I cannot take anyone I see playing Nintendo Switch IRL seriously. Seriously, grow up manchildren.
I cannot take anyone I see playing Nintendo Switch IRL seriously. Seriously, grow up manchildren
I’ve only seen it in public once and pretty much everyone in sight was cringing.
I cannot take anyone I see IRL seriously. Seriously, grow up manchildren.
>being upset over other people having fun
I think that you are the one that needs some growing up to do.
I'm not upset, more disgusted by the brazen immaturity of supposed grown adults.
But using smartphone is okay?
>Disgusted while not being upset
Why do you care about what other people do?
Yes because smartphones have legitimate uses people in public would need to make use of, whereas the Switch is a video game toy.
>Why do you care about what other people do?
Because I am annoyed by the presence of such useless people in my community?
Smartphones are nigger technology and you know it.
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
Looks like someone's got some growing up to do.
You can also play games on smartphone, plenty of people do it in public. Switch has just better games, if you have backpack then there is no reason to play shitty smartphone games when you could play on switch. Also people playing racing games on tablets in public are the real cancer.
My 11 year old nephew has one and I feel sorry for him when I see him playing it.
*crashes into twin towers*
I saw one dude ask a girl for her number whilst waiting for the train, and she just laughed him off
Then he got his Nintendo Switch out and her expression changed, she approached him and said she had changed her mind and started asking to have a turn on it
He told her she missed her chance and that was it, and went back to playing BoTW
Couldn't believe it
There is plenty of useless people in the community, elderly people or disabled people in example, are you upset about them too? Also playing vidya in commute is not any worse than reading book or listening to music. I prefer to sleep honestly but that's because i don't get a lot of sleep during the night and my job is stressful.
>"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. Unless you're playing the Shitch, that shit's gay as fuck."
I'll believe you'll find that's the real quote.
not funny dude my grandpa died on 9/11.
rip in pieces
Guess he didnt fly so good
>rest in pieces in pieces
>People passing the time with their own entertainment
You don't have to take them seriously, you don't even have to acknowledge them. The fact that somebody minding their own business can annoy you so much without even having to interact with you says to me you're a real bitter cunt. People would probably much more enjoy talking to the guy with the switch than you.
>Has enough free time that he can waste it getting bothered by what others are quietly doing near him
>Has enough free time that he can post on a Nepalese Goat-herding forum about how it makes him feel
Why don't you do something more productive with your life? Nobody likes such a useless person.
Maybe he shouldn't have hijacked the plane then fuckface
actually it was 9/11/15 GOT EM LMFAO
Honestly people with tattoos pisses me off more.
>i will cut my ears to spite grandma
kind of mentality
This or
>i was in a jail for 20 years after killing my dad so i had to have tattoo
One way or the other edgy juvenile shit.
Weenie detected
I think killing someone is a little more than edgy.
>get jury duty
>bring switch to courthouse to pass time
>end up being the second person removed from the selection panel
Sometimes revealing your power level has benefits.
What is more infantile and edgy, tattoos or smoking?
I cannot take anyone I see posting on Yea Forums seriously. Seriously, grow up manchildren.
Tattoos are harmless to others so I would say smoking.
Both are sign of brain damage though.
*posts on Yea Forums*
le go back xD
Has there ever been anyone playing a Nintendo switch in public that you needed to take seriously? An employer interviewing you, a client, your doctor, a judge, or a police officer?
Stop drinking your onions juice and grow up
>police officer
Not a switch but I saw a police officer on a segway a while ago and that was enough to lose any kind of respect I might have had.
The hardest but most liberating lesson a person could ever learn is that 99% of people don't give a fuck about you or what you're doing and the 1% that do will stop giving a fuck eventually.
>that edge
psh, nothing personnel kid
How does it feel doing *adult* stuff? xD
>Tattoos are harmless to others so I would say smoking.
>Both are sign of brain damage though.
That was assigned to him, I think it would spark up feelings of empathy rather than disrespect.
>butthurt tattooed smokers detected
Tattoos, alcohol and tobacco are for coping with the shit of the daily grind.
>I, like everyone, have a phone and on occasion I play games on it.
>I'm a fucking manchild whose desire for constant gaming cannot be sated by mere phone games. That is why I unironically bought and carry around a portable gamestation so I would never have to go moments without the bing.
The subtle difference right there.
You could do something productive instead, like going to the gym.
Do you ever share your vidya power level with co workers?
