA with as much waifu potential.

>technically interesting

>He doesnt know

No league champions are technically interesting, it literally takes 10 seconds to be able to play anyone

Right, well dota champs are 10 times simpler.
Like all valves games, dota 2 is half baked derivative.

b-but i can destroy trees!!

>ASSFAGGOTS-warring in 2019

I can name champions more interesting than that dyke

10 x 0

How many more times are we gonna have this bait thread? There's nothing in League like Invoker or Meepo, or even Pangolier.

Dota 2 just uses dita 1 champs which are a product of the warcraft 3 engine that by todays standards are pathetic.
Its the type of champs and mechanics league had when it was released, like annie and her stun counters...
Just basic point and click stuff with some aoe and a few skillshots here and there.
Meanwhile in loo you got complex interactions and lets face it, bushes was a really good invention.

If you like dragons

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Dont shittalk original dota, that one is fun

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hows does it feel to have shit taste? I couldn't tell you.

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Ill grant you meepo.
Pangolier has nothing special.
Its a mix of camille zoe and rammus but i would claim camille and zoe are way more interesting.

DOTA is tedious to play.
It has a million abilities that all leave the screen.
Also it looks...blurry for some reason.

>requires skill to play
>many long range skillshots
>painterly artstyle
ftfy, smoothbrain

Sorry you dont have enough IQ to play Invoker

It also has grating sound effects.

>butthurt shitposter mad the previous thread got deleted

It's got some of the best sound design around, though. A dota player can tell you what's going on in a game with his eyes closed.

The fact that you like goblins and goons goes to show you have the worst taste imaginable

At this point, League is far better.

Wisp, Phoenix, Meepo, Invoker
Both games are fun if you stick with it long enough to understand the meta

and that doesnt say much

Beats edgy sasuke expy #52 and generic anime girl. Not my fault that you need to jerk off while you play the game.

Its also extremely idiotic to assume over the internet, seeing as I dont like those kind of characters. Keep trying tho.

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my nigger.

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>>Quas wex exort invoking intensifies