Just started this. What am I in for?
Just started this. What am I in for?
A mediocre metroidvania that doesn't even remotely measure to even the shittiest mainline metroidvanias, but people praise anyway because of fanservice and shit taste all around.
a good fucking time.
Great metroidvania if you're into the goth-horror aesthetic
Pretty decent metroidvania if you've been out of the loop for a bit
Mediocre metroidvania if you've played any of the indie titles in recent years that have improved on the formula
about as good as hollow knight, 6/10
>indie titles in recent years that have improved on the formula
Like what?
Farming flame cannon and welcome company shards in the first half hour and then 1 shotting everything else for the rest of the game
Daily reminder to ignore all those shills threads made by reddit
This. Igavanias have never been good. Play HK or La Mulana instead.
magic being absolutely broken
magic being nerfed even though its a single player game
magic still being broken because weapons are fucking garbage
You didn't steal the slipcase too?
Enemies whose main way of attacking is to awkwardly stumble into your personal space and damaging you by merely existing too near your own being.
So it's like every game that isn't a shooter, where their main way of attacking is awkwardly looking towards your personal space to damage you for enough time?
Good games stopped relying on this shit long time ago. Most enemies have actual attacks too it's just that they're never as big of a thread as them just walking you down leaving you to wonder if they meant to or if the AI just blows.
Fix your cracked skin
You're in for 火遁の術
The shopkeeper is the final boss.
Don't be a fag. Don't use Katanas.
What\s wrong with Katanas?
Not even the right comparison since Rabbi is more bullet hell than -vania.
no patch/10
I just started it too and I find the MC kinda sluggish
Why aren't you banned yet. You are baiting on purpose, low quality shit.
Like everything else in the game, the reason is that it's how SotN-likes were 10-20 years ago. Can't cash in on nostalgia if you're improving shit.
If it’s the Switch version, an absolute fucking nightmare
No flat girls.
fuck this guy and that archer
Haven't played sotn in years so I might be wrong but I remember Alucard being faster
>wish other weapons had more techniques
>end up using spells in most situations
The weapon's special attacks don't seem worth using
Some are pretty good like Katana counter.
Critical Swing is surprisingly good.
>9/9 Summon Hellhound
is this the best farming shard?
feels good being white
cope castlevania tranny
keep your eye on that merchant
Why don't you just play it and see for yourself instead of asking some incels about it.
nice i really like that one
if you ever see a water mob that uses water topropell itself as a rocket and mipale you, stop whatever you are doing and kill it untill you get it's shar.
Another game Yea Forums doesn't like... hmm, how ironic. Seems all you faggots like is old shit and your beloved souls rehash games.
but Yea Forums does like it