On New Year’s Eve I went out with all my co workers after our shift, we went to a bar and I brought my switch cause I thought it would be fun for them to watch me play and I could maybe teach them the basics and then they could get their own switches and we could all play together sometime but nobody seemed interested they all wanted to drink and dance and flirt or whatever I even took the switch on the dance floor and did a little dance while playing smash to show them they could still play smash and do other things because the switch is portable! One girl was actually mean about it and said “put away your game boy and try to act like an adult” and then when I explained to her how the game boy was a very different and much older system and while it has some good old games it would never be able to run smash she just ignored me for the rest of the night until they all went home. Fricken normies right?
I go to the gym, smoke and drink though. Fuck off and don't tell me what to do.
Whoa, watch the swearing there buddy,
>Phone games are this shitty and comsume so easily the phone's battery people will buy a bing bing console
stale pasta
Smartphones are cancer for people addicted to the internet though. Also it degenerates your neck bones. In all honesty music is the only acceptable form of entertainment in public.
Rocking your head back and forth, dancing like a sperg and not being able to hear anyone is not acceptable by any means, child.
>Everyone is useless
>Posts on Yea Forums
Is there something you're trying to tell us, user?
How does feel being walking miasma of cancer and asthma for other people?
>Smartphones are cancer for people addicted to the internet though. Also it degenerates your neck bones. In all honesty music is the only acceptable form of entertainment in public.
Why do you care about people you're probably having zero interaction with?
>seething over a handheld
Beta male detected
I don't smoke when others are around me.
frustrated zoomer spotted.
Honestly it feels like every person that's asshurt over the switch or people playing it is a massive projecting beta.
quentin was a faggot and you are a faggot for reposting his memes
>Why yes, i like destroying my body faster than aging and being constantly in physical pain like any edgy person, what gave it away?
>itt people upset over what other unrelated people doing in their free time.
I saw someone playing it in public once. He was a total chad who had his stacy watching him play Mario Oddessy on the pool deck.
I only saw weird lanky people play a Switch in public.
Fat balding manchildren, too.
>onion juice
>has a lot of vitamin C
>benefits heart health and immune system
>literally causes cancer
>is annoying and harmful to other people
>children start smoking to feel more adult and edgy
>putting heavy metals under your skin that will later clog your liver with poisonous shit
>also causes cancer
>looks like shit especially when you get older
>children doing it to feel more adult and edgy
>onion juice
>reasonable adult nutritional choice
>for manchildren
I use Labo Piano in public and give zero fucks.
bro if you aint playin smash with the boys innaplane what the fuck are you doing with your life?
None of that matters since you'll most likely die of aids you fucking faggot
>acts like an edgy rebellious teenager
>tells others to grow up
Tattoos are the epitome of the 'unique in appearance but not unique in thought' culture prevalent among bugmen. If you wife has a tattoo, you should definitely seek divorce because you are guaranteed to be cucked as you're reading this.
yes, like checking facebook/twitter/instagram every 38 seconds.
Lol, who even makes these kinds of posts? Is it Muslims?
It's ur mom LMAO.
>feel sorry for kids playing video games
Why the fuck are you on Yea Forums?
These men playing the switch out in public will get more pussy than op will get in several life times
I don't take these guys seriously BUT I think it's cool.
Doing that while looking like a basement dweller isn't serious & isn't cool.
When I see anyone using a console in public, I wish that they would just be killed off for being an embarrasing waste of perfectly good breathable air.
>calling people "manchildren"
>on a fucking VIDEO GAME board
You lack all self-awareness you sad pathetic loser. Feel free to continue wasting your life being OBSESSED with Nintendo 24/7.
So I know there are people worse than me.
Age appropriate demographic using item directed to them just as you did with the Gameboy years ago. Why do you feel sorry for him? Assuming you aren’t larping of course.
And the switch isnt? Some janky console with anime games and drifting piece of shit joycons? It's the ultimate machine for monkeys.
Good morning, ladies and gents. It’s now time to play “THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED”
comfy layover game sesh
>embarrasing waste of perfectly good breathable air
>still alive
Ironic,isn’t it?
You just pissed off HOW many people?
I've seen a lot of people playing it at the airport, including women. No one is cringing and no one cares at all. No one even looks. Most people walk around with neck pillows on and blankets.
This is a really dumb post
This reasoning is the reason behind redditors doing cringy shit in public.
I call it revenge for the retards trying to convince Yea Forums that people actually give a fuck about public Switches.
Meant for
I'll take "shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.
Now a Playstation Vita... THATS fine and acceptable. Those in public are probably pretty cool dudes.
I really like this image. Someone made a console wars edit a long time ago and there was a strange vibe about it.
what I can't take seriously is that ninendo honestly believes we'd have this much room on a plane. In reality that tray will be pressed up against your stomach